# DHTxx module This module is compatible with DHT11, DHT21 and DHT22. And is able to auto-select wheather you are using DHT11 or DHT2x No need to use a resistor to connect the pin data of DHT22 to ESP8266. ##Integer Verison[When using DHT11, Float version is useless...] ### Example ```lua PIN = 4 -- data pin, GPIO2 DHT= require("dht_lib") DHT.read(PIN) t = DHT.getTemperature() h = DHT.getHumidity() if h == nil then print("Error reading from DHTxx") else -- temperature in degrees Celsius and Farenheit print("Temperature: "..((t-(t % 10)) / 10).."."..(t % 10).." deg C") print("Temperature: "..(9 * t / 50 + 32).."."..(9 * t / 5 % 10).." deg F") -- humidity print("Humidity: "..((h - (h % 10)) / 10).."."..(h % 10).."%") end -- release module DHT = nil package.loaded["dht_lib"]=nil ``` ##Float Verison ###Example ```lua PIN = 4 -- data pin, GPIO2 DHT= require("dht_lib") DHT.read(PIN) t = DHT.getTemperature() h = DHT.getHumidity() if h == nil then print("Error reading from DHT11/22") else -- temperature in degrees Celsius and Farenheit -- floating point and integer version: print("Temperature: "..(t/10).." deg C") print("Temperature: "..(9 * t / 50 + 32).." deg F") -- humidity print("Humidity: "..(h/10).."%") end -- release module DHT = nil package.loaded["dht_lib"]=nil ``` ## Functions ###read read(pin) Read humidity and temperature from DHTxx(11,21,22...). **Parameters:** * pin - ESP8266 pin connect to data pin ### getHumidity getHumidity() Returns the humidity of the last reading. **Returns:** * last humidity reading in per thousand ### getTemperature getTemperature() Returns the temperature of the last reading. **Returns:** * last temperature reading in(dht22) 0.1ºC (dht11)1ºC *