-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DS18B20 one wire module for NODEMCU -- by @voborsky, @devsaurus -- encoder module is needed only for debug output; lines can be removed if no -- debug output is needed and/or encoder module is missing -- -- by default the module is for integer version, comment integer version and -- uncomment float version part for float version -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- return({ pin=3, sens={}, temp={}, conversion = function(self) local pin = self.pin for i,s in ipairs(self.sens) do if s.status == 0 then print("starting conversion:", encoder.toHex(s.addr), s.parasite == 1 and "parasite" or " ") ow.reset(pin) ow.select(pin, s.addr) -- select the sensor ow.write(pin, 0x44, 1) -- and start conversion s.status = 1 if s.parasite == 1 then break end -- parasite sensor blocks bus during conversion end end tmr.alarm(tmr.create(), 750, tmr.ALARM_SINGLE, function() self:readout() end) end, readTemp = function(self, cb, lpin) local pin = self.pin self.cb = cb self.temp={} if lpin then pin = lpin end ow.setup(pin) self.sens={} ow.reset_search(pin) -- ow.target_search(pin,0x28) -- search the first device local addr = ow.search(pin) -- and loop through all devices while addr do -- search next device local crc=ow.crc8(string.sub(addr,1,7)) if (crc==addr:byte(8)) and ((addr:byte(1)==0x10) or (addr:byte(1)==0x28)) then ow.reset(pin) ow.select(pin, addr) -- select the found sensor ow.write(pin, 0xB4, 1) -- Read Power Supply [B4h] local parasite = (ow.read(pin)==0 and 1 or 0) table.insert(self.sens,{addr=addr, parasite=parasite, status=0}) print("contact: ", encoder.toHex(addr), parasite == 1 and "parasite" or " ") end addr = ow.search(pin) tmr.wdclr() end -- place powered sensors first table.sort(self.sens, function(a,b) return a.parasite 0x7fff) then t = t - 0x10000 end if (s.addr:byte(1) == 0x28) then t = t * 625 -- DS18B20, 4 fractional bits else t = t * 5000 -- DS18S20, 1 fractional bit end -- integer version local sgn = t<0 and -1 or 1 local tA = sgn*t local tH=tA/10000 local tL=(tA%10000)/1000 + ((tA%1000)/100 >= 5 and 1 or 0) if tH and (tH~=85) then self.temp[s.addr]=(sgn<0 and "-" or "")..tH.."."..tL print(encoder.toHex(s.addr),(sgn<0 and "-" or "")..tH.."."..tL) s.status = 2 end -- end integer version -- -- float version -- if t and (math.floor(t/10000)~=85) then -- self.temp[s.addr]=t -- print(encoder.toHex(s.addr), t) -- s.status = 2 -- end -- -- end float version end next = next or s.status == 0 end if next then node.task.post(node.task.MEDIUM_PRIORITY, function() self:conversion() end) else self.sens = nil if self.cb then node.task.post(node.task.MEDIUM_PRIORITY, function() self.cb(self.temp) end) end end end })