# file Module
| Since  | Origin / Contributor  | Maintainer  | Source  |
| :----- | :-------------------- | :---------- | :------ |
| 2014-12-22 | [Zeroday](https://github.com/funshine) | [Zeroday](https://github.com/funshine) | [file.c](../../app/modules/file.c)|

The file module provides access to the file system and its individual files.

The file system is a flat file system, with no notion of subdirectories/folders.

Besides the SPIFFS file system on internal flash, this module can also access FAT partitions on an external SD card if [FatFS is enabled](../sdcard.md).

-- open file in flash:
if file.open("init.lua") then

-- or with full pathspec

-- open file on SD card
if file.open("/SD0/somefile.txt") then

## file.chdir()

Change current directory (and drive). This will be used when no drive/directory is prepended to filenames.

Current directory defaults to the root of internal SPIFFS (`/FLASH`) after system start.

!!! note

    Function is only available when [FatFS support](../sdcard.md#enabling-fatfs) is compiled into the firmware.

#### Syntax

#### Parameters
`dir` directory name - `/FLASH`, `/SD0`, `/SD1`, etc.

#### Returns
`true` on success, `false` otherwise

## file.exists()

Determines whether the specified file exists.

#### Syntax

#### Parameters
- `filename` file to check

#### Returns
true of the file exists (even if 0 bytes in size), and false if it does not exist

#### Example

files = file.list()
if files["device.config"] then
    print("Config file exists")

if file.exists("device.config") then
    print("Config file exists")
#### See also

## file.format()

Format the file system. Completely erases any existing file system and writes a new one. Depending on the size of the flash chip in the ESP, this may take several seconds.

!!! note

    Function is not supported for SD cards.

#### Syntax

#### Parameters

#### Returns

#### See also

## file.fscfg ()

Returns the flash address and physical size of the file system area, in bytes.

!!! note

    Function is not supported for SD cards.

#### Syntax

#### Parameters

#### Returns
- `flash address` (number)
- `size` (number)

#### Example
print(string.format("0x%x", file.fscfg()))

## file.fsinfo()

Return size information for the file system. The unit is Byte for SPIFFS and kByte for FatFS.

#### Syntax

#### Parameters

#### Returns
- `remaining` (number)
- `used`      (number)
- `total`     (number)

#### Example

-- get file system info
remaining, used, total=file.fsinfo()
print("\nFile system info:\nTotal : "..total.." (k)Bytes\nUsed : "..used.." (k)Bytes\nRemain: "..remaining.." (k)Bytes\n")

## file.getcontents()

Open and read the contents of a file.

#### Syntax

#### Parameters
- `filename` file to be opened and read

#### Returns
file contents if the file exists. `nil` if the file does not exist.

#### Example (basic model)
#### See also
- [`file.putcontents()`](#fileputcontents)

## file.list()

Lists all files in the file system.

#### Syntax

#### Parameters

#### Returns
a Lua table which contains all {file name: file size} pairs, if no pattern
given.  If a pattern is given, only those file names matching the pattern
(interpreted as a traditional [Lua pattern](https://www.lua.org/pil/20.2.html),
not, say, a UNIX shell glob) will be included in the resulting table.
`file.list` will throw any errors encountered during pattern matching.

#### Example
l = file.list();
for k,v in pairs(l) do
  print("name:"..k..", size:"..v)

## file.mount()

Mounts a FatFs volume on SD card.

!!! note

    Function is only available when [FatFS support](../sdcard.md#enabling-fatfs) is compiled into the firmware and it is not supported for internal flash.

#### Syntax
`file.mount(ldrv[, pin])`

#### Parameters
- `ldrv` name of the logical drive, `/SD0`, `/SD1`, etc.
- `pin` 1~12, IO index for SS/CS, defaults to 8 if omitted.

#### Returns
Volume object

#### Example
vol = file.mount("/SD0")

## file.on()

Registers callback functions.

Trigger events are:

- `rtc` deliver current date & time to the file system. Function is expected to return a table containing the fields `year`, `mon`, `day`, `hour`, `min`, `sec` of current date and time. Not supported for internal flash.

#### Syntax
`file.on(event[, function()])`

#### Parameters
- `event` string
- `function()` callback function. Unregisters the callback if `function()` is omitted.

#### Returns

#### Example
    print("sntp time sync ok")
        return rtctime.epoch2cal(rtctime.get())

#### See also

## file.open()

Opens a file for access, potentially creating it (for write modes).

When done with the file, it must be closed using `file.close()`.

#### Syntax
`file.open(filename, mode)`

#### Parameters
- `filename` file to be opened
- `mode`:
    - "r": read mode (the default)
    - "w": write mode
    - "a": append mode
    - "r+": update mode, all previous data is preserved
    - "w+": update mode, all previous data is erased
    - "a+": append update mode, previous data is preserved, writing is only allowed at the end of file

#### Returns
file object if file opened ok. `nil` if file not opened, or not exists (read modes).

#### Example (basic model)
-- open 'init.lua', print the first line.
if file.open("init.lua", "r") then
#### Example (object model)
-- open 'init.lua', print the first line.
fd = file.open("init.lua", "r")
if fd then
  fd:close(); fd = nil

#### See also
- [`file.close()`](#fileclose-fileobjclose)
- [`file.readline()`](#filereadline-fileobjreadline)

## file.remove()

Remove a file from the file system. The file must not be currently open.


#### Parameters
`filename` file to remove

#### Returns

#### Example

-- remove "foo.lua" from file system.
#### See also

## file.putcontents()

Open and write the contents of a file.

#### Syntax
`file.putcontents(filename, contents)`

#### Parameters
- `filename` file to be created
- `contents` to be written to the file

#### Returns
`true` if the write is ok, `nil` on error

#### Example (basic model)
file.putcontents('welcome.txt', [[
  Hello to new user
#### See also
- [`file.getcontents()`](#filegetcontents)

## file.rename()

Renames a file. If a file is currently open, it will be closed first.

#### Syntax
`file.rename(oldname, newname)`

#### Parameters
- `oldname` old file name
- `newname` new file name

#### Returns
`true` on success, `false` on error.

#### Example

-- rename file 'temp.lua' to 'init.lua'.

## file.stat()

Get attribtues of a file or directory in a table. Elements of the table are:

- `size` file size in bytes
- `name` file name
- `time` table with time stamp information. Default is 1970-01-01 00:00:00 in case time stamps are not supported (on SPIFFS).

    - `year`
    - `mon`
    - `day`
    - `hour`
    - `min`
    - `sec`

- `is_dir` flag `true` if item is a directory, otherwise `false`
- `is_rdonly` flag `true` if item is read-only, otherwise `false`
- `is_hidden` flag `true` if item is hidden, otherwise `false`
- `is_sys` flag `true` if item is system, otherwise `false`
- `is_arch` flag `true` if item is archive, otherwise `false`

#### Syntax

#### Parameters
`filename` file name

#### Returns
table containing file attributes

#### Example

s = file.stat("/SD0/myfile")
print("name: " .. s.name)
print("size: " .. s.size)

t = s.time
print(string.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", t.hour, t.min, t.sec))
print(string.format("%04d-%02d-%02d", t.year, t.mon, t.day))

if s.is_dir then print("is directory") else print("is file") end
if s.is_rdonly then print("is read-only") else print("is writable") end
if s.is_hidden then print("is hidden") else print("is not hidden") end
if s.is_sys then print("is system") else print("is not system") end
if s.is_arch then print("is archive") else print("is not archive") end

s = nil
t = nil

# File access functions

The `file` module provides several functions to access the content of a file after it has been opened with [`file.open()`](#fileopen). They can be used as part of a basic model or an object model:

## Basic model
In the basic model there is max one file opened at a time. The file access functions operate on this file per default. If another file is opened, the previous default file needs to be closed beforehand.

-- open 'init.lua', print the first line.
if file.open("init.lua", "r") then

## Object model
Files are represented by file objects which are created by `file.open()`. File access functions are available as methods of this object, and multiple file objects can coexist.

src = file.open("init.lua", "r")
if src then
  dest = file.open("copy.lua", "w")
  if dest then
    local line
      line = src:read()
      if line then
    until line == nil
    dest:close(); dest = nil
  src:close(); dest = nil

!!! Attention

    It is recommended to use only one single model within the application. Concurrent use of both models can yield unpredictable behavior: Closing the default file from basic model will also close the corresponding file object. Closing a file from object model will also close the default file if they are the same file.

!!! Note

    The maximum number of open files on SPIFFS is determined at compile time by `SPIFFS_MAX_OPEN_FILES` in `user_config.h`.

## file.close(), file.obj:close()

Closes the open file, if any.

#### Syntax


#### Parameters

#### Returns

#### See also

## file.flush(), file.obj:flush()

Flushes any pending writes to the file system, ensuring no data is lost on a restart. Closing the open file using [`file.close()` / `fd:close()`](#fileclose-fileobjclose) performs an implicit flush as well.

#### Syntax


#### Parameters

#### Returns

#### Example (basic model)
-- open 'init.lua' in 'a+' mode
if file.open("init.lua", "a+") then
  -- write 'foo bar' to the end of the file
  file.write('foo bar')
  -- write 'baz' too

#### See also
[`file.close()` / `file.obj:close()`](#fileclose-fileobjclose)

## file.read(), file.obj:read()

Read content from the open file.

!!! note

    The function temporarily allocates 2 * (number of requested bytes) on the heap for buffering and processing the read data. Default chunk size (`FILE_READ_CHUNK`) is 1024 bytes and is regarded to be safe. Pushing this by 4x or more can cause heap overflows depending on the application. Consider this when selecting a value for parameter `n_or_char`.

#### Syntax


#### Parameters
- `n_or_char`:
	- if nothing passed in, then read up to `FILE_READ_CHUNK` bytes or the entire file (whichever is smaller).
	- if passed a number `n`, then read up to `n` bytes or the entire file (whichever is smaller).
	- if passed a string containing the single character `char`, then read until `char` appears next in the file, `FILE_READ_CHUNK` bytes have been read, or EOF is reached.

#### Returns
File content as a string, or nil when EOF

#### Example (basic model)
-- print the first line of 'init.lua'
if file.open("init.lua", "r") then

#### Example (object model)
-- print the first 5 bytes of 'init.lua'
fd = file.open("init.lua", "r")
if fd then
  fd:close(); fd = nil

#### See also
- [`file.open()`](#fileopen)
- [`file.readline()` / `file.obj:readline()`](#filereadline-fileobjreadline)

## file.readline(), file.obj:readline()

Read the next line from the open file. Lines are defined as zero or more bytes ending with a EOL ('\n') byte. If the next line is longer than 1024, this function only returns the first 1024 bytes.

#### Syntax


#### Parameters

#### Returns
File content in string, line by line, including EOL('\n'). Return `nil` when EOF.

#### Example (basic model)
-- print the first line of 'init.lua'
if file.open("init.lua", "r") then

#### See also
- [`file.open()`](#fileopen)
- [`file.close()` / `file.obj:close()`](#fileclose-fileobjclose)
- [`file.read()` / `file.obj:read()`](#fileread-fileobjread)

## file.seek(), file.obj:seek()

Sets and gets the file position, measured from the beginning of the file, to the position given by offset plus a base specified by the string whence.

#### Syntax
`file.seek([whence [, offset]])`

`fd:seek([whence [, offset]])`

#### Parameters
- `whence`
	- "set": base is position 0 (beginning of the file)
	- "cur": base is current position (default value)
	- "end": base is end of file
- `offset` default 0

If no parameters are given, the function simply returns the current file offset.

#### Returns
the resulting file position, or `nil` on error

#### Example (basic model)
if file.open("init.lua", "r") then
  -- skip the first 5 bytes of the file
  file.seek("set", 5)
#### See also

## file.write(), file.obj:write()

Write a string to the open file.

#### Syntax


#### Parameters
`string` content to be write to file

#### Returns
`true` if the write is ok, `nil` on error

#### Example (basic model)
-- open 'init.lua' in 'a+' mode
if file.open("init.lua", "a+") then
  -- write 'foo bar' to the end of the file
  file.write('foo bar')

#### Example (object model)
-- open 'init.lua' in 'a+' mode
fd = file.open("init.lua", "a+")
if fd then
  -- write 'foo bar' to the end of the file
  fd:write('foo bar')

#### See also
- [`file.open()`](#fileopen)
- [`file.writeline()` / `file.obj:writeline()`](#filewriteline-fileobjwriteline)

## file.writeline(), file.obj:writeline()

Write a string to the open file and append '\n' at the end.

#### Syntax


#### Parameters
`string` content to be write to file

#### Returns
`true` if write ok, `nil` on error

#### Example (basic model)
-- open 'init.lua' in 'a+' mode
if file.open("init.lua", "a+") then
  -- write 'foo bar' to the end of the file
  file.writeline('foo bar')

#### See also
- [`file.open()`](#fileopen)
- [`file.readline()` / `file.obj:readline()`](#filereadline-fileobjreadline)