/* * Copyright 2015 Dius Computing Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * - Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED * OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * @author Bernd Meyer <bmeyer@dius.com.au> */ #ifndef _RTCFIFO_H_ #define _RTCFIFO_H_ #include "rtcaccess.h" #include "rtctime.h" // 1: measurement alignment, in microseconds // 2: timestamp for next sample (seconds). For sensors which sense during the sleep phase. Set to // 0 to indicate no sample waiting. Simply do not use for sensors which deliver values prior to // deep sleep. // 3: Number of samples to take before doing a "real" boot. Decremented as samples are obtained // 4: Reload value for (10). Needs to be applied by the firmware in the real boot (rtc_restart_samples_to_take()) // // 5: FIFO location. First FIFO address in bits 0:7, first non-FIFO address in bits 8:15. // Number of tag spaces in bits 16:23 // 6: Number of samples in FIFO. // 7: FIFO tail (where next sample will be written. Increments by 1 for each sample) // 8: FIFO head (where next sample will be read. Increments by 1 for each sample) // 9: FIFO head timestamp. Used and maintained when pulling things off the FIFO. This is the timestamp of the // most recent sample pulled off; I.e. the head samples timestamp is this plus that sample's delta_t // 10: FIFO tail timestamp. Used and maintained when adding things to the FIFO. This is the timestamp of the // most recent sample to have been added. I.e. a new sample's delta-t is calculated relative to this // (9/10) are meaningless when (3) is zero // #define RTC_FIFO_BASE 10 #define RTC_FIFO_MAGIC 0x44695553 // RTCFIFO storage #define RTC_FIFO_MAGIC_POS (RTC_FIFO_BASE+0) #define RTC_ALIGNMENT_POS (RTC_FIFO_BASE+1) #define RTC_TIMESTAMP_POS (RTC_FIFO_BASE+2) #define RTC_SAMPLESTOTAKE_POS (RTC_FIFO_BASE+3) #define RTC_SAMPLESPERBOOT_POS (RTC_FIFO_BASE+4) #define RTC_FIFOLOC_POS (RTC_FIFO_BASE+5) #define RTC_FIFOCOUNT_POS (RTC_FIFO_BASE+6) #define RTC_FIFOTAIL_POS (RTC_FIFO_BASE+7) #define RTC_FIFOHEAD_POS (RTC_FIFO_BASE+8) #define RTC_FIFOTAIL_T_POS (RTC_FIFO_BASE+9) #define RTC_FIFOHEAD_T_POS (RTC_FIFO_BASE+10) // 32-127: FIFO space. Consisting of a number of tag spaces (see 4), followed by data entries. // Data entries consist of: // Bits 28:31 -> tag index. 0-15 // Bits 25:27 -> decimals // Bits 16:24 -> delta-t in seconds from previous entry // Bits 0:15 -> sample value #define RTC_DEFAULT_FIFO_START 32 #define RTC_DEFAULT_FIFO_END 128 #define RTC_DEFAULT_TAGCOUNT 5 #define RTC_DEFAULT_FIFO_LOC (RTC_DEFAULT_FIFO_START + (RTC_DEFAULT_FIFO_END<<8) + (RTC_DEFAULT_TAGCOUNT<<16)) #ifndef RTCTIME_SLEEP_ALIGNED # define RTCTIME_SLEEP_ALIGNED rtc_time_deep_sleep_until_aligned #endif typedef struct { uint32_t timestamp; uint32_t value; uint32_t decimals; uint32_t tag; } sample_t; static inline void rtc_fifo_clear_content(void); static inline uint32_t rtc_fifo_get_tail(void) { return rtc_mem_read(RTC_FIFOTAIL_POS); } static inline void rtc_fifo_put_tail(uint32_t val) { rtc_mem_write(RTC_FIFOTAIL_POS,val); } static inline uint32_t rtc_fifo_get_head(void) { return rtc_mem_read(RTC_FIFOHEAD_POS); } static inline void rtc_fifo_put_head(uint32_t val) { rtc_mem_write(RTC_FIFOHEAD_POS,val); } static inline uint32_t rtc_fifo_get_tail_t(void) { return rtc_mem_read(RTC_FIFOTAIL_T_POS); } static inline void rtc_fifo_put_tail_t(uint32_t val) { rtc_mem_write(RTC_FIFOTAIL_T_POS,val); } static inline uint32_t rtc_fifo_get_head_t(void) { return rtc_mem_read(RTC_FIFOHEAD_T_POS); } static inline void rtc_fifo_put_head_t(uint32_t val) { rtc_mem_write(RTC_FIFOHEAD_T_POS,val); } static inline uint32_t rtc_fifo_get_count(void) { return rtc_mem_read(RTC_FIFOCOUNT_POS); } static inline void rtc_fifo_put_count(uint32_t val) { rtc_mem_write(RTC_FIFOCOUNT_POS,val); } static inline uint32_t rtc_fifo_get_tagcount(void) { return (rtc_mem_read(RTC_FIFOLOC_POS)>>16)&0xff; } static inline uint32_t rtc_fifo_get_tagpos(void) { return (rtc_mem_read(RTC_FIFOLOC_POS)>>0)&0xff; } static inline uint32_t rtc_fifo_get_last(void) { return (rtc_mem_read(RTC_FIFOLOC_POS)>>8)&0xff; } static inline uint32_t rtc_fifo_get_first(void) { return rtc_fifo_get_tagpos()+rtc_fifo_get_tagcount(); } static inline void rtc_fifo_put_loc(uint32_t first, uint32_t last, uint32_t tagcount) { rtc_mem_write(RTC_FIFOLOC_POS,first+(last<<8)+(tagcount<<16)); } static inline uint32_t rtc_fifo_normalise_index(uint32_t index) { if (index>=rtc_fifo_get_last()) index=rtc_fifo_get_first(); return index; } static inline void rtc_fifo_increment_count(void) { rtc_fifo_put_count(rtc_fifo_get_count()+1); } static inline void rtc_fifo_decrement_count(void) { rtc_fifo_put_count(rtc_fifo_get_count()-1); } static inline uint32_t rtc_get_samples_to_take(void) { return rtc_mem_read(RTC_SAMPLESTOTAKE_POS); } static inline void rtc_put_samples_to_take(uint32_t val) { rtc_mem_write(RTC_SAMPLESTOTAKE_POS,val); } static inline void rtc_decrement_samples_to_take(void) { uint32_t stt=rtc_get_samples_to_take(); if (stt) rtc_put_samples_to_take(stt-1); } static inline void rtc_restart_samples_to_take(void) { rtc_put_samples_to_take(rtc_mem_read(RTC_SAMPLESPERBOOT_POS)); } static inline uint32_t rtc_fifo_get_value(uint32_t entry) { return entry&0xffff; } static inline uint32_t rtc_fifo_get_decimals(uint32_t entry) { return (entry>>25)&0x07; } static inline uint32_t rtc_fifo_get_deltat(uint32_t entry) { return (entry>>16)&0x1ff; } static inline uint32_t rtc_fifo_get_tagindex(uint32_t entry) { return (entry>>28)&0x0f; } static inline uint32_t rtc_fifo_get_tag_from_entry(uint32_t entry) { uint32_t index=rtc_fifo_get_tagindex(entry); uint32_t tags_at=rtc_fifo_get_tagpos(); return rtc_mem_read(tags_at+index); } static inline void rtc_fifo_fill_sample(sample_t* dst, uint32_t entry, uint32_t timestamp) { dst->timestamp=timestamp; dst->value=rtc_fifo_get_value(entry); dst->decimals=rtc_fifo_get_decimals(entry); dst->tag=rtc_fifo_get_tag_from_entry(entry); } // returns 1 if sample popped, 0 if not static inline int8_t rtc_fifo_pop_sample(sample_t* dst) { uint32_t count=rtc_fifo_get_count(); if (count==0) return 0; uint32_t head=rtc_fifo_get_head(); uint32_t timestamp=rtc_fifo_get_head_t(); uint32_t entry=rtc_mem_read(head); timestamp+=rtc_fifo_get_deltat(entry); rtc_fifo_fill_sample(dst,entry,timestamp); head=rtc_fifo_normalise_index(head+1); rtc_fifo_put_head(head); rtc_fifo_put_head_t(timestamp); rtc_fifo_decrement_count(); return 1; } // returns 1 if sample is available, 0 if not static inline int8_t rtc_fifo_peek_sample(sample_t* dst, uint32_t from_top) { if (rtc_fifo_get_count()<=from_top) return 0; uint32_t head=rtc_fifo_get_head(); uint32_t entry=rtc_mem_read(head); uint32_t timestamp=rtc_fifo_get_head_t(); timestamp+=rtc_fifo_get_deltat(entry); while (from_top--) { head=rtc_fifo_normalise_index(head+1); entry=rtc_mem_read(head); timestamp+=rtc_fifo_get_deltat(entry); } rtc_fifo_fill_sample(dst,entry,timestamp); return 1; } static inline void rtc_fifo_drop_samples(uint32_t from_top) { uint32_t count=rtc_fifo_get_count(); if (count<=from_top) from_top=count; uint32_t head=rtc_fifo_get_head(); uint32_t head_t=rtc_fifo_get_head_t(); while (from_top--) { uint32_t entry=rtc_mem_read(head); head_t+=rtc_fifo_get_deltat(entry); head=rtc_fifo_normalise_index(head+1); rtc_fifo_decrement_count(); } rtc_fifo_put_head(head); rtc_fifo_put_head_t(head_t); } static inline int rtc_fifo_find_tag_index(uint32_t tag) { uint32_t tags_at=rtc_fifo_get_tagpos(); uint32_t count=rtc_fifo_get_tagcount(); uint32_t i; for (i=0;i<count;i++) { uint32_t stag=rtc_mem_read(tags_at+i); if (stag==tag) return i; if (stag==0) { rtc_mem_write(tags_at+i,tag); return i; } } return -1; } static int32_t rtc_fifo_delta_t(uint32_t t, uint32_t ref_t) { uint32_t delta=t-ref_t; if (delta>0x1ff) return -1; return delta; } static uint32_t rtc_fifo_construct_entry(uint32_t val, uint32_t tagindex, uint32_t decimals, uint32_t deltat) { return (val & 0xffff) + ((deltat & 0x1ff) <<16) + ((decimals & 0x7)<<25) + ((tagindex & 0xf)<<28); } static inline void rtc_fifo_store_sample(const sample_t* s) { uint32_t head=rtc_fifo_get_head(); uint32_t tail=rtc_fifo_get_tail(); uint32_t count=rtc_fifo_get_count(); int32_t tagindex=rtc_fifo_find_tag_index(s->tag); if (count==0) { rtc_fifo_put_head_t(s->timestamp); rtc_fifo_put_tail_t(s->timestamp); } uint32_t tail_t=rtc_fifo_get_tail_t(); int32_t deltat=rtc_fifo_delta_t(s->timestamp,tail_t); if (tagindex<0 || deltat<0) { // We got something that doesn't fit into the scheme. Might be a long delay, might // be some sort of dynamic change. In order to go on, we need to start over.... // ets_printf("deltat is %d, tagindex is %d\n",deltat,tagindex); rtc_fifo_clear_content(); rtc_fifo_put_head_t(s->timestamp); rtc_fifo_put_tail_t(s->timestamp); head=rtc_fifo_get_head(); tail=rtc_fifo_get_tail(); count=rtc_fifo_get_count(); tagindex=rtc_fifo_find_tag_index(s->tag); // This should work now if (tagindex<0) return; // Uh-oh! This should never happen } if (head==tail && count>0) { // Full! Need to remove a sample sample_t dummy; rtc_fifo_pop_sample(&dummy); } rtc_mem_write(tail++,rtc_fifo_construct_entry(s->value,tagindex,s->decimals,deltat)); rtc_fifo_put_tail(rtc_fifo_normalise_index(tail)); rtc_fifo_put_tail_t(s->timestamp); rtc_fifo_increment_count(); } static uint32_t rtc_fifo_make_tag(const uint8_t* s) { uint32_t tag=0; int i; for (i=0;i<4;i++) { if (!s[i]) break; tag+=((uint32_t)(s[i]&0xff))<<(i*8); } return tag; } static void rtc_fifo_tag_to_string(uint32_t tag, uint8_t s[5]) { int i; s[4]=0; for (i=0;i<4;i++) s[i]=(tag>>(8*i))&0xff; } static inline uint32_t rtc_fifo_get_divisor(const sample_t* s) { uint8_t decimals=s->decimals; uint32_t div=1; while (decimals--) div*=10; return div; } static inline void rtc_fifo_clear_tags(void) { uint32_t tags_at=rtc_fifo_get_tagpos(); uint32_t count=rtc_fifo_get_tagcount(); while (count--) rtc_mem_write(tags_at++,0); } static inline void rtc_fifo_clear_content(void) { uint32_t first=rtc_fifo_get_first(); rtc_fifo_put_tail(first); rtc_fifo_put_head(first); rtc_fifo_put_count(0); rtc_fifo_put_tail_t(0); rtc_fifo_put_head_t(0); rtc_fifo_clear_tags(); } static inline void rtc_fifo_init(uint32_t first, uint32_t last, uint32_t tagcount) { rtc_fifo_put_loc(first,last,tagcount); rtc_fifo_clear_content(); } static inline void rtc_fifo_init_default(uint32_t tagcount) { if (tagcount==0) tagcount=RTC_DEFAULT_TAGCOUNT; rtc_fifo_init(RTC_DEFAULT_FIFO_START,RTC_DEFAULT_FIFO_END,tagcount); } static inline uint8_t rtc_fifo_check_magic(void) { if (rtc_mem_read(RTC_FIFO_MAGIC_POS)==RTC_FIFO_MAGIC) return 1; return 0; } static inline void rtc_fifo_set_magic(void) { rtc_mem_write(RTC_FIFO_MAGIC_POS,RTC_FIFO_MAGIC); } static inline void rtc_fifo_unset_magic(void) { rtc_mem_write(RTC_FIFO_MAGIC_POS,0); } static inline void rtc_fifo_deep_sleep_until_sample(uint32_t min_sleep_us) { uint32_t align=rtc_mem_read(RTC_ALIGNMENT_POS); RTCTIME_SLEEP_ALIGNED(align,min_sleep_us); } static inline void rtc_fifo_prepare(uint32_t samples_per_boot, uint32_t us_per_sample, uint32_t tagcount) { rtc_mem_write(RTC_SAMPLESPERBOOT_POS,samples_per_boot); rtc_mem_write(RTC_ALIGNMENT_POS,us_per_sample); rtc_put_samples_to_take(0); rtc_fifo_init_default(tagcount); rtc_fifo_set_magic(); } #endif