#DS18B20 Module ##Require ds18b20 = require("ds18b20") ##Constant C, F, K ##setup() ####Description Setting the pin of DS18B20.
####Syntax setup(pin) ####Parameters pin: 1~10, IO index. If parameter is nil, it will use pin 9(GPIO2) automatically.
####Returns nil ####Example ```lua ds18b20 = require("ds18b20") ds18b20.setup(9) ``` ####See also **-** []() ## addrs() ####Description Return a table contain all of the addresses of DS18B20 on one-wire. If the setup(pin) function not executed, the pin 9(GPIO2) will be initialized as one-wire mode automatically.
####Syntax addrs() ####Parameters nil ####Returns addrs: A table contain all of the addresses of DS18B20 on one-wire. Every address is a string. If failed, it will be nil.
####Example ```lua ds18b20 = require("ds18b20") ds18b20.setup(9) addrs = ds18b20.addrs() if (addrs ~= nil) then print("Total DS18B20 sensors: "..table.getn(addrs)) end ``` ####See also **-** []() ## readNumber() ####Description Read the value of temperature. If the setup(pin) function not executed, the pin 9(GPIO2) will be initialized as one-wire mode automatically.
####Syntax readNumber(addr, unit) ####Parameters addr: string, the address of DS18B20. It will select the first address which be found when this parameter is nil.
unit: integer, unit conversion. Only Constant is acceptable, such as C(Celsius),F(Fahrenheit) and K(Kelvin). If this parameter is nil, the constant C(Celsius) will be selected automatically.
####Returns t1: 数值,温度的整数部分。如果读取失败返回nil.
t2: 数值,温度的小数部分。如果读取失败返回nil.
####Example ```lua t=require("ds18b20") t.setup(9) addrs=t.addrs() -- Total DS18B20 numbers, assume it is 2 print(table.getn(addrs)) -- The first DS18B20 print(t.readNumber(addrs[1],t.C)) print(t.readNumber(addrs[1],t.F)) print(t.readNumber(addrs[1],t.K)) -- The second DS18B20 print(t.readNumber(addrs[2],t.C)) print(t.readNumber(addrs[2],t.F)) print(t.readNumber(addrs[2],t.K)) -- Just read print(t.readNumber()) -- Just read as fahrenheit print(t.readNumber(nil,t.F)) -- Read as values t1, t2 = t.readNumber() ``` ####See also **-** []() ## read() ####Description Read the string of temperature. If the setup(pin) function not executed, the pin 9(GPIO2) will be initialized as one-wire mode automatically.
####Syntax read(addr, unit) ####Parameters addr: string, the address of DS18B20. It will select the first address which be found when this parameter is nil.
unit: integer, unit conversion. Only Constant is acceptable, such as C(Celsius),F(Fahrenheit) and K(Kelvin). If this parameter is nil, the constant C(Celsius) will be selected automatically.
####Returns t: 字符串,表示成字符串形式的温度。如果读取失败返回nil.
####Example ```lua t=require("ds18b20") t.setup(9) addrs=t.addrs() -- Total DS18B20 numbers, assume it is 2 print(table.getn(addrs)) -- The first DS18B20 print(t.read(addrs[1],t.C)) print(t.read(addrs[1],t.F)) print(t.read(addrs[1],t.K)) -- The second DS18B20 print(t.read(addrs[2],t.C)) print(t.read(addrs[2],t.F)) print(t.read(addrs[2],t.K)) -- Just read print(t.read()) -- Just read as centigrade print(t.read(nil,t.C)) ``` ####See also **-** []()