-- setup SPI and connect display function init_spi_display() -- Hardware SPI CLK = GPIO14 -- Hardware SPI MOSI = GPIO13 -- Hardware SPI MISO = GPIO12 (not used) -- CS, D/C, and RES can be assigned freely to available GPIOs local cs = 8 -- GPIO15, pull-down 10k to GND local dc = 4 -- GPIO2 local res = 0 -- GPIO16 spi.setup(1, spi.MASTER, spi.CPOL_LOW, spi.CPHA_LOW, spi.DATABITS_8, 8) disp = ucg.ili9341_18x240x320_hw_spi(cs, dc, res) end init_spi_display() disp:begin(ucg.FONT_MODE_TRANSPARENT) disp:clearScreen() disp:setFont(ucg.font_ncenR12_tr); disp:setColor(255, 255, 255); disp:setColor(1, 255, 0,0); disp:setPrintPos(0, 25) disp:print("Hello World!")