-- -- Simple NodeMCU web server (done is a not so nodeie fashion :-) -- -- Highly modified by Bruce Meacham, based on work by Scott Beasley 2015 -- Open and free to change and use. Enjoy. [Beasley/Meacham 2015] -- -- Meacham Update: I streamlined/improved the parsing to focus on simple HTTP GET request and their simple parameters -- Also added the code to drive a servo/light. Comment out as you see fit. -- -- Usage: -- Change SSID and SSID_PASSPHRASE for your wifi network -- Download to NodeMCU -- node.compile("http_server.lua") -- dofile("http_server.lc") -- When the server is esablished it will output the IP address. -- http://{ip address}/?s0=1200&light=1 -- s0 is the servo position (actually the PWM hertz), 500 - 2000 are all good values -- light chanel high(1)/low(0), some evaluation boards have LEDs pre-wired in a "pulled high" confguration, so '0' ground the emitter and turns it on backwards. -- -- Add to init.lua if you want it to autoboot. -- -- Your Wifi connection data local SSID = "YOUR WIFI SSID" local SSID_PASSWORD = "YOUR SSID PASSPHRASE" -- General setup local pinLight = 2 -- this is GPIO4 gpio.mode(pinLight,gpio.OUTPUT) gpio.write(pinLight,gpio.HIGH) servo = {} servo.pin = 4 --this is GPIO2 servo.value = 1500 servo.id = "servo" gpio.mode(servo.pin, gpio.OUTPUT) gpio.write(servo.pin, gpio.LOW) -- This alarm drives the servo tmr.alarm(0,10,1,function() -- 50Hz if servo.value then -- generate pulse gpio.write(servo.pin, gpio.HIGH) tmr.delay(servo.value) gpio.write(servo.pin, gpio.LOW) end end) local function connect (conn, data) local query_data conn:on ("receive", function (cn, req_data) params = get_http_req (req_data) cn:send("HTTP/1.1 200/OK\r\nServer: NodeLuau\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n") cn:send ("