local gpio, bit = gpio, bit return function(bus_args) local rs = bus_args.rs or 0 local rw = bus_args.rw local en = bus_args.en or 1 local bl = bus_args.backlight local d4 = bus_args.d4 or 2 local d5 = bus_args.d5 or 3 local d6 = bus_args.d6 or 4 local d7 = bus_args.d7 or 5 for _, d in pairs({rs,rw,en,bl}) do if d then gpio.mode(d, gpio.OUTPUT) end end local function setGPIO(mode) for _, d in pairs({d4, d5, d6, d7}) do gpio.mode(d, mode) end end setGPIO(gpio.OUTPUT) local function send4bitGPIO(value, rs_en, rw_en, read) local function exchange(data) local rv = 0 if rs then gpio.write(rs, rs_en and gpio.HIGH or gpio.LOW) end if rw then gpio.write(rw, rw_en and gpio.HIGH or gpio.LOW) end gpio.write(en, gpio.HIGH) for i, d in ipairs({d4, d5, d6, d7}) do if read and rw then if gpio.read(d) == 1 then rv = bit.set(rv, i-1) end else gpio.write(d, bit.isset(data, i-1) and gpio.HIGH or gpio.LOW) end end gpio.write(en, gpio.LOW) return rv end local hi = bit.rshift(bit.band(value, 0xf0), 4) local lo = bit.band(value, 0xf) if read then setGPIO(gpio.INPUT) end hi = exchange(hi) lo = exchange(lo) if read then setGPIO(gpio.OUTPUT) end return bit.bor(bit.lshift(hi, 4), lo) end -- init sequence from datasheet send4bitGPIO(0x33, false, false, false) send4bitGPIO(0x32, false, false, false) -- Return backend object return { fourbits = true, command = function (screen, cmd) return send4bitGPIO(cmd, false, false, false) end, busy = function(screen) if rw == nil then return false end return bit.isset(send4bitGPIO(0xff, false, true, true), 7) end, position = function(screen) if rw == nil then return 0 end return bit.clear(send4bitGPIO(0xff, false, true, true), 7) end, write = function(screen, value) return send4bitGPIO(value, true, false, false) end, read = function(screen) if rw == nil then return nil end return send4bitGPIO(0xff, true, true, true) end, backlight = function(screen, on) if (bl) then gpio.write(bl, on and gpio.HIGH or gpio.LOW) end return on end, } end