# Modules common to all chips set(module_srcs "adc.c" "bit.c" "ble.c" "bthci.c" "common.c" "crypto.c" "dht.c" "encoder.c" "file.c" "gpio.c" "heaptrace.c" "http.c" "i2c.c" "i2c_hw_master.c" "i2c_hw_slave.c" "ledc.c" "mqtt.c" "net.c" "node.c" "otaupgrade.c" "ow.c" "pipe.c" "qrcodegen.c" "sigma_delta.c" "sjson.c" "sodium.c" "spi.c" "spi_master.c" "struct.c" "time.c" "tmr.c" "u8g2.c" "uart.c" "ucg.c" "wifi.c" "wifi_ap.c" "wifi_common.c" "wifi_sta.c" "ws2812.c" ) # Chip specific modules, per module. # List source files for each applicable chip. if(IDF_TARGET STREQUAL "esp32") list(APPEND module_srcs "can.c" "dac.c" "eth.c" "i2s.c" "pulsecnt.c" "sdmmc.c" "touch.c" ) elseif(IDF_TARGET STREQUAL "esp32s2") list(APPEND module_srcs "dac.c" ) elseif(IDF_TARGET STREQUAL "esp32s3") list(APPEND module_srcs ) elseif(IDF_TARGET STREQUAL "esp32c3") list(APPEND module_srcs ) endif() idf_component_register( SRCS ${module_srcs} INCLUDE_DIRS "." "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}" PRIV_REQUIRES "app_update" "base_nodemcu" "bt" "driver_can" "esp_http_client" "fatfs" "libsodium" "lua" "mbedtls" "mqtt" "platform" "qrcodegen" "sdmmc" "sjson" "soc" "u8g2" "ucg" ) # Match up all the module source files with their corresponding Kconfig # option in the form NODEMCU_CMODULE_ and if enabled, add a # "-u _module_selected1" option to force the linker to include # the module. See components/core/include/module.h for further details on # how this works. set(modules_enabled) foreach(module_src ${module_srcs}) string(REPLACE ".c" "" module_name ${module_src}) string(TOUPPER ${module_name} module_ucase) set(mod_opt "CONFIG_NODEMCU_CMODULE_${module_ucase}") if (${${mod_opt}}) list(APPEND modules_enabled ${module_ucase}) endif() endforeach() message("Including the following modules: ${modules_enabled}") foreach(mod ${modules_enabled}) target_link_libraries(${COMPONENT_LIB} "-u ${mod}_module_selected1") endforeach() # Auto-generation of ucg/u8g2 header files, per # https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/esp32/api-guides/build-system.html#source-code-generation add_custom_command( OUTPUT ucg_config.h COMMAND perl -w ${PROJECT_DIR}/tools/ucg_config.pl < ${SDKCONFIG_HEADER} > ucg_config.h DEPENDS ${SDKCONFIG_HEADER} VERBATIM ) add_custom_target(ucg_config DEPENDS ucg_config.h) add_custom_command( OUTPUT u8g2_fonts.h COMMAND perl -w ${PROJECT_DIR}/tools/u8g2_config_fonts.pl < ${SDKCONFIG_HEADER} > u8g2_fonts.h DEPENDS ${SDKCONFIG_HEADER} VERBATIM ) add_custom_target(u8g2_fonts DEPENDS u8g2_fonts.h) add_custom_command( OUTPUT u8g2_displays.h COMMAND perl -w ${PROJECT_DIR}/tools/u8g2_config_displays.pl < ${SDKCONFIG_HEADER} > u8g2_displays.h ) add_custom_target(u8g2_displays DEPENDS u8g2_displays.h) add_dependencies(${COMPONENT_LIB} ucg_config u8g2_fonts u8g2_displays) set_property( DIRECTORY "${COMPONENT_DIR}" APPEND PROPERTY ADDITIONAL_MAKE_CLEAN_FILES ucg_config.h u8g2_fonts.h u8g2_displays.h )