#include <string.h> #include "module.h" #include "lauxlib.h" #include "lextra.h" #include "lmem.h" #include "nodemcu_esp_event.h" #include "ip_fmt.h" #include "common.h" // When this isn't enabled, the esp_eth.h header isn't available #if defined(CONFIG_ETH_ENABLED) #include "esp_netif.h" #include "esp_eth.h" #include "esp_eth_phy.h" #include "driver/gpio.h" typedef esp_eth_phy_t *(*new_eth_phy_fn)(const eth_phy_config_t *config); typedef enum { ETH_PHY_DP83848, ETH_PHY_IP101, ETH_PHY_KSZ8041, ETH_PHY_KSZ8081, ETH_PHY_LAN8720, ETH_PHY_RTL8201, ETH_PHY_MAX } eth_phy_t; static const new_eth_phy_fn new_eth_phy[] = { [ETH_PHY_DP83848] = esp_eth_phy_new_dp83848, [ETH_PHY_IP101] = esp_eth_phy_new_ip101, [ETH_PHY_KSZ8041] = esp_eth_phy_new_ksz8041, [ETH_PHY_KSZ8081] = esp_eth_phy_new_ksz8081, [ETH_PHY_LAN8720] = esp_eth_phy_new_lan8720, [ETH_PHY_RTL8201] = esp_eth_phy_new_rtl8201, }; _Static_assert(sizeof(new_eth_phy) == (sizeof(new_eth_phy[0]) * ETH_PHY_MAX), "missing phy create func"); static esp_netif_t *eth = NULL; esp_eth_handle_t eth_handle = NULL; // --- Event handling ----------------------------------------------------- typedef void (*fill_cb_arg_fn) (lua_State *L, const void *data); typedef struct { const char *name; esp_event_base_t *event_base_ptr; int32_t event_id; fill_cb_arg_fn fill_cb_arg; } event_desc_t; #define ARRAY_LEN(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0])) static void eth_got_ip (lua_State *L, const void *data); static void empty_arg (lua_State *L, const void *data) {} static const event_desc_t events[] = { { "start", Ð_EVENT, ETHERNET_EVENT_START, empty_arg }, { "stop", Ð_EVENT, ETHERNET_EVENT_STOP, empty_arg }, { "connected", Ð_EVENT, ETHERNET_EVENT_CONNECTED, empty_arg }, { "disconnected", Ð_EVENT, ETHERNET_EVENT_DISCONNECTED, empty_arg }, { "got_ip", &IP_EVENT, IP_EVENT_ETH_GOT_IP, eth_got_ip }, }; #define ARRAY_LEN(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0])) static int event_cb[ARRAY_LEN(events)]; static int eth_event_idx_by_id( esp_event_base_t base, int32_t id ) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < ARRAY_LEN(events); ++i) if (*events[i].event_base_ptr == base && events[i].event_id == id) return i; return -1; } static int eth_event_idx_by_name( const char *name ) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < ARRAY_LEN(events); ++i) if (strcmp( events[i].name, name ) == 0) return i; return -1; } static void eth_got_ip( lua_State *L, const void *data ) { const ip_event_got_ip_t *got_ip_info = (const ip_event_got_ip_t *)data; const esp_netif_ip_info_t *ip_info = &got_ip_info->ip_info; // on_event() has prepared a table on top of stack. fill it with cb-specific fields: // ip, netmask, gw char ipstr[IP_STR_SZ] = { 0 }; ip4str_esp( ipstr, &ip_info->ip ); lua_pushstring( L, ipstr ); lua_setfield( L, -2, "ip" ); ip4str_esp( ipstr, &ip_info->netmask ); lua_pushstring( L, ipstr ); lua_setfield( L, -2, "netmask" ); ip4str_esp(ipstr, &ip_info->gw ); lua_pushstring( L, ipstr ); lua_setfield( L, -2, "gw" ); } static void on_event(esp_event_base_t base, int32_t id, const void *data) { int idx = eth_event_idx_by_id( base, id ); if (idx < 0 || event_cb[idx] == LUA_NOREF) return; lua_State *L = lua_getstate(); int top = lua_gettop( L ); lua_rawgeti( L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, event_cb[idx] ); lua_pushstring( L, events[idx].name ); lua_createtable( L, 0, 5 ); events[idx].fill_cb_arg( L, data ); luaL_pcallx( L, 2, 0 ); lua_settop( L, top ); } NODEMCU_ESP_EVENT(ETH_EVENT, ETHERNET_EVENT_START, on_event); NODEMCU_ESP_EVENT(ETH_EVENT, ETHERNET_EVENT_STOP, on_event); NODEMCU_ESP_EVENT(ETH_EVENT, ETHERNET_EVENT_CONNECTED, on_event); NODEMCU_ESP_EVENT(ETH_EVENT, ETHERNET_EVENT_DISCONNECTED, on_event); NODEMCU_ESP_EVENT(IP_EVENT, IP_EVENT_ETH_GOT_IP, on_event); // Lua API static int leth_set_mac( lua_State *L ) { uint8_t mac[6]; const char *macstr = luaL_checkstring( L, 1 ); if (6 != sscanf( macstr, "%hhx:%hhx:%hhx:%hhx:%hhx:%hhx", &mac[0], &mac[1], &mac[2], &mac[3], &mac[4], &mac[5] )) { return luaL_error( L, "invalid mac string" ); } if (ESP_OK != esp_netif_set_mac( eth, mac )) { return luaL_error( L, "error setting mac" ); } return 0; } static int leth_get_mac( lua_State *L ) { char temp[64]; uint8_t mac[6] = { 0, }; esp_netif_get_mac( eth, mac ); snprintf( temp, 63, MACSTR, MAC2STR(mac) ); lua_pushstring( L, temp ); return 1; } static int leth_get_speed( lua_State *L ) { eth_speed_t speed; if (esp_eth_ioctl(eth_handle, ETH_CMD_G_SPEED, &speed) != ESP_OK) return luaL_error(L, "failed to get eth speed"); switch (speed) { case ETH_SPEED_10M: lua_pushnumber( L, 10 ); break; case ETH_SPEED_100M: lua_pushnumber( L, 100 ); break; default: return luaL_error( L, "invalid speed" ); } return 1; } static int leth_set_ip( lua_State *L ) { luaL_checktable(L, 1); esp_netif_ip_info_t ip_info = { 0, }; lua_getfield(L, 1, "ip"); const char *ipstr = luaL_checkstring(L, -1); esp_err_t err = esp_netif_str_to_ip4(ipstr, &ip_info.ip); if (err != ESP_OK) return luaL_error(L, "failed to parse IP address '%s'", ipstr); lua_getfield(L, 1, "netmask"); const char *nmstr = luaL_checkstring(L, -1); err = esp_netif_str_to_ip4(nmstr, &ip_info.netmask); if (err != ESP_OK) return luaL_error(L, "failed to parse netmask '%s'", nmstr); lua_getfield(L, 1, "gateway"); const char *gwstr = luaL_checkstring(L, -1); err = esp_netif_str_to_ip4(gwstr, &ip_info.gw); if (err != ESP_OK) return luaL_error(L, "failed to parse gateway address '%s'", gwstr); esp_netif_dns_info_t dns_info = { .ip = { .type = ESP_IPADDR_TYPE_V4 } }; lua_getfield(L, 1, "dns"); const char *dnsstr = luaL_checkstring(L, -1); err = esp_netif_str_to_ip4(dnsstr, &dns_info.ip.u_addr.ip4); if (err != ESP_OK) return luaL_error(L, "failed to parse DNS address '%s'", dnsstr); err = esp_netif_dhcpc_stop(eth); if (err != ESP_OK && err != ESP_ERR_ESP_NETIF_DHCP_ALREADY_STOPPED) return luaL_error(L, "failed to stop DHCP client (code %d)", err); err = esp_netif_set_ip_info(eth, &ip_info); if (err != ESP_OK) return luaL_error(L, "failed to set IP details (code %d)", err); err = esp_netif_set_dns_info(eth, ESP_NETIF_DNS_MAIN, &dns_info); if (err != ESP_OK) return luaL_error(L, "failed to set DNS server (code %d)", err); return 0; } static int leth_on( lua_State *L ) { const char *event_name = luaL_checkstring( L, 1 ); if (!lua_isnoneornil( L, 2 )) { luaL_checkfunction( L, 2 ); } lua_settop( L, 2 ); int idx = eth_event_idx_by_name( event_name ); if (idx < 0) return luaL_error( L, "unknown event: %s", event_name ); luaL_unref( L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, event_cb[idx] ); event_cb[idx] = lua_isnoneornil( L, 2 ) ? LUA_NOREF : luaL_ref( L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX ); return 0; } static int leth_init( lua_State *L ) { if (eth != NULL) return luaL_error(L, "ethernet interface already set up"); int stack = 0; int top = lua_gettop( L ); luaL_checktype( L, ++stack, LUA_TTABLE ); // temporarily copy option table to top of stack for opt_ functions lua_pushvalue( L, stack ); eth_mac_config_t mac_cfg = ETH_MAC_DEFAULT_CONFIG(); mac_cfg.smi_mdc_gpio_num = opt_checkint_range( L, "mdc", -1, GPIO_NUM_0, GPIO_NUM_MAX-1 ); mac_cfg.smi_mdio_gpio_num = opt_checkint_range( L, "mdio", -1, GPIO_NUM_0, GPIO_NUM_MAX-1 ); eth_phy_config_t phy_cfg = ETH_PHY_DEFAULT_CONFIG(); phy_cfg.phy_addr = opt_checkint_range( L, "addr", -1, -1, 31 ); phy_cfg.reset_gpio_num = opt_checkint_range( L, "power", -1, -1, GPIO_NUM_MAX-1 ); // optional eth_phy_t phy_type = opt_checkint_range( L, "phy", -1, 0, ETH_PHY_MAX ); lua_settop( L, top ); esp_eth_mac_t *mac = esp_eth_mac_new_esp32(&mac_cfg); esp_eth_phy_t *phy = new_eth_phy[phy_type](&phy_cfg); esp_eth_config_t eth_cfg = ETH_DEFAULT_CONFIG(mac, phy); esp_err_t err = esp_eth_driver_install(ð_cfg, ð_handle); if (err != ESP_OK) goto cleanup_mac_phy; esp_netif_config_t netif_cfg = ESP_NETIF_DEFAULT_ETH(); esp_netif_t *new_eth = esp_netif_new(&netif_cfg); err = esp_eth_set_default_handlers(new_eth); if (err != ESP_OK) goto cleanup_netif; void *glue = esp_eth_new_netif_glue(eth_handle); err = esp_netif_attach(new_eth, glue); if (err != ESP_OK) goto cleanup_glue; err = esp_eth_start(eth_handle); if (err != ESP_OK) goto cleanup_glue; eth = new_eth; return 0; cleanup_glue: esp_eth_del_netif_glue(glue); cleanup_netif: esp_netif_destroy(new_eth); cleanup_mac_phy: if (mac) mac->del(mac); if (phy) phy->del(phy); eth_handle = NULL; return luaL_error(L, "failed to init ethernet, code %d", err); } static int init_eth( lua_State *L) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < ARRAY_LEN(event_cb); ++i) event_cb[i] = LUA_NOREF; return 0; } LROT_BEGIN(eth, NULL, 0) LROT_FUNCENTRY( init, leth_init ) LROT_FUNCENTRY( on, leth_on ) LROT_FUNCENTRY( get_speed, leth_get_speed ) LROT_FUNCENTRY( get_mac, leth_get_mac ) LROT_FUNCENTRY( set_mac, leth_set_mac ) LROT_FUNCENTRY( set_ip, leth_set_ip ) LROT_NUMENTRY( PHY_DP83848, ETH_PHY_DP83848 ) LROT_NUMENTRY( PHY_IP101, ETH_PHY_IP101 ) LROT_NUMENTRY( PHY_KSZ8041, ETH_PHY_KSZ8041 ) LROT_NUMENTRY( PHY_KSZ8081, ETH_PHY_KSZ8081 ) LROT_NUMENTRY( PHY_LAN8720, ETH_PHY_LAN8720 ) LROT_NUMENTRY( PHY_RTL8201, ETH_PHY_RTL8201 ) LROT_END(eth, NULL, 0) NODEMCU_MODULE(ETH, "eth", eth, init_eth); #endif