# copyright (c) 2010 Espressif System # 2015-2016 NodeMCU team # .NOTPARALLEL: # Get rid of most of the implicit rules by clearing the .SUFFIXES target .SUFFIXES: # Get rid of the auto-checkout from old version control systems rules %: %,v %: RCS/%,v %: RCS/% %: s.% %: SCCS/s.% # Set up flags and paths based on hardware target HW?=ESP8266 ifeq ($(HW),ESP8266) TARGET=esp8266 TARGET_SDK_LIBS=espconn cirom mirom nopoll TARGET_LDFLAGS=-u _UserExceptionVectorOverride -Wl,--wrap=printf LD_FILE=$(LDDIR)/nodemcu.ld AR = xtensa-lx106-elf-ar CC = xtensa-lx106-elf-gcc NM = xtensa-lx106-elf-nm CPP = xtensa-lx106-elf-cpp OBJCOPY = xtensa-lx106-elf-objcopy else ifeq ($(HW),ESP32) TARGET=esp32 TARGET_SDK_LIBS=rtc c m driver TARGET_LDFLAGS= LD_FILE=$(LDDIR)/nodemcu32.ld AR = xtensa-esp108-elf-ar CC = xtensa-esp108-elf-gcc NM = xtensa-esp108-elf-nm CPP = xtensa-esp108-elf-cpp OBJCOPY = xtensa-esp108-elf-objcopy else $(error Unsupported hardware platform: $(HW)) endif # Ensure we search "our" SDK before the tool-chain's SDK (if any) TOP_DIR:=$(abspath $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))) SDKDIR:=$(TOP_DIR)/sdk/$(TARGET)-rtos-sdk # This is, sadly, the cleanest way to resolve the different non-standard # conventions for sized integers across the various components. BASIC_TYPES=-Du32_t=uint32_t -Du16_t=uint16_t -Du8_t=uint8_t -Ds32_t=int32_t -Ds16_t=int16_t -Duint32=uint32_t -Duint16=uint16_t -Duint8=uint8_t -Dsint32=int32_t -Dsint16=int16_t -Dsint8=int8_t # Include dirs, ensure the overrides come first INCLUDE_DIRS=\ $(TOP_DIR)/sdk-overrides/include \ $(TOP_DIR)/sdk-overrides/$(TARGET)-include \ $(SDKDIR)/include \ $(SDKDIR)/include/espressif \ $(SDKDIR)/include/espressif/$(TARGET) \ $(SDKDIR)/include/$(TARGET) \ $(SDKDIR)/include/lwip \ $(SDKDIR)/include/lwip/ipv4 \ $(SDKDIR)/include/lwip/ipv6 \ $(SDKDIR)/extra_include \ $(SDKDIR)/third_party/include \ $(SDKDIR)/third_party/include/lwip \ $(SDKDIR)/third_party/include/lwip/ipv4 \ $(SDKDIR)/third_party/include/lwip/ipv6 \ $(SDKDIR)/driver_lib/include \ # ... and we have to mark them all as system include dirs rather than the usual # -I for user include dir, or the esp-open-sdk toolchain headers wreak havoc CCFLAGS:=$(addprefix -isystem,$(INCLUDE_DIRS)) $(BASIC_TYPES) -D__$(HW)__ LDFLAGS:= -L$(SDKDIR)/lib -L$(SDKDIR)/ld $(LDFLAGS) ############################################################# ifndef COMPORT ESPPORT = /dev/ttyUSB0 else ESPPORT = $(COMPORT) endif CCFLAGS += -Os -ffunction-sections -fno-jump-tables -fdata-sections FIRMWAREDIR = ../bin/$(TARGET)/ ############################################################# ESPTOOL ?= ../tools/esptool.py CSRCS ?= $(wildcard *.c) ASRCs ?= $(wildcard *.s) ASRCS ?= $(wildcard *.S) SUBDIRS ?= $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(wildcard */Makefile))) ODIR := .output OBJODIR := $(ODIR)/$(TARGET)/$(FLAVOR)/obj OBJS := $(CSRCS:%.c=$(OBJODIR)/%.o) \ $(ASRCs:%.s=$(OBJODIR)/%.o) \ $(ASRCS:%.S=$(OBJODIR)/%.o) DEPS := $(CSRCS:%.c=$(OBJODIR)/%.d) \ $(ASRCs:%.s=$(OBJODIR)/%.d) \ $(ASRCS:%.S=$(OBJODIR)/%.d) LIBODIR := $(ODIR)/$(TARGET)/$(FLAVOR)/lib OLIBS := $(GEN_LIBS:%=$(LIBODIR)/%) IMAGEODIR := $(ODIR)/$(TARGET)/$(FLAVOR)/image OIMAGES := $(GEN_IMAGES:%=$(IMAGEODIR)/%) BINODIR := $(ODIR)/$(TARGET)/$(FLAVOR)/bin OBINS := $(GEN_BINS:%=$(BINODIR)/%) # # Note: # https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Optimize-Options.html # If you add global optimize options like "-O2" here # they will override "-Os" defined above. # "-Os" should be used to reduce code size # CCFLAGS += \ -g \ -Wpointer-arith \ -Wundef \ -Werror \ -Wl,-EL \ -fno-inline-functions \ -nostdlib \ -mlongcalls \ -mtext-section-literals # -Wall CFLAGS = $(CCFLAGS) $(DEFINES) $(EXTRA_CCFLAGS) $(STD_CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) DFLAGS = $(CCFLAGS) $(DDEFINES) $(EXTRA_CCFLAGS) $(STD_CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) ############################################################# # Functions # define ShortcutRule $(1): .subdirs $(2)/$(1) endef define MakeLibrary DEP_LIBS_$(1) = $$(foreach lib,$$(filter %.a,$$(COMPONENTS_$(1))),$$(dir $$(lib))$$(LIBODIR)/$$(notdir $$(lib))) DEP_OBJS_$(1) = $$(foreach obj,$$(filter %.o,$$(COMPONENTS_$(1))),$$(dir $$(obj))$$(OBJODIR)/$$(notdir $$(obj))) $$(LIBODIR)/$(1).a: $$(OBJS) $$(DEP_OBJS_$(1)) $$(DEP_LIBS_$(1)) $$(DEPENDS_$(1)) @mkdir -p $$(LIBODIR) $$(if $$(filter %.a,$$?),mkdir -p $$(EXTRACT_DIR)_$(1)) $$(if $$(filter %.a,$$?),cd $$(EXTRACT_DIR)_$(1); $$(foreach lib,$$(filter %.a,$$?),$$(AR) xo $$(UP_EXTRACT_DIR)/$$(lib);)) $$(AR) ru $$@ $$(filter %.o,$$?) $$(if $$(filter %.a,$$?),$$(EXTRACT_DIR)_$(1)/*.o) $$(if $$(filter %.a,$$?),$$(RM) -r $$(EXTRACT_DIR)_$(1)) endef define MakeImage DEP_LIBS_$(1) = $$(foreach lib,$$(filter %.a,$$(COMPONENTS_$(1))),$$(dir $$(lib))$$(LIBODIR)/$$(notdir $$(lib))) DEP_OBJS_$(1) = $$(foreach obj,$$(filter %.o,$$(COMPONENTS_$(1))),$$(dir $$(obj))$$(OBJODIR)/$$(notdir $$(obj))) $$(IMAGEODIR)/$(1).out: $$(OBJS) $$(DEP_OBJS_$(1)) $$(DEP_LIBS_$(1)) $$(DEPENDS_$(1)) @mkdir -p $$(IMAGEODIR) $$(CC) $$(LDFLAGS) $$(if $$(LINKFLAGS_$(1)),$$(LINKFLAGS_$(1)),$$(LINKFLAGS_DEFAULT) $$(OBJS) $$(DEP_OBJS_$(1)) $$(DEP_LIBS_$(1))) -o $$@ endef $(BINODIR)/%.bin: $(IMAGEODIR)/%.out @mkdir -p $(BINODIR) $(FIRMWAREDIR) ifeq ($(HW),ESP8266) $(ESPTOOL) elf2image $< -o $(FIRMWAREDIR) else ifeq ($(HW),ESP32) @$(OBJCOPY) --only-section .text -O binary $< eagle.app.v7.text.bin @$(OBJCOPY) --only-section .data -O binary $< eagle.app.v7.data.bin @$(OBJCOPY) --only-section .rodata -O binary $< eagle.app.v7.rodata.bin @$(OBJCOPY) --only-section .irom0.text -O binary $< eagle.app.v7.irom0text.bin @$(OBJCOPY) --only-section .drom0.text -O binary $< eagle.app.v7.drom0text.bin @python $(SDKDIR)/tools/gen_appbin.py $< $(LD_FILE) 0 0 unused_app_cpu.bin $(FIRMWAREDIR) @rm -f eagle.app.v7.*.bin endif ############################################################# # Rules base # Should be done in top-level makefile only # all:pre_build .subdirs $(OBJS) $(OLIBS) $(OIMAGES) $(OBINS) $(SPECIAL_MKTARGETS) clean: $(foreach d, $(SUBDIRS), $(MAKE) -C $(d) clean;) $(RM) -r $(ODIR)/$(TARGET)/$(FLAVOR) clobber: $(SPECIAL_CLOBBER) $(foreach d, $(SUBDIRS), $(MAKE) -C $(d) clobber;) $(RM) -r $(ODIR) .subdirs: @set -e; $(foreach d, $(SUBDIRS), $(MAKE) -C $(d);) ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),clean) ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),clobber) ifdef DEPS sinclude $(DEPS) endif endif endif .PHONY: pre_build ifneq ($(wildcard $(TOP_DIR)/server-ca.crt),) pre_build: python $(TOP_DIR)/tools/make_server_cert.py $(TOP_DIR)/server-ca.crt > $(TOP_DIR)/app/modules/server-ca.crt.h DEFINES += -DHAVE_SSL_SERVER_CRT=\"server-ca.crt.h\" else pre_build: @-rm -f $(TOP_DIR)/app/modules/server-ca.crt.h endif $(OBJODIR)/%.o: %.c @mkdir -p $(OBJODIR); $(CC) $(if $(findstring $<,$(DSRCS)),$(DFLAGS),$(CFLAGS)) $(COPTS_$(*F)) -o $@ -c $< $(OBJODIR)/%.d: %.c @mkdir -p $(OBJODIR); @echo DEPEND: $(CC) -M $(CFLAGS) $< @set -e; rm -f $@; \ $(CC) -M $(CFLAGS) $< > $@.$$$$; \ sed 's,\($*\.o\)[ :]*,$(OBJODIR)/\1 $@ : ,g' < $@.$$$$ > $@; \ rm -f $@.$$$$ $(OBJODIR)/%.o: %.s @mkdir -p $(OBJODIR); $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $< $(OBJODIR)/%.d: %.s @mkdir -p $(OBJODIR); \ set -e; rm -f $@; \ $(CC) -M $(CFLAGS) $< > $@.$$$$; \ sed 's,\($*\.o\)[ :]*,$(OBJODIR)/\1 $@ : ,g' < $@.$$$$ > $@; \ rm -f $@.$$$$ $(OBJODIR)/%.o: %.S @mkdir -p $(OBJODIR); $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -D__ASSEMBLER__ -o $@ -c $< $(OBJODIR)/%.d: %.S @mkdir -p $(OBJODIR); \ set -e; rm -f $@; \ $(CC) -M $(CFLAGS) $< > $@.$$$$; \ sed 's,\($*\.o\)[ :]*,$(OBJODIR)/\1 $@ : ,g' < $@.$$$$ > $@; \ rm -f $@.$$$$ $(foreach lib,$(GEN_LIBS),$(eval $(call ShortcutRule,$(lib),$(LIBODIR)))) $(foreach image,$(GEN_IMAGES),$(eval $(call ShortcutRule,$(image),$(IMAGEODIR)))) $(foreach bin,$(GEN_BINS),$(eval $(call ShortcutRule,$(bin),$(BINODIR)))) $(foreach lib,$(GEN_LIBS),$(eval $(call MakeLibrary,$(basename $(lib))))) $(foreach image,$(GEN_IMAGES),$(eval $(call MakeImage,$(basename $(image)))))