// Module for interfacing with GPIO //#include "lua.h" #include "lualib.h" #include "lauxlib.h" #include "platform.h" #include "auxmods.h" #include "lrotable.h" #include "c_types.h" #include "c_string.h" #define PULLUP PLATFORM_GPIO_PULLUP #define FLOAT PLATFORM_GPIO_FLOAT #define OUTPUT PLATFORM_GPIO_OUTPUT #define INPUT PLATFORM_GPIO_INPUT #define INTERRUPT PLATFORM_GPIO_INT #define HIGH PLATFORM_GPIO_HIGH #define LOW PLATFORM_GPIO_LOW #ifdef GPIO_INTERRUPT_ENABLE static int gpio_cb_ref[GPIO_PIN_NUM]; static lua_State* gL = NULL; void lua_gpio_unref(unsigned pin){ if(gpio_cb_ref[pin] != LUA_NOREF){ if(gL!=NULL) luaL_unref(gL, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, gpio_cb_ref[pin]); } gpio_cb_ref[pin] = LUA_NOREF; } void gpio_intr_callback( unsigned pin, unsigned level ) { NODE_DBG("pin:%d, level:%d \n", pin, level); if(gpio_cb_ref[pin] == LUA_NOREF) return; if(!gL) return; lua_rawgeti(gL, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, gpio_cb_ref[pin]); lua_pushinteger(gL, level); lua_call(gL, 1, 0); } // Lua: trig( pin, type, function ) static int lgpio_trig( lua_State* L ) { unsigned type; unsigned pin; size_t sl; pin = luaL_checkinteger( L, 1 ); MOD_CHECK_ID( gpio, pin ); if(pin==0) return luaL_error( L, "no interrupt for D0" ); const char *str = luaL_checklstring( L, 2, &sl ); if (str == NULL) return luaL_error( L, "wrong arg type" ); if(sl == 2 && c_strcmp(str, "up") == 0){ type = GPIO_PIN_INTR_POSEDGE; }else if(sl == 4 && c_strcmp(str, "down") == 0){ type = GPIO_PIN_INTR_NEGEDGE; }else if(sl == 4 && c_strcmp(str, "both") == 0){ type = GPIO_PIN_INTR_ANYEGDE; }else if(sl == 3 && c_strcmp(str, "low") == 0){ type = GPIO_PIN_INTR_LOLEVEL; }else if(sl == 4 && c_strcmp(str, "high") == 0){ type = GPIO_PIN_INTR_HILEVEL; }else{ type = GPIO_PIN_INTR_DISABLE; } // luaL_checkanyfunction(L, 3); if (lua_type(L, 3) == LUA_TFUNCTION || lua_type(L, 3) == LUA_TLIGHTFUNCTION){ lua_pushvalue(L, 3); // copy argument (func) to the top of stack if(gpio_cb_ref[pin] != LUA_NOREF) luaL_unref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, gpio_cb_ref[pin]); gpio_cb_ref[pin] = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); } platform_gpio_intr_init(pin, type); return 0; } #endif // Lua: mode( pin, mode, pullup ) static int lgpio_mode( lua_State* L ) { unsigned mode, pullup = FLOAT; unsigned pin; pin = luaL_checkinteger( L, 1 ); MOD_CHECK_ID( gpio, pin ); mode = luaL_checkinteger( L, 2 ); if ( mode!=OUTPUT && mode!=INPUT && mode!=INTERRUPT) return luaL_error( L, "wrong arg type" ); if(pin==0 && mode==INTERRUPT) return luaL_error( L, "no interrupt for D0" ); if(lua_isnumber(L, 3)) pullup = lua_tointeger( L, 3 ); if(pullup!=FLOAT) pullup = PULLUP; #ifdef GPIO_INTERRUPT_ENABLE gL = L; // save to local gL, for callback function if (mode!=INTERRUPT){ // disable interrupt if(gpio_cb_ref[pin] != LUA_NOREF){ luaL_unref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, gpio_cb_ref[pin]); } gpio_cb_ref[pin] = LUA_NOREF; } #endif int r = platform_gpio_mode( pin, mode, pullup ); if( r<0 ) return luaL_error( L, "wrong pin num." ); return 0; } // Lua: read( pin ) static int lgpio_read( lua_State* L ) { lua_pushinteger( L, platform_gpio_read( luaL_checkinteger( L, 1 ) ) ); return 1; } // Lua: write( pin, level ) static int lgpio_write( lua_State* L ) { platform_gpio_write(luaL_checkinteger( L, 1 ), luaL_checkinteger( L, 2 ) & 0x1); return 0; } // Module function map #define MIN_OPT_LEVEL 2 #include "lrodefs.h" const LUA_REG_TYPE gpio_map[] = { { LSTRKEY( "mode" ), LFUNCVAL( lgpio_mode ) }, { LSTRKEY( "read" ), LFUNCVAL( lgpio_read ) }, { LSTRKEY( "write" ), LFUNCVAL( lgpio_write ) }, #ifdef GPIO_INTERRUPT_ENABLE { LSTRKEY( "trig" ), LFUNCVAL( lgpio_trig ) }, #endif #if LUA_OPTIMIZE_MEMORY > 0 #ifdef GPIO_INTERRUPT_ENABLE { LSTRKEY( "INT" ), LNUMVAL( INTERRUPT ) }, #endif { LSTRKEY( "OUTPUT" ), LNUMVAL( OUTPUT ) }, { LSTRKEY( "INPUT" ), LNUMVAL( INPUT ) }, { LSTRKEY( "HIGH" ), LNUMVAL( HIGH ) }, { LSTRKEY( "LOW" ), LNUMVAL( LOW ) }, { LSTRKEY( "FLOAT" ), LNUMVAL( FLOAT ) }, { LSTRKEY( "PULLUP" ), LNUMVAL( PULLUP ) }, #endif { LNILKEY, LNILVAL } }; LUALIB_API int luaopen_gpio( lua_State *L ) { #ifdef GPIO_INTERRUPT_ENABLE int i; for(i=0;i 0 return 0; #else // #if LUA_OPTIMIZE_MEMORY > 0 luaL_register( L, AUXLIB_GPIO, gpio_map ); // Add constants #ifdef GPIO_INTERRUPT_ENABLE MOD_REG_NUMBER( L, "INT", INTERRUPT ); #endif MOD_REG_NUMBER( L, "OUTPUT", OUTPUT ); MOD_REG_NUMBER( L, "INPUT", INPUT ); MOD_REG_NUMBER( L, "HIGH", HIGH ); MOD_REG_NUMBER( L, "LOW", LOW ); MOD_REG_NUMBER( L, "FLOAT", FLOAT ); MOD_REG_NUMBER( L, "PULLUP", PULLUP ); return 1; #endif // #if LUA_OPTIMIZE_MEMORY > 0 }