/****************************************************************************** * Copyright 2013-2014 Espressif Systems (Wuxi) * * FileName: user_main.c * * Description: entry file of user application * * Modification history: * 2014/1/1, v1.0 create this file. *******************************************************************************/ #include "lua.h" #include "linput.h" #include "platform.h" #include "sdkconfig.h" #include "esp_system.h" #include "esp_event.h" #include "esp_spiffs.h" #include "esp_netif.h" #include "esp_vfs_dev.h" #include "esp_vfs_cdcacm.h" #include "esp_vfs_usb_serial_jtag.h" #include "driver/uart_vfs.h" #include "driver/usb_serial_jtag.h" #include "nvs_flash.h" #include "task/task.h" #include "nodemcu_esp_event.h" #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "freertos/semphr.h" // We don't get argument size data from the esp_event dispatch, so it's // not possible to copy and forward events from the default event queue // to one running within our task context. To cope with this, we instead // have to effectively make a blocking inter-task call, by having our // default loop handler post a nodemcu task event with a pointer to the // event data, and then *block* until that task event has been processed. // This is less elegant than I would like, but trying to run the entire // LVM in the context of the system default event loop RTOS task is an // even worse idea, so here we are. typedef struct { esp_event_base_t event_base; int32_t event_id; void *event_data; } relayed_event_t; static task_handle_t relayed_event_task; static SemaphoreHandle_t relayed_event_handled; // This function runs in the context of the system default event loop RTOS task static void relay_default_loop_events( void *arg, esp_event_base_t base, int32_t id, void *data) { (void)arg; relayed_event_t event = { .event_base = base, .event_id = id, .event_data = data, }; _Static_assert(sizeof(&event) >= sizeof(task_param_t), "pointer-vs-int"); // Only block if we actually posted the request, otherwise we'll deadlock! if (task_post_medium(relayed_event_task, (intptr_t)&event)) xSemaphoreTake(relayed_event_handled, portMAX_DELAY); else printf("ERROR: failed to forward esp event %s/%ld", base, id); } static void handle_default_loop_event(task_param_t param, task_prio_t prio) { (void)prio; const relayed_event_t *event = (const relayed_event_t *)param; nodemcu_esp_event_reg_t *evregs = &_esp_event_cb_table_start; for (; evregs < &_esp_event_cb_table_end; ++evregs) { bool event_base_match = (evregs->event_base_ptr == NULL) || // ESP_EVENT_ANY_BASE marker (*evregs->event_base_ptr == event->event_base); bool event_id_match = (evregs->event_id == event->event_id) || (evregs->event_id == ESP_EVENT_ANY_ID); if (event_base_match && event_id_match) evregs->callback(event->event_base, event->event_id, event->event_data); } xSemaphoreGive(relayed_event_handled); } // +================== New task interface ==================+ static void start_lua () { NODE_DBG("Task task_lua started.\n"); if (lua_main()) // If it returns true then LFS restart is needed lua_main(); } static void nodemcu_init(void) { NODE_ERR("\n"); // Initialize platform first for lua modules. if( platform_init() != PLATFORM_OK ) { // This should never happen NODE_DBG("Can not init platform for modules.\n"); return; } const char *label = CONFIG_NODEMCU_DEFAULT_SPIFFS_LABEL; esp_vfs_spiffs_conf_t spiffs_cfg = { .base_path = "", .partition_label = (label && label[0]) ? label : NULL, .max_files = CONFIG_NODEMCU_MAX_OPEN_FILES, .format_if_mount_failed = true, }; const char *reason = NULL; switch(esp_vfs_spiffs_register(&spiffs_cfg)) { case ESP_OK: break; case ESP_ERR_NO_MEM: reason = "out of memory"; break; case ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE: reason = "already mounted, or encrypted"; break; case ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND: reason = "no SPIFFS partition found"; break; case ESP_FAIL: reason = "failed to mount or format partition"; break; default: reason = "unknown"; break; } if (reason) printf("Failed to mount SPIFFS partition: %s\n", reason); } void __attribute__((noreturn)) app_main(void) { task_init(); relayed_event_handled = xSemaphoreCreateBinary(); relayed_event_task = task_get_id(handle_default_loop_event); esp_event_loop_create_default(); esp_event_handler_register( ESP_EVENT_ANY_BASE, ESP_EVENT_ANY_ID, relay_default_loop_events, NULL); nodemcu_init (); nvs_flash_init (); esp_netif_init (); start_lua (); task_pump_messages (); __builtin_unreachable (); }