# Time/NTP Module | Since | Origin / Contributor | Maintainer | Source | | :----- | :-------------------- | :---------- | :------ | | 2018-11-25 | [Skirmantas Lauzikas](https://github.com/x-logLT) | [Skirmantas Lauzikas](https://github.com/x-logLT) | [time.c](../../components/modules/time.c)| This module offers facilities for converting between Unix time and calendar, setting/getting system time, locale and control of NTP client. ## time.cal2epoch() Converts calendar table to a timestamp in Unix epoch #### Syntax `time.cal2epoch(calendar)` #### Parameters - `calendar` Table containing calendar info. - `year` 1970 ~ 2038 - `mon` month 1 ~ 12 in current year - `day` day 1 ~ 31 in current month - `hour` - `min` - `sec` #### Returns number of seconds since the Epoch #### Example ```lua calendar={} calendar.year = 2018-11-20 calendar.mon = 11 calendar.day = 20 calendar.hour = 1 calendar.min = 40 calendar.sec = 50 timestamp = time.cal2epoch(calendar) time.set(timestamp) ``` ## time.epoch2cal() Converts timestamp in Unix epoch to calendar format #### Syntax `time.epoch2cal(time)` #### Parameters - `time` number of seconds since the Epoch #### Returns A table containing the fields: - `year` 1970 ~ 2038 - `mon` month 1 ~ 12 in current year - `day` day 1 ~ 31 in current month - `hour` - `min` - `sec` - `yday` day 1 ~ 366 in current year - `wday` day 1 ~ 7 in current weak (Sunday is 1) - `dst` day time adjustment: - 1 (DST in effect, i.e. daylight time) - 0 (DST not in effect, i.e. standard time) - -1 (Unknown DST status) #### Example ```lua --Gets current time calendar format, no locale adjustment time = time.epoch2cal(time.get()) print(string.format("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d DST:%d", time["year"], time["mon"], time["day"], time["hour"], time["min"], time["sec"], time["dst"])) ``` ## time.get() Returns current system time in the Unix epoch (seconds from midnight 1970/01/01). #### Syntax `time.get()` #### Parameters none #### Returns A two-value timestamp consisting of: - `sec` seconds since the Unix epoch - `usec` the microseconds part #### Example ```lua sec, usec = time.get() ``` #### See also [`time.epch2cal()`](#timeepoch2cal) ## time.getlocal() Returns current system time adjusted for the locale in calendar format. #### Syntax `time.getlocal()` #### Parameters none #### Returns A table containing the fields: - `year` 1970 ~ 2038 - `mon` month 1 ~ 12 in current year - `day` day 1 ~ 31 in current month - `hour` - `min` - `sec` - `yday` day 1 ~ 366 in current year - `wday` day 1 ~ 7 in current weak (Sunday is 1) - `dst` day time adjustment: - 1 (DST in effect, i.e. daylight time) - 0 (DST not in effect, i.e. standard time) - -1 (Unknown DST status) #### Example ```lua localTime = time.getlocal() print(string.format("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d DST:%d", localTime["year"], localTime["mon"], localTime["day"], localTime["hour"], localTime["min"], localTime["sec"], localTime["dst"])) ``` ## time.initntp() Initializes and starts NTP client #### Syntax `time.initntp([ntpAddr])` #### Parameters - `ntpAddr` address of a NTP server, defaults to "pool.ntp.org" if none is specified #### Returns `nil` #### Example ```lua time.initntp("pool.ntp.org") ``` ## time.ntpenabled() Checks if NTP client is enabled. #### Syntax `time.ntpenabled()` #### Parameters none #### Returns `true` if NTP client is enabled. ## time.ntpstop() Stops NTP client. #### Syntax `time.ntpstop()` #### Parameters none #### Returns `nil` ## time.set() Sets system time to a given timestamp in the Unix epoch (seconds from midnight 1970/01/01). #### Syntax `time.set(time)` #### Parameters - `time` number of seconds since the Epoch #### Returns `nil` #### Example ```lua --set time to 2018-11-20 01:40:50 time.set(1542678050) ``` #### See also [`time.cal2epoc()`](#timecal2epoch) ## time.settimezone() Sets correct format for Time Zone locale #### Syntax `time.settimezone(timezone)` #### Parameters - `timezone` a string representing timezone, can also include DST adjustment. For full syntax see [TZ variable documentation](http://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/TZ-Variable.html). #### Returns `nil` #### Example ```lua --set timezone to Eastern Standard Time time.settimezone("EST+5") ```