-- setup I2c and connect display function init_i2c_display() sda = 5 scl = 6 sla = 0x3c i2c.setup(0, sda, scl, i2c.SLOW) disp = u8g.ssd1306_128x64_i2c(sla) end -- the draw() routine function draw() disp:setFont(u8g.font_6x10) disp:drawStr( 0+0, 20+0, "Hello!") disp:drawStr( 0+2, 20+16, "Hello!") disp:drawBox(0, 0, 3, 3) disp:drawBox(disp:getWidth()-6, 0, 6, 6) disp:drawBox(disp:getWidth()-9, disp:getHeight()-9, 9, 9) disp:drawBox(0, disp:getHeight()-12, 12, 12) end function rotate() if (next_rotation < tmr.now() / 1000) then if (dir == 0) then disp:undoRotation() elseif (dir == 1) then disp:setRot90() elseif (dir == 2) then disp:setRot180() elseif (dir == 3) then disp:setRot270() end dir = dir + 1 dir = bit.band(dir, 3) next_rotation = tmr.now() / 1000 + 1000 end end function rotation_test() init_i2c_display() print("--- Starting Rotation Test ---") dir = 0 next_rotation = 0 local loopcnt for loopcnt = 1, 100, 1 do rotate() disp:firstPage() repeat draw(draw_state) until disp:nextPage() == false tmr.wdclr() end print("--- Rotation Test done ---") end rotation_test()