# LM92 Module | Since | Origin / Contributor | Maintainer | Source | | :----- | :-------------------- | :---------- | :------ | | 2015-05-17 | [Levente Tamas](https://github.com/elgarbe) | [Levente Tamas](https://github.com/elgarbe) | [lm92.lua](../../../lua_modules/lm92/lm92.lua) | This Lua module provides access to [LM92](http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/lm92.pdf) I²C ±0.33C 12bit+sign temperature sensor. !!! note This module requires `i2c` C module built into firmware. ### Require ```lua lm92 = require("lm92") ``` ### Release ```lua lm92 = nil package.loaded["lm92"] = nil ``` ## lm92.setup() Function used to setup the address for lm92. #### Syntax `lm92.setup(address)` #### Parameters - `address`: I²C address used by LM92. Depends on the connection of `A0` and `A1` pins. Can be either `0x48`, `0x49`, `0x4a` or `0x4b` according to page 9 of [LM92 datasheet](http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/lm92.pdf) #### Returns `nil` #### Example ```lua lm92 = require("lm92") sda = 3 -- GPIO 0 scl = 4 -- GPIO 2 addr = 0x48 i2c.setup(0, sda, scl, i2c.SLOW) -- call i2c.setup() only once lm92.setup(addr) ``` ## lm92.getTemperature() Returns the temperature register's content. #### Syntax `lm92.getTemperature()` #### Parameters None #### Returns Temperature in degree Celsius. ## lm92.shutdown() Makes the chip enter the low power shutdown mode. #### Syntax `lm92.shutdown()` #### Parameters None #### Returns `nil` ## lm92.wakeup() Makes the chip exit the low power shutdown mode. #### Syntax `lm92.wakeup()` #### Parameters None #### Returns `nil` ## lm92.setThyst() Set hysteresis Temperature. #### Syntax `lm92.setThyst(htemp)` #### Parameters - `htemp`: Hysteresis temperature from 130 to -55 in ºC #### Returns `nil` ## lm92.setTcrit() Set Critical Temperature. #### Syntax `lm92.setTcrit(ctemp)` #### Parameters `ctemp`: Critical temperature from 130 to -55 in ºC #### Returns `nil` ## lm92.setTlow() Set Low Window Temperature. #### Syntax `lm92.setTlow(lwtemp)` ####Parameters - `lwtemp`: Low window temperature from 130 to -55 in ºC #### Returns `nil` ## lm92.setThigh() Set High Window Temperature. #### Syntax `lm92.setThigh(hwtemp)` #### Parameters - `hwtemp`: High window temperature from 130 to -55 in ºC #### Returns `nil` ## lm92.getThyst() Get hysteresis Temperature. #### Syntax `lm92.getThyst()` #### Parameters None #### Returns Hysteresis Temperature in degree Celsius. ## lm92.getTcrit() Get Critical Temperature. #### Syntax `lm92.getTcrit()` #### Parameters None #### Returns Critical Temperature in degree Celsius. ## lm92.getTlow() Get Low Window Temperature. #### Syntax `lm92.getTlow()` #### Parameters None #### Returns Low Window Temperature in degree Celsius. ## lm92.getThigh() Get High Window Temperature. #### Syntax `lm92.getThigh()` #### Parameters None #### Returns High Window Temperature in degree Celsius. #### Example ```lua --node.compile("lm92.lua") lm92 = require("lm92") sda = 3 -- GPIO 0 scl = 4 -- GPIO 2 addr = 0x48 i2c.setup(0, sda, scl, i2c.SLOW) -- call i2c.setup() only once lm92.setup(addr) t = lm92.getTemperature() print("Got temperature: "..t.." C") --Seting comparison temperatures lm92.setThyst(3) lm92.setTcrit(40.75) lm92.setTlow(28.5) lm92.setThigh(31.625) t = lm92.getThyst() print("Got hyster: "..t.." C") t = lm92.getTcrit() print("Got Crit: "..t.." C") t = lm92.getTlow() print("Got Low: "..t.." C") t = lm92.getThigh() print("Got High: "..t.." C") ``` #### TODO: - add full support of the features, including interrupt and critical alert support