// Platform-specific functions #ifndef __PLATFORM_H__ #define __PLATFORM_H__ #include <stdint.h> #include "cpu_esp8266.h" #include "user_interface.h" #include "driver/pwm.h" #include "driver/uart.h" // Error / status codes enum { PLATFORM_ERR, PLATFORM_OK, PLATFORM_UNDERFLOW = -1 }; typedef uint32_t platform_task_handle_t; typedef uint32_t platform_task_param_t; // Platform initialization int platform_init(void); void platform_int_init(void); // **************************************************************************** // KEY_LED functions uint8_t platform_key_led( uint8_t level); // ***************************************************************************** // GPIO subsection #define PLATFORM_GPIO_FLOAT 0 #define PLATFORM_GPIO_PULLUP 1 #define PLATFORM_GPIO_INT 2 #define PLATFORM_GPIO_OUTPUT 1 #define PLATFORM_GPIO_OPENDRAIN 3 #define PLATFORM_GPIO_INPUT 0 #define PLATFORM_GPIO_HIGH 1 #define PLATFORM_GPIO_LOW 0 typedef uint32_t (* platform_hook_function)(uint32_t bitmask); static inline int platform_gpio_exists( unsigned pin ) { return pin < NUM_GPIO; } int platform_gpio_mode( unsigned pin, unsigned mode, unsigned pull ); int platform_gpio_write( unsigned pin, unsigned level ); int platform_gpio_read( unsigned pin ); // Note that these functions will not be compiled in unless GPIO_INTERRUPT_ENABLE and // GPIO_INTERRUPT_HOOK_ENABLE are defined. int platform_gpio_register_intr_hook(uint32_t gpio_bits, platform_hook_function hook); #define platform_gpio_unregister_intr_hook(hook) \ platform_gpio_register_intr_hook(0, hook); void platform_gpio_intr_init( unsigned pin, GPIO_INT_TYPE type ); void platform_gpio_init( platform_task_handle_t gpio_task ); // ***************************************************************************** // Timer subsection // Timer data type typedef uint32_t timer_data_type; // ***************************************************************************** // CAN subsection // Maximum length for any CAN message #define PLATFORM_CAN_MAXLEN 8 // eLua CAN ID types enum { ELUA_CAN_ID_STD = 0, ELUA_CAN_ID_EXT }; static inline int platform_can_exists( unsigned id ) { return NUM_CAN && (id < NUM_CAN); } uint32_t platform_can_setup( unsigned id, uint32_t clock ); int platform_can_send( unsigned id, uint32_t canid, uint8_t idtype, uint8_t len, const uint8_t *data ); int platform_can_recv( unsigned id, uint32_t *canid, uint8_t *idtype, uint8_t *len, uint8_t *data ); // ***************************************************************************** // SPI subsection // There are 4 "virtual" SPI ports (SPI0...SPI3). #define PLATFORM_SPI_TOTAL 4 // TODO: PLATFORM_SPI_TOTAL is not used - figure out purpose, or remove? // SPI mode #define PLATFORM_SPI_MASTER 1 #define PLATFORM_SPI_SLAVE 0 // SS values #define PLATFORM_SPI_SELECT_ON 1 #define PLATFORM_SPI_SELECT_OFF 0 // SPI enable/disable #define PLATFORM_SPI_ENABLE 1 #define PLATFORM_SPI_DISABLE 0 // SPI clock phase #define PLATFORM_SPI_CPHA_LOW 0 #define PLATFORM_SPI_CPHA_HIGH 1 // SPI clock polarity #define PLATFORM_SPI_CPOL_LOW 0 #define PLATFORM_SPI_CPOL_HIGH 1 // Data types typedef uint32_t spi_data_type; // The platform SPI functions static inline int platform_spi_exists( unsigned id ) { return id < NUM_SPI; } uint32_t platform_spi_setup( uint8_t id, int mode, unsigned cpol, unsigned cpha, uint32_t clock_div); int platform_spi_send( uint8_t id, uint8_t bitlen, spi_data_type data ); spi_data_type platform_spi_send_recv( uint8_t id, uint8_t bitlen, spi_data_type data ); void platform_spi_select( unsigned id, int is_select ); int platform_spi_blkwrite( uint8_t id, size_t len, const uint8_t *data ); int platform_spi_blkread( uint8_t id, size_t len, uint8_t *data ); int platform_spi_transaction( uint8_t id, uint8_t cmd_bitlen, spi_data_type cmd_data, uint8_t addr_bitlen, spi_data_type addr_data, uint16_t mosi_bitlen, uint8_t dummy_bitlen, int16_t miso_bitlen ); // ***************************************************************************** // UART subsection // There are 3 "virtual" UART ports (UART0...UART2). #define PLATFORM_UART_TOTAL 3 // TODO: PLATFORM_UART_TOTAL is not used - figure out purpose, or remove? // Note: Some CPUs (e.g. LM4F/TM4C) have more than 3 hardware UARTs // Parity enum { PLATFORM_UART_PARITY_NONE = 0, PLATFORM_UART_PARITY_EVEN = 1, PLATFORM_UART_PARITY_ODD = 2, PLATFORM_UART_PARITY_MARK = 3, PLATFORM_UART_PARITY_SPACE = 4 }; // Stop bits enum { PLATFORM_UART_STOPBITS_1 = 1, PLATFORM_UART_STOPBITS_2 = 2, PLATFORM_UART_STOPBITS_1_5 = 3 }; // Flow control types (this is a bit mask, one can specify PLATFORM_UART_FLOW_RTS | PLATFORM_UART_FLOW_CTS ) #define PLATFORM_UART_FLOW_NONE 0 #define PLATFORM_UART_FLOW_RTS 1 #define PLATFORM_UART_FLOW_CTS 2 // The platform UART functions static inline int platform_uart_exists( unsigned id ) { return id < NUM_UART; } uint32_t platform_uart_setup( unsigned id, uint32_t baud, int databits, int parity, int stopbits ); int platform_uart_set_buffer( unsigned id, unsigned size ); void platform_uart_send( unsigned id, uint8_t data ); void platform_s_uart_send( unsigned id, uint8_t data ); int platform_uart_recv( unsigned id, unsigned timer_id, timer_data_type timeout ); int platform_s_uart_recv( unsigned id, timer_data_type timeout ); int platform_uart_set_flow_control( unsigned id, int type ); int platform_s_uart_set_flow_control( unsigned id, int type ); void platform_uart_alt( int set ); void platform_uart_get_config(unsigned id, uint32_t *baudp, uint32_t *databitsp, uint32_t *parityp, uint32_t *stopbitsp); // ***************************************************************************** // PWM subsection // There are 16 "virtual" PWM channels (PWM0...PWM15) #define PLATFORM_PWM_TOTAL 16 // TODO: PLATFORM_PWM_TOTAL is not used - figure out purpose, or remove? #define NORMAL_PWM_DEPTH PWM_DEPTH #define NORMAL_DUTY(d) (((unsigned)(d)*NORMAL_PWM_DEPTH) / PWM_DEPTH) #define DUTY(d) ((uint16_t)( ((unsigned)(d)*PWM_DEPTH) / NORMAL_PWM_DEPTH) ) // The platform PWM functions void platform_pwm_init( void ); static inline int platform_pwm_exists( unsigned id ) { return ((id < NUM_PWM) && (id > 0)); } uint32_t platform_pwm_setup( unsigned id, uint32_t frequency, unsigned duty ); void platform_pwm_close( unsigned id ); bool platform_pwm_start( unsigned id ); void platform_pwm_stop( unsigned id ); uint32_t platform_pwm_set_clock( unsigned id, uint32_t data ); uint32_t platform_pwm_get_clock( unsigned id ); uint32_t platform_pwm_set_duty( unsigned id, uint32_t data ); uint32_t platform_pwm_get_duty( unsigned id ); // ***************************************************************************** // The platform ADC functions // Functions requiring platform-specific implementation int platform_adc_update_sequence(void); int platform_adc_start_sequence(void); void platform_adc_stop( unsigned id ); uint32_t platform_adc_set_clock( unsigned id, uint32_t frequency); int platform_adc_check_timer_id( unsigned id, unsigned timer_id ); // ADC Common Functions static inline int platform_adc_exists( unsigned id ) { return id < NUM_ADC; } uint32_t platform_adc_get_maxval( unsigned id ); uint32_t platform_adc_set_smoothing( unsigned id, uint32_t length ); void platform_adc_set_blocking( unsigned id, uint32_t mode ); void platform_adc_set_freerunning( unsigned id, uint32_t mode ); uint32_t platform_adc_is_done( unsigned id ); void platform_adc_set_timer( unsigned id, uint32_t timer ); // **************************************************************************** // OneWire functions static inline int platform_ow_exists( unsigned id ) { return ((id < NUM_OW) && (id > 0)); } // **************************************************************************** // Timer functions static inline int platform_tmr_exists( unsigned id ) { return id < NUM_TMR; } // ***************************************************************************** // Sigma-Delta platform interface // **************************************************************************** // Sigma-Delta functions static inline int platform_sigma_delta_exists( unsigned id ) {return ((id < NUM_GPIO) && (id > 0)); } uint8_t platform_sigma_delta_setup( uint8_t pin ); uint8_t platform_sigma_delta_close( uint8_t pin ); void platform_sigma_delta_set_pwmduty( uint8_t duty ); void platform_sigma_delta_set_prescale( uint8_t prescale ); void platform_sigma_delta_set_target( uint8_t target ); // ***************************************************************************** // I2C platform interface // I2C speed enum { PLATFORM_I2C_SPEED_SLOW = 100000, PLATFORM_I2C_SPEED_FAST = 400000, PLATFORM_I2C_SPEED_FASTPLUS = 1000000 }; // I2C direction enum { PLATFORM_I2C_DIRECTION_TRANSMITTER, PLATFORM_I2C_DIRECTION_RECEIVER }; #ifdef NUM_I2C static inline int platform_i2c_exists( unsigned id ) { return id < NUM_I2C; } #else static inline int platform_i2c_exists( unsigned id ) { return 0; } #endif uint32_t platform_i2c_setup( unsigned id, uint8_t sda, uint8_t scl, uint32_t speed ); bool platform_i2c_configured( unsigned id ); void platform_i2c_send_start( unsigned id ); void platform_i2c_send_stop( unsigned id ); int platform_i2c_send_address( unsigned id, uint16_t address, int direction ); int platform_i2c_send_byte( unsigned id, uint8_t data ); int platform_i2c_recv_byte( unsigned id, int ack ); // ***************************************************************************** // Ethernet specific functions void platform_eth_send_packet( const void* src, uint32_t size ); uint32_t platform_eth_get_packet_nb( void* buf, uint32_t maxlen ); void platform_eth_force_interrupt(void); uint32_t platform_eth_get_elapsed_time(void); // ***************************************************************************** // Internal flash erase/write functions uint32_t platform_flash_get_first_free_block_address( uint32_t *psect ); uint32_t platform_flash_get_sector_of_address( uint32_t addr ); uint32_t platform_flash_write( const void *from, uint32_t toaddr, uint32_t size ); uint32_t platform_flash_read( void *to, uint32_t fromaddr, uint32_t size ); uint32_t platform_s_flash_write( const void *from, uint32_t toaddr, uint32_t size ); uint32_t platform_s_flash_read( void *to, uint32_t fromaddr, uint32_t size ); uint32_t platform_flash_get_num_sectors(void); int platform_flash_erase_sector( uint32_t sector_id ); /** * Translated a mapped address to a physical flash address, based on the * current flash cache mapping, and v.v. * @param mapped_addr Address to translate (>= INTERNAL_FLASH_MAPPED_ADDRESS) * @return the corresponding physical flash address, or -1 if flash cache is * not currently active. * @see Cache_Read_Enable. */ uint32_t platform_flash_mapped2phys (uint32_t mapped_addr); uint32_t platform_flash_phys2mapped (uint32_t phys_addr); uint32_t platform_flash_get_partition (uint32_t part_id, uint32_t *addr); // ***************************************************************************** // Other glue int platform_ow_exists( unsigned id ); int platform_gpio_exists( unsigned id ); int platform_tmr_exists( unsigned id ); // ***************************************************************************** void* platform_print_deprecation_note( const char *msg, const char *time_frame); // Helper macros #define MOD_CHECK_ID( mod, id )\ if( !platform_ ## mod ## _exists( id ) )\ return luaL_error( L, #mod" %d does not exist", ( unsigned )id ) #define MOD_CHECK_TIMER( id )\ if( id == PLATFORM_TIMER_SYS_ID && !platform_timer_sys_available() )\ return luaL_error( L, "the system timer is not available on this platform" );\ if( !platform_tmr_exists( id ) )\ return luaL_error( L, "timer %d does not exist", ( unsigned )id )\ #define MOD_CHECK_RES_ID( mod, id, resmod, resid )\ if( !platform_ ## mod ## _check_ ## resmod ## _id( id, resid ) )\ return luaL_error( L, #resmod" %d not valid with " #mod " %d", ( unsigned )resid, ( unsigned )id ) // ***************************************************************************** // Reboot config page /* * The 4K flash page in the linker section .irom0.ptable (offset 0x10000) is used * for configuration changes that persist across reboots. This 4k page contains a * sequence of records that are written using flash NAND writing rules. See the * header app/spiffs/spiffs_nucleus.h for a discussion of how SPIFFS uses these. A * similar technique is used here. * * Each record is word aligned and the first two bytes of the record are its size * and record type. Type 0xFF means unused and type 0x00 means deleted. New * records can be added by overwriting the first unused slot. Records can be * replaced by adding the new version, then setting the type of the previous version * to deleted. This all works and can be implemented with platform_s_flash_write() * upto the 4K limit. * * If a new record cannot fit into the page then the deleted records are GCed by * copying the active records into a RAM scratch pad, erasing the page and writing * them back. Yes, this is powerfail unsafe for a few mSec, but this is no worse * than writing to SPIFFS and won't even occur in normal production use. */ #define IROM_PTABLE_ATTR __attribute__((section(".irom0.ptable"))) #define PLATFORM_PARTITION(n) (SYSTEM_PARTITION_CUSTOMER_BEGIN + n) #define PLATFORM_RCR_DELETED 0x0 #define PLATFORM_RCR_PT 0x1 #define PLATFORM_RCR_PHY_DATA 0x2 #define PLATFORM_RCR_REFLASH 0x3 #define PLATFORM_RCR_FLASHLFS 0x4 #define PLATFORM_RCR_INITSTR 0x5 #define PLATFORM_RCR_FREE 0xFF typedef union { uint32_t hdr; struct { uint8_t len,id; }; } platform_rcr_t; uint32_t platform_rcr_read (uint8_t rec_id, void **rec); uint32_t platform_rcr_delete (uint8_t rec_id); uint32_t platform_rcr_write (uint8_t rec_id, const void *rec, uint8_t size); #define PLATFORM_TASK_PRIORITY_LOW 0 #define PLATFORM_TASK_PRIORITY_MEDIUM 1 #define PLATFORM_TASK_PRIORITY_HIGH 2 /* * Signals are a 32-bit number of the form header:14; count:16, priority:2. The header * is just a fixed fingerprint and the count is allocated serially by the task get_id() * function. */ #define platform_post_low(handle,param) \ platform_post(PLATFORM_TASK_PRIORITY_LOW, handle, param) #define platform_post_medium(handle,param) \ platform_post(PLATFORM_TASK_PRIORITY_MEDIUM, handle, param) #define platform_post_high(handle,param) \ platform_post(PLATFORM_TASK_PRIORITY_HIGH, handle, param) typedef void (*platform_task_callback_t)(platform_task_param_t param, uint8 prio); platform_task_handle_t platform_task_get_id(platform_task_callback_t t); bool platform_post(uint8 prio, platform_task_handle_t h, platform_task_param_t par); #define platform_freeheap() system_get_free_heap_size() // Get current value of CCOUNt register #define CCOUNT_REG ({ int32_t r; asm volatile("rsr %0, ccount" : "=r"(r)); r;}) #endif