/* Websocket client implementation * * Copyright (c) 2016 Luís Fonseca <miguelluisfonseca@gmail.com> * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "osapi.h" #include "user_interface.h" #include "espconn.h" #include "mem.h" #include <stdint.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "websocketclient.h" // Depends on 'crypto' module for sha1 #include "../crypto/digests.h" #include "../crypto/mech.h" #include "pm/swtimer.h" #define PROTOCOL_SECURE "wss://" #define PROTOCOL_INSECURE "ws://" #define PORT_SECURE 443 #define PORT_INSECURE 80 #define PORT_MAX_VALUE 65535 #define WS_INIT_REQUEST "GET %s HTTP/1.1\r\n"\ "Host: %s:%d\r\n" #define WS_INIT_REQUEST_LENGTH 30 #define WS_GUID "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11" #define WS_GUID_LENGTH 36 #define WS_HTTP_SWITCH_PROTOCOL_HEADER "HTTP/1.1 101" #define WS_HTTP_SEC_WEBSOCKET_ACCEPT "Sec-WebSocket-Accept:" #define WS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MS 10 * 1000 #define WS_PING_INTERVAL_MS 30 * 1000 #define WS_FORCE_CLOSE_TIMEOUT_MS 5 * 1000 #define WS_UNHEALTHY_THRESHOLD 2 #define WS_OPCODE_CONTINUATION 0x0 #define WS_OPCODE_TEXT 0x1 #define WS_OPCODE_BINARY 0x2 #define WS_OPCODE_CLOSE 0x8 #define WS_OPCODE_PING 0x9 #define WS_OPCODE_PONG 0xA static const header_t DEFAULT_HEADERS[] = { {"User-Agent", "ESP8266"}, {"Sec-WebSocket-Protocol", "chat"}, {0} }; static const header_t *EMPTY_HEADERS = DEFAULT_HEADERS + sizeof(DEFAULT_HEADERS) / sizeof(header_t) - 1; static char *cryptoSha1(char *data, unsigned int len) { SHA1_CTX ctx; SHA1Init(&ctx); SHA1Update(&ctx, data, len); uint8_t *digest = (uint8_t *) calloc(1,20); SHA1Final(digest, &ctx); return (char *) digest; // Requires free } static const char *bytes64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; static char *base64Encode(char *data, unsigned int len) { int blen = (len + 2) / 3 * 4; char *out = (char *) calloc(1,blen + 1); out[blen] = '\0'; int j = 0, i; for (i = 0; i < len; i += 3) { int a = data[i]; int b = (i + 1 < len) ? data[i + 1] : 0; int c = (i + 2 < len) ? data[i + 2] : 0; out[j++] = bytes64[a >> 2]; out[j++] = bytes64[((a & 3) << 4) | (b >> 4)]; out[j++] = (i + 1 < len) ? bytes64[((b & 15) << 2) | (c >> 6)] : 61; out[j++] = (i + 2 < len) ? bytes64[(c & 63)] : 61; } return out; // Requires free } static void generateSecKeys(char **key, char **expectedKey) { char rndData[16]; int i; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { rndData[i] = (char) os_random(); } *key = base64Encode(rndData, 16); // expectedKey = b64(sha1(keyB64 + GUID)) char keyWithGuid[24 + WS_GUID_LENGTH]; memcpy(keyWithGuid, *key, 24); memcpy(keyWithGuid + 24, WS_GUID, WS_GUID_LENGTH); char *keyEncrypted = cryptoSha1(keyWithGuid, 24 + WS_GUID_LENGTH); *expectedKey = base64Encode(keyEncrypted, 20); os_free(keyEncrypted); } static char *_strcpy(char *dst, char *src) { while(*dst++ = *src++); return dst - 1; } static int headers_length(const header_t *headers) { int length = 0; for(; headers->key; headers++) length += strlen(headers->key) + strlen(headers->value) + 4; return length; } static char *sprintf_headers(char *buf, ...) { char *dst = buf; va_list args; va_start(args, buf); for(header_t *header_set = va_arg(args, header_t *); header_set; header_set = va_arg(args, header_t *)) for(header_t *header = header_set; header->key; header++) { va_list args2; va_start(args2, buf); for(header_t *header_set2 = va_arg(args2, header_t *); header_set2; header_set2 = va_arg(args2, header_t *)) for(header_t *header2 = header_set2; header2->key; header2++) { if(header == header2) goto ok; if(!strcasecmp(header->key, header2->key)) goto skip; } ok: dst = _strcpy(dst, header->key); dst = _strcpy(dst, ": "); dst = _strcpy(dst, header->value); dst = _strcpy(dst, "\r\n"); skip:; } dst = _strcpy(dst, "\r\n"); return dst; } static void ws_closeSentCallback(void *arg) { NODE_DBG("ws_closeSentCallback \n"); struct espconn *conn = (struct espconn *) arg; ws_info *ws = (ws_info *) conn->reverse; if (ws == NULL) { NODE_DBG("ws is unexpectly null\n"); return; } ws->knownFailureCode = -6; if (ws->isSecure) espconn_secure_disconnect(conn); else espconn_disconnect(conn); } static void ws_sendFrame(struct espconn *conn, int opCode, const char *data, unsigned short len) { NODE_DBG("ws_sendFrame %d %d\n", opCode, len); ws_info *ws = (ws_info *) conn->reverse; if (ws->connectionState == 4) { NODE_DBG("already in closing state\n"); return; } else if (ws->connectionState != 3) { NODE_DBG("can't send message while not in a connected state\n"); return; } char *b = calloc(1,10 + len); // 10 bytes = worst case scenario for framming if (b == NULL) { NODE_DBG("Out of memory when receiving message, disconnecting...\n"); ws->knownFailureCode = -16; if (ws->isSecure) espconn_secure_disconnect(conn); else espconn_disconnect(conn); return; } b[0] = 1 << 7; // has fin b[0] += opCode; b[1] = 1 << 7; // has mask int bufOffset; if (len < 126) { b[1] += len; bufOffset = 2; } else if (len < 0x10000) { b[1] += 126; b[2] = len >> 8; b[3] = len; bufOffset = 4; } else { b[1] += 127; b[2] = len >> 24; b[3] = len >> 16; b[4] = len >> 8; b[5] = len; bufOffset = 6; } // Random mask: b[bufOffset] = (char) os_random(); b[bufOffset + 1] = (char) os_random(); b[bufOffset + 2] = (char) os_random(); b[bufOffset + 3] = (char) os_random(); bufOffset += 4; // Copy data to buffer memcpy(b + bufOffset, data, len); // Apply mask to encode payload int i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { b[bufOffset + i] ^= b[bufOffset - 4 + i % 4]; } bufOffset += len; NODE_DBG("b[0] = %d \n", b[0]); NODE_DBG("b[1] = %d \n", b[1]); NODE_DBG("b[2] = %d \n", b[2]); NODE_DBG("b[3] = %d \n", b[3]); NODE_DBG("b[4] = %d \n", b[4]); NODE_DBG("b[5] = %d \n", b[5]); NODE_DBG("b[6] = %d \n", b[6]); NODE_DBG("b[7] = %d \n", b[7]); NODE_DBG("b[8] = %d \n", b[8]); NODE_DBG("b[9] = %d \n", b[9]); NODE_DBG("sending message\n"); if (ws->isSecure) espconn_secure_send(conn, (uint8_t *) b, bufOffset); else espconn_send(conn, (uint8_t *) b, bufOffset); os_free(b); } static void ws_sendPingTimeout(void *arg) { NODE_DBG("ws_sendPingTimeout \n"); struct espconn *conn = (struct espconn *) arg; ws_info *ws = (ws_info *) conn->reverse; if (ws->unhealthyPoints == WS_UNHEALTHY_THRESHOLD) { // several pings were sent but no pongs nor messages ws->knownFailureCode = -19; if (ws->isSecure) espconn_secure_disconnect(conn); else espconn_disconnect(conn); return; } ws_sendFrame(conn, WS_OPCODE_PING, NULL, 0); ws->unhealthyPoints += 1; } static void ws_receiveCallback(void *arg, char *buf, unsigned short len) { NODE_DBG("ws_receiveCallback %d \n", len); struct espconn *conn = (struct espconn *) arg; ws_info *ws = (ws_info *) conn->reverse; ws->unhealthyPoints = 0; // received data, connection is healthy os_timer_disarm(&ws->timeoutTimer); // reset ping check os_timer_arm(&ws->timeoutTimer, WS_PING_INTERVAL_MS, true); char *b = buf; if (ws->frameBuffer != NULL) { // Append previous frameBuffer with new content NODE_DBG("Appending new frameBuffer to old one \n"); ws->frameBuffer = realloc(ws->frameBuffer, ws->frameBufferLen + len); if (ws->frameBuffer == NULL) { NODE_DBG("Failed to allocate new framebuffer, disconnecting...\n"); ws->knownFailureCode = -8; if (ws->isSecure) espconn_secure_disconnect(conn); else espconn_disconnect(conn); return; } memcpy(ws->frameBuffer + ws->frameBufferLen, b, len); ws->frameBufferLen += len; len = ws->frameBufferLen; b = ws->frameBuffer; NODE_DBG("New frameBufferLen: %d\n", len); } while (b != NULL) { // several frames can be present, b pointer will be moved to the next frame NODE_DBG("b[0] = %d \n", b[0]); NODE_DBG("b[1] = %d \n", b[1]); NODE_DBG("b[2] = %d \n", b[2]); NODE_DBG("b[3] = %d \n", b[3]); NODE_DBG("b[4] = %d \n", b[4]); NODE_DBG("b[5] = %d \n", b[5]); NODE_DBG("b[6] = %d \n", b[6]); NODE_DBG("b[7] = %d \n", b[7]); int isFin = b[0] & 0x80 ? 1 : 0; int opCode = b[0] & 0x0f; int hasMask = b[1] & 0x80 ? 1 : 0; uint64_t payloadLength = b[1] & 0x7f; int bufOffset = 2; if (payloadLength == 126) { payloadLength = (b[2] << 8) + b[3]; bufOffset = 4; } else if (payloadLength == 127) { // this will clearly not hold in heap, abort?? payloadLength = (b[2] << 24) + (b[3] << 16) + (b[4] << 8) + b[5]; bufOffset = 6; } if (hasMask) { int maskOffset = bufOffset; bufOffset += 4; int i; for (i = 0; i < payloadLength; i++) { b[bufOffset + i] ^= b[maskOffset + i % 4]; // apply mask to decode payload } } if (payloadLength > len - bufOffset) { NODE_DBG("INCOMPLETE Frame \n"); if (ws->frameBuffer == NULL) { NODE_DBG("Allocing new frameBuffer \n"); ws->frameBuffer = calloc(1,len); if (ws->frameBuffer == NULL) { NODE_DBG("Failed to allocate framebuffer, disconnecting... \n"); ws->knownFailureCode = -9; if (ws->isSecure) espconn_secure_disconnect(conn); else espconn_disconnect(conn); return; } memcpy(ws->frameBuffer, b, len); ws->frameBufferLen = len; } break; // since the buffer were already concat'ed, wait for the next receive } if (!isFin) { NODE_DBG("PARTIAL frame! Should concat payload and later restore opcode\n"); if(ws->payloadBuffer == NULL) { NODE_DBG("Allocing new payloadBuffer \n"); ws->payloadBuffer = calloc(1,payloadLength); if (ws->payloadBuffer == NULL) { NODE_DBG("Failed to allocate payloadBuffer, disconnecting...\n"); ws->knownFailureCode = -10; if (ws->isSecure) espconn_secure_disconnect(conn); else espconn_disconnect(conn); return; } memcpy(ws->payloadBuffer, b + bufOffset, payloadLength); ws->frameBufferLen = payloadLength; ws->payloadOriginalOpCode = opCode; } else { NODE_DBG("Appending new payloadBuffer to old one \n"); ws->payloadBuffer = realloc(ws->payloadBuffer, ws->payloadBufferLen + payloadLength); if (ws->payloadBuffer == NULL) { NODE_DBG("Failed to allocate new framebuffer, disconnecting...\n"); ws->knownFailureCode = -11; if (ws->isSecure) espconn_secure_disconnect(conn); else espconn_disconnect(conn); return; } memcpy(ws->payloadBuffer + ws->payloadBufferLen, b + bufOffset, payloadLength); ws->payloadBufferLen += payloadLength; } } else { char *payload; if (opCode == WS_OPCODE_CONTINUATION) { NODE_DBG("restoring original opcode\n"); if (ws->payloadBuffer == NULL) { NODE_DBG("Got FIN continuation frame but didn't receive any beforehand, disconnecting...\n"); ws->knownFailureCode = -15; if (ws->isSecure) espconn_secure_disconnect(conn); else espconn_disconnect(conn); return; } // concat buffer with payload payload = calloc(1,ws->payloadBufferLen + payloadLength); if (payload == NULL) { NODE_DBG("Failed to allocate new framebuffer, disconnecting...\n"); ws->knownFailureCode = -12; if (ws->isSecure) espconn_secure_disconnect(conn); else espconn_disconnect(conn); return; } memcpy(payload, ws->payloadBuffer, ws->payloadBufferLen); memcpy(payload + ws->payloadBufferLen, b + bufOffset, payloadLength); os_free(ws->payloadBuffer); // free previous buffer ws->payloadBuffer = NULL; payloadLength += ws->payloadBufferLen; ws->payloadBufferLen = 0; opCode = ws->payloadOriginalOpCode; ws->payloadOriginalOpCode = 0; } else { int extensionDataOffset = 0; if (opCode == WS_OPCODE_CLOSE && payloadLength > 0) { unsigned int reasonCode = b[bufOffset] << 8 + b[bufOffset + 1]; NODE_DBG("Closing due to: %d\n", reasonCode); // Must not be shown to client as per spec extensionDataOffset += 2; } payload = calloc(1,payloadLength - extensionDataOffset + 1); if (payload == NULL) { NODE_DBG("Failed to allocate payload, disconnecting...\n"); ws->knownFailureCode = -13; if (ws->isSecure) espconn_secure_disconnect(conn); else espconn_disconnect(conn); return; } memcpy(payload, b + bufOffset + extensionDataOffset, payloadLength - extensionDataOffset); payload[payloadLength - extensionDataOffset] = '\0'; } NODE_DBG("isFin %d \n", isFin); NODE_DBG("opCode %d \n", opCode); NODE_DBG("hasMask %d \n", hasMask); NODE_DBG("payloadLength %d \n", payloadLength); NODE_DBG("len %d \n", len); NODE_DBG("bufOffset %d \n", bufOffset); if (opCode == WS_OPCODE_CLOSE) { NODE_DBG("Closing message: %s\n", payload); // Must not be shown to client as per spec espconn_regist_sentcb(conn, ws_closeSentCallback); ws_sendFrame(conn, WS_OPCODE_CLOSE, (const char *) (b + bufOffset), (unsigned short) payloadLength); ws->connectionState = 4; } else if (opCode == WS_OPCODE_PING) { ws_sendFrame(conn, WS_OPCODE_PONG, (const char *) (b + bufOffset), (unsigned short) payloadLength); } else if (opCode == WS_OPCODE_PONG) { // ping alarm was already reset... } else { if (ws->onReceive) ws->onReceive(ws, payloadLength, payload, opCode); } os_free(payload); } bufOffset += payloadLength; NODE_DBG("bufOffset %d \n", bufOffset); if (bufOffset == len) { // (bufOffset > len) won't happen here because it's being checked earlier b = NULL; if (ws->frameBuffer != NULL) { // the last frame inside buffer was processed os_free(ws->frameBuffer); ws->frameBuffer = NULL; ws->frameBufferLen = 0; } } else { len -= bufOffset; b += bufOffset; // move b to next frame if (ws->frameBuffer != NULL) { NODE_DBG("Reallocing frameBuffer to remove consumed frame\n"); ws->frameBuffer = realloc(ws->frameBuffer, ws->frameBufferLen + len); if (ws->frameBuffer == NULL) { NODE_DBG("Failed to allocate new frame buffer, disconnecting...\n"); ws->knownFailureCode = -14; if (ws->isSecure) espconn_secure_disconnect(conn); else espconn_disconnect(conn); return; } memcpy(ws->frameBuffer + ws->frameBufferLen, b, len); ws->frameBufferLen += len; b = ws->frameBuffer; } } } } static void ws_initReceiveCallback(void *arg, char *buf, unsigned short len) { NODE_DBG("ws_initReceiveCallback %d \n", len); struct espconn *conn = (struct espconn *) arg; ws_info *ws = (ws_info *) conn->reverse; // Check server is switch protocols if (strstr(buf, WS_HTTP_SWITCH_PROTOCOL_HEADER) == NULL) { NODE_DBG("Server is not switching protocols\n"); ws->knownFailureCode = -17; if (ws->isSecure) espconn_secure_disconnect(conn); else espconn_disconnect(conn); return; } // Check server has valid sec key if (strstr(buf, ws->expectedSecKey) == NULL) { NODE_DBG("Server has invalid response\n"); ws->knownFailureCode = -7; if (ws->isSecure) espconn_secure_disconnect(conn); else espconn_disconnect(conn); return; } NODE_DBG("Server response is valid, it's now a websocket!\n"); os_timer_disarm(&ws->timeoutTimer); os_timer_setfn(&ws->timeoutTimer, (os_timer_func_t *) ws_sendPingTimeout, conn); SWTIMER_REG_CB(ws_sendPingTimeout, SWTIMER_RESUME) os_timer_arm(&ws->timeoutTimer, WS_PING_INTERVAL_MS, true); espconn_regist_recvcb(conn, ws_receiveCallback); if (ws->onConnection) ws->onConnection(ws); char *data = strstr(buf, "\r\n\r\n"); unsigned short dataLength = len - (data - buf) - 4; NODE_DBG("dataLength = %d\n", len - (data - buf) - 4); if (data != NULL && dataLength > 0) { // handshake already contained a frame ws_receiveCallback(arg, data + 4, dataLength); } } static void connect_callback(void *arg) { NODE_DBG("Connected\n"); struct espconn *conn = (struct espconn *) arg; ws_info *ws = (ws_info *) conn->reverse; ws->connectionState = 3; espconn_regist_recvcb(conn, ws_initReceiveCallback); char *key; generateSecKeys(&key, &ws->expectedSecKey); header_t headers[] = { {"Upgrade", "websocket"}, {"Connection", "Upgrade"}, {"Sec-WebSocket-Key", key}, {"Sec-WebSocket-Version", "13"}, {0} }; const header_t *extraHeaders = ws->extraHeaders ? ws->extraHeaders : EMPTY_HEADERS; char buf[WS_INIT_REQUEST_LENGTH + strlen(ws->path) + strlen(ws->hostname) + headers_length(DEFAULT_HEADERS) + headers_length(headers) + headers_length(extraHeaders) + 2]; int len = os_sprintf( buf, WS_INIT_REQUEST, ws->path, ws->hostname, ws->port ); len = sprintf_headers(buf + len, headers, extraHeaders, DEFAULT_HEADERS, 0) - buf; os_free(key); NODE_DBG("request: %s", buf); if (ws->isSecure) espconn_secure_send(conn, (uint8_t *) buf, len); else espconn_send(conn, (uint8_t *) buf, len); } static void disconnect_callback(void *arg) { NODE_DBG("disconnect_callback\n"); struct espconn *conn = (struct espconn *) arg; ws_info *ws = (ws_info *) conn->reverse; ws->connectionState = 4; os_timer_disarm(&ws->timeoutTimer); NODE_DBG("ws->hostname %d\n", ws->hostname); os_free(ws->hostname); NODE_DBG("ws->path %d\n ", ws->path); os_free(ws->path); if (ws->expectedSecKey != NULL) { os_free(ws->expectedSecKey); } if (ws->frameBuffer != NULL) { os_free(ws->frameBuffer); } if (ws->payloadBuffer != NULL) { os_free(ws->payloadBuffer); } if (conn->proto.tcp != NULL) { os_free(conn->proto.tcp); } NODE_DBG("conn %d\n", conn); espconn_delete(conn); NODE_DBG("freeing conn1 \n"); os_free(conn); ws->conn = NULL; if (ws->onFailure) { if (ws->knownFailureCode) ws->onFailure(ws, ws->knownFailureCode); else ws->onFailure(ws, -99); } } static void ws_connectTimeout(void *arg) { NODE_DBG("ws_connectTimeout\n"); struct espconn *conn = (struct espconn *) arg; ws_info *ws = (ws_info *) conn->reverse; ws->knownFailureCode = -18; disconnect_callback(arg); } static void error_callback(void * arg, sint8 errType) { NODE_DBG("error_callback %d\n", errType); struct espconn *conn = (struct espconn *) arg; ws_info *ws = (ws_info *) conn->reverse; ws->knownFailureCode = ((int) errType) - 100; disconnect_callback(arg); } static void dns_callback(const char *hostname, ip_addr_t *addr, void *arg) { NODE_DBG("dns_callback\n"); struct espconn *conn = (struct espconn *) arg; ws_info *ws = (ws_info *) conn->reverse; if (ws->conn == NULL || ws->connectionState == 4) { return; } if (addr == NULL) { ws->knownFailureCode = -5; disconnect_callback(arg); return; } ws->connectionState = 2; os_memcpy(conn->proto.tcp->remote_ip, addr, 4); espconn_regist_connectcb(conn, connect_callback); espconn_regist_disconcb(conn, disconnect_callback); espconn_regist_reconcb(conn, error_callback); // Set connection timeout timer os_timer_disarm(&ws->timeoutTimer); os_timer_setfn(&ws->timeoutTimer, (os_timer_func_t *) ws_connectTimeout, conn); SWTIMER_REG_CB(ws_connectTimeout, SWTIMER_RESUME) os_timer_arm(&ws->timeoutTimer, WS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MS, false); if (ws->isSecure) { NODE_DBG("secure connecting \n"); espconn_secure_connect(conn); } else { NODE_DBG("insecure connecting \n"); espconn_connect(conn); } NODE_DBG("DNS found %s " IPSTR " \n", hostname, IP2STR(addr)); } void ws_connect(ws_info *ws, const char *url) { NODE_DBG("ws_connect called\n"); if (ws == NULL) { NODE_DBG("ws_connect ws_info argument is null!"); return; } if (url == NULL) { NODE_DBG("url is null!"); return; } // Extract protocol - either ws or wss bool isSecure = strncasecmp(url, PROTOCOL_SECURE, strlen(PROTOCOL_SECURE)) == 0; if (isSecure) { url += strlen(PROTOCOL_SECURE); } else { if (strncasecmp(url, PROTOCOL_INSECURE, strlen(PROTOCOL_INSECURE)) != 0) { NODE_DBG("Failed to extract protocol from: %s\n", url); if (ws->onFailure) ws->onFailure(ws, -1); return; } url += strlen(PROTOCOL_INSECURE); } // Extract path - it should start with '/' char *path = strchr(url, '/'); // Extract hostname, possibly including port char hostname[256]; if (path) { if (path - url >= sizeof(hostname)) { NODE_DBG("Hostname too large"); if (ws->onFailure) ws->onFailure(ws, -2); return; } memcpy(hostname, url, path - url); hostname[path - url] = '\0'; } else { // no path found, assuming the url only refers to the hostname and possibly the port memcpy(hostname, url, strlen(url)); hostname[strlen(url)] = '\0'; path = "/"; } // Extract port from hostname, if available char *portInHostname = strchr(hostname, ':'); int port; if (portInHostname) { port = atoi(portInHostname + 1); if (port <= 0 || port > PORT_MAX_VALUE) { NODE_DBG("Invalid port number\n"); if (ws->onFailure) ws->onFailure(ws, -3); return; } hostname[strlen(hostname) - strlen(portInHostname)] = '\0'; // remove port from hostname } else { port = isSecure ? PORT_SECURE : PORT_INSECURE; } if (strlen(hostname) == 0) { NODE_DBG("Failed to extract hostname\n"); if (ws->onFailure) ws->onFailure(ws, -4); return; } NODE_DBG("secure protocol = %d\n", isSecure); NODE_DBG("hostname = %s\n", hostname); NODE_DBG("port = %d\n", port); NODE_DBG("path = %s\n", path); // Prepare internal ws_info ws->connectionState = 1; ws->isSecure = isSecure; ws->hostname = strdup(hostname); ws->port = port; ws->path = strdup(path); ws->expectedSecKey = NULL; ws->knownFailureCode = 0; ws->frameBuffer = NULL; ws->frameBufferLen = 0; ws->payloadBuffer = NULL; ws->payloadBufferLen = 0; ws->payloadOriginalOpCode = 0; ws->unhealthyPoints = 0; // Prepare espconn struct espconn *conn = (struct espconn *) calloc(1,sizeof(struct espconn)); conn->type = ESPCONN_TCP; conn->state = ESPCONN_NONE; conn->proto.tcp = (esp_tcp *) calloc(1,sizeof(esp_tcp)); conn->proto.tcp->local_port = espconn_port(); conn->proto.tcp->remote_port = ws->port; conn->reverse = ws; ws->conn = conn; // Attempt to resolve hostname address ip_addr_t addr; err_t result = dns_gethostbyname(hostname, &addr, dns_callback, conn); if (result == ERR_INPROGRESS) { NODE_DBG("DNS pending\n"); } else { dns_callback(hostname, &addr, conn); } return; } void ws_send(ws_info *ws, int opCode, const char *message, unsigned short length) { NODE_DBG("ws_send\n"); ws_sendFrame(ws->conn, opCode, message, length); } static void ws_forceCloseTimeout(void *arg) { NODE_DBG("ws_forceCloseTimeout\n"); struct espconn *conn = (struct espconn *) arg; ws_info *ws = (ws_info *) conn->reverse; if (ws->connectionState == 0 || ws->connectionState == 4) { return; } if (ws->isSecure) espconn_secure_disconnect(ws->conn); else espconn_disconnect(ws->conn); } void ws_close(ws_info *ws) { NODE_DBG("ws_close\n"); if (ws->connectionState == 0 || ws->connectionState == 4) { return; } ws->knownFailureCode = 0; // no error as user requested to close if (ws->connectionState == 1) { disconnect_callback(ws->conn); } else { ws_sendFrame(ws->conn, WS_OPCODE_CLOSE, NULL, 0); os_timer_disarm(&ws->timeoutTimer); os_timer_setfn(&ws->timeoutTimer, (os_timer_func_t *) ws_forceCloseTimeout, ws->conn); SWTIMER_REG_CB(ws_forceCloseTimeout, SWTIMER_RESUME); os_timer_arm(&ws->timeoutTimer, WS_FORCE_CLOSE_TIMEOUT_MS, false); } }