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-- A generic fifo module. See docs/lua-modules/ for use examples.
local tableRemove, tableInsert = table.remove, table.insert
-- Remove an element and pass it to k, together with a boolean indicating that
-- this is the last element in the queue; if that returns a value, leave that
-- pending at the top of the fifo.
-- If k returns nil, the fifo will be advanced. Moreover, k may return a
-- second result, a boolean, indicating "phantasmic" nature of this element.
-- If this boolean is true, then the fifo will advance again, passing the next
-- value, if there is one, to k, or priming itself for immediate execution at
-- the next call to queue.
-- If the queue is empty, do not invoke k but flag it to enable immediate
-- execution at the next call to queue.
-- Returns 'true' if the queue contained at least one non-phantom entry,
-- 'false' otherwise.
local function dequeue(q, k)
if #q > 0 then
local new, again = k(q[1], #q == 1)
if new == nil then
tableRemove(q, 1)
q[1] = new
if again then
return dequeue(q, k)
end -- note tail call
return true
q._go = true
return false
-- Queue a on queue q and dequeue with `k` if the fifo had previously emptied.
local function queue(q,a,k)
if k ~= nil and q._go then q._go = false; dequeue(q, k) end
-- return a table containing just the FIFO constructor
return {
['new'] = function()
return { ['_go'] = true ; ['queue'] = queue ; ['dequeue'] = dequeue }