
295 lines
8.7 KiB

-- Constructor
-- sc and fc are our Success and Failure Callbacks, resp.
local new = function(serv, sc, fc, now)
if type(serv) == "string" then serv = {serv}
elseif serv == nil then serv =
local ni = net.ifinfo(0)
ni = ni and ni.dhcp
serv[1] = ni.ntp_server or ""
elseif type(serv) ~= "table" then error "Bad server table"
if type(sc) ~= "function" then error "Bad success callback type" end
if fc ~= nil and type(fc) ~= "function" then error "Bad failure callback type" end
if now ~= nil and type(now) ~= "function" then error "Bad clock type" end
now = now or (rtctime and rtctime.get)
if now == nil then error "Need clock function" end
local _self = {servers = serv}
local _tmr -- contains the currently running timer, if any
local _udp -- the socket we're using to talk to the world
local _kod -- kiss of death flags accumulated accoss syncs
local _pbest -- best server from prior pass
local _res -- the best result we've got so far this pass
local _best -- best server this pass, for updating _pbest
local _six -- index of the server in serv to whom we are speaking
local _sat -- number of times we've tried to reach this server
-- Shut down the state machine
-- upvals: _tmr, _udp, _six, _sat, _res, _best
local function _stop()
-- stop any time-based callbacks and drop _tmr
_tmr = _tmr and _tmr:unregister()
_six, _sat, _res, _best = nil, nil, nil, nil
-- stop any UDP callbacks and drop the socket; to be safe against
-- knots tied in the registry, explicitly unregister callbacks first
if _udp then
_udp:on("receive", nil)
_udp:on("sent" , nil)
_udp:on("dns" , nil)
_udp = nil
-- Count down _kod entries
if _kod then
for k,v in pairs(_kod) do _kod[k] = (v > 0) and (v - 1) or nil end
if #_kod == 0 then _kod = nil end
local nextServer
local doserver
-- Try communicating with the current server
-- upvals: now, _tmr, _udp, _best, _kod, _pbest, _res, _six
local function hail(ip)
_tmr:alarm(5000 --[[const param: SNTP_TIMEOUT]], tmr.ALARM_SINGLE, function()
_udp:on("sent", nil)
_udp:on("receive", nil)
return doserver("timeout")
local txts = sntppkt.make_ts(now())
-- upvals: now, ip, txts, _tmr, _best, _kod, _pbest, _res, _six
function(skt, d, port, rxip)
-- many things constitute bad packets; drop with tmr running
if rxip ~= ip and ip ~= "" then return end -- wrong peer (unless multicast)
if port ~= 123 then return end -- wrong port
if #d < 48 then return end -- too short
local pok, pkt = pcall(sntppkt.proc_pkt, d, txts, now())
if not pok or pkt == nil then
-- sntppkt can also reject the packet for having a bad cookie;
-- this is important to prevent processing spurious or delayed responses
skt:on("receive", nil) -- skt == _udp
skt:on("sent", nil)
if type(pkt) == "string" then
if pkt == "DENY" then -- KoD packet
if _kod and _kod[rxip] then
-- There was already a strike against this IP address, and now
-- it's permanent. We can't directly remove the IP from rotation,
-- but we can remove the DNS that's resolving to it, which isn't
-- great, but isn't the worst either.
if fc then fc("kod", serv[_six], _self) end
_kod[rxip] = nil
table.remove(serv, _six)
_six = _six - 1 -- nextServer will add one
_kod = _kod or {}
_kod[rxip] = 2
if fc then fc("goaway", serv[_six], _self, pkt) end
if fc then fc("goaway", serv[_six], _self, pkt) end
return nextServer()
if _pbest == serv[_six] then
-- this was our favorite server last time; if we don't have a
-- result or if we'd rather this one than the result we have...
if not _res or not pkt:pick(_res, true) then
_res = pkt
_best = _pbest
-- this was not our favorite server; take this result if we have no
-- other option or if it compares favorably to the one we have, which
-- might be from our favorite from last pass.
if not _res or _res:pick(pkt, _pbest == _best) then
_res = pkt
_best = serv[_six]
return nextServer()
return _udp:send(123, ip,
-- '#' == 0x23: version 4, mode 3 (client), no LI
.. txts)
-- upvals: _sat, _six, _udp, hail, _self
function doserver(err)
if _sat == 2 --[[const param: MAX_SERVER_ATTEMPTS]] then
if fc then fc(err, serv[_six], _self) end
return nextServer()
_sat = _sat + 1
return _udp:dns(serv[_six], function(skt, ip)
skt:on("dns", nil) -- skt == _udp
if ip == nil then return doserver("dns") else return hail(ip) end
-- Move on to the next server or finish a pass
-- upvals: fc, serv, sc, _best, _pbest, _res, _sat, _six
function nextServer()
if _six >= #serv then
if _res then
_pbest = _best
local res = _res
local best = _best
return sc(res:totable(), best, _self)
if fc then return fc("all", #serv, _self) else return end
_six = _six + 1
_sat = 0
return doserver()
-- Poke all the servers and invoke the user's callbacks
-- upvals: _stop, _udp, _ENV, _tmr, _six, nextServer
function _self.sync()
_udp = net.createUDPSocket()
_tmr = tmr.create()
_udp:listen() -- on random port
_six = 0
function _self.stop()
local res, best = _res, _best
return res and res:totable(), best
return _self
-- A utility function which applies a result to the rtc
local update_rtc = function(res, obj)
local rate = nil
if obj.rtc_last ~= nil then
-- adjust drift compensation. We have three pieces of information:
-- our idea of time at rx (res.rx_*),
-- our idea of time at the last sync (obj.rtc_last.rx_*)
-- the measured theta now (res.theta_us)
-- We're going to integrate the theta signal over time and use
-- that to mediate the rate we set, making this a PI controller,
-- but we might take big steps if theta gets too bad.
local ok, err_int
local raw = res.raw
ok, rate, err_int = pcall(raw.drift_compensate, raw, obj.rtc_last,
obj.rtc_err_int or 0)
if not ok then
rate = nil -- don't set the rate this time
obj.rtc_last = nil -- or next time
obj.rtc_last = res.raw
obj.rtc_err_int = err_int
obj.rtc_last = res.raw
if rate == nil then
-- update time (and cut rate, in case it's gotten out of hand)
local now_s, now_us, now_r = rtctime.get()
local new_s, new_us = now_s + res.theta_s, now_us + res.theta_us
if new_us > 1000000 then
new_s = new_s + 1
new_us = new_us - 1000000
rtctime.set(new_s, new_us, now_r / 2)
-- just change the rate
rtctime.set(nil, nil, rate)
return rate ~= nil
-- Default operation
-- upvals: new, update_rtc
local go = function(servs, period, sc, fc)
local sntpobj = new(servs,
-- wrap the success callback with a utility function for managing the rtc
-- and polling frequency
function(res, serv, self)
local ok = update_rtc(res, self)
-- if the rate estimator thinks it has this under control, only poll
-- the server occasionally. Otherwise, bother it more frequently,
-- in a "bursty" way
if ok and ((self.rtc_burst or 0) == 0)
then self.tmr:interval(period or 1800000)
self.rtc_burst = nil
else self.tmr:interval(30000)
self.rtc_burst = (ok and self.rtc_burst or 40) - 1
-- invoke the user's callback
if sc then return sc(res, serv, self) end
local t = tmr.create()
sntpobj.tmr = t
t:alarm(60000, tmr.ALARM_AUTO, function() collectgarbage() sntpobj.sync() end)
return sntpobj
-- from sntppkt
-- luacheck: ignore
local _lfs_strings = "theta_s", "theta_us", "delta", "delta_r", "epsilon_r",
"leapind", "stratum", "rx_s", "rx_us"
return {
update_rtc = update_rtc,
new = new,
go = go,