24 lines
974 B
24 lines
974 B
// Auxiliary Lua modules. All of them are declared here, then each platform
// decides what module(s) to register in the src/platform/xxxxx/platform_conf.h file
// FIXME: no longer platform_conf.h - either CPU header file, or board file
#ifndef __AUXMODS_H__
#define __AUXMODS_H__
// Helper macros
#define MOD_CHECK_ID( mod, id )\
if( !platform_ ## mod ## _exists( id ) )\
return luaL_error( L, #mod" %d does not exist", ( unsigned )id )
#define MOD_CHECK_TIMER( id )\
if( id == PLATFORM_TIMER_SYS_ID && !platform_timer_sys_available() )\
return luaL_error( L, "the system timer is not available on this platform" );\
if( !platform_timer_exists( id ) )\
return luaL_error( L, "timer %d does not exist", ( unsigned )id )\
#define MOD_CHECK_RES_ID( mod, id, resmod, resid )\
if( !platform_ ## mod ## _check_ ## resmod ## _id( id, resid ) )\
return luaL_error( L, #resmod" %d not valid with " #mod " %d", ( unsigned )resid, ( unsigned )id )