INSTALL Extract the archive to a directory. IN THAT DIRECTORY Enter the following two commands (in this order) make make install This will install o the library (libpigpio.a) in /usr/local/lib o the library (libpigpiod_if.a) in /usr/local/lib o the header file (pigpio.h) in /usr/local/include o the header file (pigpiod_if.h) in /usr/local/include o the daemon (pigpiod) in /usr/local/bin o the socket interface (pigs) in /usr/local/bin o the utility pig2vcd in /usr/local/bin o the Python module TEST To test the library do sudo ./checklib EXAMPLE CODE checklib.c, pig2vcd.c, and pigpiod.c show examples of interfacing with the pigpio library. pigs.c and show examples of interfacing with the pigpiod daemon. DAEMON To launch the daemon do sudo pigpiod (pigpiod -? for options) Once the daemon is launched the socket and fifo interfaces will be available. When the library starts it locks /var/run/ The file should be automatically deleted when the library terminates. SOCKET INTERFACE Use pigs for the socket interface (pigs help for help). FIFO INTERFACE The fifo interface accepts commands written to /dev/pigpio. Results are read from /dev/pigout. Errors are output on /dev/pigerr. To test the fifo interface perhaps do cat /dev/pigout & cat /dev/pigerr & echo "help" >/dev/pigpio PYTHON MODULE The Python pigpio module is installed to the default python location. You can install it for additional Python versions by pythonx.y install where x.y is the Python version. If the pigpiod daemon is running you can test the Python module by entering the following commands. python import pigpio pigpio.start() print(pigpio.get_current_tick()) print(hex(pigpio.read_bank_1())) pigpio.stop() help(pigpio) quit() STOP DAEMON To stop the pigpiod daemon sudo killall pigpiod RUNNING ON NON Pi's You can access the pigpiod daemon running on the Pi from any machine which can access it over the network. This access is via the socket interface. In particular this allows you to use the following on non-Pi's. o pigs o the pigpio Python module o the C socket I/F using libpigpiod_if (header file pigpiod_if.h) On a Linux machine make -f MakeRemote clean make -f MakeRemote make -f MakeRemote install This will install o the library (libpigpiod_if.a) in /usr/local/lib o the header file (pigpio.h) in /usr/local/include o the header file (pigpiod_if.h) in /usr/local/include o the socket interface (pigs) in /usr/local/bin o the Python module On Windows machines (and possibly Macs) The Python module should install with python install pigs and pigpiod_if.c will need minor mods to reflect the Window's/Mac's socket interface.