/* This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any means. In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this software under copyright law. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. For more information, please refer to */ /* pigpio version 50 */ /* include ------------------------------------------------------- */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pigpio.h" #include "command.h" /* --------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* 0 GPFSEL0 GPIO Function Select 0 1 GPFSEL1 GPIO Function Select 1 2 GPFSEL2 GPIO Function Select 2 3 GPFSEL3 GPIO Function Select 3 4 GPFSEL4 GPIO Function Select 4 5 GPFSEL5 GPIO Function Select 5 6 - Reserved 7 GPSET0 GPIO Pin Output Set 0 8 GPSET1 GPIO Pin Output Set 1 9 - Reserved 10 GPCLR0 GPIO Pin Output Clear 0 11 GPCLR1 GPIO Pin Output Clear 1 12 - Reserved 13 GPLEV0 GPIO Pin Level 0 14 GPLEV1 GPIO Pin Level 1 15 - Reserved 16 GPEDS0 GPIO Pin Event Detect Status 0 17 GPEDS1 GPIO Pin Event Detect Status 1 18 - Reserved 19 GPREN0 GPIO Pin Rising Edge Detect Enable 0 20 GPREN1 GPIO Pin Rising Edge Detect Enable 1 21 - Reserved 22 GPFEN0 GPIO Pin Falling Edge Detect Enable 0 23 GPFEN1 GPIO Pin Falling Edge Detect Enable 1 24 - Reserved 25 GPHEN0 GPIO Pin High Detect Enable 0 26 GPHEN1 GPIO Pin High Detect Enable 1 27 - Reserved 28 GPLEN0 GPIO Pin Low Detect Enable 0 29 GPLEN1 GPIO Pin Low Detect Enable 1 30 - Reserved 31 GPAREN0 GPIO Pin Async. Rising Edge Detect 0 32 GPAREN1 GPIO Pin Async. Rising Edge Detect 1 33 - Reserved 34 GPAFEN0 GPIO Pin Async. Falling Edge Detect 0 35 GPAFEN1 GPIO Pin Async. Falling Edge Detect 1 36 - Reserved 37 GPPUD GPIO Pin Pull-up/down Enable 38 GPPUDCLK0 GPIO Pin Pull-up/down Enable Clock 0 39 GPPUDCLK1 GPIO Pin Pull-up/down Enable Clock 1 40 - Reserved 41 - Test */ /* 0 CS DMA Channel 0 Control and Status 1 CPI_ONBLK_AD DMA Channel 0 Control Block Address 2 TI DMA Channel 0 CB Word 0 (Transfer Information) 3 SOURCE_AD DMA Channel 0 CB Word 1 (Source Address) 4 DEST_AD DMA Channel 0 CB Word 2 (Destination Address) 5 TXFR_LEN DMA Channel 0 CB Word 3 (Transfer Length) 6 STRIDE DMA Channel 0 CB Word 4 (2D Stride) 7 NEXTCPI_ONBK DMA Channel 0 CB Word 5 (Next CB Address) 8 DEBUG DMA Channel 0 Debug */ /* DEBUG register bits bit 2 READ_ERROR Slave Read Response Error RW 0x0 Set if the read operation returned an error value on the read response bus. It can be cleared by writing a 1. bit 1 FIFO_ERROR Fifo Error RW 0x0 Set if the optional read Fifo records an error condition. It can be cleared by writing a 1. bit 0 READ_LAST_NOT_SET_ERROR Read Last Not Set Error RW 0x0 If the AXI read last signal was not set when expected, then this error bit will be set. It can be cleared by writing a 1. */ /* 0 CTL PWM Control 1 STA PWM Status 2 DMAC PWM DMA Configuration 4 RNG1 PWM Channel 1 Range 5 DAT1 PWM Channel 1 Data 6 FIF1 PWM FIFO Input 8 RNG2 PWM Channel 2 Range 9 DAT2 PWM Channel 2 Data */ /* 0 PCM_CS PCM Control and Status 1 PCM_FIFO PCM FIFO Data 2 PCM_MODE PCM Mode 3 PCM_RXC PCM Receive Configuration 4 PCM_TXC PCM Transmit Configuration 5 PCM_DREQ PCM DMA Request Level 6 PCM_INTEN PCM Interrupt Enables 7 PCM_INTSTC PCM Interrupt Status & Clear 8 PCM_GRAY PCM Gray Mode Control */ /* 0 CS System Timer Control/Status 1 CLO System Timer Counter Lower 32 bits 2 CHI System Timer Counter Higher 32 bits 3 C0 System Timer Compare 0 4 C1 System Timer Compare 1 5 C2 System Timer Compare 2 6 C3 System Timer Compare 3 */ /* define -------------------------------------------------------- */ #define THOUSAND 1000 #define MILLION 1000000 #define BILLION 1000000000 #define BANK (gpio>>5) #define BIT (1<<(gpio&0x1F)) #ifndef EMBEDDED_IN_VM #define DBG(level, format, arg...) DO_DBG(level, format, ## arg) #else #define DBG(level, format, arg...) #endif #define DO_DBG(level, format, arg...) \ { \ if (gpioCfg.dbgLevel >= level) \ fprintf(stderr, "%s %s: " format "\n" , \ myTimeStamp(), __FUNCTION__ , ## arg); \ } #ifndef DISABLE_SER_CHECK_INITED #define SER_CHECK_INITED CHECK_INITED #else #define SER_CHECK_INITED #endif #define CHECK_INITED \ do \ { \ if (!libInitialised) \ { \ DBG(DBG_ALWAYS, \ "pigpio uninitialised, call gpioInitialise()"); \ return PI_NOT_INITIALISED; \ } \ } \ while (0) #define CHECK_INITED_RET_NULL_PTR \ do \ { \ if (!libInitialised) \ { \ DBG(DBG_ALWAYS, \ "pigpio uninitialised, call gpioInitialise()"); \ return (NULL); \ } \ } \ while (0) #define CHECK_INITED_RET_NIL \ do \ { \ if (!libInitialised) \ { \ DBG(DBG_ALWAYS, \ "pigpio uninitialised, call gpioInitialise()"); \ } \ } \ while (0) #define CHECK_NOT_INITED \ do \ { \ if (libInitialised) \ { \ DBG(DBG_ALWAYS, \ "pigpio initialised, call gpioTerminate()"); \ return PI_INITIALISED; \ } \ } \ while (0) #define SOFT_ERROR(x, format, arg...) \ do \ { \ DBG(DBG_ALWAYS, format, ## arg); \ return x; \ } \ while (0) #define TIMER_ADD(a, b, result) \ do \ { \ (result)->tv_sec = (a)->tv_sec + (b)->tv_sec; \ (result)->tv_nsec = (a)->tv_nsec + (b)->tv_nsec; \ if ((result)->tv_nsec >= BILLION) \ { \ ++(result)->tv_sec; \ (result)->tv_nsec -= BILLION; \ } \ } \ while (0) #define TIMER_SUB(a, b, result) \ do \ { \ (result)->tv_sec = (a)->tv_sec - (b)->tv_sec; \ (result)->tv_nsec = (a)->tv_nsec - (b)->tv_nsec; \ if ((result)->tv_nsec < 0) \ { \ --(result)->tv_sec; \ (result)->tv_nsec += BILLION; \ } \ } \ while (0) #define PI_PERI_BUS 0x7E000000 #define AUX_BASE (pi_peri_phys + 0x00215000) #define CLK_BASE (pi_peri_phys + 0x00101000) #define DMA_BASE (pi_peri_phys + 0x00007000) #define DMA15_BASE (pi_peri_phys + 0x00E05000) #define GPIO_BASE (pi_peri_phys + 0x00200000) #define PCM_BASE (pi_peri_phys + 0x00203000) #define PWM_BASE (pi_peri_phys + 0x0020C000) #define SPI_BASE (pi_peri_phys + 0x00204000) #define SYST_BASE (pi_peri_phys + 0x00003000) #define AUX_LEN 0xD8 #define CLK_LEN 0xA8 #define DMA_LEN 0x1000 /* allow access to all channels */ #define GPIO_LEN 0xB4 #define PCM_LEN 0x24 #define PWM_LEN 0x28 #define SPI_LEN 0x18 #define SYST_LEN 0x1C #define DMA_ENABLE (0xFF0/4) #define GPFSEL0 0 #define GPSET0 7 #define GPSET1 8 #define GPCLR0 10 #define GPCLR1 11 #define GPLEV0 13 #define GPLEV1 14 #define GPEDS0 16 #define GPEDS1 17 #define GPREN0 19 #define GPREN1 20 #define GPFEN0 22 #define GPFEN1 23 #define GPHEN0 25 #define GPHEN1 26 #define GPLEN0 28 #define GPLEN1 29 #define GPAREN0 31 #define GPAREN1 32 #define GPAFEN0 34 #define GPAFEN1 35 #define GPPUD 37 #define GPPUDCLK0 38 #define GPPUDCLK1 39 #define DMA_CS 0 #define DMA_CONBLK_AD 1 #define DMA_DEBUG 8 /* DMA CS Control and Status bits */ #define DMA_CHANNEL_RESET (1<<31) #define DMA_WAIT_ON_WRITES (1<<28) #define DMA_PANIC_PRIORITY(x) ((x)<<20) #define DMA_PRIORITY(x) ((x)<<16) #define DMA_INTERRUPT_STATUS (1<< 2) #define DMA_END_FLAG (1<< 1) #define DMA_ACTIVATE (1<< 0) /* DMA control block "info" field bits */ #define DMA_NO_WIDE_BURSTS (1<<26) #define DMA_PERIPHERAL_MAPPING(x) ((x)<<16) #define DMA_BURST_LENGTH(x) ((x)<<12) #define DMA_SRC_IGNORE (1<<11) #define DMA_SRC_DREQ (1<<10) #define DMA_SRC_WIDTH (1<< 9) #define DMA_SRC_INC (1<< 8) #define DMA_DEST_IGNORE (1<< 7) #define DMA_DEST_DREQ (1<< 6) #define DMA_DEST_WIDTH (1<< 5) #define DMA_DEST_INC (1<< 4) #define DMA_WAIT_RESP (1<< 3) #define DMA_DEBUG_READ_ERR (1<<2) #define DMA_DEBUG_FIFO_ERR (1<<1) #define DMA_DEBUG_RD_LST_NOT_SET_ERR (1<<0) #define DMA_LITE_FIRST 7 #define DMA_LITE_MAX 0xfffc #define PWM_CTL 0 #define PWM_STA 1 #define PWM_DMAC 2 #define PWM_RNG1 4 #define PWM_DAT1 5 #define PWM_FIFO 6 #define PWM_RNG2 8 #define PWM_DAT2 9 #define PWM_CTL_MSEN2 (1<<15) #define PWM_CTL_PWEN2 (1<<8) #define PWM_CTL_MSEN1 (1<<7) #define PWM_CTL_CLRF1 (1<<6) #define PWM_CTL_USEF1 (1<<5) #define PWM_CTL_MODE1 (1<<1) #define PWM_CTL_PWEN1 (1<<0) #define PWM_DMAC_ENAB (1 <<31) #define PWM_DMAC_PANIC(x) ((x)<< 8) #define PWM_DMAC_DREQ(x) (x) #define PCM_CS 0 #define PCM_FIFO 1 #define PCM_MODE 2 #define PCM_RXC 3 #define PCM_TXC 4 #define PCM_DREQ 5 #define PCM_INTEN 6 #define PCM_INTSTC 7 #define PCM_GRAY 8 #define PCM_CS_STBY (1 <<25) #define PCM_CS_SYNC (1 <<24) #define PCM_CS_RXSEX (1 <<23) #define PCM_CS_RXERR (1 <<16) #define PCM_CS_TXERR (1 <<15) #define PCM_CS_DMAEN (1 <<9) #define PCM_CS_RXTHR(x) ((x)<<7) #define PCM_CS_TXTHR(x) ((x)<<5) #define PCM_CS_RXCLR (1 <<4) #define PCM_CS_TXCLR (1 <<3) #define PCM_CS_TXON (1 <<2) #define PCM_CS_RXON (1 <<1) #define PCM_CS_EN (1 <<0) #define PCM_MODE_CLK_DIS (1 <<28) #define PCM_MODE_PDMN (1 <<27) #define PCM_MODE_PDME (1 <<26) #define PCM_MODE_FRXP (1 <<25) #define PCM_MODE_FTXP (1 <<24) #define PCM_MODE_CLKM (1 <<23) #define PCM_MODE_CLKI (1 <<22) #define PCM_MODE_FSM (1 <<21) #define PCM_MODE_FSI (1 <<20) #define PCM_MODE_FLEN(x) ((x)<<10) #define PCM_MODE_FSLEN(x) ((x)<< 0) #define PCM_RXC_CH1WEX (1 <<31) #define PCM_RXC_CH1EN (1 <<30) #define PCM_RXC_CH1POS(x) ((x)<<20) #define PCM_RXC_CH1WID(x) ((x)<<16) #define PCM_RXC_CH2WEX (1 <<15) #define PCM_RXC_CH2EN (1 <<14) #define PCM_RXC_CH2POS(x) ((x)<< 4) #define PCM_RXC_CH2WID(x) ((x)<< 0) #define PCM_TXC_CH1WEX (1 <<31) #define PCM_TXC_CH1EN (1 <<30) #define PCM_TXC_CH1POS(x) ((x)<<20) #define PCM_TXC_CH1WID(x) ((x)<<16) #define PCM_TXC_CH2WEX (1 <<15) #define PCM_TXC_CH2EN (1 <<14) #define PCM_TXC_CH2POS(x) ((x)<< 4) #define PCM_TXC_CH2WID(x) ((x)<< 0) #define PCM_DREQ_TX_PANIC(x) ((x)<<24) #define PCM_DREQ_RX_PANIC(x) ((x)<<16) #define PCM_DREQ_TX_REQ_L(x) ((x)<< 8) #define PCM_DREQ_RX_REQ_L(x) ((x)<< 0) #define PCM_INTEN_RXERR (1<<3) #define PCM_INTEN_TXERR (1<<2) #define PCM_INTEN_RXR (1<<1) #define PCM_INTEN_TXW (1<<0) #define PCM_INTSTC_RXERR (1<<3) #define PCM_INTSTC_TXERR (1<<2) #define PCM_INTSTC_RXR (1<<1) #define PCM_INTSTC_TXW (1<<0) #define PCM_GRAY_FLUSH (1<<2) #define PCM_GRAY_CLR (1<<1) #define PCM_GRAY_EN (1<<0) #define CLK_PASSWD (0x5A<<24) #define CLK_CTL_MASH(x)((x)<<9) #define CLK_CTL_BUSY (1 <<7) #define CLK_CTL_KILL (1 <<5) #define CLK_CTL_ENAB (1 <<4) #define CLK_CTL_SRC(x) ((x)<<0) #define CLK_SRCS 2 #define CLK_CTL_SRC_OSC 1 #define CLK_CTL_SRC_PLLD 6 #define CLK_OSC_FREQ 19200000 #define CLK_PLLD_FREQ 500000000 #define CLK_DIV_DIVI(x) ((x)<<12) #define CLK_DIV_DIVF(x) ((x)<< 0) #define CLK_GP0_CTL 28 #define CLK_GP0_DIV 29 #define CLK_GP1_CTL 30 #define CLK_GP1_DIV 31 #define CLK_GP2_CTL 32 #define CLK_GP2_DIV 33 #define CLK_PCMCTL 38 #define CLK_PCMDIV 39 #define CLK_PWMCTL 40 #define CLK_PWMDIV 41 #define SYST_CS 0 #define SYST_CLO 1 #define SYST_CHI 2 /* SPI */ #define SPI_CS 0 #define SPI_FIFO 1 #define SPI_CLK 2 #define SPI_DLEN 3 #define SPI_LTOH 4 #define SPI_DC 5 #define SPI_CS_LEN_LONG (1<<25) #define SPI_CS_DMA_LEN (1<<24) #define SPI_CS_CSPOLS(x) ((x)<<21) #define SPI_CS_RXF (1<<20) #define SPI_CS_RXR (1<<19) #define SPI_CS_TXD (1<<18) #define SPI_CS_RXD (1<<17) #define SPI_CS_DONE (1<<16) #define SPI_CS_LEN (1<<13) #define SPI_CS_REN (1<<12) #define SPI_CS_ADCS (1<<11) #define SPI_CS_INTR (1<<10) #define SPI_CS_INTD (1<<9) #define SPI_CS_DMAEN (1<<8) #define SPI_CS_TA (1<<7) #define SPI_CS_CSPOL(x) ((x)<<6) #define SPI_CS_CLEAR(x) ((x)<<4) #define SPI_CS_MODE(x) ((x)<<2) #define SPI_CS_CS(x) ((x)<<0) #define SPI_DC_RPANIC(x) ((x)<<24) #define SPI_DC_RDREQ(x) ((x)<<16) #define SPI_DC_TPANIC(x) ((x)<<8) #define SPI_DC_TDREQ(x) ((x)<<0) #define SPI_MODE0 0 #define SPI_MODE1 1 #define SPI_MODE2 2 #define SPI_MODE3 3 #define SPI_CS0 0 #define SPI_CS1 1 #define SPI_CS2 2 /* standard SPI gpios (ALT0) */ #define PI_SPI_CE0 8 #define PI_SPI_CE1 7 #define PI_SPI_SCLK 11 #define PI_SPI_MISO 9 #define PI_SPI_MOSI 10 /* auxiliary SPI gpios (ALT4) */ #define PI_ASPI_CE0 18 #define PI_ASPI_CE1 17 #define PI_ASPI_CE2 16 #define PI_ASPI_MISO 19 #define PI_ASPI_MOSI 20 #define PI_ASPI_SCLK 21 /* AUX */ #define AUX_IRQ 0 #define AUX_ENABLES 1 #define AUX_MU_IO_REG 16 #define AUX_MU_IER_REG 17 #define AUX_MU_IIR_REG 18 #define AUX_MU_LCR_REG 19 #define AUX_MU_MCR_REG 20 #define AUX_MU_LSR_REG 21 #define AUX_MU_MSR_REG 22 #define AUX_MU_SCRATCH 23 #define AUX_MU_CNTL_REG 24 #define AUX_MU_STAT_REG 25 #define AUX_MU_BAUD_REG 26 #define AUX_SPI0_CNTL0_REG 32 #define AUX_SPI0_CNTL1_REG 33 #define AUX_SPI0_STAT_REG 34 #define AUX_SPI0_PEEK_REG 35 #define AUX_SPI0_IO_REG 40 #define AUX_SPI0_TX_HOLD 44 #define AUX_SPI1_CNTL0_REG 48 #define AUX_SPI1_CNTL1_REG 49 #define AUX_SPI1_STAT_REG 50 #define AUX_SPI1_PEEK_REG 51 #define AUX_SPI1_IO_REG 56 #define AUX_SPI1_TX_HOLD 60 #define AUXENB_SPI2 (1<<2) #define AUXENB_SPI1 (1<<1) #define AUXENB_UART (1<<0) #define AUXSPI_CNTL0_SPEED(x) ((x)<<20) #define AUXSPI_CNTL0_CS(x) ((x)<<17) #define AUXSPI_CNTL0_POSTINP (1<<16) #define AUXSPI_CNTL0_VAR_CS (1<<15) #define AUXSPI_CNTL0_VAR_WIDTH (1<<14) #define AUXSPI_CNTL0_DOUT_HOLD(x) ((x)<<12) #define AUXSPI_CNTL0_ENABLE (1<<11) #define AUXSPI_CNTL0_IN_RISING(x) ((x)<<10) #define AUXSPI_CNTL0_CLR_FIFOS (1<<9) #define AUXSPI_CNTL0_OUT_RISING(x) ((x)<<8) #define AUXSPI_CNTL0_INVERT_CLK(x) ((x)<<7) #define AUXSPI_CNTL0_MSB_FIRST(x) ((x)<<6) #define AUXSPI_CNTL0_SHIFT_LEN(x) ((x)<<0) #define AUXSPI_CNTL1_CS_HIGH(x) ((x)<<8) #define AUXSPI_CNTL1_TX_IRQ (1<<7) #define AUXSPI_CNTL1_DONE_IRQ (1<<6) #define AUXSPI_CNTL1_MSB_FIRST(x)((x)<<1) #define AUXSPI_CNTL1_KEEP_INPUT (1<<0) #define AUXSPI_STAT_TX_FIFO(x) ((x)<<28) #define AUXSPI_STAT_RX_FIFO(x) ((x)<<20) #define AUXSPI_STAT_TX_FULL (1<<10) #define AUXSPI_STAT_TX_EMPTY (1<<9) #define AUXSPI_STAT_RX_EMPTY (1<<7) #define AUXSPI_STAT_BUSY (1<<6) #define AUXSPI_STAT_BITS(x) ((x)<<0) /* --------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define NORMAL_DMA (DMA_NO_WIDE_BURSTS | DMA_WAIT_RESP) #define TIMED_DMA(x) (DMA_DEST_DREQ | DMA_PERIPHERAL_MAPPING(x)) #define PCM_TIMER (((PCM_BASE + PCM_FIFO*4) & 0x00ffffff) | PI_PERI_BUS) #define PWM_TIMER (((PWM_BASE + PWM_FIFO*4) & 0x00ffffff) | PI_PERI_BUS) #define DBG_MIN_LEVEL 0 #define DBG_ALWAYS 0 #define DBG_STARTUP 1 #define DBG_DMACBS 2 #define DBG_SCRIPT 3 #define DBG_USER 4 #define DBG_INTERNAL 5 #define DBG_SLOW_TICK 6 #define DBG_FAST_TICK 7 #define DBG_MAX_LEVEL 8 #define GPIO_UNDEFINED 0 #define GPIO_WRITE 1 #define GPIO_PWM 2 #define GPIO_SERVO 3 #define GPIO_HW_CLK 4 #define GPIO_HW_PWM 5 #define GPIO_SPI 6 #define GPIO_I2C 7 #define STACK_SIZE (256*1024) #define PAGE_SIZE 4096 #define PWM_FREQS 18 #define CYCLES_PER_BLOCK 80 #define PULSE_PER_CYCLE 25 #define PAGES_PER_BLOCK 53 #define CBS_PER_IPAGE 117 #define LVS_PER_IPAGE 38 #define OFF_PER_IPAGE 38 #define TCK_PER_IPAGE 2 #define ON_PER_IPAGE 2 #define PAD_PER_IPAGE 7 #define CBS_PER_OPAGE 118 #define OOL_PER_OPAGE 79 /* Wave Count Block Assumes two counters per block. Each counter 4 * 16 (16^4=65536) 0 CB [13] 13*8 104 CBs for counter 0 104 CB [13] 13*8 104 CBs for counter 1 208 CB [60] 60*8 480 CBs reserved to construct wave 688 OOL [60] 60*1 60 OOL reserved to construct wave 748 OOL[136] 136*1 136 OOL for counter 0 884 OOL[136] 136*1 136 OOL for counter 1 1020 pad [4] 4*1 4 spare */ #define WCB_CNT_PER_PAGE 2 #define WCB_COUNTERS (WCB_CNT_PER_PAGE * PI_WAVE_COUNT_PAGES) #define WCB_CNT_CBS 13 #define WCB_CNT_OOL 68 #define WCB_COUNTER_OOL (WCB_CNT_PER_PAGE * WCB_CNT_OOL) #define WCB_COUNTER_CBS (WCB_CNT_PER_PAGE * WCB_CNT_CBS) #define WCB_CHAIN_CBS 60 #define WCB_CHAIN_OOL 60 #define CBS_PER_CYCLE ((PULSE_PER_CYCLE*3)+2) #define NUM_CBS (CBS_PER_CYCLE * bufferCycles) #define SUPERCYCLE 800 #define SUPERLEVEL 20000 #define BLOCK_SIZE (PAGES_PER_BLOCK*PAGE_SIZE) #define DMAI_PAGES (PAGES_PER_BLOCK * bufferBlocks) #define DMAO_PAGES (PAGES_PER_BLOCK * PI_WAVE_BLOCKS) #define NUM_WAVE_OOL (DMAO_PAGES * OOL_PER_OPAGE) #define NUM_WAVE_CBS (DMAO_PAGES * CBS_PER_OPAGE) #define TICKSLOTS 50 #define PI_I2C_CLOSED 0 #define PI_I2C_OPENED 1 #define PI_SPI_CLOSED 0 #define PI_SPI_OPENED 1 #define PI_SER_CLOSED 0 #define PI_SER_OPENED 1 #define PI_NOTIFY_CLOSED 0 #define PI_NOTIFY_CLOSING 1 #define PI_NOTIFY_OPENED 2 #define PI_NOTIFY_RUNNING 3 #define PI_NOTIFY_PAUSED 4 #define PI_WFRX_NONE 0 #define PI_WFRX_SERIAL 1 #define PI_WFRX_I2C 2 #define PI_WFRX_I2C_CLK 3 #define PI_WF_MICROS 1 #define BPD 4 #define MAX_REPORT 120 #define MAX_SAMPLE 4000 #define DEFAULT_PWM_IDX 5 #define MAX_EMITS (PIPE_BUF / sizeof(gpioReport_t)) #define SRX_BUF_SIZE 8192 #define PI_I2C_RETRIES 0x0701 #define PI_I2C_TIMEOUT 0x0702 #define PI_I2C_SLAVE 0x0703 #define PI_I2C_FUNCS 0x0705 #define PI_I2C_RDWR 0x0707 #define PI_I2C_SMBUS 0x0720 #define PI_I2C_SMBUS_READ 1 #define PI_I2C_SMBUS_WRITE 0 #define PI_I2C_SMBUS_QUICK 0 #define PI_I2C_SMBUS_BYTE 1 #define PI_I2C_SMBUS_BYTE_DATA 2 #define PI_I2C_SMBUS_WORD_DATA 3 #define PI_I2C_SMBUS_PROC_CALL 4 #define PI_I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_DATA 5 #define PI_I2C_SMBUS_I2C_BLOCK_BROKEN 6 #define PI_I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_PROC_CALL 7 #define PI_I2C_SMBUS_I2C_BLOCK_DATA 8 #define PI_I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_MAX 32 #define PI_I2C_SMBUS_I2C_BLOCK_MAX 32 #define PI_I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_QUICK 0x00010000 #define PI_I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_READ_BYTE 0x00020000 #define PI_I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_WRITE_BYTE 0x00040000 #define PI_I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_READ_BYTE_DATA 0x00080000 #define PI_I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_WRITE_BYTE_DATA 0x00100000 #define PI_I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_READ_WORD_DATA 0x00200000 #define PI_I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_WRITE_WORD_DATA 0x00400000 #define PI_I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_PROC_CALL 0x00800000 #define PI_I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_READ_BLOCK_DATA 0x01000000 #define PI_I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_WRITE_BLOCK_DATA 0x02000000 #define PI_I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_READ_I2C_BLOCK 0x04000000 #define PI_I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_WRITE_I2C_BLOCK 0x08000000 #define PI_MASH_MAX_FREQ 23800000 #define FLUSH_PAGES 1024 #define MB_DEV_MAJOR 100 #define MB_IOCTL _IOWR(MB_DEV_MAJOR, 0, char *) #define MB_DEV1 "/dev/vcio" #define MB_DEV2 "/dev/pigpio-mb" #define BUS_TO_PHYS(x) ((x)&~0xC0000000) #define MB_END_TAG 0 #define MB_PROCESS_REQUEST 0 #define MB_ALLOCATE_MEMORY_TAG 0x3000C #define MB_LOCK_MEMORY_TAG 0x3000D #define MB_UNLOCK_MEMORY_TAG 0x3000E #define MB_RELEASE_MEMORY_TAG 0x3000F #define PI_SCRIPT_FREE 0 #define PI_SCRIPT_RESERVED 1 #define PI_SCRIPT_IN_USE 2 #define PI_SCRIPT_DYING 3 #define PI_SCRIPT_HALT 0 #define PI_SCRIPT_RUN 1 #define PI_SCRIPT_DELETE 2 #define PI_SCRIPT_STACK_SIZE 256 #define PI_SPI_FLAGS_CHANNEL(x) ((x&7)<<29) #define PI_SPI_FLAGS_GET_CHANNEL(x) (((x)>>29)&7) #define PI_SPI_FLAGS_GET_BITLEN(x) (((x)>>16)&63) #define PI_SPI_FLAGS_GET_RX_LSB(x) (((x)>>15)&1) #define PI_SPI_FLAGS_GET_TX_LSB(x) (((x)>>14)&1) #define PI_SPI_FLAGS_GET_3WREN(x) (((x)>>10)&15) #define PI_SPI_FLAGS_GET_3WIRE(x) (((x)>>9)&1) #define PI_SPI_FLAGS_GET_AUX_SPI(x) (((x)>>8)&1) #define PI_SPI_FLAGS_GET_RESVD(x) (((x)>>5)&7) #define PI_SPI_FLAGS_GET_CSPOLS(x) (((x)>>2)&7) #define PI_SPI_FLAGS_GET_MODE(x) ((x)&3) #define PI_STARTING 0 #define PI_RUNNING 1 #define PI_ENDING 2 /* typedef ------------------------------------------------------- */ typedef void (*callbk_t) (); typedef struct { rawCbs_t cb [128]; } dmaPage_t; typedef struct { rawCbs_t cb [CBS_PER_IPAGE]; uint32_t level [LVS_PER_IPAGE]; uint32_t gpioOff [OFF_PER_IPAGE]; uint32_t tick [TCK_PER_IPAGE]; uint32_t gpioOn [ON_PER_IPAGE]; uint32_t periphData; uint32_t pad [PAD_PER_IPAGE]; } dmaIPage_t; typedef struct { rawCbs_t cb [CBS_PER_OPAGE]; uint32_t OOL [OOL_PER_OPAGE]; uint32_t periphData; } dmaOPage_t; typedef struct { uint8_t is; uint8_t pad; uint16_t width; uint16_t range; /* dutycycles specified by 0 .. range */ uint16_t freqIdx; } gpioInfo_t; typedef struct { callbk_t func; unsigned ex; void *userdata; int wdSteadyUs; uint32_t wdTick; uint32_t wdLBitV; int nfSteadyUs; int nfActiveUs; int nfActive; uint32_t nfTick1; uint32_t nfTick2; uint32_t nfLBitV; uint32_t nfRBitV; uint32_t gfSteadyUs; uint32_t gfTick; uint32_t gfLBitV; uint32_t gfRBitV; } gpioAlert_t; typedef struct { unsigned gpio; pthread_t *pth; callbk_t func; unsigned edge; int timeout; unsigned ex; void *userdata; int inited; } gpioISR_t; typedef struct { callbk_t func; unsigned ex; void *userdata; } gpioSignal_t; typedef struct { callbk_t func; unsigned ex; void *userdata; uint32_t bits; } gpioGetSamples_t; typedef struct { callbk_t func; unsigned ex; void *userdata; unsigned id; unsigned running; unsigned millis; struct timespec nextTick; pthread_t pthId; } gpioTimer_t; typedef struct { unsigned id; unsigned state; unsigned request; unsigned run_state; uint32_t waitBits; uint32_t changedBits; pthread_t *pthIdp; pthread_mutex_t pthMutex; pthread_cond_t pthCond; cmdScript_t script; } gpioScript_t; typedef struct { uint16_t valid; uint16_t servoIdx; } clkCfg_t; typedef struct { uint16_t seqno; uint16_t state; uint32_t bits; uint32_t lastReportTick; int fd; int pipe; int max_emits; } gpioNotify_t; typedef struct { uint16_t state; int16_t fd; uint32_t addr; uint32_t flags; uint32_t funcs; } i2cInfo_t; typedef struct { uint16_t state; int16_t fd; uint32_t flags; } serInfo_t; typedef struct { uint16_t state; unsigned speed; uint32_t flags; } spiInfo_t; typedef struct { uint32_t alertTicks; uint32_t lateTicks; uint32_t moreToDo; uint32_t diffTick[TICKSLOTS]; uint32_t cbTicks; uint32_t cbCalls; uint32_t maxEmit; uint32_t emitFrags; uint32_t maxSamples; uint32_t numSamples; uint32_t DMARestarts; uint32_t dmaInitCbsCount; uint32_t goodPipeWrite; uint32_t shortPipeWrite; uint32_t wouldBlockPipeWrite; } gpioStats_t; typedef struct { unsigned bufferMilliseconds; unsigned clockMicros; unsigned clockPeriph; unsigned DMAprimaryChannel; unsigned DMAsecondaryChannel; unsigned socketPort; unsigned ifFlags; unsigned memAllocMode; unsigned dbgLevel; unsigned alertFreq; uint32_t internals; /* 0-3: dbgLevel 4-7: alertFreq */ } gpioCfg_t; typedef struct { uint32_t micros; uint32_t highMicros; uint32_t maxMicros; uint32_t pulses; uint32_t highPulses; uint32_t maxPulses; uint32_t cbs; uint32_t highCbs; uint32_t maxCbs; } wfStats_t; typedef struct { char *buf; uint32_t bufSize; int readPos; int writePos; uint32_t fullBit; /* nanoseconds */ uint32_t halfBit; /* nanoseconds */ int timeout; /* millisconds */ uint32_t startBitTick; /* microseconds */ uint32_t nextBitDiff; /* nanoseconds */ int bit; uint32_t data; int bytes; /* 1, 2, 4 */ int level; int dataBits; /* 1-32 */ int invert; /* 0, 1 */ } wfRxSerial_t; typedef struct { int SDA; int SCL; int delay; int SDAMode; int SCLMode; int started; } wfRxI2C_t; typedef struct { int mode; int gpio; uint32_t baud; union { wfRxSerial_t s; wfRxI2C_t I; }; } wfRx_t; union my_smbus_data { uint8_t byte; uint16_t word; uint8_t block[PI_I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_MAX + 2]; }; struct my_smbus_ioctl_data { uint8_t read_write; uint8_t command; uint32_t size; union my_smbus_data *data; }; typedef struct { pi_i2c_msg_t *msgs; /* pointers to pi_i2c_msgs */ uint32_t nmsgs; /* number of pi_i2c_msgs */ } my_i2c_rdwr_ioctl_data_t; typedef struct { unsigned div; unsigned frac; unsigned clock; } clkInf_t; typedef struct { unsigned handle; /* mbAllocateMemory() */ uintptr_t bus_addr; /* mbLockMemory() */ uintptr_t *virtual_addr; /* mbMapMem() */ unsigned size; /* in bytes */ } DMAMem_t; /* global -------------------------------------------------------- */ /* initialise once then preserve */ static volatile uint32_t piCores = 0; static volatile uint32_t pi_peri_phys = 0x20000000; static volatile uint32_t pi_dram_bus = 0x40000000; static volatile uint32_t pi_mem_flag = 0x0C; static int libInitialised = 0; /* initialise every gpioInitialise */ static struct timespec libStarted; static uint32_t reportedLevel = 0; static int waveClockInited = 0; static volatile gpioStats_t gpioStats; static int gpioMaskSet = 0; /* initialise if not libInitialised */ static uint64_t gpioMask; static rawWave_t wf[3][PI_WAVE_MAX_PULSES]; static int wfc[3]={0, 0, 0}; static int wfcur=0; static wfStats_t wfStats= { 0, 0, PI_WAVE_MAX_MICROS, 0, 0, PI_WAVE_MAX_PULSES, 0, 0, (DMAO_PAGES * CBS_PER_OPAGE) }; static rawWaveInfo_t waveInfo[PI_MAX_WAVES]; static wfRx_t wfRx[PI_MAX_USER_GPIO+1]; static int waveOutBotCB = PI_WAVE_COUNT_PAGES*CBS_PER_OPAGE; static int waveOutBotOOL = PI_WAVE_COUNT_PAGES*OOL_PER_OPAGE; static int waveOutTopOOL = NUM_WAVE_OOL; static int waveOutCount = 0; static uint32_t *waveEndPtr = NULL; static volatile uint32_t alertBits = 0; static volatile uint32_t monitorBits = 0; static volatile uint32_t notifyBits = 0; static volatile uint32_t scriptBits = 0; static volatile uint32_t gFilterBits = 0; static volatile uint32_t nFilterBits = 0; static volatile uint32_t wdogBits = 0; static volatile int runState = PI_STARTING; static int pthAlertRunning = 0; static int pthFifoRunning = 0; static int pthSocketRunning = 0; static gpioAlert_t gpioAlert [PI_MAX_USER_GPIO+1]; static gpioISR_t gpioISR [PI_MAX_USER_GPIO+1]; static gpioGetSamples_t gpioGetSamples; static gpioInfo_t gpioInfo [PI_MAX_GPIO+1]; static gpioNotify_t gpioNotify [PI_NOTIFY_SLOTS]; static i2cInfo_t i2cInfo [PI_I2C_SLOTS]; static serInfo_t serInfo [PI_SER_SLOTS]; static spiInfo_t spiInfo [PI_SPI_SLOTS]; static gpioScript_t gpioScript [PI_MAX_SCRIPTS]; static gpioSignal_t gpioSignal [PI_MAX_SIGNUM+1]; static gpioTimer_t gpioTimer [PI_MAX_TIMER+1]; static int pwmFreq[PWM_FREQS]; /* reset after gpioTerminated */ /* resources which must be released on gpioTerminate */ static FILE * inpFifo = NULL; static FILE * outFifo = NULL; static int fdLock = -1; static int fdMem = -1; static int fdSock = -1; static int fdPmap = -1; static int fdMbox = -1; static DMAMem_t *dmaMboxBlk = MAP_FAILED; static uintptr_t * * dmaPMapBlk = MAP_FAILED; static dmaPage_t * * dmaVirt = MAP_FAILED; static dmaPage_t * * dmaBus = MAP_FAILED; static dmaIPage_t * * dmaIVirt = MAP_FAILED; static dmaIPage_t * * dmaIBus = MAP_FAILED; static dmaOPage_t * * dmaOVirt = MAP_FAILED; static dmaOPage_t * * dmaOBus = MAP_FAILED; static volatile uint32_t * auxReg = MAP_FAILED; static volatile uint32_t * clkReg = MAP_FAILED; static volatile uint32_t * dmaReg = MAP_FAILED; static volatile uint32_t * gpioReg = MAP_FAILED; static volatile uint32_t * pcmReg = MAP_FAILED; static volatile uint32_t * pwmReg = MAP_FAILED; static volatile uint32_t * spiReg = MAP_FAILED; static volatile uint32_t * systReg = MAP_FAILED; static volatile uint32_t * dmaIn = MAP_FAILED; static volatile uint32_t * dmaOut = MAP_FAILED; static uint32_t hw_clk_freq[3]; static uint32_t hw_pwm_freq[2]; static uint32_t hw_pwm_duty[2]; static uint32_t hw_pwm_real_range[2]; static volatile gpioCfg_t gpioCfg = { PI_DEFAULT_BUFFER_MILLIS, PI_DEFAULT_CLK_MICROS, PI_DEFAULT_CLK_PERIPHERAL, PI_DEFAULT_DMA_PRIMARY_CHANNEL, PI_DEFAULT_DMA_SECONDARY_CHANNEL, PI_DEFAULT_SOCKET_PORT, PI_DEFAULT_IF_FLAGS, PI_DEFAULT_MEM_ALLOC_MODE, 0, /* dbgLevel */ 0, /* alertFreq */ 0, /* internals */ }; /* no initialisation required */ static unsigned bufferBlocks; /* number of blocks in buffer */ static unsigned bufferCycles; /* number of cycles */ static pthread_t pthAlert; static pthread_t pthFifo; static pthread_t pthSocket; static uint32_t spi_dummy; static unsigned old_mode_ce0; static unsigned old_mode_ce1; static unsigned old_mode_sclk; static unsigned old_mode_miso; static unsigned old_mode_mosi; static uint32_t old_spi_cs; static uint32_t old_spi_clk; static unsigned old_mode_ace0; static unsigned old_mode_ace1; static unsigned old_mode_ace2; static unsigned old_mode_asclk; static unsigned old_mode_amiso; static unsigned old_mode_amosi; static uint32_t old_spi_cntl0; static uint32_t old_spi_cntl1; /* const --------------------------------------------------------- */ static const uint8_t clkDef[PI_MAX_GPIO + 1] = { /* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 */ /* 0 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x84, 0x94, 0xA4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 1 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 2 */ 0x82, 0x92, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 3 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x84, 0x00, 0x84, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 4 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x94, 0xA4, 0x94, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 5 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, }; /* 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 V . C C . M M M V: 0 no clock, 1 has a clock CC: 00 CLK0, 01 CLK1, 10 CLK2 M: 100 ALT0, 010 ALT5 gpio4 GPCLK0 ALT0 gpio5 GPCLK1 ALT0 B+ and compute module only (reserved for system use) gpio6 GPCLK2 ALT0 B+ and compute module only gpio20 GPCLK0 ALT5 B+ and compute module only gpio21 GPCLK1 ALT5 Not available on Rev.2 B (reserved for system use) gpio32 GPCLK0 ALT0 Compute module only gpio34 GPCLK0 ALT0 Compute module only gpio42 GPCLK1 ALT0 Compute module only (reserved for system use) gpio43 GPCLK2 ALT0 Compute module only gpio44 GPCLK1 ALT0 Compute module only (reserved for system use) */ static const uint8_t PWMDef[PI_MAX_GPIO + 1] = { /* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 */ /* 0 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 1 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x84, 0x94, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x82, 0x92, /* 2 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 3 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 4 */ 0x84, 0x94, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x94, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 5 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x85, 0x95, }; /* 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 V . . P . M M M V: 0 no PWM, 1 has a PWM P: 0 PWM0, 1 PWM1 M: 010 ALT5, 100 ALT0, 101 ALT1 gpio12 pwm0 ALT0 gpio13 pwm1 ALT0 gpio18 pwm0 ALT5 gpio19 pwm1 ALT5 gpio40 pwm0 ALT0 gpio41 pwm1 ALT0 gpio45 pwm1 ALT0 gpio52 pwm0 ALT1 gpio53 pwm1 ALT1 */ static const clkCfg_t clkCfg[]= { /* valid servo */ { 0, 0}, /* 0 */ { 1, 17}, /* 1 */ { 1, 16}, /* 2 */ { 0, 0}, /* 3 */ { 1, 15}, /* 4 */ { 1, 14}, /* 5 */ { 0, 0}, /* 6 */ { 0, 0}, /* 7 */ { 1, 13}, /* 8 */ { 0, 0}, /* 9 */ { 1, 12}, /* 10 */ }; static const uint16_t pwmCycles[PWM_FREQS]= { 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 80, 100, 160, 200, 400, 800}; static const uint16_t pwmRealRange[PWM_FREQS]= { 25, 50, 100, 125, 200, 250, 400, 500, 625, 800, 1000, 1250, 2000, 2500, 4000, 5000, 10000, 20000}; /* prototype ----------------------------------------------------- */ static void intNotifyBits(void); static void intScriptBits(void); static int gpioNotifyOpenInBand(int fd); static void initHWClk (int clkCtl, int clkDiv, int clkSrc, int divI, int divF, int MASH); static void initDMAgo(volatile uint32_t *dmaAddr, uint32_t cbAddr); int gpioWaveTxStart(unsigned wave_mode); /* deprecated */ static void closeOrphanedNotifications(int slot, int fd); /* ======================================================================= */ static char * myTimeStamp() { static struct timeval last; static char buf[32]; struct timeval now; struct tm tmp; gettimeofday(&now, NULL); if (now.tv_sec != last.tv_sec) { localtime_r(&now.tv_sec, &tmp); strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%F %T", &tmp); last.tv_sec = now.tv_sec; } return buf; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static char *myBuf2Str(unsigned count, char *buf) { static char str[128]; int i, c; if (count && buf) { if (count > 40) c = 40; else c = count; for (i=0; ibyte+1, (char*)data)); args.read_write = rw; args.command = cmd; args.size = size; args.data = data; return ioctl(fd, PI_I2C_SMBUS, &args); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void myGpioSetMode(unsigned gpio, unsigned mode) { int reg, shift; reg = gpio/10; shift = (gpio%10) * 3; gpioReg[reg] = (gpioReg[reg] & ~(7<level[slot]; return level; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int myI2CGetPar(char *inBuf, int *inPos, int inLen, int *esc) { int bytes; if (*esc) bytes = 2; else bytes = 1; *esc = 0; if (*inPos <= (inLen - bytes)) { if (bytes == 1) { return inBuf[(*inPos)++]; } else { (*inPos) += 2; return inBuf[*inPos-2] + (inBuf[*inPos-1]<<8); } } return -1; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static uint32_t myGetTick(int pos) { uint32_t tick; int page, slot; myTckPageSlot(pos, &page, &slot); tick = dmaIVirt[page]->tick[slot]; return tick; } static int myPermit(unsigned gpio) { if (gpio <= PI_MAX_GPIO) { if (gpioMask & ((uint64_t)(1)<>32; res = gpioWrite_Bits_32_53_Clear(p[1]&mask); if ((mask | p[1]) != mask) { DBG(DBG_USER, "gpioWrite_Bits_32_53_Clear: bad bits %08X (permissions %08X)", p[1], mask); res = PI_SOME_PERMITTED; } break; case PI_CMD_BI2CC: res = bbI2CClose(p[1]); break; case PI_CMD_BI2CO: memcpy(&p[4], buf, 4); res = bbI2COpen(p[1], p[2], p[4]); break; case PI_CMD_BI2CZ: /* use half buffer for write, half buffer for read */ if (p[3] > (bufSize/2)) p[3] = bufSize/2; res = bbI2CZip(p[1], buf, p[3], buf+(bufSize/2), bufSize/2); if (res > 0) { memcpy(buf, buf+(bufSize/2), res); } break; case PI_CMD_BR1: res = gpioRead_Bits_0_31(); break; case PI_CMD_BR2: res = gpioRead_Bits_32_53(); break; case PI_CMD_BS1: mask = gpioMask; res = gpioWrite_Bits_0_31_Set(p[1]&mask); if ((mask | p[1]) != mask) { DBG(DBG_USER, "gpioWrite_Bits_0_31_Set: bad bits %08X (permissions %08X)", p[1], mask); res = PI_SOME_PERMITTED; } break; case PI_CMD_BS2: mask = gpioMask>>32; res = gpioWrite_Bits_32_53_Set(p[1]&mask); if ((mask | p[1]) != mask) { DBG(DBG_USER, "gpioWrite_Bits_32_53_Set: bad bits %08X (permissions %08X)", p[1], mask); res = PI_SOME_PERMITTED; } break; case PI_CMD_CF1: res = gpioCustom1(p[1], p[2], buf, p[3]); break; case PI_CMD_CF2: /* a couple of extra precautions for untrusted code */ if (p[2] > bufSize) p[2] = bufSize; res = gpioCustom2(p[1], buf, p[3], buf, p[2]); if (res > p[2]) res = p[2]; break; case PI_CMD_CGI: res = gpioCfgGetInternals(); break; case PI_CMD_CSI: res = gpioCfgSetInternals(p[1]); break; case PI_CMD_FG: res = gpioGlitchFilter(p[1], p[2]); break; case PI_CMD_FN: memcpy(&p[4], buf, 4); res = gpioNoiseFilter(p[1], p[2], p[4]); break; case PI_CMD_GDC: res = gpioGetPWMdutycycle(p[1]); break; case PI_CMD_GPW: res = gpioGetServoPulsewidth(p[1]); break; case PI_CMD_HC: /* special case to allow password in upper byte */ if (myPermit(p[1]&0xFFFFFF)) res = gpioHardwareClock(p[1], p[2]); else { DBG(DBG_USER, "gpioHardwareClock: gpio %d, no permission to update", p[1] & 0xFFFFFF); res = PI_NOT_PERMITTED; } break; case PI_CMD_HELP: break; case PI_CMD_HP: if (myPermit(p[1])) { memcpy(&p[4], buf, 4); res = gpioHardwarePWM(p[1], p[2], p[4]); } else { DBG(DBG_USER, "gpioHardwarePWM: gpio %d, no permission to update", p[1]); res = PI_NOT_PERMITTED; } break; case PI_CMD_HWVER: res = gpioHardwareRevision(); break; case PI_CMD_I2CC: res = i2cClose(p[1]); break; case PI_CMD_I2CO: memcpy(&p[4], buf, 4); res = i2cOpen(p[1], p[2], p[4]); break; case PI_CMD_I2CPC: memcpy(&p[4], buf, 4); res = i2cProcessCall(p[1], p[2], p[4]); break; case PI_CMD_I2CPK: res = i2cBlockProcessCall(p[1], p[2], buf, p[3]); break; case PI_CMD_I2CRB: res = i2cReadByteData(p[1], p[2]); break; case PI_CMD_I2CRD: if (p[2] > bufSize) p[2] = bufSize; res = i2cReadDevice(p[1], buf, p[2]); break; case PI_CMD_I2CRI: memcpy(&p[4], buf, 4); res = i2cReadI2CBlockData(p[1], p[2], buf, p[4]); break; case PI_CMD_I2CRK: res = i2cReadBlockData(p[1], p[2], buf); break; case PI_CMD_I2CRS: res = i2cReadByte(p[1]); break; case PI_CMD_I2CRW: res = i2cReadWordData(p[1], p[2]); break; case PI_CMD_I2CWB: memcpy(&p[4], buf, 4); res = i2cWriteByteData(p[1], p[2], p[4]); break; case PI_CMD_I2CWD: res = i2cWriteDevice(p[1], buf, p[3]); break; case PI_CMD_I2CWI: res = i2cWriteI2CBlockData(p[1], p[2], buf, p[3]); break; case PI_CMD_I2CWK: res = i2cWriteBlockData(p[1], p[2], buf, p[3]); break; case PI_CMD_I2CWQ: res = i2cWriteQuick(p[1], p[2]); break; case PI_CMD_I2CWS: res = i2cWriteByte(p[1], p[2]); break; case PI_CMD_I2CWW: memcpy(&p[4], buf, 4); res = i2cWriteWordData(p[1], p[2], p[4]); break; case PI_CMD_I2CZ: /* use half buffer for write, half buffer for read */ if (p[3] > (bufSize/2)) p[3] = bufSize/2; res = i2cZip(p[1], buf, p[3], buf+(bufSize/2), bufSize/2); if (res > 0) { memcpy(buf, buf+(bufSize/2), res); } break; case PI_CMD_MICS: if (p[1] <= PI_MAX_MICS_DELAY) myGpioDelay(p[1]); else res = PI_BAD_MICS_DELAY; break; case PI_CMD_MILS: if (p[1] <= PI_MAX_MILS_DELAY) myGpioDelay(p[1] * 1000); else res = PI_BAD_MILS_DELAY; break; case PI_CMD_MODEG: res = gpioGetMode(p[1]); break; case PI_CMD_MODES: if (myPermit(p[1])) res = gpioSetMode(p[1], p[2]); else { DBG(DBG_USER, "gpioSetMode: gpio %d, no permission to update", p[1]); res = PI_NOT_PERMITTED; } break; case PI_CMD_NB: res = gpioNotifyBegin(p[1], p[2]); break; case PI_CMD_NC: res = gpioNotifyClose(p[1]); break; case PI_CMD_NO: res = gpioNotifyOpen(); break; case PI_CMD_NP: res = gpioNotifyPause(p[1]); break; case PI_CMD_PFG: res = gpioGetPWMfrequency(p[1]); break; case PI_CMD_PFS: if (myPermit(p[1])) res = gpioSetPWMfrequency(p[1], p[2]); else { DBG(DBG_USER, "gpioSetPWMfrequency: gpio %d, no permission to update", p[1]); res = PI_NOT_PERMITTED; } break; case PI_CMD_PIGPV: res = gpioVersion(); break; case PI_CMD_PRG: res = gpioGetPWMrange(p[1]); break; case PI_CMD_PROC: res = gpioStoreScript(buf); break; case PI_CMD_PROCD: res = gpioDeleteScript(p[1]); break; case PI_CMD_PROCP: res = gpioScriptStatus(p[1], (uint32_t *)buf); break; case PI_CMD_PROCR: res = gpioRunScript(p[1], p[3]/4, (uint32_t *)buf); break; case PI_CMD_PROCS: res = gpioStopScript(p[1]); break; case PI_CMD_PRRG: res = gpioGetPWMrealRange(p[1]); break; case PI_CMD_PRS: if (myPermit(p[1])) res = gpioSetPWMrange(p[1], p[2]); else { DBG(DBG_USER, "gpioSetPWMrange: gpio %d, no permission to update", p[1]); res = PI_NOT_PERMITTED; } break; case PI_CMD_PUD: if (myPermit(p[1])) res = gpioSetPullUpDown(p[1], p[2]); else { DBG(DBG_USER, "gpioSetPullUpDown: gpio %d, no permission to update", p[1]); res = PI_NOT_PERMITTED; } break; case PI_CMD_PWM: if (myPermit(p[1])) res = gpioPWM(p[1], p[2]); else { DBG(DBG_USER, "gpioPWM: gpio %d, no permission to update", p[1]); res = PI_NOT_PERMITTED; } break; case PI_CMD_READ: res = gpioRead(p[1]); break; case PI_CMD_SERVO: if (myPermit(p[1])) res = gpioServo(p[1], p[2]); else { DBG(DBG_USER, "gpioServo: gpio %d, no permission to update", p[1]); res = PI_NOT_PERMITTED; } break; case PI_CMD_SERRB: res = serReadByte(p[1]); break; case PI_CMD_SERWB: res = serWriteByte(p[1], p[2]); break; case PI_CMD_SERC: res = serClose(p[1]); break; case PI_CMD_SERDA: res = serDataAvailable(p[1]); break; case PI_CMD_SERO: res = serOpen(buf, p[1], p[2]); break; case PI_CMD_SERR: if (p[2] > bufSize) p[2] = bufSize; res = serRead(p[1], buf, p[2]); break; case PI_CMD_SERW: res = serWrite(p[1], buf, p[3]); break; case PI_CMD_SLR: if (p[2] > bufSize) p[2] = bufSize; res = gpioSerialRead(p[1], buf, p[2]); break; case PI_CMD_SLRC: res = gpioSerialReadClose(p[1]); break; case PI_CMD_SLRO: memcpy(&p[4], buf, 4); res = gpioSerialReadOpen(p[1], p[2], p[4]); break; case PI_CMD_SLRI: res = gpioSerialReadInvert(p[1], p[2]); break; case PI_CMD_SPIC: res = spiClose(p[1]); break; case PI_CMD_SPIO: memcpy(&p[4], buf, 4); res = spiOpen(p[1], p[2], p[4]); break; case PI_CMD_SPIR: if (p[2] > bufSize) p[2] = bufSize; res = spiRead(p[1], buf, p[2]); break; case PI_CMD_SPIW: if (p[3] > bufSize) p[3] = bufSize; res = spiWrite(p[1], buf, p[3]); break; case PI_CMD_SPIX: if (p[3] > bufSize) p[3] = bufSize; res = spiXfer(p[1], buf, buf, p[3]); break; case PI_CMD_TICK: res = gpioTick(); break; case PI_CMD_TRIG: if (myPermit(p[1])) { memcpy(&p[4], buf, 4); res = gpioTrigger(p[1], p[2], p[4]); } else { DBG(DBG_USER, "gpioTrigger: gpio %d, no permission to update", p[1]); res = PI_NOT_PERMITTED; } break; case PI_CMD_WDOG: res = gpioSetWatchdog(p[1], p[2]); break; case PI_CMD_WRITE: if (myPermit(p[1])) res = gpioWrite(p[1], p[2]); else { DBG(DBG_USER, "gpioWrite: gpio %d, no permission to update", p[1]); res = PI_NOT_PERMITTED; } break; case PI_CMD_WVAG: /* need to mask off any non permitted gpios */ mask = gpioMask; pulse = (gpioPulse_t *)buf; j = p[3]/sizeof(gpioPulse_t); masked = 0; for (i=0; i= 0)) res = PI_SOME_PERMITTED; break; case PI_CMD_WVAS: if (myPermit(p[1])) { memcpy(&tmp1, buf, 4); /* databits */ memcpy(&tmp2, buf+4, 4); /* stophalfbits */ memcpy(&tmp3, buf+8, 4); /* offset */ res = gpioWaveAddSerial (p[1], p[2], tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, p[3]-12, buf+12); } else { DBG( DBG_USER, "gpioWaveAddSerial: gpio %d, no permission to update", p[1]); res = PI_NOT_PERMITTED; } break; case PI_CMD_WVBSY: res = gpioWaveTxBusy(); break; case PI_CMD_WVCHA: if (p[3] > bufSize) p[3] = bufSize; res = gpioWaveChain(buf, p[3]); break; case PI_CMD_WVCLR: res = gpioWaveClear(); break; case PI_CMD_WVCRE: res = gpioWaveCreate(); break; case PI_CMD_WVDEL: res = gpioWaveDelete(p[1]); break; case PI_CMD_WVGO: res = gpioWaveTxStart(PI_WAVE_MODE_ONE_SHOT); break; case PI_CMD_WVGOR: res = gpioWaveTxStart(PI_WAVE_MODE_REPEAT); break; case PI_CMD_WVHLT: res = gpioWaveTxStop(); break; case PI_CMD_WVNEW: res = gpioWaveAddNew(); break; case PI_CMD_WVSC: switch(p[1]) { case 0: res = gpioWaveGetCbs(); break; case 1: res = gpioWaveGetHighCbs(); break; case 2: res = gpioWaveGetMaxCbs(); break; default: res = PI_BAD_WVSC_COMMND; } break; case PI_CMD_WVSM: switch(p[1]) { case 0: res = gpioWaveGetMicros(); break; case 1: res = gpioWaveGetHighMicros(); break; case 2: res = gpioWaveGetMaxMicros(); break; default: res = PI_BAD_WVSM_COMMND; } break; case PI_CMD_WVSP: switch(p[1]) { case 0: res = gpioWaveGetPulses(); break; case 1: res = gpioWaveGetHighPulses(); break; case 2: res = gpioWaveGetMaxPulses(); break; default: res = PI_BAD_WVSP_COMMND; } break; case PI_CMD_WVTAT: res = gpioWaveTxAt(); break; case PI_CMD_WVTX: res = gpioWaveTxSend(p[1], PI_WAVE_MODE_ONE_SHOT); break; case PI_CMD_WVTXM: res = gpioWaveTxSend(p[1], p[2]); break; case PI_CMD_WVTXR: res = gpioWaveTxSend(p[1], PI_WAVE_MODE_REPEAT); break; default: res = PI_UNKNOWN_COMMAND; break; } return res; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void mySetGpioOff(unsigned gpio, int pos) { int page, slot; myOffPageSlot(pos, &page, &slot); dmaIVirt[page]->gpioOff[slot] |= (1<gpioOff[slot] &= ~(1<gpioOn[slot] |= (1<gpioOn[slot] &= ~(1<handle) { mbUnmapMem(DMAMemP->virtual_addr, DMAMemP->size); mbUnlockMemory(fdMbox, DMAMemP->handle); mbReleaseMemory(fdMbox, DMAMemP->handle); DMAMemP->handle = 0; } } static int mbDMAAlloc(DMAMem_t *DMAMemP, unsigned size, uint32_t pi_mem_flag) { DMAMemP->size = size; DMAMemP->handle = mbAllocateMemory(fdMbox, size, PAGE_SIZE, pi_mem_flag); if (DMAMemP->handle) { DMAMemP->bus_addr = mbLockMemory(fdMbox, DMAMemP->handle); DMAMemP->virtual_addr = mbMapMem(BUS_TO_PHYS(DMAMemP->bus_addr), size); return 1; } return 0; } /* ======================================================================= */ rawCbs_t * rawWaveCBAdr(int cbNum) { int page, slot; page = cbNum/CBS_PER_OPAGE; slot = cbNum%CBS_PER_OPAGE; return &dmaOVirt[page]->cb[slot]; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static uint32_t waveCbPOadr(int pos) { int page, slot; page = pos/CBS_PER_OPAGE; slot = pos%CBS_PER_OPAGE; return (uint32_t) &dmaOBus[page]->cb[slot]; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void waveOOLPageSlot(int pos, int *page, int *slot) { *page = pos/OOL_PER_OPAGE; *slot = pos%OOL_PER_OPAGE; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void waveSetOOL(int pos, uint32_t OOL) { int page, slot; waveOOLPageSlot(pos, &page, &slot); dmaOVirt[page]->OOL[slot] = OOL; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static uint32_t waveOOLPOadr(int pos) { int page, slot; waveOOLPageSlot(pos, &page, &slot); return (uint32_t) &dmaOBus[page]->OOL[slot]; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void waveBitDelay (unsigned baud, unsigned bits, unsigned stops, unsigned *bitDelay) { unsigned fullBit, last, diff, t, i; /* scaled 1000X */ fullBit = 1000000000 / baud; last = 0; for (i=0; i<=bits; i++) { t = (((i+1)*fullBit)+500)/1000; diff = t - last; last = t; bitDelay[i] = diff; } t = (((bits+1)*fullBit) + ((stops*fullBit)/2) + 500)/1000; diff = t - last; bitDelay[i] = diff; } static int waveDelayCBs(uint32_t delay) { uint32_t cbs; if (!delay) return 0; if (gpioCfg.DMAsecondaryChannel < DMA_LITE_FIRST) return 1; cbs = BPD * delay / DMA_LITE_MAX; if ((BPD * delay) % DMA_LITE_MAX) cbs++; return cbs; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void waveCBsOOLs(int *numCBs, int *numBOOLs, int *numTOOLs) { int numCB=0, numBOOL=0, numTOOL=0; unsigned i; unsigned numWaves; rawWave_t *waves; numWaves = wfc[wfcur]; waves = wf [wfcur]; /* delay cb at start of DMA */ numCB++; for (i=0; iinfo = NORMAL_DMA | TIMED_DMA(2); p->dst = PCM_TIMER; } else { p->info = NORMAL_DMA | TIMED_DMA(5); p->dst = PWM_TIMER; } p->src = (uint32_t) (&dmaOBus[0]->periphData); p->length = BPD * 20 / PI_WF_MICROS; /* 20 micros delay */ p->next = waveCbPOadr(botCB); repeatCB = botCB; for (i=0; iinfo = NORMAL_DMA; p->src = waveOOLPOadr(botOOL++); p->dst = ((GPIO_BASE + (GPSET0*4)) & 0x00ffffff) | PI_PERI_BUS; p->length = 4; p->next = waveCbPOadr(botCB); } if (waves[i].gpioOff) { waveSetOOL(botOOL, waves[i].gpioOff); p = rawWaveCBAdr(botCB++); p->info = NORMAL_DMA; p->src = waveOOLPOadr(botOOL++); p->dst = ((GPIO_BASE + (GPCLR0*4)) & 0x00ffffff) | PI_PERI_BUS; p->length = 4; p->next = waveCbPOadr(botCB); } if (waves[i].flags & WAVE_FLAG_READ) { p = rawWaveCBAdr(botCB++); p->info = NORMAL_DMA; p->src = ((GPIO_BASE + (GPLEV0*4)) & 0x00ffffff) | PI_PERI_BUS; p->dst = waveOOLPOadr(--topOOL); p->length = 4; p->next = waveCbPOadr(botCB); } if (waves[i].flags & WAVE_FLAG_TICK) { p = rawWaveCBAdr(botCB++); p->info = NORMAL_DMA; p->src = ((SYST_BASE + (SYST_CLO*4)) & 0x00ffffff) | PI_PERI_BUS; p->dst = waveOOLPOadr(--topOOL); p->length = 4; p->next = waveCbPOadr(botCB); } if (waves[i].usDelay) { delayLeft = waves[i].usDelay; delayCBs = waveDelayCBs(delayLeft); for (dcb=0; dcbinfo = NORMAL_DMA | TIMED_DMA(2); p->dst = PCM_TIMER; } else { p->info = NORMAL_DMA | TIMED_DMA(5); p->dst = PWM_TIMER; } p->src = (uint32_t) (&dmaOBus[0]->periphData); p->length = BPD * delayLeft / PI_WF_MICROS; if ((gpioCfg.DMAsecondaryChannel >= DMA_LITE_FIRST) && (p->length > DMA_LITE_MAX)) { p->length = DMA_LITE_MAX; } delayLeft -= (p->length / BPD); p->next = waveCbPOadr(botCB); } } } if (p != NULL) { if (wave_mode == PI_WAVE_MODE_ONE_SHOT) p->next = 0; else p->next = waveCbPOadr(repeatCB); } status = botCB - *CB; *CB = botCB; *BOOL = botOOL; *TOOL = topOOL; return status; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void waveRxSerial(wfRx_t *w, int level, uint32_t tick) { int diffTicks, lastLevel; int newWritePos; level = level ^ w->s.invert; if (w->s.bit >= 0) { diffTicks = tick - w->s.startBitTick; if (level != PI_TIMEOUT) { w->s.level = level; lastLevel = !level; } else lastLevel = w->s.level; while ((w->s.bit <= w->s.dataBits) && (diffTicks > (w->s.nextBitDiff/1000))) { if (w->s.bit) { if (lastLevel) w->s.data |= (1<<(w->s.bit-1)); } else w->s.data = 0; ++(w->s.bit); w->s.nextBitDiff += w->s.fullBit; } if (w->s.bit > w->s.dataBits) { memcpy(w->s.buf + w->s.writePos, &w->s.data, w->s.bytes); /* don't let writePos catch readPos */ newWritePos = (w->s.writePos + w->s.bytes) % (w->s.bufSize); if (newWritePos != w->s.readPos) w->s.writePos = newWritePos; if (level == 0) { gpioSetWatchdog(w->gpio, w->s.timeout); w->s.bit = 0; w->s.startBitTick = tick; w->s.nextBitDiff = w->s.halfBit; } else { w->s.bit = -1; gpioSetWatchdog(w->gpio, 0); } } } else { /* start bit if high->low */ if (level == 0) { gpioSetWatchdog(w->gpio, w->s.timeout); w->s.level = 0; w->s.bit = 0; w->s.startBitTick = tick; w->s.nextBitDiff = w->s.halfBit; } } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void waveRxBit(int gpio, int level, uint32_t tick) { switch (wfRx[gpio].mode) { case PI_WFRX_SERIAL: waveRxSerial(&wfRx[gpio], level, tick); } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int rawWaveAddGeneric(unsigned numIn1, rawWave_t *in1) { unsigned inPos1=0, inPos2=0, outPos=0, level = NUM_WAVE_OOL; unsigned cbs=0; unsigned numIn2, numOut; uint32_t tNow, tNext1, tNext2, tDelay; rawWave_t *in2, *out; numIn2 = wfc[wfcur]; in2 = wf[wfcur]; numOut = PI_WAVE_MAX_PULSES; out = wf[1-wfcur]; tNow = 0; if (!numIn1) tNext1 = -1; else tNext1 = 0; if (!numIn2) tNext2 = -1; else tNext2 = 0; while (((inPos1= numIn1) tNext1 = -1; if (inPos2 >= numIn2) tNext2 = -1; } if ((outPos < numOut) && (outPos < level)) { wfStats.micros = tNow; if (tNow > wfStats.highMicros) wfStats.highMicros = tNow; wfStats.pulses = outPos; if (outPos > wfStats.highPulses) wfStats.highPulses = outPos; wfStats.cbs = cbs; if (cbs > wfStats.highCbs) wfStats.highCbs = cbs; wfc[1-wfcur] = outPos; wfcur = 1 - wfcur; return outPos; } else return PI_TOO_MANY_PULSES; } /* ======================================================================= */ int i2cWriteQuick(unsigned handle, unsigned bit) { int status; DBG(DBG_USER, "handle=%d bit=%d", handle, bit); CHECK_INITED; if (handle >= PI_I2C_SLOTS) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if (i2cInfo[handle].state == PI_I2C_CLOSED) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if ((i2cInfo[handle].funcs & PI_I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_QUICK) == 0) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_SMBUS_CMD, "SMBUS command not supported by driver"); if (bit > 1) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_PARAM, "bad bit (%d)", bit); status = my_smbus_access( i2cInfo[handle].fd, bit, 0, PI_I2C_SMBUS_QUICK, NULL); if (status < 0) { DBG(DBG_USER, "error=%d (%m)", status); return PI_I2C_WRITE_FAILED; } return status; } int i2cReadByte(unsigned handle) { union my_smbus_data data; int status; DBG(DBG_USER, "handle=%d", handle); CHECK_INITED; if (handle >= PI_I2C_SLOTS) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if (i2cInfo[handle].state == PI_I2C_CLOSED) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if ((i2cInfo[handle].funcs & PI_I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_READ_BYTE) == 0) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_SMBUS_CMD, "SMBUS command not supported by driver"); status = my_smbus_access( i2cInfo[handle].fd, PI_I2C_SMBUS_READ, 0, PI_I2C_SMBUS_BYTE, &data); if (status < 0) { DBG(DBG_USER, "error=%d (%m)", status); return PI_I2C_READ_FAILED; } return 0xFF & data.byte; } int i2cWriteByte(unsigned handle, unsigned bVal) { int status; DBG(DBG_USER, "handle=%d bVal=%d", handle, bVal); CHECK_INITED; if (handle >= PI_I2C_SLOTS) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if (i2cInfo[handle].state == PI_I2C_CLOSED) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if ((i2cInfo[handle].funcs & PI_I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_WRITE_BYTE) == 0) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_SMBUS_CMD, "SMBUS command not supported by driver"); if (bVal > 0xFF) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_PARAM, "bad bVal (%d)", bVal); status = my_smbus_access( i2cInfo[handle].fd, PI_I2C_SMBUS_WRITE, bVal, PI_I2C_SMBUS_BYTE, NULL); if (status < 0) { DBG(DBG_USER, "error=%d (%m)", status); return PI_I2C_WRITE_FAILED; } return status; } int i2cReadByteData(unsigned handle, unsigned reg) { union my_smbus_data data; int status; DBG(DBG_USER, "handle=%d reg=%d", handle, reg); CHECK_INITED; if (handle >= PI_I2C_SLOTS) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if (i2cInfo[handle].state == PI_I2C_CLOSED) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if ((i2cInfo[handle].funcs & PI_I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_READ_BYTE_DATA) == 0) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_SMBUS_CMD, "SMBUS command not supported by driver"); if (reg > 0xFF) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_PARAM, "bad reg (%d)", reg); status = my_smbus_access(i2cInfo[handle].fd, PI_I2C_SMBUS_READ, reg, PI_I2C_SMBUS_BYTE_DATA, &data); if (status < 0) { DBG(DBG_USER, "error=%d (%m)", status); return PI_I2C_READ_FAILED; } return 0xFF & data.byte; } int i2cWriteByteData(unsigned handle, unsigned reg, unsigned bVal) { union my_smbus_data data; int status; DBG(DBG_USER, "handle=%d reg=%d bVal=%d", handle, reg, bVal); CHECK_INITED; if (handle >= PI_I2C_SLOTS) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if (i2cInfo[handle].state == PI_I2C_CLOSED) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if ((i2cInfo[handle].funcs & PI_I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_WRITE_BYTE_DATA) == 0) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_SMBUS_CMD, "SMBUS command not supported by driver"); if (reg > 0xFF) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_PARAM, "bad reg (%d)", reg); if (bVal > 0xFF) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_PARAM, "bad bVal (%d)", bVal); data.byte = bVal; status = my_smbus_access( i2cInfo[handle].fd, PI_I2C_SMBUS_WRITE, reg, PI_I2C_SMBUS_BYTE_DATA, &data); if (status < 0) { DBG(DBG_USER, "error=%d (%m)", status); return PI_I2C_WRITE_FAILED; } return status; } int i2cReadWordData(unsigned handle, unsigned reg) { union my_smbus_data data; int status; DBG(DBG_USER, "handle=%d reg=%d", handle, reg); CHECK_INITED; if (handle >= PI_I2C_SLOTS) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if (i2cInfo[handle].state == PI_I2C_CLOSED) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if ((i2cInfo[handle].funcs & PI_I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_READ_WORD_DATA) == 0) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_SMBUS_CMD, "SMBUS command not supported by driver"); if (reg > 0xFF) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_PARAM, "bad reg (%d)", reg); status = (my_smbus_access( i2cInfo[handle].fd, PI_I2C_SMBUS_READ, reg, PI_I2C_SMBUS_WORD_DATA, &data)); if (status < 0) { DBG(DBG_USER, "error=%d (%m)", status); return PI_I2C_READ_FAILED; } return 0xFFFF & data.word; } int i2cWriteWordData(unsigned handle, unsigned reg, unsigned wVal) { union my_smbus_data data; int status; DBG(DBG_USER, "handle=%d reg=%d wVal=%d", handle, reg, wVal); CHECK_INITED; if (handle >= PI_I2C_SLOTS) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if (i2cInfo[handle].state == PI_I2C_CLOSED) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if ((i2cInfo[handle].funcs & PI_I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_WRITE_WORD_DATA) == 0) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_SMBUS_CMD, "SMBUS command not supported by driver"); if (reg > 0xFF) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_PARAM, "bad reg (%d)", reg); if (wVal > 0xFFFF) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_PARAM, "bad wVal (%d)", wVal); data.word = wVal; status = my_smbus_access( i2cInfo[handle].fd, PI_I2C_SMBUS_WRITE, reg, PI_I2C_SMBUS_WORD_DATA, &data); if (status < 0) { DBG(DBG_USER, "error=%d (%m)", status); return PI_I2C_WRITE_FAILED; } return status; } int i2cProcessCall(unsigned handle, unsigned reg, unsigned wVal) { union my_smbus_data data; int status; DBG(DBG_USER, "handle=%d reg=%d wVal=%d", handle, reg, wVal); CHECK_INITED; if (handle >= PI_I2C_SLOTS) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if (i2cInfo[handle].state == PI_I2C_CLOSED) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if ((i2cInfo[handle].funcs & PI_I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_PROC_CALL) == 0) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_SMBUS_CMD, "SMBUS command not supported by driver"); if (reg > 0xFF) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_PARAM, "bad reg (%d)", reg); if (wVal > 0xFFFF) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_PARAM, "bad wVal (%d)", wVal); data.word = wVal; status = (my_smbus_access( i2cInfo[handle].fd, PI_I2C_SMBUS_WRITE, reg, PI_I2C_SMBUS_PROC_CALL, &data)); if (status < 0) { DBG(DBG_USER, "error=%d (%m)", status); return PI_I2C_READ_FAILED; } return 0xFFFF & data.word; } int i2cReadBlockData(unsigned handle, unsigned reg, char *buf) { union my_smbus_data data; int i, status; DBG(DBG_USER, "handle=%d reg=%d buf=%08X", handle, reg, (unsigned)buf); CHECK_INITED; if (handle >= PI_I2C_SLOTS) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if (i2cInfo[handle].state == PI_I2C_CLOSED) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if ((i2cInfo[handle].funcs & PI_I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_READ_BLOCK_DATA) == 0) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_SMBUS_CMD, "SMBUS command not supported by driver"); if (reg > 0xFF) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_PARAM, "bad reg (%d)", reg); status = (my_smbus_access( i2cInfo[handle].fd, PI_I2C_SMBUS_READ, reg, PI_I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_DATA, &data)); if (status < 0) { DBG(DBG_USER, "error=%d (%m)", status); return PI_I2C_READ_FAILED; } else { if (data.block[0] <= PI_I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_MAX) { for (i=0; i= PI_I2C_SLOTS) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if (i2cInfo[handle].state == PI_I2C_CLOSED) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if ((i2cInfo[handle].funcs & PI_I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_WRITE_BLOCK_DATA) == 0) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_SMBUS_CMD, "SMBUS command not supported by driver"); if (reg > 0xFF) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_PARAM, "bad reg (%d)", reg); if ((count < 1) || (count > 32)) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_PARAM, "bad count (%d)", count); for (i=1; i<=count; i++) data.block[i] = buf[i-1]; data.block[0] = count; status = my_smbus_access( i2cInfo[handle].fd, PI_I2C_SMBUS_WRITE, reg, PI_I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_DATA, &data); if (status < 0) { DBG(DBG_USER, "error=%d (%m)", status); return PI_I2C_WRITE_FAILED; } return status; } int i2cBlockProcessCall( unsigned handle, unsigned reg, char *buf, unsigned count) { union my_smbus_data data; int i, status; DBG(DBG_USER, "handle=%d reg=%d count=%d [%s]", handle, reg, count, myBuf2Str(count, buf)); CHECK_INITED; if (handle >= PI_I2C_SLOTS) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if (i2cInfo[handle].state == PI_I2C_CLOSED) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if ((i2cInfo[handle].funcs & PI_I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_PROC_CALL) == 0) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_SMBUS_CMD, "SMBUS command not supported by driver"); if (reg > 0xFF) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_PARAM, "bad reg (%d)", reg); if ((count < 1) || (count > 32)) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_PARAM, "bad count (%d)", count); for (i=1; i<=count; i++) data.block[i] = buf[i-1]; data.block[0] = count; status = (my_smbus_access( i2cInfo[handle].fd, PI_I2C_SMBUS_WRITE, reg, PI_I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_PROC_CALL, &data)); if (status < 0) { DBG(DBG_USER, "error=%d (%m)", status); return PI_I2C_READ_FAILED; } else { if (data.block[0] <= PI_I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_MAX) { for (i=0; i= PI_I2C_SLOTS) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if (i2cInfo[handle].state == PI_I2C_CLOSED) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if ((i2cInfo[handle].funcs & PI_I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_READ_I2C_BLOCK) == 0) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_SMBUS_CMD, "SMBUS command not supported by driver"); if (reg > 0xFF) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_PARAM, "bad reg (%d)", reg); if ((count < 1) || (count > 32)) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_PARAM, "bad count (%d)", count); if (count == 32) size = PI_I2C_SMBUS_I2C_BLOCK_BROKEN; else size = PI_I2C_SMBUS_I2C_BLOCK_DATA; data.block[0] = count; status = (my_smbus_access( i2cInfo[handle].fd, PI_I2C_SMBUS_READ, reg, size, &data)); if (status < 0) { DBG(DBG_USER, "error=%d (%m)", status); return PI_I2C_READ_FAILED; } else { if (data.block[0] <= PI_I2C_SMBUS_I2C_BLOCK_MAX) { for (i=0; i= PI_I2C_SLOTS) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if (i2cInfo[handle].state == PI_I2C_CLOSED) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if ((i2cInfo[handle].funcs & PI_I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_WRITE_I2C_BLOCK) == 0) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_SMBUS_CMD, "SMBUS command not supported by driver"); if (reg > 0xFF) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_PARAM, "bad reg (%d)", reg); if ((count < 1) || (count > 32)) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_PARAM, "bad count (%d)", count); for (i=1; i<=count; i++) data.block[i] = buf[i-1]; data.block[0] = count; status = my_smbus_access( i2cInfo[handle].fd, PI_I2C_SMBUS_WRITE, reg, PI_I2C_SMBUS_I2C_BLOCK_BROKEN, &data); if (status < 0) { DBG(DBG_USER, "error=%d (%m)", status); return PI_I2C_WRITE_FAILED; } return status; } int i2cWriteDevice(unsigned handle, char *buf, unsigned count) { int bytes; DBG(DBG_USER, "handle=%d count=%d [%s]", handle, count, myBuf2Str(count, buf)); CHECK_INITED; if (handle >= PI_I2C_SLOTS) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if (i2cInfo[handle].state == PI_I2C_CLOSED) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if ((count < 1) || (count > PI_MAX_I2C_DEVICE_COUNT)) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_PARAM, "bad count (%d)", count); bytes = write(i2cInfo[handle].fd, buf, count); if (bytes != count) { DBG(DBG_USER, "error=%d (%m)", bytes); return PI_I2C_WRITE_FAILED; } return 0; } int i2cReadDevice(unsigned handle, char *buf, unsigned count) { int bytes; DBG(DBG_USER, "handle=%d count=%d buf=%08X", handle, count, (unsigned)buf); CHECK_INITED; if (handle >= PI_I2C_SLOTS) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if (i2cInfo[handle].state == PI_I2C_CLOSED) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if ((count < 1) || (count > PI_MAX_I2C_DEVICE_COUNT)) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_PARAM, "bad count (%d)", count); bytes = read(i2cInfo[handle].fd, buf, count); if (bytes != count) { DBG(DBG_USER, "error=%d (%m)", bytes); return PI_I2C_READ_FAILED; } return bytes; } int i2cOpen(unsigned i2cBus, unsigned i2cAddr, unsigned i2cFlags) { char dev[32]; int i, slot, fd; uint32_t funcs; DBG(DBG_USER, "i2cBus=%d i2cAddr=%d flags=0x%X", i2cBus, i2cAddr, i2cFlags); CHECK_INITED; if (i2cBus >= PI_NUM_I2C_BUS) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_I2C_BUS, "bad I2C bus (%d)", i2cBus); if (i2cAddr > PI_MAX_I2C_ADDR) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_I2C_ADDR, "bad I2C address (%d)", i2cAddr); if (i2cFlags) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_FLAGS, "bad flags (0x%X)", i2cFlags); slot = -1; for (i=0; i= PI_I2C_SLOTS) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if (i2cInfo[handle].state != PI_I2C_OPENED) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if (i2cInfo[handle].fd >= 0) close(i2cInfo[handle].fd); i2cInfo[handle].fd = -1; i2cInfo[handle].state = PI_I2C_CLOSED; return 0; } void i2cSwitchCombined(int setting) { int fd; DBG(DBG_USER, "setting=%d", setting); fd = open(PI_I2C_COMBINED, O_WRONLY); if (fd >= 0) { if (setting) write(fd, "1\n", 2); else write(fd, "0\n", 2); close(fd); } } int i2cSegments(unsigned handle, pi_i2c_msg_t *segs, unsigned numSegs) { int retval; my_i2c_rdwr_ioctl_data_t rdwr; DBG(DBG_USER, "handle=%d", handle); CHECK_INITED; if (handle >= PI_I2C_SLOTS) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if (i2cInfo[handle].state != PI_I2C_OPENED) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if (segs == NULL) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_POINTER, "null segments"); if (numSegs > PI_I2C_RDRW_IOCTL_MAX_MSGS) SOFT_ERROR(PI_TOO_MANY_SEGS, "too many segments (%d)", numSegs); rdwr.msgs = segs; rdwr.nmsgs = numSegs; retval = ioctl(i2cInfo[handle].fd, PI_I2C_RDWR, &rdwr); if (retval >= 0) return retval; else return PI_BAD_I2C_SEG; } int i2cZip( unsigned handle, char *inBuf, unsigned inLen, char *outBuf, unsigned outLen) { int numSegs, inPos, outPos, status, bytes, flags, addr; int esc, setesc; pi_i2c_msg_t segs[PI_I2C_RDRW_IOCTL_MAX_MSGS]; DBG(DBG_USER, "handle=%d inBuf=%s outBuf=%08X len=%d", handle, myBuf2Str(inLen, (char *)inBuf), (int)outBuf, outLen); CHECK_INITED; if (handle >= PI_I2C_SLOTS) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if (i2cInfo[handle].state != PI_I2C_OPENED) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if (!inBuf || !inLen) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_POINTER, "input buffer can't be NULL"); if (!outBuf && outLen) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_POINTER, "output buffer can't be NULL"); numSegs = 0; inPos = 0; outPos = 0; status = 0; addr = i2cInfo[handle].addr; flags = 0; esc = 0; setesc = 0; while (!status && (inPos < inLen)) { DBG(DBG_INTERNAL, "status=%d inpos=%d inlen=%d cmd=%d addr=%d flags=%x", status, inPos, inLen, inBuf[inPos], addr, flags); switch (inBuf[inPos++]) { case PI_I2C_END: status = 1; break; case PI_I2C_COMBINED_ON: /* Run prior transactions before setting combined flag */ if (numSegs) { status = i2cSegments(handle, segs, numSegs); if (status >= 0) status = 0; /* continue */ numSegs = 0; } i2cSwitchCombined(1); break; case PI_I2C_COMBINED_OFF: /* Run prior transactions before clearing combined flag */ if (numSegs) { status = i2cSegments(handle, segs, numSegs); if (status >= 0) status = 0; /* continue */ numSegs = 0; } i2cSwitchCombined(0); break; case PI_I2C_ADDR: addr = myI2CGetPar(inBuf, &inPos, inLen, &esc); if (addr < 0) status = PI_BAD_I2C_CMD; break; case PI_I2C_FLAGS: /* cheat to force two byte flags */ esc = 1; flags = myI2CGetPar(inBuf, &inPos, inLen, &esc); if (flags < 0) status = PI_BAD_I2C_CMD; break; case PI_I2C_ESC: setesc = 1; break; case PI_I2C_READ: bytes = myI2CGetPar(inBuf, &inPos, inLen, &esc); if (bytes >= 0) { if ((bytes + outPos) < outLen) { segs[numSegs].addr = addr; segs[numSegs].flags = (flags|1); segs[numSegs].len = bytes; segs[numSegs].buf = (uint8_t *)(outBuf + outPos); outPos += bytes; numSegs++; if (numSegs >= PI_I2C_RDRW_IOCTL_MAX_MSGS) { status = i2cSegments(handle, segs, numSegs); if (status >= 0) status = 0; /* continue */ numSegs = 0; } } else status = PI_BAD_I2C_RLEN; } else status = PI_BAD_I2C_RLEN; break; case PI_I2C_WRITE: bytes = myI2CGetPar(inBuf, &inPos, inLen, &esc); if (bytes >= 0) { if ((bytes + inPos) < inLen) { segs[numSegs].addr = addr; segs[numSegs].flags = (flags&0xfffe); segs[numSegs].len = bytes; segs[numSegs].buf = (uint8_t *)(inBuf + inPos); inPos += bytes; numSegs++; if (numSegs >= PI_I2C_RDRW_IOCTL_MAX_MSGS) { status = i2cSegments(handle, segs, numSegs); if (status >= 0) status = 0; /* continue */ numSegs = 0; } } else status = PI_BAD_I2C_WLEN; } else status = PI_BAD_I2C_WLEN; break; default: status = PI_BAD_I2C_CMD; } if (setesc) esc = 1; else esc = 0; setesc = 0; } if (status >= 0) { if (numSegs) status = i2cSegments(handle, segs, numSegs); } if (status >= 0) status = outPos; return status; } /* ======================================================================= */ /*SPI */ static uint32_t _spiTXBits(char *buf, int pos, int bitlen, int msbf) { uint32_t bits=0; if (buf) { if (bitlen <= 8) bits = *((( uint8_t*)buf)+pos); else if (bitlen <= 16) bits = *(((uint16_t*)buf)+pos); else bits = *(((uint32_t*)buf)+pos); if (msbf) bits <<= (32-bitlen); } return bits; } static void _spiRXBits( char *buf, int pos, int bitlen, int msbf, uint32_t bits) { if (buf) { if (!msbf) bits >>= (32-bitlen); if (bitlen <= 8) *((( uint8_t*)buf)+pos) = bits; else if (bitlen <= 16) *(((uint16_t*)buf)+pos) = bits; else *(((uint32_t*)buf)+pos) = bits; } } static void spiACS(int channel, int on) { int gpio; switch (channel) { case 0: gpio = PI_ASPI_CE0; break; case 1: gpio = PI_ASPI_CE1; break; default: gpio = PI_ASPI_CE2; break; } myGpioWrite(gpio, on); } static void spiGoA( unsigned speed, /* bits per second */ uint32_t flags, /* flags */ char *txBuf, /* tx buffer */ char *rxBuf, /* rx buffer */ unsigned count) /* number of bytes */ { int cs; char bit_ir[4] = {1, 0, 0, 1}; /* read on rising edge */ char bit_or[4] = {0, 1, 1, 0}; /* write on rising edge */ char bit_ic[4] = {0, 0, 1, 1}; /* invert clock */ int mode, bitlen, txmsbf, rxmsbf, channel; unsigned txCnt=0; unsigned rxCnt=0; uint32_t spiDefaults; uint32_t statusReg; int txFull, rxEmpty; channel = PI_SPI_FLAGS_GET_CHANNEL(flags); mode = PI_SPI_FLAGS_GET_MODE (flags); bitlen = PI_SPI_FLAGS_GET_BITLEN (flags); if (!bitlen) bitlen = 8; /* correct count for word size */ if (bitlen > 8) count /= 2; if (bitlen > 16) count /= 2; txmsbf = !PI_SPI_FLAGS_GET_TX_LSB (flags); rxmsbf = !PI_SPI_FLAGS_GET_RX_LSB (flags); cs = PI_SPI_FLAGS_GET_CSPOLS(flags) & (1<>28)&15) > 2); if (rxCnt < count) { if (!rxEmpty) { _spiRXBits( rxBuf, rxCnt++, bitlen, rxmsbf, auxReg[AUX_SPI0_IO_REG]); } } if (txCnt < count) { if (!txFull) { if (txCnt != (count-1)) { auxReg[AUX_SPI0_TX_HOLD] = _spiTXBits(txBuf, txCnt++, bitlen, txmsbf); } else { auxReg[AUX_SPI0_IO_REG] = _spiTXBits(txBuf, txCnt++, bitlen, txmsbf); } } } } while ((auxReg[AUX_SPI0_STAT_REG] & AUXSPI_STAT_BUSY)) ; spiACS(channel, !cs); } static void spiGoS( unsigned speed, uint32_t flags, char *txBuf, char *rxBuf, unsigned count) { unsigned txCnt=0; unsigned rxCnt=0; unsigned cnt, cnt4w, cnt3w; uint32_t spiDefaults; unsigned mode, channel, cspol, cspols, flag3w, ren3w; channel = PI_SPI_FLAGS_GET_CHANNEL(flags); mode = PI_SPI_FLAGS_GET_MODE (flags); cspols = PI_SPI_FLAGS_GET_CSPOLS(flags); cspol = (cspols>>channel) & 1; flag3w = PI_SPI_FLAGS_GET_3WIRE(flags); ren3w = PI_SPI_FLAGS_GET_3WREN(flags); spiDefaults = SPI_CS_MODE(mode) | SPI_CS_CSPOLS(cspols) | SPI_CS_CS(channel) | SPI_CS_CSPOL(cspol) | SPI_CS_CLEAR(3); spiReg[SPI_CS] = spiDefaults; /* stop */ if (!count) return; if (flag3w) { if (ren3w < count) { cnt4w = ren3w; cnt3w = count - ren3w; } else { cnt4w = count; cnt3w = 0; } } else { cnt4w = count; cnt3w = 0; } spiReg[SPI_CLK] = 250000000/speed; spiReg[SPI_CS] = spiDefaults | SPI_CS_TA; /* start */ cnt = cnt4w; while((txCnt < cnt) || (rxCnt < cnt)) { while((rxCnt < cnt) && ((spiReg[SPI_CS] & SPI_CS_RXD))) { if (rxBuf) rxBuf[rxCnt] = spiReg[SPI_FIFO]; else spi_dummy = spiReg[SPI_FIFO]; rxCnt++; } while((txCnt < cnt) && ((spiReg[SPI_CS] & SPI_CS_TXD))) { if (txBuf) spiReg[SPI_FIFO] = txBuf[txCnt]; else spiReg[SPI_FIFO] = 0; txCnt++; } } while (!(spiReg[SPI_CS] & SPI_CS_DONE)) ; /* now switch to 3-wire bus */ cnt += cnt3w; spiReg[SPI_CS] |= SPI_CS_REN; while((txCnt < cnt) || (rxCnt < cnt)) { while((rxCnt < cnt) && ((spiReg[SPI_CS] & SPI_CS_RXD))) { if (rxBuf) rxBuf[rxCnt] = spiReg[SPI_FIFO]; else spi_dummy = spiReg[SPI_FIFO]; rxCnt++; } while((txCnt < cnt) && ((spiReg[SPI_CS] & SPI_CS_TXD))) { if (txBuf) spiReg[SPI_FIFO] = txBuf[txCnt]; else spiReg[SPI_FIFO] = 0; txCnt++; } } while (!(spiReg[SPI_CS] & SPI_CS_DONE)) ; spiReg[SPI_CS] = spiDefaults; /* stop */ } static void spiGo( unsigned speed, uint32_t flags, char *txBuf, char *rxBuf, unsigned count) { if (PI_SPI_FLAGS_GET_AUX_SPI(flags)) { spiGoA(speed, flags, txBuf, rxBuf, count); } else { spiGoS(speed, flags, txBuf, rxBuf, count); } } static int spiAnyOpen(uint32_t flags) { int i, aux; aux = PI_SPI_FLAGS_GET_AUX_SPI(flags); for (i=0; i= i) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_SPI_CHANNEL, "bad spiChan (%d)", spiChan); if ((baud < PI_SPI_MIN_BAUD) || (baud > PI_SPI_MAX_BAUD)) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_SPI_SPEED, "bad baud (%d)", baud); if (spiFlags > (1<<22)) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_FLAGS, "bad spiFlags (0x%X)", spiFlags); if (!spiAnyOpen(spiFlags)) /* initialise on first open */ { spiInit(spiFlags); spiGo(baud, spiFlags, NULL, NULL, 0); } slot = -1; for (i=0; i= PI_SPI_SLOTS) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if (spiInfo[handle].state != PI_SPI_OPENED) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); spiInfo[handle].state = PI_I2C_CLOSED; if (!spiAnyOpen(spiInfo[handle].flags)) spiTerm(spiInfo[handle].flags); /* terminate on last close */ return 0; } int spiRead(unsigned handle, char *buf, unsigned count) { DBG(DBG_USER, "handle=%d count=%d [%s]", handle, count, myBuf2Str(count, buf)); CHECK_INITED; if (handle >= PI_SPI_SLOTS) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if (spiInfo[handle].state != PI_SPI_OPENED) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if (count > PI_MAX_SPI_DEVICE_COUNT) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_SPI_COUNT, "bad count (%d)", count); spiGo(spiInfo[handle].speed, spiInfo[handle].flags, NULL, buf, count); return count; } int spiWrite(unsigned handle, char *buf, unsigned count) { DBG(DBG_USER, "handle=%d count=%d [%s]", handle, count, myBuf2Str(count, buf)); CHECK_INITED; if (handle >= PI_SPI_SLOTS) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if (spiInfo[handle].state != PI_SPI_OPENED) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if (count > PI_MAX_SPI_DEVICE_COUNT) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_SPI_COUNT, "bad count (%d)", count); spiGo(spiInfo[handle].speed, spiInfo[handle].flags, buf, NULL, count); return count; } int spiXfer(unsigned handle, char *txBuf, char *rxBuf, unsigned count) { DBG(DBG_USER, "handle=%d count=%d [%s]", handle, count, myBuf2Str(count, txBuf)); CHECK_INITED; if (handle >= PI_SPI_SLOTS) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if (spiInfo[handle].state != PI_SPI_OPENED) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if (count > PI_MAX_SPI_DEVICE_COUNT) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_SPI_COUNT, "bad count (%d)", count); spiGo(spiInfo[handle].speed, spiInfo[handle].flags, txBuf, rxBuf, count); return count; } /* ======================================================================= */ int serOpen(char *tty, unsigned serBaud, unsigned serFlags) { struct termios new; int speed; int fd; int i, slot; DBG(DBG_USER, "tty=%s serBaud=%d serFlags=0x%X", tty, serBaud, serFlags); SER_CHECK_INITED; if (strncmp("/dev/tty", tty, 8)) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_SER_DEVICE, "bad device (%s)", tty); switch (serBaud) { case 50: speed = B50; break; case 75: speed = B75; break; case 110: speed = B110; break; case 134: speed = B134; break; case 150: speed = B150; break; case 200: speed = B200; break; case 300: speed = B300; break; case 600: speed = B600; break; case 1200: speed = B1200; break; case 1800: speed = B1800; break; case 2400: speed = B2400; break; case 4800: speed = B4800; break; case 9600: speed = B9600; break; case 19200: speed = B19200; break; case 38400: speed = B38400; break; case 57600: speed = B57600; break; case 115200: speed = B115200; break; case 230400: speed = B230400; break; default: SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_SER_SPEED, "bad speed (%d)", serBaud); } if (serFlags) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_FLAGS, "bad flags (0x%X)", serFlags); slot = -1; for (i=0; i= PI_SER_SLOTS) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if (serInfo[handle].state != PI_SER_OPENED) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if (serInfo[handle].fd >= 0) close(serInfo[handle].fd); serInfo[handle].fd = -1; serInfo[handle].state = PI_SER_CLOSED; return 0; } int serWriteByte(unsigned handle, unsigned bVal) { char c; DBG(DBG_USER, "handle=%d bVal=%d", handle, bVal); SER_CHECK_INITED; if (handle >= PI_SER_SLOTS) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if (serInfo[handle].state != PI_SER_OPENED) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if (bVal > 0xFF) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_PARAM, "bad parameter (%d)", bVal); c = bVal; if (write(serInfo[handle].fd, &c, 1) != 1) return PI_SER_WRITE_FAILED; else return 0; } int serReadByte(unsigned handle) { char x; DBG(DBG_USER, "handle=%d", handle); SER_CHECK_INITED; if (handle >= PI_SER_SLOTS) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if (serInfo[handle].state != PI_SER_OPENED) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if (read(serInfo[handle].fd, &x, 1) != 1) { if (errno == EAGAIN) return PI_SER_READ_NO_DATA; else return PI_SER_READ_FAILED; } return ((int)x) & 0xFF; } int serWrite(unsigned handle, char *buf, unsigned count) { DBG(DBG_USER, "handle=%d count=%d [%s]", handle, count, myBuf2Str(count, buf)); SER_CHECK_INITED; if (handle >= PI_SER_SLOTS) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if (serInfo[handle].state != PI_SER_OPENED) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if (!count) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_PARAM, "bad count (%d)", count); if (write(serInfo[handle].fd, buf, count) != count) return PI_SER_WRITE_FAILED; else return 0; } int serRead(unsigned handle, char *buf, unsigned count) { int r; DBG(DBG_USER, "handle=%d count=%d buf=0x%X", handle, count, (unsigned)buf); SER_CHECK_INITED; if (handle >= PI_SER_SLOTS) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if (serInfo[handle].state != PI_SER_OPENED) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if (!count) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_PARAM, "bad count (%d)", count); r = read(serInfo[handle].fd, buf, count); if (r == -1) { if (errno == EAGAIN) return PI_SER_READ_NO_DATA; else return PI_SER_READ_FAILED; } else { buf[r] = 0; return r; } } int serDataAvailable(unsigned handle) { int result; DBG(DBG_USER, "handle=%d", handle); SER_CHECK_INITED; if (handle >= PI_SER_SLOTS) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if (serInfo[handle].state != PI_SER_OPENED) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if (ioctl(serInfo[handle].fd, FIONREAD, &result) == -1) return 0; return result; } /* ======================================================================= */ static int chooseBestClock (clkInf_t *clkInf, unsigned f, unsigned numc, unsigned *cf) { int c, valid, offby, offby2, best_offby; uint32_t div; uint64_t frac; valid = 0; best_offby = 0; for (c=0; c 1) && (div < 4096)) { if (f < PI_MASH_MAX_FREQ) { frac = cf[c] - (div * f); frac = (frac * 4096) / f; offby = cf[c] - (div * f) - ((frac * f) / 4096); if (frac < 4095) { offby2 = cf[c] - (div * f) - (((frac+1) * f) / 4096); if (offby2 < 0) offby2 = -offby2; if (offby2 < offby) { offby = offby2; frac++; } } } else { frac = 0; offby = cf[c] - (div * f); if (div < 4095) { offby2 = cf[c] - ((div+1) * f); if (offby2 < 0) offby2 = -offby2; if (offby2 < offby) { offby = offby2; div++; } } } if ((!valid) || (offby <= best_offby)) { valid = 1; clkInf->div = div; clkInf->frac = frac; clkInf->clock = c; best_offby = offby; } } } return valid; } /* ======================================================================= */ static rawCbs_t * dmaCB2adr(int pos) { int page, slot; page = pos/CBS_PER_IPAGE; slot = pos%CBS_PER_IPAGE; return &dmaIVirt[page]->cb[slot]; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void dmaCbPrint(int pos) { rawCbs_t * p; p = dmaCB2adr(pos); fprintf(stderr, "i=%x s=%x d=%x len=%x s=%x nxt=%x\n", p->info, p->src, p->dst, p->length, p->stride, p->next); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static unsigned dmaNowAtICB(void) { unsigned cb; static unsigned lastPage=0; unsigned page; uint32_t cbAddr; uint32_t startTick, endTick; startTick = systReg[SYST_CLO]; cbAddr = dmaIn[DMA_CONBLK_AD]; page = lastPage; /* which page are we dma'ing? */ while (1) { cb = (cbAddr - ((int)dmaIBus[page])) / 32; if (cb < CBS_PER_IPAGE) { endTick = systReg[SYST_CLO]; if (endTick != startTick) gpioStats.cbTicks += (endTick - startTick); gpioStats.cbCalls++; lastPage = page; return (page*CBS_PER_IPAGE) + cb; } if (page++ >= DMAI_PAGES) page=0; if (page == lastPage) break; } return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int dmaNowAtOCB(void) { unsigned cb; unsigned page; uint32_t cbAddr; cbAddr = dmaOut[DMA_CONBLK_AD]; if (!cbAddr) return -PI_NO_TX_WAVE; page = 0; /* which page are we dma'ing? */ while (1) { cb = (cbAddr - ((int)dmaOBus[page])) / 32; if (cb < CBS_PER_OPAGE) return (page*CBS_PER_OPAGE) + cb; if (page++ >= DMAO_PAGES) break; } /* Try twice */ cbAddr = dmaOut[DMA_CONBLK_AD]; if (!cbAddr) return -PI_NO_TX_WAVE; page = 0; /* which page are we dma'ing? */ while (1) { cb = (cbAddr - ((int)dmaOBus[page])) / 32; if (cb < CBS_PER_OPAGE) return (page*CBS_PER_OPAGE) + cb; if (page++ >= DMAO_PAGES) break; } return -PI_WAVE_NOT_FOUND; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ unsigned rawWaveCB(void) { unsigned cb; static unsigned lastPage=0; unsigned page; uint32_t cbAddr; cbAddr = dmaOut[DMA_CONBLK_AD]; if (!cbAddr) return -1; page = lastPage; /* which page are we dma'ing? */ while (1) { cb = (cbAddr - ((int)dmaOBus[page])) / 32; if (cb < CBS_PER_OPAGE) { lastPage = page; return (page*CBS_PER_OPAGE) + cb; } if (page++ >= DMAO_PAGES) page=0; if (page == lastPage) break; } return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static unsigned dmaCurrentSlot(unsigned pos) { unsigned cycle=0, slot=0, tmp; cycle = (pos/CBS_PER_CYCLE); tmp = (pos%CBS_PER_CYCLE); if (tmp > 2) slot = ((tmp-2)/3); return (cycle*PULSE_PER_CYCLE)+slot; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static uint32_t dmaPwmDataAdr(int pos) { return (uint32_t) &dmaIBus[pos]->periphData; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static uint32_t dmaGpioOnAdr(int pos) { int page, slot; page = pos/ON_PER_IPAGE; slot = pos%ON_PER_IPAGE; return (uint32_t) &dmaIBus[page]->gpioOn[slot]; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static uint32_t dmaGpioOffAdr(int pos) { int page, slot; myOffPageSlot(pos, &page, &slot); return (uint32_t) &dmaIBus[page]->gpioOff[slot]; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static uint32_t dmaTickAdr(int pos) { int page, slot; myTckPageSlot(pos, &page, &slot); return (uint32_t) &dmaIBus[page]->tick[slot]; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static uint32_t dmaReadLevelsAdr(int pos) { int page, slot; myLvsPageSlot(pos, &page, &slot); return (uint32_t) &dmaIBus[page]->level[slot]; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static uint32_t dmaCbAdr(int pos) { int page, slot; page = (pos/CBS_PER_IPAGE); slot = (pos%CBS_PER_IPAGE); return (uint32_t) &dmaIBus[page]->cb[slot]; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void dmaGpioOnCb(int b, int pos) { rawCbs_t * p; p = dmaCB2adr(b); p->info = NORMAL_DMA; p->src = dmaGpioOnAdr(pos); p->dst = ((GPIO_BASE + (GPSET0*4)) & 0x00ffffff) | PI_PERI_BUS; p->length = 4; p->next = dmaCbAdr(b+1); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void dmaTickCb(int b, int pos) { rawCbs_t * p; p = dmaCB2adr(b); p->info = NORMAL_DMA; p->src = ((SYST_BASE + (SYST_CLO*4)) & 0x00ffffff) | PI_PERI_BUS; p->dst = dmaTickAdr(pos); p->length = 4; p->next = dmaCbAdr(b+1); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void dmaGpioOffCb(int b, int pos) { rawCbs_t * p; p = dmaCB2adr(b); p->info = NORMAL_DMA; p->src = dmaGpioOffAdr(pos); p->dst = ((GPIO_BASE + (GPCLR0*4)) & 0x00ffffff) | PI_PERI_BUS; p->length = 4; p->next = dmaCbAdr(b+1); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void dmaReadLevelsCb(int b, int pos) { rawCbs_t * p; p = dmaCB2adr(b); p->info = NORMAL_DMA; p->src = ((GPIO_BASE + (GPLEV0*4)) & 0x00ffffff) | PI_PERI_BUS; p->dst = dmaReadLevelsAdr(pos); p->length = 4; p->next = dmaCbAdr(b+1); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void dmaDelayCb(int b) { rawCbs_t * p; p = dmaCB2adr(b); if (gpioCfg.clockPeriph == PI_CLOCK_PCM) { p->info = NORMAL_DMA | TIMED_DMA(2); p->dst = PCM_TIMER; } else { p->info = NORMAL_DMA | TIMED_DMA(5); p->dst = PWM_TIMER; } p->src = dmaPwmDataAdr(b%DMAI_PAGES); p->length = 4; p->next = dmaCbAdr(b+1); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void dmaInitCbs(void) { int b, pulse, level, cycle; rawCbs_t * p; /* set up the DMA control blocks */ DBG(DBG_STARTUP, ""); gpioStats.dmaInitCbsCount++; b = -1; level = 0; for (cycle=0; cyclenext = dmaCbAdr(0); DBG(DBG_STARTUP, "DMA page type count = %d", sizeof(dmaIPage_t)); DBG(DBG_STARTUP, "%d control blocks (exp=%d)", b+1, NUM_CBS); } /* ======================================================================= */ static void sigHandler(int signum) { if ((signum >= PI_MIN_SIGNUM) && (signum <= PI_MAX_SIGNUM)) { if (gpioSignal[signum].func) { if (gpioSignal[signum].ex) { (gpioSignal[signum].func)(signum, gpioSignal[signum].userdata); } else { (gpioSignal[signum].func)(signum); } } else { switch(signum) { case SIGUSR1: if (gpioCfg.dbgLevel > DBG_MIN_LEVEL) --gpioCfg.dbgLevel; else gpioCfg.dbgLevel = DBG_MIN_LEVEL; DBG(DBG_USER, "Debug level %d\n", gpioCfg.dbgLevel); break; case SIGUSR2: if (gpioCfg.dbgLevel < DBG_MAX_LEVEL) ++gpioCfg.dbgLevel; else gpioCfg.dbgLevel = DBG_MAX_LEVEL; DBG(DBG_USER, "Debug level %d\n", gpioCfg.dbgLevel); break; case SIGPIPE: case SIGWINCH: DBG(DBG_USER, "signal %d ignored", signum); break; case SIGCHLD: /* Used to notify threads of events */ break; default: DBG(DBG_ALWAYS, "Unhandled signal %d, terminating\n", signum); gpioTerminate(); exit(-1); } } } else { /* exit */ DBG(DBG_ALWAYS, "Unhandled signal %d, terminating\n", signum); gpioTerminate(); exit(-1); } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void sigSetHandler(void) { int i; struct sigaction new; for (i=PI_MIN_SIGNUM; i<=PI_MAX_SIGNUM; i++) { memset(&new, 0, sizeof(new)); new.sa_handler = sigHandler; sigaction(i, &new, NULL); } } /* freq mics net 0 1000 1000 900 1 4000 250 225 2 3750 266 240 3 3500 285 257 4 3250 307 276 5 3000 333 300 6 2750 363 327 7 2500 400 360 8 2250 444 400 9 2000 500 450 10 1750 571 514 11 1500 666 600 12 1250 800 720 13 1000 1000 900 14 750 1333 1200 15 500 2000 1800 */ unsigned alert_delays[]= { 900000, 225000, 240000, 257142, 276923, 300000, 327272, 360000, 400000, 450000, 514285, 600000, 720000, 900000, 1200000, 1800000 }; /* ======================================================================= */ static void alertGlitchFilter(gpioSample_t *sample, int numSamples) { int i, j, diff; uint32_t steadyUs, changedTick, RBitV, LBitV; uint32_t bit, bitV; for (i=0; i<=PI_MAX_USER_GPIO; i++) { bit = (1<= steadyUs) { /* Level stable for steady period. */ RBitV = bitV; } else { /* Keep reporting old level. */ sample[j].level ^= bit; } } } gpioAlert[i].gfRBitV = RBitV; gpioAlert[i].gfLBitV = LBitV; gpioAlert[i].gfTick = changedTick; } } } static void alertNoiseFilter(gpioSample_t *sample, int numSamples) { int i, j, diff; uint32_t LBitV; uint32_t bit, bitV; uint32_t nowTick; for (i=0; i<=PI_MAX_USER_GPIO; i++) { bit = (1<= 0) { /* Stop reporting gpio changes */ gpioAlert[i].nfActive = 0; gpioAlert[i].nfTick1 = nowTick; } } else /* waiting for steady us */ { if (bitV != LBitV) { diff = nowTick - gpioAlert[i].nfTick1; gpioAlert[i].nfTick1 = nowTick; if (diff >= gpioAlert[i].nfSteadyUs) { /* Start reporting gpio changes */ gpioAlert[i].nfRBitV = LBitV; gpioAlert[i].nfActive = 1; gpioAlert[i].nfTick2 = nowTick + gpioAlert[i].nfActiveUs; } } } if (!gpioAlert[i].nfActive) { if (bitV != gpioAlert[i].nfRBitV) sample[j].level ^= bit; } LBitV = bitV; } gpioAlert[i].nfLBitV = LBitV; } } } static void alertEmit( gpioSample_t *sample, int numSamples, uint32_t changedBits, uint32_t eTick) { uint32_t oldLevel, newLevel; int32_t diff; int emit, seqno, emitted; uint32_t changes, bits, timeoutBits; int d; int b, n, v; int err; int max_emits; char fifo[32]; gpioReport_t report[MAX_REPORT]; if (changedBits) { if (gpioGetSamples.func) { if (gpioGetSamples.ex) { (gpioGetSamples.func) (sample, numSamples, gpioGetSamples.userdata); } else { (gpioGetSamples.func)(sample, numSamples); } } } /* call alert callbacks for each bit transition */ if (changedBits & alertBits) { oldLevel = (reportedLevel & alertBits); for (d=0; d= gpioAlert[b].wdSteadyUs) { timeoutBits |= (1< 60000000) { if (numSamples) newLevel = sample[numSamples-1].level; else newLevel = reportedLevel; report[emit].seqno = seqno; report[emit].flags = PI_NTFY_FLAGS_ALIVE; report[emit].tick = eTick; report[emit].level = newLevel; emit++; seqno++; } } if (emit) { DBG(DBG_FAST_TICK, "notification %d (%d reports, %x-%x)", n, emit, report[0].seqno, report[emit-1].seqno); gpioNotify[n].lastReportTick = eTick; max_emits = gpioNotify[n].max_emits; if (emit > gpioStats.maxEmit) gpioStats.maxEmit = emit; emitted = 0; while (emit > 0) { if (emit > max_emits) { gpioStats.emitFrags++; err = write(gpioNotify[n].fd, report+emitted, max_emits*sizeof(gpioReport_t)); if (err != (max_emits*sizeof(gpioReport_t))) { if (err < 0) { if ((errno != EAGAIN) && (errno != EWOULDBLOCK)) { /* serious error, no point continuing */ DBG(DBG_ALWAYS, "fd=%d err=%d errno=%d", gpioNotify[n].fd, err, errno); DBG(DBG_ALWAYS, "%s", strerror(errno)); gpioNotify[n].bits = 0; gpioNotify[n].state = PI_NOTIFY_CLOSING; intNotifyBits(); break; } else gpioStats.wouldBlockPipeWrite++; } else { gpioStats.shortPipeWrite++; DBG(DBG_ALWAYS, "emitted %d, asked for %d", err/sizeof(gpioReport_t), max_emits); } } else { gpioStats.goodPipeWrite++; } emitted += max_emits; emit -= max_emits; } else { err = write(gpioNotify[n].fd, report+emitted, emit*sizeof(gpioReport_t)); if (err != (emit*sizeof(gpioReport_t))) { if (err < 0) { if ((errno != EAGAIN) && (errno != EWOULDBLOCK)) { DBG(DBG_ALWAYS, "fd=%d err=%d errno=%d", gpioNotify[n].fd, err, errno); DBG(DBG_ALWAYS, "%s", strerror(errno)); /* serious error, no point continuing */ gpioNotify[n].bits = 0; gpioNotify[n].state = PI_NOTIFY_CLOSING; intNotifyBits(); break; } else gpioStats.wouldBlockPipeWrite++; } else { gpioStats.shortPipeWrite++; DBG(DBG_ALWAYS, "emitted %d, asked for %d", err/sizeof(gpioReport_t), emit); } } else { gpioStats.goodPipeWrite++; } emitted += emit; emit = 0; } } gpioNotify[n].seqno = seqno; } } } if (changedBits & scriptBits) { for (n=0; n= PULSE_PER_CYCLE) { pulse = 0; if (++cycle >= bufferCycles) { cycle = 0; oldSlot = 0; } expected = sTick; sTick = myGetTick(cycle); if (stickInited) { diff = sTick - expected; if (abs(diff) > minDiff) { ft = sample[numSamples-PULSE_PER_CYCLE].tick; ticks = sTick - ft; for (i=1; i= TICKSLOTS) { gpioStats.diffTick[TICKSLOTS-1]++; } else gpioStats.diffTick[diff]++; } else { stickInited = 1; numSamples = 0; } } } if (oldSlot == newSlot) moreToDo = 0; else moreToDo = 1; /* Apply glitch filter */ if (numSamples && gFilterBits) alertGlitchFilter(sample, numSamples); /* Apply noise filter */ if (numSamples && nFilterBits) alertNoiseFilter(sample, numSamples); /* Compact samples */ changedBits = 0; oldLevel &= monitorBits; reports = 0; totalSamples = 0; for (rp=0; rp= MAX_REPORT) { totalSamples += reports; /* Rebase watchdog timeouts */ if (wdogBits) alertWdogCheck(sample, reports); gpioStats.numSamples += reports; alertEmit(sample, reports, changedBits, sample[rp].tick); changedBits = 0; reports = 0; } } } if (reports) { totalSamples += reports; /* Rebase watchdog timeouts */ if (wdogBits) alertWdogCheck(sample, reports); gpioStats.numSamples += reports; } alertEmit(sample, reports, changedBits, sTick); if (totalSamples > gpioStats.maxSamples) gpioStats.maxSamples = numSamples; req.tv_sec = 0; req.tv_nsec = alert_delays[(gpioCfg.internals>>PI_CFG_ALERT_FREQ)&15]; if (moreToDo) { gpioStats.moreToDo++; } else { gpioStats.alertTicks++; while (nanosleep(&req, &rem)) { req.tv_sec = rem.tv_sec; req.tv_nsec = rem.tv_nsec; } } } return 0; } /* ======================================================================= */ static int scrPop(gpioScript_t *s, int *SP, int *S) { if ((*SP) > 0) { return S[--(*SP)]; } else { s->run_state = PI_SCRIPT_FAILED; DBG(DBG_ALWAYS, "script %d too many pops", s->id); return 0; } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void scrPush(gpioScript_t *s, int *SP, int *S, int val) { if ((*SP) < PI_SCRIPT_STACK_SIZE) { S[(*SP)++] = val; } else { s->run_state = PI_SCRIPT_FAILED; DBG(DBG_ALWAYS, "script %d too many pushes", s->id); } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void scrSwap(int *v1, int *v2) { int t; t=*v1; *v1=*v2; *v2= t; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int scrWait(gpioScript_t *s, uint32_t bits) { pthread_mutex_lock(&s->pthMutex); if (s->request == PI_SCRIPT_RUN) { s->run_state = PI_SCRIPT_WAITING; s->waitBits = bits; intScriptBits(); pthread_cond_wait(&s->pthCond, &s->pthMutex); s->waitBits = 0; intScriptBits(); s->run_state = PI_SCRIPT_RUNNING; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&s->pthMutex); return s->changedBits; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int scrSys(char *cmd, uint32_t p1, uint32_t p2) { char buf[256]; char pars[40]; sprintf(pars, " %u %u", p1, p2); strcpy(buf, "/opt/pigpio/cgi/"); strncat(buf, cmd, 200); strcat(buf, pars); DBG(DBG_USER, "sys %s", buf); return system(buf); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void *pthScript(void *x) { gpioScript_t *s; cmdInstr_t instr; int p1, p2, p1o, p2o, *t1, *t2; int PC, A, F, SP; int S[PI_SCRIPT_STACK_SIZE]; char buf[CMD_MAX_EXTENSION]; S[0] = 0; /* to prevent compiler warning */ s = x; while ((volatile int)s->request != PI_SCRIPT_DELETE) { pthread_mutex_lock(&s->pthMutex); s->run_state = PI_SCRIPT_HALTED; pthread_cond_wait(&s->pthCond, &s->pthMutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(&s->pthMutex); s->run_state = PI_SCRIPT_RUNNING; A = 0; F = 0; PC = 0; SP = 0; while (((volatile int)s->request == PI_SCRIPT_RUN ) && (s->run_state == PI_SCRIPT_RUNNING)) { instr = s->script.instr[PC]; p1o = instr.p[1]; p2o = instr.p[2]; if (instr.opt[1] == CMD_VAR) instr.p[1] = s->script.var[p1o]; else if (instr.opt[1] == CMD_PAR) instr.p[1] = s->script.par[p1o]; if (instr.opt[2] == CMD_VAR) instr.p[2] = s->script.var[p2o]; else if (instr.opt[2] == CMD_PAR) instr.p[2] = s->script.par[p2o]; /* fprintf(stderr, "PC=%d cmd=%d p1o=%d p1=%d p2o=%d p2=%d\n", PC, instr.p[0], p1o, instr.p[1], p2o, instr.p[2]); fflush(stderr); */ if (instr.p[0] < 100) { if (instr.p[3]) { memcpy(buf, (char *)instr.p[4], instr.p[3]); } A = myDoCommand(instr.p, sizeof(buf)-1, buf); F = A; PC++; } else { p1 = instr.p[1]; p2 = instr.p[2]; switch (instr.p[0]) { case PI_CMD_ADD: A+=p1; F=A; PC++; break; case PI_CMD_AND: A&=p1; F=A; PC++; break; case PI_CMD_CALL: scrPush(s, &SP, S, PC+1); PC = p1; break; case PI_CMD_CMP: F=A-p1; PC++; break; case PI_CMD_DCR: if (instr.opt[1] == CMD_PAR) {--s->script.par[p1o]; F=s->script.par[p1o];} else {--s->script.var[p1o]; F=s->script.var[p1o];} PC++; break; case PI_CMD_DCRA: --A; F=A; PC++; break; case PI_CMD_DIV: A/=p1; F=A; PC++; break; case PI_CMD_HALT: s->run_state = PI_SCRIPT_HALTED; break; case PI_CMD_INR: if (instr.opt[1] == CMD_PAR) {++s->script.par[p1o]; F=s->script.par[p1o];} else {++s->script.var[p1o]; F=s->script.var[p1o];} PC++; break; case PI_CMD_INRA: ++A; F=A; PC++; break; case PI_CMD_JM: if (F<0) PC=p1; else PC++; break; case PI_CMD_JMP: PC=p1; break; case PI_CMD_JNZ: if (F) PC=p1; else PC++; break; case PI_CMD_JP: if (F>=0) PC=p1; else PC++; break; case PI_CMD_JZ: if (!F) PC=p1; else PC++; break; case PI_CMD_LD: if (instr.opt[1] == CMD_PAR) s->script.par[p1o]=p2; else s->script.var[p1o]=p2; PC++; break; case PI_CMD_LDA: A=p1; PC++; break; case PI_CMD_LDAB: if ((p1 >= 0) && (p1 < sizeof(buf))) A = buf[p1]; PC++; break; case PI_CMD_MLT: A*=p1; F=A; PC++; break; case PI_CMD_MOD: A%=p1; F=A; PC++; break; case PI_CMD_OR: A|=p1; F=A; PC++; break; case PI_CMD_POP: if (instr.opt[1] == CMD_PAR) s->script.par[p1o]=scrPop(s, &SP, S); else s->script.var[p1o]=scrPop(s, &SP, S); PC++; break; case PI_CMD_POPA: A=scrPop(s, &SP, S); PC++; break; case PI_CMD_PUSH: if (instr.opt[1] == CMD_PAR) scrPush(s, &SP, S, s->script.par[p1o]); else scrPush(s, &SP, S, s->script.var[p1o]); PC++; break; case PI_CMD_PUSHA: scrPush(s, &SP, S, A); PC++; break; case PI_CMD_RET: PC=scrPop(s, &SP, S); break; case PI_CMD_RL: if (instr.opt[1] == CMD_PAR) {s->script.par[p1o]<<=p2; F=s->script.par[p1o];} else {s->script.var[p1o]<<=p2; F=s->script.var[p1o];} PC++; break; case PI_CMD_RLA: A<<=p1; F=A; PC++; break; case PI_CMD_RR: if (instr.opt[1] == CMD_PAR) {s->script.par[p1o]>>=p2; F=s->script.par[p1o];} else {s->script.var[p1o]>>=p2; F=s->script.var[p1o];} PC++; break; case PI_CMD_RRA: A>>=p1; F=A; PC++; break; case PI_CMD_STA: if (instr.opt[1] == CMD_PAR) s->script.par[p1o]=A; else s->script.var[p1o]=A; PC++; break; case PI_CMD_STAB: if ((p1 >= 0) && (p1 < sizeof(buf))) buf[p1] = A; PC++; break; case PI_CMD_SUB: A-=p1; F=A; PC++; break; case PI_CMD_SYS: A=scrSys((char*)instr.p[4], A, *(gpioReg + GPLEV0)); F=A; PC++; break; case PI_CMD_WAIT: A=scrWait(s, p1); F=A; PC++; break; case PI_CMD_X: if (instr.opt[1] == CMD_PAR) t1 = &s->script.par[p1o]; else t1 = &s->script.var[p1o]; if (instr.opt[2] == CMD_PAR) t2 = &s->script.par[p2o]; else t2 = &s->script.var[p2o]; scrSwap(t1, t2); PC++; break; case PI_CMD_XA: if (instr.opt[1] == CMD_PAR) scrSwap(&s->script.par[p1o], &A); else scrSwap(&s->script.var[p1o], &A); PC++; break; case PI_CMD_XOR: A^=p1; F=A; PC++; break; } } if (PC >= s->script.instrs) s->run_state = PI_SCRIPT_HALTED; } if ((volatile int)s->request == PI_SCRIPT_HALT) s->run_state = PI_SCRIPT_HALTED; } return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void * pthTimerTick(void *x) { gpioTimer_t * tp; struct timespec req, rem, period; char buf[256]; tp = x; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tp->nextTick); while (1) { clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &rem); period.tv_sec = tp->millis / THOUSAND; period.tv_nsec = (tp->millis % THOUSAND) * THOUSAND * THOUSAND; do { TIMER_ADD(&tp->nextTick, &period, &tp->nextTick); TIMER_SUB(&tp->nextTick, &rem, &req); } while (req.tv_sec < 0); while (nanosleep(&req, &rem)) { req.tv_sec = rem.tv_sec; req.tv_nsec = rem.tv_nsec; } if (gpioCfg.dbgLevel >= DBG_SLOW_TICK) { if ((tp->millis > 50) || (gpioCfg.dbgLevel >= DBG_FAST_TICK)) { sprintf(buf, "pigpio: TIMER=%d @ %u %u\n", tp->id, (unsigned)tp->nextTick.tv_sec, (unsigned)tp->nextTick.tv_nsec); fprintf(stderr, buf); } } if (tp->ex) (tp->func)(tp->userdata); else (tp->func)(); } return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void * pthFifoThread(void *x) { char buf[CMD_MAX_EXTENSION]; int idx, flags, len, res, i; uint32_t p[CMD_P_ARR]; cmdCtlParse_t ctl; uint32_t *param; char v[CMD_MAX_EXTENSION]; myCreatePipe(PI_INPFIFO, 0662); if ((inpFifo = fopen(PI_INPFIFO, "r+")) == NULL) SOFT_ERROR((void*)PI_INIT_FAILED, "fopen %s failed(%m)", PI_INPFIFO); myCreatePipe(PI_OUTFIFO, 0664); if ((outFifo = fopen(PI_OUTFIFO, "w+")) == NULL) SOFT_ERROR((void*)PI_INIT_FAILED, "fopen %s failed (%m)", PI_OUTFIFO); /* set outFifo non-blocking */ flags = fcntl(fileno(outFifo), F_GETFL, 0); fcntl(fileno(outFifo), F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK); /* don't start until DMA started */ spinWhileStarting(); while (1) { if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), inpFifo) == NULL) SOFT_ERROR((void*)PI_INIT_FAILED, "fifo fgets failed (%m)"); len = strlen(buf); if (len) { --len; buf[len] = 0; /* replace terminating */ } ctl.eaten = 0; idx = 0; while (((ctl.eaten)= 0)) { if ((idx=cmdParse(buf, p, CMD_MAX_EXTENSION, v, &ctl)) >= 0) { /* make sure extensions are null terminated */ v[p[3]] = 0; res = myDoCommand(p, sizeof(v)-1, v); switch (cmdInfo[idx].rv) { case 0: fprintf(outFifo, "%d\n", res); break; case 1: fprintf(outFifo, "%d\n", res); break; case 2: fprintf(outFifo, "%d\n", res); break; case 3: fprintf(outFifo, "%08X\n", res); break; case 4: fprintf(outFifo, "%u\n", res); break; case 5: fprintf(outFifo, cmdUsage); break; case 6: fprintf(outFifo, "%d", res); if (res > 0) { for (i=0; i= 0) { memcpy(buf, &p[3], 4); p[3] = 4 + (4*PI_MAX_SCRIPT_PARAMS); } break; default: p[3] = myDoCommand(p, sizeof(buf)-1, buf); } write(sock, p, 16); switch (p[0]) { /* extensions */ case PI_CMD_BI2CZ: case PI_CMD_CF2: case PI_CMD_I2CPK: case PI_CMD_I2CRD: case PI_CMD_I2CRI: case PI_CMD_I2CRK: case PI_CMD_I2CZ: case PI_CMD_PROCP: case PI_CMD_SERR: case PI_CMD_SLR: case PI_CMD_SPIX: case PI_CMD_SPIR: if (((int)p[3]) > 0) { write(sock, buf, p[3]); } break; default: break; } } closeOrphanedNotifications(-1, sock); close(sock); return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void * pthSocketThread(void *x) { int fdC, c, *sock; struct sockaddr_in client; pthread_attr_t attr; if (pthread_attr_init(&attr)) SOFT_ERROR((void*)PI_INIT_FAILED, "pthread_attr_init failed (%m)"); if (pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr, STACK_SIZE)) SOFT_ERROR((void*)PI_INIT_FAILED, "pthread_attr_setstacksize failed (%m)"); if (pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED)) SOFT_ERROR((void*)PI_INIT_FAILED, "pthread_attr_setdetachstate failed (%m)"); /* fdSock opened in gpioInitialise so that we can treat failure to bind as fatal. */ listen(fdSock, 100); c = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); /* don't start until DMA started */ spinWhileStarting(); while ((fdC = accept(fdSock, (struct sockaddr *)&client, (socklen_t*)&c))) { pthread_t thr; closeOrphanedNotifications(-1, fdC); sock = malloc(sizeof(int)); *sock = fdC; if (pthread_create (&thr, &attr, pthSocketThreadHandler, (void*) sock) < 0) SOFT_ERROR((void*)PI_INIT_FAILED, "socket pthread_create failed (%m)"); } if (fdC < 0) SOFT_ERROR((void*)PI_INIT_FAILED, "accept failed (%m)"); return 0; } /* ======================================================================= */ static void initCheckLockFile(void) { int fd; int count; int pid; int err; int delete; char str[20]; fd = open(PI_LOCKFILE, O_RDONLY); if (fd != -1) { DBG(DBG_STARTUP, "lock file exists"); delete = 1; count = read(fd, str, sizeof(str)-1); if (count) { pid = atoi(str); err = kill(pid, 0); if (!err) delete = 0; /* process still exists */ DBG(DBG_STARTUP, "lock file pid=%d err=%d", pid, err); } close(fd); DBG(DBG_STARTUP, "lock file delete=%d", delete); if (delete) unlink(PI_LOCKFILE); } } static int initGrabLockFile(void) { int fd; int lockResult; char pidStr[20]; initCheckLockFile(); /* try to grab the lock file */ fd = open(PI_LOCKFILE, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_TRUNC, 0644); if (fd != -1) { lockResult = flock(fd, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB); if(lockResult == 0) { sprintf(pidStr, "%d\n", (int)getpid()); write(fd, pidStr, strlen(pidStr)); } else { close(fd); return -1; } } return fd; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static uint32_t * initMapMem(int fd, uint32_t addr, uint32_t len) { return (uint32_t *) mmap(0, len, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE|PROT_EXEC, MAP_SHARED|MAP_LOCKED, fd, addr); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int initCheckPermitted(void) { DBG(DBG_STARTUP, ""); if ((fdMem = open("/dev/mem", O_RDWR | O_SYNC) ) < 0) { DBG(DBG_ALWAYS, "\n" \ "+---------------------------------------------------------+\n" \ "|Sorry, you don't have permission to run this program. |\n" \ "|Try running as root, e.g. precede the command with sudo. |\n" \ "+---------------------------------------------------------+\n\n"); return -1; } return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int initPeripherals(void) { uint32_t dmaBase; DBG(DBG_STARTUP, ""); gpioReg = initMapMem(fdMem, GPIO_BASE, GPIO_LEN); if (gpioReg == MAP_FAILED) SOFT_ERROR(PI_INIT_FAILED, "mmap gpio failed (%m)"); /* dma channels 0-14 share one page, 15 has another */ if (gpioCfg.DMAprimaryChannel < 15) { dmaBase = DMA_BASE; } else dmaBase = DMA15_BASE; dmaReg = initMapMem(fdMem, dmaBase, DMA_LEN); if (dmaReg == MAP_FAILED) SOFT_ERROR(PI_INIT_FAILED, "mmap dma failed (%m)"); if (gpioCfg.DMAprimaryChannel < 15) { dmaIn = dmaReg + (gpioCfg.DMAprimaryChannel * 0x40); dmaOut = dmaReg + (gpioCfg.DMAsecondaryChannel * 0x40); } DBG(DBG_STARTUP, "DMA #%d @ %08X @ %08X", gpioCfg.DMAprimaryChannel, dmaBase, (uint32_t)dmaIn); DBG(DBG_STARTUP, "debug reg is %08X", dmaIn[DMA_DEBUG]); clkReg = initMapMem(fdMem, CLK_BASE, CLK_LEN); if (clkReg == MAP_FAILED) SOFT_ERROR(PI_INIT_FAILED, "mmap clk failed (%m)"); systReg = initMapMem(fdMem, SYST_BASE, SYST_LEN); if (systReg == MAP_FAILED) SOFT_ERROR(PI_INIT_FAILED, "mmap syst failed (%m)"); spiReg = initMapMem(fdMem, SPI_BASE, SPI_LEN); if (spiReg == MAP_FAILED) SOFT_ERROR(PI_INIT_FAILED, "mmap spi failed (%m)"); pwmReg = initMapMem(fdMem, PWM_BASE, PWM_LEN); if (pwmReg == MAP_FAILED) SOFT_ERROR(PI_INIT_FAILED, "mmap pwm failed (%m)"); pcmReg = initMapMem(fdMem, PCM_BASE, PCM_LEN); if (pcmReg == MAP_FAILED) SOFT_ERROR(PI_INIT_FAILED, "mmap pcm failed (%m)"); auxReg = initMapMem(fdMem, AUX_BASE, AUX_LEN); if (auxReg == MAP_FAILED) SOFT_ERROR(PI_INIT_FAILED, "mmap aux failed (%m)"); return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int initZaps (int pmapFd, void *virtualBase, int basePage, int pages) { int n; long index; off_t offset; ssize_t t; uint32_t physical; int status; uint32_t pageAdr; unsigned long long pa; DBG(DBG_STARTUP, ""); status = 0; pageAdr = (uint32_t) dmaVirt[basePage]; index = ((uint32_t)virtualBase / PAGE_SIZE) * 8; offset = lseek(pmapFd, index, SEEK_SET); if (offset != index) SOFT_ERROR(PI_INIT_FAILED, "lseek pagemap failed (%m)"); for (n=0; n PI_DEFAULT_BUFFER_MILLIS))) { /* pagemap allocation of DMA memory */ dmaPMapBlk = mmap( 0, (bufferBlocks+PI_WAVE_BLOCKS)*sizeof(dmaPage_t *), PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS|MAP_LOCKED, -1, 0); if (dmaPMapBlk == MAP_FAILED) SOFT_ERROR(PI_INIT_FAILED, "pagemap mmap block failed (%m)"); fdPmap = open("/proc/self/pagemap", O_RDONLY); if (fdPmap < 0) SOFT_ERROR(PI_INIT_FAILED, "pagemap open failed(%m)"); for (i=0; i<(bufferBlocks+PI_WAVE_BLOCKS); i++) { status = initPagemapBlock(i); if (status < 0) { close(fdPmap); return status; } } close(fdPmap); DBG(DBG_STARTUP, "dmaPMapBlk=%08X dmaIn=%08X", (uint32_t)dmaPMapBlk, (uint32_t)dmaIn); } else { /* mailbox allocation of DMA memory */ dmaMboxBlk = mmap( 0, (bufferBlocks+PI_WAVE_BLOCKS)*sizeof(DMAMem_t), PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS|MAP_LOCKED, -1, 0); if (dmaMboxBlk == MAP_FAILED) SOFT_ERROR(PI_INIT_FAILED, "mmap mbox block failed (%m)"); fdMbox = mbOpen(); if (fdMbox < 0) SOFT_ERROR(PI_INIT_FAILED, "mbox open failed(%m)"); for (i=0; i<(bufferBlocks+PI_WAVE_BLOCKS); i++) { status = initMboxBlock(i); if (status < 0) { mbClose(fdMbox); return status; } } mbClose(fdMbox); DBG(DBG_STARTUP, "dmaMboxBlk=%08X dmaIn=%08X", (uint32_t)dmaMboxBlk, (uint32_t)dmaIn); } DBG(DBG_STARTUP, "gpioReg=%08X pwmReg=%08X pcmReg=%08X clkReg=%08X auxReg=%08X", (uint32_t)gpioReg, (uint32_t)pwmReg, (uint32_t)pcmReg, (uint32_t)clkReg, (uint32_t)auxReg); for (i=0; i= DBG_DMACBS) { fprintf(stderr, "*** INPUT DMA CONTROL BLOCKS ***\n"); for (i=0; iperiphData = 1; /* enable PWM DMA, raise panic and dreq thresholds to 15 */ pwmReg[PWM_DMAC] = PWM_DMAC_ENAB | PWM_DMAC_PANIC(15) | PWM_DMAC_DREQ(15); myGpioDelay(10); /* clear PWM fifo */ pwmReg[PWM_CTL] = PWM_CTL_CLRF1; myGpioDelay(10); /* enable PWM channel 1 and use fifo */ pwmReg[PWM_CTL] = PWM_CTL_USEF1 | PWM_CTL_MODE1 | PWM_CTL_PWEN1; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void initPCM(unsigned bits) { DBG(DBG_STARTUP, "bits=%d", bits); /* disable PCM so we can modify the regs */ pcmReg[PCM_CS] = 0; myGpioDelay(1000); pcmReg[PCM_FIFO] = 0; pcmReg[PCM_MODE] = 0; pcmReg[PCM_RXC] = 0; pcmReg[PCM_TXC] = 0; pcmReg[PCM_DREQ] = 0; pcmReg[PCM_INTEN] = 0; pcmReg[PCM_INTSTC] = 0; pcmReg[PCM_GRAY] = 0; myGpioDelay(1000); pcmReg[PCM_MODE] = PCM_MODE_FLEN(bits-1); /* # bits in frame */ /* enable channel 1 with # bits width */ pcmReg[PCM_TXC] = PCM_TXC_CH1EN | PCM_TXC_CH1WID(bits-8); pcmReg[PCM_CS] |= PCM_CS_STBY; /* clear standby */ myGpioDelay(1000); pcmReg[PCM_CS] |= PCM_CS_TXCLR; /* clear TX FIFO */ pcmReg[PCM_CS] |= PCM_CS_DMAEN; /* enable DREQ */ pcmReg[PCM_DREQ] = PCM_DREQ_TX_PANIC(16) | PCM_DREQ_TX_REQ_L(30); pcmReg[PCM_INTSTC] = 0b1111; /* clear status bits */ /* enable PCM */ pcmReg[PCM_CS] |= PCM_CS_EN; /* enable tx */ pcmReg[PCM_CS] |= PCM_CS_TXON; dmaIVirt[0]->periphData = 0x0F; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void initHWClk (int clkCtl, int clkDiv, int clkSrc, int divI, int divF, int MASH) { DBG(DBG_INTERNAL, "ctl=%d div=%d src=%d /I=%d /f=%d M=%d", clkCtl, clkDiv, clkSrc, divI, divF, MASH); /* kill the clock if busy, anything else isn't reliable */ if (clkReg[clkCtl] & CLK_CTL_BUSY) { do { clkReg[clkCtl] = CLK_PASSWD | CLK_CTL_KILL; } while (clkReg[clkCtl] & CLK_CTL_BUSY); } clkReg[clkDiv] = (CLK_PASSWD | CLK_DIV_DIVI(divI) | CLK_DIV_DIVF(divF)); usleep(10); clkReg[clkCtl] = (CLK_PASSWD | CLK_CTL_MASH(MASH) | CLK_CTL_SRC(clkSrc)); usleep(10); clkReg[clkCtl] |= (CLK_PASSWD | CLK_CTL_ENAB); } static void initClock(int mainClock) { const unsigned BITS=10; int clockPWM; unsigned clkCtl, clkDiv, clkSrc, clkDivI, clkDivF, clkMash, clkBits; char *per; unsigned micros; DBG(DBG_STARTUP, "mainClock=%d", mainClock); if (mainClock) micros = gpioCfg.clockMicros; else micros = PI_WF_MICROS; clockPWM = mainClock ^ (gpioCfg.clockPeriph == PI_CLOCK_PCM); if (clockPWM) { clkCtl = CLK_PWMCTL; clkDiv = CLK_PWMDIV; per = "PWM"; } else { clkCtl = CLK_PCMCTL; clkDiv = CLK_PCMDIV; per = "PCM"; } clkSrc = CLK_CTL_SRC_PLLD; clkDivI = 50 * micros; /* 10 MHz - 1 MHz */ clkBits = BITS; /* 10/BITS MHz - 1/BITS MHz */ clkDivF = 0; clkMash = 0; DBG(DBG_STARTUP, "%s PLLD divi=%d divf=%d mash=%d bits=%d", per, clkDivI, clkDivF, clkMash, clkBits); initHWClk(clkCtl, clkDiv, clkSrc, clkDivI, clkDivF, clkMash); if (clockPWM) initPWM(BITS); else initPCM(BITS); myGpioDelay(2000); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void initDMAgo(volatile uint32_t *dmaAddr, uint32_t cbAddr) { DBG(DBG_STARTUP, ""); dmaAddr[DMA_CS] = DMA_CHANNEL_RESET; dmaAddr[DMA_CS] = DMA_INTERRUPT_STATUS | DMA_END_FLAG; dmaAddr[DMA_CONBLK_AD] = cbAddr; /* clear READ/FIFO/READ_LAST_NOT_SET error bits */ dmaAddr[DMA_DEBUG] = DMA_DEBUG_READ_ERR | DMA_DEBUG_FIFO_ERR | DMA_DEBUG_RD_LST_NOT_SET_ERR; dmaAddr[DMA_CS] = DMA_WAIT_ON_WRITES | DMA_PANIC_PRIORITY(8) | DMA_PRIORITY(8) | DMA_ACTIVATE; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void initClearGlobals(void) { int i; DBG(DBG_STARTUP, ""); alertBits = 0; monitorBits = 0; notifyBits = 0; scriptBits = 0; gFilterBits = 0; nFilterBits = 0; wdogBits = 0; pthAlertRunning = 0; pthFifoRunning = 0; pthSocketRunning = 0; wfc[0] = 0; wfc[1] = 0; wfc[2] = 0; wfcur=0; wfStats.micros = 0; wfStats.highMicros = 0; wfStats.maxMicros = PI_WAVE_MAX_MICROS; wfStats.pulses = 0; wfStats.highPulses = 0; wfStats.maxPulses = PI_WAVE_MAX_PULSES; wfStats.cbs = 0; wfStats.highCbs = 0; wfStats.maxCbs = (PI_WAVE_BLOCKS * PAGES_PER_BLOCK * CBS_PER_OPAGE); gpioGetSamples.func = NULL; gpioGetSamples.ex = 0; gpioGetSamples.userdata = NULL; gpioGetSamples.bits = 0; for (i=0; i<=PI_MAX_USER_GPIO; i++) { wfRx[i].mode = PI_WFRX_NONE; gpioAlert[i].func = NULL; } for (i=0; i<=PI_MAX_GPIO; i++) { gpioInfo [i].is = GPIO_UNDEFINED; gpioInfo [i].width = 0; gpioInfo [i].range = PI_DEFAULT_DUTYCYCLE_RANGE; gpioInfo [i].freqIdx = DEFAULT_PWM_IDX; } for (i=0; i> 4) & 0xFF; /* model 0=A 1=B 2=A+ 3=B+ 4=Pi2B 5=Alpha 6=Compute Module 7=Unknown 8=Pi3B 9=Zero */ if (model < 2) gpioMask = PI_DEFAULT_UPDATE_MASK_A_B2; else if (model < 4) gpioMask = PI_DEFAULT_UPDATE_MASK_APLUS_BPLUS; else if (model == 4) gpioMask = PI_DEFAULT_UPDATE_MASK_PI2B; else if (model == 6) gpioMask = PI_DEFAULT_UPDATE_MASK_COMPUTE; else if (model == 8) gpioMask = PI_DEFAULT_UPDATE_MASK_PI3B; else if (model == 9) gpioMask = PI_DEFAULT_UPDATE_MASK_ZERO; else gpioMask = PI_DEFAULT_UPDATE_MASK_UNKNOWN; } gpioMaskSet = 1; } #ifndef EMBEDDED_IN_VM sigSetHandler(); #endif if (initPeripherals() < 0) return PI_INIT_FAILED; if (initAllocDMAMem() < 0) return PI_INIT_FAILED; /* done with /dev/mem */ if (fdMem != -1) { close(fdMem); fdMem = -1; } param.sched_priority = sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_FIFO); if (gpioCfg.internals & PI_CFG_RT_PRIORITY) sched_setscheduler(0, SCHED_FIFO, ¶m); initClock(1); /* initialise main clock */ atexit(gpioTerminate); if (pthread_attr_init(&pthAttr)) SOFT_ERROR(PI_INIT_FAILED, "pthread_attr_init failed (%m)"); if (pthread_attr_setstacksize(&pthAttr, STACK_SIZE)) SOFT_ERROR(PI_INIT_FAILED, "pthread_attr_setstacksize failed (%m)"); if (pthread_create(&pthAlert, &pthAttr, pthAlertThread, &i)) SOFT_ERROR(PI_INIT_FAILED, "pthread_create alert failed (%m)"); pthAlertRunning = 1; if (!(gpioCfg.ifFlags & PI_DISABLE_FIFO_IF)) { if (pthread_create(&pthFifo, &pthAttr, pthFifoThread, &i)) SOFT_ERROR(PI_INIT_FAILED, "pthread_create fifo failed (%m)"); pthFifoRunning = 1; } if (!(gpioCfg.ifFlags & PI_DISABLE_SOCK_IF)) { fdSock = socket(AF_INET , SOCK_STREAM , 0); if (fdSock == -1) SOFT_ERROR(PI_INIT_FAILED, "socket failed (%m)"); portStr = getenv(PI_ENVPORT); if (portStr) port = atoi(portStr); else port = gpioCfg.socketPort; server.sin_family = AF_INET; if (gpioCfg.ifFlags & PI_LOCALHOST_SOCK_IF) { server.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK); } else { server.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); } server.sin_port = htons(port); if (bind(fdSock,(struct sockaddr *)&server , sizeof(server)) < 0) SOFT_ERROR(PI_INIT_FAILED, "bind to port %d failed (%m)", port); if (pthread_create(&pthSocket, &pthAttr, pthSocketThread, &i)) SOFT_ERROR(PI_INIT_FAILED, "pthread_create socket failed (%m)"); pthSocketRunning = 1; } myGpioDelay(10000); dmaInitCbs(); flushMemory(); initDMAgo((uint32_t *)dmaIn, (uint32_t)dmaIBus[0]); myGpioDelay(20000); return PIGPIO_VERSION; } /* ======================================================================= */ int getBitInBytes(int bitPos, char *buf, int numBits) { int bitp, bufp; if (bitPos < numBits) { bufp = bitPos / 8; bitp = 7 - (bitPos % 8); if (buf[bufp] & (1<= 0) && (pos < NUM_WAVE_OOL)) { waveOOLPageSlot(pos, &page, &slot); return (dmaOVirt[page]->OOL[slot]); } return -1; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void rawWaveSetOut(int pos, uint32_t value) { int page, slot; if ((pos >= 0) && (pos < NUM_WAVE_OOL)) { waveOOLPageSlot(pos, &page, &slot); dmaOVirt[page]->OOL[slot] = value; } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ uint32_t rawWaveGetIn(int pos) { int page, slot; if ((pos >= 0) && (pos < NUM_WAVE_OOL)) { waveOOLPageSlot((NUM_WAVE_OOL-1)-pos, &page, &slot); return (dmaOVirt[page]->OOL[slot]); } return -1; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void rawWaveSetIn(int pos, uint32_t value) { int page, slot; if ((pos >= 0) && (pos < NUM_WAVE_OOL)) { waveOOLPageSlot((NUM_WAVE_OOL-1)-pos, &page, &slot); dmaOVirt[page]->OOL[slot] = value; } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ rawWaveInfo_t rawWaveInfo(int wave_id) { rawWaveInfo_t dummy = {-1, -1, -1, -1}; if ((wave_id >=0) && (wave_id < PI_MAX_WAVES)) return waveInfo[wave_id]; else return dummy; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ double time_time(void) { struct timeval tv; double t; gettimeofday(&tv, 0); t = (double)tv.tv_sec + ((double)tv.tv_usec / 1E6); return t; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void time_sleep(double seconds) { struct timespec ts, rem; if (seconds > 0.0) { ts.tv_sec = seconds; ts.tv_nsec = (seconds-(double)ts.tv_sec) * 1E9; while (clock_nanosleep(CLOCK_REALTIME, 0, &ts, &rem)) { /* copy remaining time to ts */ ts.tv_sec = rem.tv_sec; ts.tv_nsec = rem.tv_nsec; } } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void rawDumpWave(void) { int i; unsigned numWaves, t; rawWave_t *waves; numWaves = wfc[wfcur]; waves = wf [wfcur]; t = 0; for (i=0; i= PI_MAX_SCRIPTS) return; if (gpioScript[script_id].state == PI_SCRIPT_IN_USE) { for (i=0; i> 4) & 3; if (pwm == 0) pwmReg[PWM_CTL] &= (~PWM_CTL_PWEN1); else pwmReg[PWM_CTL] &= (~PWM_CTL_PWEN2); gpioInfo[i].width = 0; gpioInfo[i].is = GPIO_UNDEFINED; } } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioSetMode(unsigned gpio, unsigned mode) { int reg, shift, old_mode; DBG(DBG_USER, "gpio=%d mode=%d", gpio, mode); CHECK_INITED; if (gpio > PI_MAX_GPIO) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_GPIO, "bad gpio (%d)", gpio); if (mode > PI_ALT3) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_MODE, "gpio %d, bad mode (%d)", gpio, mode); reg = gpio/10; shift = (gpio%10) * 3; old_mode = (gpioReg[reg] >> shift) & 7; if (mode != old_mode) { switchFunctionOff(gpio); gpioInfo[gpio].is = GPIO_UNDEFINED; gpioReg[reg] = (gpioReg[reg] & ~(7< PI_MAX_GPIO) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_GPIO, "bad gpio (%d)", gpio); reg = gpio/10; shift = (gpio%10) * 3; return (gpioReg[reg] >> shift) & 7; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioSetPullUpDown(unsigned gpio, unsigned pud) { DBG(DBG_USER, "gpio=%d pud=%d", gpio, pud); CHECK_INITED; if (gpio > PI_MAX_GPIO) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_GPIO, "bad gpio (%d)", gpio); if (pud > PI_PUD_UP) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_PUD, "gpio %d, bad pud (%d)", gpio, pud); *(gpioReg + GPPUD) = pud; myGpioDelay(20); *(gpioReg + GPPUDCLK0 + BANK) = BIT; myGpioDelay(20); *(gpioReg + GPPUD) = 0; *(gpioReg + GPPUDCLK0 + BANK) = 0; return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioRead(unsigned gpio) { DBG(DBG_USER, "gpio=%d", gpio); CHECK_INITED; if (gpio > PI_MAX_GPIO) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_GPIO, "bad gpio (%d)", gpio); if ((*(gpioReg + GPLEV0 + BANK) & BIT) != 0) return PI_ON; else return PI_OFF; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioWrite(unsigned gpio, unsigned level) { DBG(DBG_USER, "gpio=%d level=%d", gpio, level); CHECK_INITED; if (gpio > PI_MAX_GPIO) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_GPIO, "bad gpio (%d)", gpio); if (level > PI_ON) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_LEVEL, "gpio %d, bad level (%d)", gpio, level); if (gpio <= PI_MAX_GPIO) { if (gpioInfo[gpio].is != GPIO_WRITE) { /* stop a glitch between setting mode then level */ if (level == PI_OFF) *(gpioReg + GPCLR0 + BANK) = BIT; else *(gpioReg + GPSET0 + BANK) = BIT; switchFunctionOff(gpio); gpioSetMode(gpio, PI_OUTPUT); gpioInfo[gpio].is = GPIO_WRITE; } } if (level == PI_OFF) *(gpioReg + GPCLR0 + BANK) = BIT; else *(gpioReg + GPSET0 + BANK) = BIT; return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioPWM(unsigned gpio, unsigned val) { DBG(DBG_USER, "gpio=%d dutycycle=%d", gpio, val); CHECK_INITED; if (gpio > PI_MAX_USER_GPIO) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_USER_GPIO, "bad gpio (%d)", gpio); if (val > gpioInfo[gpio].range) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_DUTYCYCLE, "gpio %d, bad dutycycle (%d)", gpio, val); if (gpioInfo[gpio].is != GPIO_PWM) { switchFunctionOff(gpio); gpioSetMode(gpio, PI_OUTPUT); gpioInfo[gpio].is = GPIO_PWM; } myGpioSetPwm(gpio, gpioInfo[gpio].width, val); gpioInfo[gpio].width=val; return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioGetPWMdutycycle(unsigned gpio) { unsigned pwm; DBG(DBG_USER, "gpio=%d", gpio); CHECK_INITED; if (gpio > PI_MAX_USER_GPIO) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_USER_GPIO, "bad gpio (%d)", gpio); switch (gpioInfo[gpio].is) { case GPIO_PWM: return gpioInfo[gpio].width; case GPIO_HW_PWM: pwm = (PWMDef[gpio] >> 4) & 3; return hw_pwm_duty[pwm]; case GPIO_HW_CLK: return PI_HW_PWM_RANGE/2; default: SOFT_ERROR(PI_NOT_PWM_GPIO, "not a PWM gpio (%d)", gpio); } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioSetPWMrange(unsigned gpio, unsigned range) { int oldWidth, newWidth; DBG(DBG_USER, "gpio=%d range=%d", gpio, range); CHECK_INITED; if (gpio > PI_MAX_USER_GPIO) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_USER_GPIO, "bad gpio (%d)", gpio); if ((range < PI_MIN_DUTYCYCLE_RANGE) || (range > PI_MAX_DUTYCYCLE_RANGE)) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_DUTYRANGE, "gpio %d, bad range (%d)", gpio, range); oldWidth = gpioInfo[gpio].width; if (oldWidth) { if (gpioInfo[gpio].is == GPIO_PWM) { newWidth = (range * oldWidth) / gpioInfo[gpio].range; myGpioSetPwm(gpio, oldWidth, 0); gpioInfo[gpio].range = range; gpioInfo[gpio].width = newWidth; myGpioSetPwm(gpio, 0, newWidth); } } gpioInfo[gpio].range = range; /* return the actual range for the current gpio frequency */ return pwmRealRange[gpioInfo[gpio].freqIdx]; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioGetPWMrange(unsigned gpio) { DBG(DBG_USER, "gpio=%d", gpio); CHECK_INITED; if (gpio > PI_MAX_USER_GPIO) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_USER_GPIO, "bad gpio (%d)", gpio); switch (gpioInfo[gpio].is) { case GPIO_HW_PWM: case GPIO_HW_CLK: return PI_HW_PWM_RANGE; default: return gpioInfo[gpio].range; } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioGetPWMrealRange(unsigned gpio) { unsigned pwm; DBG(DBG_USER, "gpio=%d", gpio); CHECK_INITED; if (gpio > PI_MAX_USER_GPIO) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_USER_GPIO, "bad gpio (%d)", gpio); switch (gpioInfo[gpio].is) { case GPIO_HW_PWM: pwm = (PWMDef[gpio] >> 4) & 3; return hw_pwm_real_range[pwm]; case GPIO_HW_CLK: return PI_HW_PWM_RANGE; default: return pwmRealRange[gpioInfo[gpio].freqIdx]; } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioSetPWMfrequency(unsigned gpio, unsigned frequency) { int i, width; unsigned diff, best, idx; DBG(DBG_USER, "gpio=%d frequency=%d", gpio, frequency); CHECK_INITED; if (gpio > PI_MAX_USER_GPIO) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_USER_GPIO, "bad gpio (%d)", gpio); if (frequency > pwmFreq[0]) idx = 0; else if (frequency < pwmFreq[PWM_FREQS-1]) idx = PWM_FREQS-1; else { best = 100000; /* impossibly high frequency difference */ idx = 0; for (i=0; i pwmFreq[i]) diff = frequency - pwmFreq[i]; else diff = pwmFreq[i] - frequency; if (diff < best) { best = diff; idx = i; } } } width = gpioInfo[gpio].width; if (width) { if (gpioInfo[gpio].is == GPIO_PWM) { myGpioSetPwm(gpio, width, 0); gpioInfo[gpio].freqIdx = idx; myGpioSetPwm(gpio, 0, width); } } gpioInfo[gpio].freqIdx = idx; return pwmFreq[idx]; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioGetPWMfrequency(unsigned gpio) { unsigned pwm, clock; DBG(DBG_USER, "gpio=%d", gpio); CHECK_INITED; if (gpio > PI_MAX_USER_GPIO) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_USER_GPIO, "bad gpio (%d)", gpio); switch (gpioInfo[gpio].is) { case GPIO_HW_PWM: pwm = (PWMDef[gpio] >> 4) & 3; return hw_pwm_freq[pwm]; case GPIO_HW_CLK: clock = (clkDef[gpio] >> 4) & 3; return hw_clk_freq[clock]; default: return pwmFreq[gpioInfo[gpio].freqIdx]; } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioServo(unsigned gpio, unsigned val) { DBG(DBG_USER, "gpio=%d pulsewidth=%d", gpio, val); CHECK_INITED; if (gpio > PI_MAX_USER_GPIO) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_USER_GPIO, "bad gpio (%d)", gpio); if ((val!=PI_SERVO_OFF) && (valPI_MAX_SERVO_PULSEWIDTH) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_PULSEWIDTH, "gpio %d, bad pulsewidth (%d)", gpio, val); if (gpioInfo[gpio].is != GPIO_SERVO) { switchFunctionOff(gpio); gpioSetMode(gpio, PI_OUTPUT); gpioInfo[gpio].is = GPIO_SERVO; } myGpioSetServo(gpio, gpioInfo[gpio].width, val); gpioInfo[gpio].width=val; return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioGetServoPulsewidth(unsigned gpio) { DBG(DBG_USER, "gpio=%d", gpio); CHECK_INITED; if (gpio > PI_MAX_USER_GPIO) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_USER_GPIO, "bad gpio (%d)", gpio); if (gpioInfo[gpio].is != GPIO_SERVO) SOFT_ERROR(PI_NOT_SERVO_GPIO, "not a servo gpio (%d)", gpio); return gpioInfo[gpio].width; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioWaveClear(void) { DBG(DBG_USER, ""); CHECK_INITED; wfc[0] = 0; wfc[1] = 0; wfc[2] = 0; wfcur = 0; wfStats.micros = 0; wfStats.pulses = 0; wfStats.cbs = 0; waveOutBotCB = PI_WAVE_COUNT_PAGES*CBS_PER_OPAGE; waveOutBotOOL = PI_WAVE_COUNT_PAGES*OOL_PER_OPAGE; waveOutTopOOL = NUM_WAVE_OOL; waveOutCount = 0; waveEndPtr = NULL; return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioWaveAddNew(void) { DBG(DBG_USER, ""); CHECK_INITED; wfc[0] = 0; wfc[1] = 0; wfc[2] = 0; wfcur = 0; wfStats.micros = 0; wfStats.pulses = 0; wfStats.cbs = 0; return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioWaveAddGeneric(unsigned numPulses, gpioPulse_t *pulses) { int p; DBG(DBG_USER, "numPulses=%u pulses=%08X", numPulses, (uint32_t)pulses); CHECK_INITED; if (numPulses > PI_WAVE_MAX_PULSES) SOFT_ERROR(PI_TOO_MANY_PULSES, "bad number of pulses (%d)", numPulses); if (!pulses) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_POINTER, "bad (NULL) pulses pointer"); for (p=0; p PI_MAX_USER_GPIO) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_USER_GPIO, "bad gpio (%d)", gpio); if ((baud < PI_WAVE_MIN_BAUD) || (baud > PI_WAVE_MAX_BAUD)) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_WAVE_BAUD, "bad baud rate (%d)", baud); if ((data_bits < PI_MIN_WAVE_DATABITS) || (data_bits > PI_MAX_WAVE_DATABITS)) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_DATABITS, "bad number of databits (%d)", data_bits); if ((stop_bits < PI_MIN_WAVE_HALFSTOPBITS) || (stop_bits > PI_MAX_WAVE_HALFSTOPBITS)) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_STOPBITS, "bad number of (half) stop bits (%d)", stop_bits); if (gpio > PI_MAX_USER_GPIO) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_USER_GPIO, "bad gpio (%d)", gpio); if (numBytes > PI_WAVE_MAX_CHARS) SOFT_ERROR(PI_TOO_MANY_CHARS, "too many chars (%d)", numBytes); if (offset > PI_WAVE_MAX_MICROS) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_SER_OFFSET, "offset too large (%d)", offset); if (data_bits > 8) numBytes /= 2; if (data_bits > 16) numBytes /= 2; if (!numBytes) return 0; waveBitDelay(baud, data_bits, stop_bits, bitDelay); p = 0; wf[2][p].gpioOn = (1< bitDelay[0]) wf[2][p].usDelay = offset; else wf[2][p].usDelay = bitDelay[0]; for (i=0; i PI_MAX_USER_GPIO) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_USER_GPIO, "bad gpio (%d)", spiSS); /* CPOL CPHA 0 0 read rising/write falling 0 1 read falling/write rising 1 0 read falling/write rising 1 1 read rising/write falling */ if (spi->clk_pol) {rising_edge[0] = 0; rising_edge[1] = 1;} else {rising_edge[0] = 1; rising_edge[1] = 0;} if (spi->clk_pha) {read_cycle[0] = 0; read_cycle[1] = 1;} else {read_cycle[0] = 1; read_cycle[1] = 0;} p = 0; if (offset) { wf[2][p].gpioOn = 0; wf[2][p].gpioOff = 0; wf[2][p].flags = 0; wf[2][p].usDelay = offset; p++; } on_bits = 0; off_bits = 0; tx_bit_pos = 0; /* preset initial mosi bit */ if (getBitInBytes(tx_bit_pos, buf, spiTxBits)) { on_bits |= (1<<(spi->mosi)); dbv = 1; } else { off_bits |= (1<<(spi->mosi)); dbv = 0; } if (!spi->clk_pha) tx_bit_pos ++; if (spi->ss_pol) off_bits |= (1<clk_pol) on_bits |= (1<<(spi->clk)); else off_bits |= (1<<(spi->clk)); wf[2][p].gpioOn = on_bits; wf[2][p].gpioOff = off_bits; wf[2][p].flags = 0; if (spi->clk_us > spi->ss_us) wf[2][p].usDelay = spi->clk_us; else wf[2][p].usDelay = spi->ss_us; p++; for (bit=1; bit<=spiBits; bit++) { for (halfbit=0; halfbit<2; halfbit++) { wf[2][p].usDelay = spi->clk_us; wf[2][p].flags = 0; on_bits = 0; off_bits = 0; if (read_cycle[halfbit]) { if ((bit>=spiBitFirst) && (bit<=spiBitLast)) wf[2][p].flags = WAVE_FLAG_READ; } else { if (getBitInBytes(tx_bit_pos, buf, spiTxBits)) { if (!dbv) on_bits |= (1<<(spi->mosi)); dbv = 1; } else { if (dbv) off_bits |= (1<<(spi->mosi)); dbv = 0; } ++tx_bit_pos; } if (rising_edge[halfbit]) on_bits |= (1<<(spi->clk)); else off_bits |= (1<<(spi->clk)); wf[2][p].gpioOn = on_bits; wf[2][p].gpioOff = off_bits; p++; } } on_bits = 0; off_bits = 0; if (spi->ss_pol) on_bits |= (1<= NUM_WAVE_CBS) return PI_TOO_MANY_CBS; if ((numBOOL+waveOutBotOOL) >= (waveOutTopOOL-numTOOL)) return PI_TOO_MANY_OOL; if (wid >= PI_MAX_WAVES) return PI_NO_WAVEFORM_ID; wid = waveOutCount++; waveInfo[wid].botCB = waveOutBotCB; waveInfo[wid].topCB = waveOutBotCB + numCB -1; waveInfo[wid].botOOL = waveOutBotOOL; waveInfo[wid].topOOL = waveOutTopOOL; waveInfo[wid].numCB = numCB; waveInfo[wid].numBOOL = numBOOL; waveInfo[wid].numTOOL = numTOOL; waveOutBotCB += numCB; waveOutBotOOL += numBOOL; waveOutTopOOL -= numTOOL; } /* Must be room if got this far. */ CB = waveInfo[wid].botCB; BOOL = waveInfo[wid].botOOL; TOOL = waveInfo[wid].topOOL; wave2Cbs(PI_WAVE_MODE_ONE_SHOT, &CB, &BOOL, &TOOL); /* Sanity check. */ if ( (numCB != (CB-waveInfo[wid].botCB)) || (numBOOL != (BOOL-waveInfo[wid].botOOL)) || (numTOOL != (waveInfo[wid].topOOL-TOOL)) ) { DBG(0, "ERROR wid=%d CBs %d=%d BOOL %d=%d TOOL %d=%d", wid, numCB, CB-waveInfo[wid].botCB, numBOOL, BOOL-waveInfo[wid].botOOL, numTOOL, waveInfo[wid].topOOL-TOOL); } waveInfo[wid].deleted = 0; /* Consume waves. */ wfc[0] = 0; wfc[1] = 0; wfc[2] = 0; wfcur = 0; return wid; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioWaveDelete(unsigned wave_id) { DBG(DBG_USER, "wave id=%d", wave_id); CHECK_INITED; if ((wave_id >= waveOutCount) || waveInfo[wave_id].deleted) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_WAVE_ID, "bad wave id (%d)", wave_id); waveInfo[wave_id].deleted = 1; if (wave_id == (waveOutCount-1)) { /* top wave deleted, garbage collect any other deleted waves */ while ((wave_id > 0) && (waveInfo[wave_id-1].deleted)) --wave_id; waveOutBotCB = waveInfo[wave_id].botCB; waveOutBotOOL = waveInfo[wave_id].botOOL; waveOutTopOOL = waveInfo[wave_id].topOOL; waveOutCount = wave_id; } return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioWaveTxStart(unsigned wave_mode) { /* This function is deprecated and has been removed. */ CHECK_INITED; SOFT_ERROR(PI_DEPRECATED, "deprected function removed"); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioWaveTxSend(unsigned wave_id, unsigned wave_mode) { rawCbs_t *p=NULL; DBG(DBG_USER, "wave_id=%d wave_mode=%d", wave_id, wave_mode); CHECK_INITED; if ((wave_id >= waveOutCount) || waveInfo[wave_id].deleted) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_WAVE_ID, "bad wave id (%d)", wave_id); if (wave_mode > PI_WAVE_MODE_REPEAT_SYNC) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_WAVE_MODE, "bad wave mode (%d)", wave_mode); if (!waveClockInited) { stopHardwarePWM(); initClock(0); /* initialise secondary clock */ waveClockInited = 1; } p = rawWaveCBAdr(waveInfo[wave_id].topCB); if ((wave_mode & 1) == PI_WAVE_MODE_ONE_SHOT) p->next = 0; else p->next = waveCbPOadr(waveInfo[wave_id].botCB+1); if (waveEndPtr && (wave_mode > PI_WAVE_MODE_REPEAT)) { *waveEndPtr = waveCbPOadr(waveInfo[wave_id].botCB+1); if (!dmaOut[DMA_CONBLK_AD]) { initDMAgo((uint32_t *)dmaOut, waveCbPOadr(waveInfo[wave_id].botCB)); } } else { initDMAgo((uint32_t *)dmaOut, waveCbPOadr(waveInfo[wave_id].botCB)); } waveEndPtr = &p->next; /* for compatability with the deprecated gpioWaveTxStart return the number of cbs */ return (waveInfo[wave_id].topCB - waveInfo[wave_id].botCB) + 1; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int chainGetCB(int n) { int block, index; if (n < (WCB_CHAIN_CBS * PI_WAVE_COUNT_PAGES)) { block = n / WCB_CHAIN_CBS; index = n % WCB_CHAIN_CBS; return (block*CBS_PER_OPAGE) + WCB_COUNTER_CBS + index; } return -1; } static void chainSetVal(int n, uint32_t val) { int block, index; uint32_t *p; if (n < (WCB_CHAIN_OOL * PI_WAVE_COUNT_PAGES)) { block = n / WCB_CHAIN_OOL; index = n % WCB_CHAIN_OOL; p = (uint32_t *) dmaOVirt[block] + (WCB_COUNTER_CBS+WCB_CHAIN_CBS) * 8; p[index] = val; } } static uint32_t chainGetValPadr(int n) { int block, index; uint32_t *p; if (n < (WCB_CHAIN_OOL * PI_WAVE_COUNT_PAGES)) { block = n / WCB_CHAIN_OOL; index = n % WCB_CHAIN_OOL; p = (uint32_t *) dmaOBus[block] + (WCB_COUNTER_CBS+WCB_CHAIN_CBS) * 8; return (uint32_t) (p + index); } return 0; } static uint32_t chainGetCntVal(int counter, int slot) { uint32_t *p; int page, offset; page = counter / 2; offset = (counter % 2 ? WCB_COUNTER_OOL : 0); p = (uint32_t *) dmaOVirt[page] + (WCB_COUNTER_CBS+WCB_CHAIN_CBS) * 8; return p[WCB_CHAIN_OOL+ offset + slot]; } static void chainSetCntVal(int counter, int slot, uint32_t value) { uint32_t *p; int page, offset; page = counter / 2; offset = (counter % 2 ? WCB_COUNTER_OOL : 0); p = (uint32_t *) dmaOVirt[page] + (WCB_COUNTER_CBS+WCB_CHAIN_CBS) * 8; p[WCB_CHAIN_OOL + offset + slot] = value; } static uint32_t chainGetCntValPadr(int counter, int slot) { uint32_t *p; int page, offset; page = counter / 2; offset = (counter % 2 ? WCB_COUNTER_OOL : 0); p = (uint32_t *) dmaOBus[page] + (WCB_COUNTER_CBS+WCB_CHAIN_CBS) * 8; return (uint32_t)(p + WCB_CHAIN_OOL + offset + slot); } static int chainGetCntCB(int counter) { int page, offset; page = counter / 2; offset = (counter % 2 ? WCB_CNT_CBS : 0); return ((page * CBS_PER_OPAGE) + offset); } static void chainMakeCounter( unsigned counter, unsigned blklen, unsigned blocks, unsigned count, uint32_t repeat, uint32_t next) { rawCbs_t *p=NULL; int b, baseCB, dig; uint32_t nxt; int botCB; botCB = chainGetCntCB(counter); baseCB = botCB; /* set up all the OOLs */ for (b=0; b < (blocks*(blklen+1)); b++) chainSetCntVal(counter, b, repeat); for (b=0; binfo = NORMAL_DMA; p->src = chainGetCntValPadr(counter, b*(blklen+1)); p->dst = (waveCbPOadr(botCB+1) + 20); p->length = 4; p->next = waveCbPOadr(botCB); /* copy BOTTOM to TOP */ p = rawWaveCBAdr(botCB++); p->info = NORMAL_DMA; p->src = chainGetCntValPadr(counter, b*(blklen+1)); p->dst = chainGetCntValPadr(counter, (b*(blklen+1))+blklen); p->length = 4; p->next = waveCbPOadr(botCB); /* shift all down one */ p = rawWaveCBAdr(botCB++); p->info = NORMAL_DMA|DMA_SRC_INC|DMA_DEST_INC; p->src = chainGetCntValPadr(counter, ((b*(blklen+1))+1)); p->dst = chainGetCntValPadr(counter, ((b*(blklen+1))+0)); p->length = blklen*4; p->next = repeat; } /* reset the counter */ p = rawWaveCBAdr(botCB); p->info = NORMAL_DMA|DMA_SRC_INC|DMA_DEST_INC; p->src = chainGetCntValPadr(counter, blocks*(blklen+1)); p->dst = chainGetCntValPadr(counter, 0); p->length = blocks*(blklen+1)*4; p->next = next; b = 0; while (count && (binfo = NORMAL_DMA | TIMED_DMA(2); p->dst = PCM_TIMER; } else { p->info = NORMAL_DMA | TIMED_DMA(5); p->dst = PWM_TIMER; } p->src = (uint32_t) (&dmaOBus[0]->periphData); p->length = BPD * 20 / PI_WF_MICROS; /* 20 micros delay */ p->next = waveCbPOadr(chainGetCB(cb)); counters = 0; wid = -1; i = 0; while (i bufSize) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_CHAIN_CMD, "incomplete chain command (at %d)", i); cmd = buf[i+1]; if (cmd == 0) /* loop begin */ { if (stk_lev >= (sizeof(stk_pos)/sizeof(int))) SOFT_ERROR(PI_CHAIN_NESTING, "chain counters nested too deep (at %d)", i); stk_pos[stk_lev++] = cb; i += 2; } else if (cmd == 1) /* loop end */ { if (counters >= WCB_COUNTERS) SOFT_ERROR(PI_CHAIN_COUNTER, "too many chain counters (at %d)", i); if ((i+4) > bufSize) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_CHAIN_CMD, "incomplete chain command (at %d)", i); loop = 0; if (--stk_lev >= 0) loop = stk_pos[stk_lev]; if ((loop < 1) || (loop == cb)) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_CHAIN_LOOP, "empty chain loop (at %d)", i); cycles = ((unsigned)buf[i+3] << 8) + (unsigned)buf[i+2]; i += 4; if (cycles > PI_MAX_WAVE_CYCLES) SOFT_ERROR(PI_CHAIN_LOOP_CNT, "bad chain loop count (%d)", cycles); if (cycles == 0) { /* Skip the complete loop block. Change the next pointing to the start of the loop block to the current cb. */ p = rawWaveCBAdr(chainGetCB(loop)); p->next = waveCbPOadr(chainGetCB(cb)); } else if (cycles == 1) { /* Nothing to do, no need for a counter. */ } else { chaincb = chainGetCB(cb++); if (chaincb < 0) SOFT_ERROR(PI_CHAIN_TOO_BIG, "chain is too long (%d)", cb); p = rawWaveCBAdr(chaincb); repeat = waveCbPOadr(chainGetCB(loop)); /* Need to check next cb as well. */ chaincb = chainGetCB(cb); if (chaincb < 0) SOFT_ERROR(PI_CHAIN_TOO_BIG, "chain is too long (%d)", cb); next = waveCbPOadr(chainGetCB(cb)); /* dummy src and dest */ p->info = NORMAL_DMA; p->src = (uint32_t) (&dmaOBus[0]->periphData); p->dst = (uint32_t) (&dmaOBus[0]->periphData); p->length = 4; p->next = waveCbPOadr(chainGetCntCB(counters)); chainMakeCounter(counters, blklen, blocks, cycles-1, repeat, next); counters++; } } else if (cmd == 2) /* delay us */ { if ((i+4) > bufSize) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_CHAIN_CMD, "incomplete chain command (at %d)", i); cycles = ((unsigned)buf[i+3] << 8) + (unsigned)buf[i+2]; i += 4; if (cycles > PI_MAX_WAVE_DELAY) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_CHAIN_DELAY, "bad chain delay micros (%d)", cycles); if (cycles) { delayLeft = cycles; delayCBs = waveDelayCBs(delayLeft); for (dcb=0; dcbinfo = NORMAL_DMA | TIMED_DMA(2); p->dst = PCM_TIMER; } else { p->info = NORMAL_DMA | TIMED_DMA(5); p->dst = PWM_TIMER; } p->src = (uint32_t) (&dmaOBus[0]->periphData); p->length = BPD * delayLeft / PI_WF_MICROS; if ((gpioCfg.DMAsecondaryChannel >= DMA_LITE_FIRST) && (p->length > DMA_LITE_MAX)) { p->length = DMA_LITE_MAX; } delayLeft -= (p->length / BPD); p->next = waveCbPOadr(chainGetCB(cb)); } } } else if (cmd == 3) /* repeat loop forever */ { i += 2; loop = 0; if (--stk_lev >= 0) loop = stk_pos[stk_lev]; if ((loop < 1) || (loop == cb)) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_CHAIN_LOOP, "empty chain loop (at %d)", i); chaincb = chainGetCB(cb++); if (chaincb < 0) SOFT_ERROR(PI_CHAIN_TOO_BIG, "chain is too long (%d)", cb); if (i < bufSize) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_FOREVER, "loop forever must be last command"); p = rawWaveCBAdr(chaincb); /* dummy src and dest */ p->info = NORMAL_DMA; p->src = (uint32_t) (&dmaOBus[0]->periphData); p->dst = (uint32_t) (&dmaOBus[0]->periphData); p->length = 4; p->next = waveCbPOadr(chainGetCB(loop)); endPtr = &p->next; } else SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_CHAIN_CMD, "unknown chain command (255 %d)", cmd); } else if ((wid >= waveOutCount) || waveInfo[wid].deleted) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_WAVE_ID, "undefined wave (%d)", wid); else { chaincb = chainGetCB(cb++); if (chaincb < 0) SOFT_ERROR(PI_CHAIN_TOO_BIG, "chain is too long (%d)", cb); p = rawWaveCBAdr(chaincb); chaincb = chainGetCB(cb); if (chaincb < 0) SOFT_ERROR(PI_CHAIN_TOO_BIG, "chain is too long (%d)", cb); chainSetVal(cb-1, waveCbPOadr(chaincb)); /* patch next of wid topCB to next cb */ p->info = NORMAL_DMA; p->src = chainGetValPadr(cb-1); /* this next */ p->dst = waveCbPOadr(waveInfo[wid].topCB) + 20; /* wid next */ p->length = 4; p->next = waveCbPOadr(waveInfo[wid].botCB+1); i += 1; } } chaincb = chainGetCB(cb++); if (chaincb < 0) SOFT_ERROR(PI_CHAIN_TOO_BIG, "chain is too long (%d)", cb); p = rawWaveCBAdr(chaincb); p->info = NORMAL_DMA; p->src = (uint32_t) (&dmaOBus[0]->periphData); p->dst = (uint32_t) (&dmaOBus[0]->periphData); p->length = 4; p->next = 0; if (!endPtr) endPtr = &p->next; initDMAgo((uint32_t *)dmaOut, waveCbPOadr(chainGetCB(0))); waveEndPtr = endPtr; return 0; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gpioWaveTxBusy(void) { DBG(DBG_USER, ""); CHECK_INITED; if (dmaOut[DMA_CONBLK_AD]) return 1; else return 0; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gpioWaveTxAt(void) { int i, cb; DBG(DBG_USER, ""); CHECK_INITED; cb = dmaNowAtOCB(); if (cb < 0) return -cb; for (i=0; i= waveInfo[i].botCB) && (cb <= waveInfo[i].topCB) ) return i; } return PI_WAVE_NOT_FOUND; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioWaveTxStop(void) { DBG(DBG_USER, ""); CHECK_INITED; dmaOut[DMA_CS] = DMA_CHANNEL_RESET; dmaOut[DMA_CONBLK_AD] = 0; waveEndPtr = NULL; return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioWaveGetMicros(void) { DBG(DBG_USER, ""); CHECK_INITED; return wfStats.micros; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioWaveGetHighMicros(void) { DBG(DBG_USER, ""); CHECK_INITED; return wfStats.highMicros; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioWaveGetMaxMicros(void) { DBG(DBG_USER, ""); CHECK_INITED; return wfStats.maxMicros; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioWaveGetPulses(void) { DBG(DBG_USER, ""); CHECK_INITED; return wfStats.pulses; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioWaveGetHighPulses(void) { DBG(DBG_USER, ""); CHECK_INITED; return wfStats.highPulses; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioWaveGetMaxPulses(void) { DBG(DBG_USER, ""); CHECK_INITED; return wfStats.maxPulses; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioWaveGetCbs(void) { DBG(DBG_USER, ""); CHECK_INITED; return wfStats.cbs; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioWaveGetHighCbs(void) { DBG(DBG_USER, ""); CHECK_INITED; return wfStats.highCbs; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioWaveGetMaxCbs(void) { DBG(DBG_USER, ""); CHECK_INITED; return wfStats.maxCbs; } static int read_SDA(wfRx_t *w) { myGpioSetMode(w->I.SDA, PI_INPUT); return gpioRead(w->I.SDA); } static void set_SDA(wfRx_t *w) { myGpioSetMode(w->I.SDA, PI_INPUT); } static void clear_SDA(wfRx_t *w) { myGpioSetMode(w->I.SDA, PI_OUTPUT); myGpioWrite(w->I.SDA, 0); } static void clear_SCL(wfRx_t *w) { myGpioSetMode(w->I.SCL, PI_OUTPUT); myGpioWrite(w->I.SCL, 0); } static void I2C_delay(wfRx_t *w) { myGpioDelay(w->I.delay); } static void I2C_clock_stretch(wfRx_t *w) { uint32_t now, max_stretch=10000; myGpioSetMode(w->I.SCL, PI_INPUT); now = gpioTick(); while ((gpioRead(w->I.SCL) == 0) && ((gpioTick()-now) < max_stretch)); } static void I2CStart(wfRx_t *w) { if (w->I.started) { set_SDA(w); I2C_delay(w); I2C_clock_stretch(w); I2C_delay(w); } clear_SDA(w); I2C_delay(w); clear_SCL(w); I2C_delay(w); w->I.started = 1; } static void I2CStop(wfRx_t *w) { clear_SDA(w); I2C_delay(w); I2C_clock_stretch(w); I2C_delay(w); set_SDA(w); I2C_delay(w); w->I.started = 0; } static void I2CPutBit(wfRx_t *w, int bit) { if (bit) set_SDA(w); else clear_SDA(w); I2C_delay(w); I2C_clock_stretch(w); I2C_delay(w); clear_SCL(w); } static int I2CGetBit(wfRx_t *w) { int bit; set_SDA(w); /* let SDA float */ I2C_delay(w); I2C_clock_stretch(w); bit = read_SDA(w); I2C_delay(w); clear_SCL(w); return bit; } static int I2CPutByte(wfRx_t *w, int byte) { int bit, nack; for(bit=0; bit<8; bit++) { I2CPutBit(w, byte & 0x80); byte <<= 1; } nack = I2CGetBit(w); return nack; } static uint8_t I2CGetByte(wfRx_t *w, int nack) { int bit, byte=0; for (bit=0; bit<8; bit++) { byte = (byte << 1) | I2CGetBit(w); } I2CPutBit(w, nack); return byte; } int bbI2COpen(unsigned SDA, unsigned SCL, unsigned baud) { DBG(DBG_USER, "SDA=%d SCL=%d baud=%d", SDA, SCL, baud); CHECK_INITED; if (SDA > PI_MAX_USER_GPIO) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_USER_GPIO, "bad SDA (%d)", SDA); if (SCL > PI_MAX_USER_GPIO) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_USER_GPIO, "bad SCL (%d)", SCL); if ((baud < PI_BB_I2C_MIN_BAUD) || (baud > PI_BB_I2C_MAX_BAUD)) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_I2C_BAUD, "SDA %d, bad baud rate (%d)", SDA, baud); if (wfRx[SDA].mode != PI_WFRX_NONE) SOFT_ERROR(PI_GPIO_IN_USE, "gpio %d is already being used", SDA); if ((wfRx[SCL].mode != PI_WFRX_NONE) || (SCL == SDA)) SOFT_ERROR(PI_GPIO_IN_USE, "gpio %d is already being used", SCL); wfRx[SDA].gpio = SDA; wfRx[SDA].mode = PI_WFRX_I2C; wfRx[SDA].baud = baud; wfRx[SDA].I.started = 0; wfRx[SDA].I.SDA = SDA; wfRx[SDA].I.SCL = SCL; wfRx[SDA].I.delay = 500000 / baud; wfRx[SDA].I.SDAMode = gpioGetMode(SDA); wfRx[SDA].I.SCLMode = gpioGetMode(SCL); wfRx[SCL].gpio = SCL; wfRx[SCL].mode = PI_WFRX_I2C_CLK; myGpioSetMode(SDA, PI_INPUT); myGpioSetMode(SCL, PI_INPUT); return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int bbI2CClose(unsigned SDA) { DBG(DBG_USER, "SDA=%d", SDA); CHECK_INITED; if (SDA > PI_MAX_USER_GPIO) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_USER_GPIO, "bad gpio (%d)", SDA); switch(wfRx[SDA].mode) { case PI_WFRX_I2C: gpioSetMode(wfRx[SDA].I.SDA, wfRx[SDA].I.SDAMode); gpioSetMode(wfRx[SDA].I.SCL, wfRx[SDA].I.SCLMode); wfRx[wfRx[SDA].I.SDA].mode = PI_WFRX_NONE; wfRx[wfRx[SDA].I.SCL].mode = PI_WFRX_NONE; break; default: SOFT_ERROR(PI_NOT_I2C_GPIO, "no I2C on gpio (%d)", SDA); break; } return 0; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int bbI2CZip( unsigned SDA, char *inBuf, unsigned inLen, char *outBuf, unsigned outLen) { int i, ack, inPos, outPos, status, bytes; int addr, flags, esc, setesc; wfRx_t *w; DBG(DBG_USER, "gpio=%d inBuf=%s outBuf=%08X len=%d", SDA, myBuf2Str(inLen, (char *)inBuf), (int)outBuf, outLen); CHECK_INITED; if (SDA > PI_MAX_USER_GPIO) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_USER_GPIO, "bad gpio (%d)", SDA); if (wfRx[SDA].mode != PI_WFRX_I2C) SOFT_ERROR(PI_NOT_I2C_GPIO, "no I2C on gpio (%d)", SDA); if (!inBuf || !inLen) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_POINTER, "input buffer can't be NULL"); if (!outBuf && outLen) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_POINTER, "output buffer can't be NULL"); w = &wfRx[SDA]; inPos = 0; outPos = 0; status = 0; addr = 0; flags = 0; esc = 0; setesc = 0; while (!status && (inPos < inLen)) { DBG(DBG_INTERNAL, "status=%d inpos=%d inlen=%d cmd=%d addr=%d flags=%x", status, inPos, inLen, inBuf[inPos], addr, flags); switch (inBuf[inPos++]) { case PI_I2C_END: status = 1; break; case PI_I2C_START: I2CStart(w); break; case PI_I2C_STOP: I2CStop(w); break; case PI_I2C_ADDR: addr = myI2CGetPar(inBuf, &inPos, inLen, &esc); if (addr < 0) status = PI_BAD_I2C_CMD; break; case PI_I2C_FLAGS: /* cheat to force two byte flags */ esc = 1; flags = myI2CGetPar(inBuf, &inPos, inLen, &esc); if (flags < 0) status = PI_BAD_I2C_CMD; break; case PI_I2C_ESC: setesc = 1; break; case PI_I2C_READ: bytes = myI2CGetPar(inBuf, &inPos, inLen, &esc); if (bytes >= 0) ack = I2CPutByte(w, (addr<<1)|1); if (bytes > 0) { if (!ack) { if ((bytes + outPos) < outLen) { for (i=0; i<(bytes-1); i++) { outBuf[outPos++] = I2CGetByte(w, 0); } outBuf[outPos++] = I2CGetByte(w, 1); } else status = PI_BAD_I2C_RLEN; } else status = PI_I2C_READ_FAILED; } else status = PI_BAD_I2C_CMD; break; case PI_I2C_WRITE: bytes = myI2CGetPar(inBuf, &inPos, inLen, &esc); if (bytes >= 0) ack = I2CPutByte(w, addr<<1); if (bytes > 0) { if (!ack) { if ((bytes + inPos) < inLen) { for (i=0; i<(bytes-1); i++) { ack = I2CPutByte(w, inBuf[inPos++]); if (ack) status = PI_I2C_WRITE_FAILED; } ack = I2CPutByte(w, inBuf[inPos++]); } else status = PI_BAD_I2C_RLEN; } else status = PI_I2C_WRITE_FAILED; } else status = PI_BAD_I2C_CMD; break; default: status = PI_BAD_I2C_CMD; } if (setesc) esc = 1; else esc = 0; setesc = 0; } if (status >= 0) status = outPos; return status; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gpioSerialReadOpen(unsigned gpio, unsigned baud, unsigned data_bits) { int bitTime, timeout; DBG(DBG_USER, "gpio=%d baud=%d data_bits=%d", gpio, baud, data_bits); CHECK_INITED; if (gpio > PI_MAX_USER_GPIO) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_USER_GPIO, "bad gpio (%d)", gpio); if ((baud < PI_BB_SER_MIN_BAUD) || (baud > PI_BB_SER_MAX_BAUD)) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_WAVE_BAUD, "gpio %d, bad baud rate (%d)", gpio, baud); if ((data_bits < PI_MIN_WAVE_DATABITS) || (data_bits > PI_MAX_WAVE_DATABITS)) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_DATABITS, "gpio %d, bad data bits (%d)", gpio, data_bits); if (wfRx[gpio].mode != PI_WFRX_NONE) SOFT_ERROR(PI_GPIO_IN_USE, "gpio %d is already being used", gpio); bitTime = (1000 * MILLION) / baud; /* nanos */ timeout = ((data_bits+2) * bitTime)/MILLION; /* millis */ if (timeout < 1) timeout = 1; wfRx[gpio].gpio = gpio; wfRx[gpio].mode = PI_WFRX_SERIAL; wfRx[gpio].baud = baud; wfRx[gpio].s.buf = malloc(SRX_BUF_SIZE); wfRx[gpio].s.bufSize = SRX_BUF_SIZE; wfRx[gpio].s.timeout = timeout; wfRx[gpio].s.fullBit = bitTime; /* nanos */ wfRx[gpio].s.halfBit = (bitTime/2)+500; /* nanos (500 for rounding) */ wfRx[gpio].s.readPos = 0; wfRx[gpio].s.writePos = 0; wfRx[gpio].s.bit = -1; wfRx[gpio].s.dataBits = data_bits; wfRx[gpio].s.invert = PI_BB_SER_NORMAL; if (data_bits < 9) wfRx[gpio].s.bytes = 1; else if (data_bits < 17) wfRx[gpio].s.bytes = 2; else wfRx[gpio].s.bytes = 4; gpioSetAlertFunc(gpio, waveRxBit); return 0; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gpioSerialReadInvert(unsigned gpio, unsigned invert) { DBG(DBG_USER, "gpio=%d invert=%d", gpio, invert); CHECK_INITED; if (gpio > PI_MAX_USER_GPIO) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_USER_GPIO, "bad gpio (%d)", gpio); if (wfRx[gpio].mode != PI_WFRX_SERIAL) SOFT_ERROR(PI_NOT_SERIAL_GPIO, "no serial read on gpio (%d)", gpio); if ((invert < PI_BB_SER_NORMAL) || (invert > PI_BB_SER_INVERT)) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_SER_INVERT, "bad invert level for gpio %d (%d)", gpio, invert); wfRx[gpio].s.invert = invert; return 0; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gpioSerialRead(unsigned gpio, void *buf, size_t bufSize) { unsigned bytes=0, wpos; volatile wfRx_t *w; DBG(DBG_USER, "gpio=%d buf=%08X bufSize=%d", gpio, (int)buf, bufSize); CHECK_INITED; if (gpio > PI_MAX_USER_GPIO) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_USER_GPIO, "bad gpio (%d)", gpio); if (bufSize == 0) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_SERIAL_COUNT, "buffer size can't be zero"); if (wfRx[gpio].mode != PI_WFRX_SERIAL) SOFT_ERROR(PI_NOT_SERIAL_GPIO, "no serial read on gpio (%d)", gpio); w = &wfRx[gpio]; if (w->s.readPos != w->s.writePos) { wpos = w->s.writePos; if (wpos > w->s.readPos) bytes = wpos - w->s.readPos; else bytes = w->s.bufSize - w->s.readPos; if (bytes > bufSize) bytes = bufSize; /* copy in multiples of the data size in bytes */ bytes = (bytes / w->s.bytes) * w->s.bytes; if (buf) memcpy(buf, w->s.buf+w->s.readPos, bytes); w->s.readPos += bytes; if (w->s.readPos >= w->s.bufSize) w->s.readPos = 0; } return bytes; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gpioSerialReadClose(unsigned gpio) { DBG(DBG_USER, "gpio=%d", gpio); CHECK_INITED; if (gpio > PI_MAX_USER_GPIO) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_USER_GPIO, "bad gpio (%d)", gpio); switch(wfRx[gpio].mode) { case PI_WFRX_NONE: SOFT_ERROR(PI_NOT_SERIAL_GPIO, "no serial read on gpio (%d)", gpio); break; case PI_WFRX_SERIAL: free(wfRx[gpio].s.buf); gpioSetWatchdog(gpio, 0); /* switch off timeouts */ gpioSetAlertFunc(gpio, NULL); /* cancel alert */ wfRx[gpio].mode = PI_WFRX_NONE; break; } return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int intGpioSetAlertFunc( unsigned gpio, void * f, int user, void * userdata) { DBG(DBG_INTERNAL, "gpio=%d function=%08X, user=%d, userdata=%08X", gpio, (uint32_t)f, user, (uint32_t)userdata); gpioAlert[gpio].ex = user; gpioAlert[gpio].userdata = userdata; gpioAlert[gpio].func = f; if (f) { alertBits |= BIT; } else { alertBits &= ~BIT; } monitorBits = alertBits | notifyBits | scriptBits | gpioGetSamples.bits; return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioSetAlertFunc(unsigned gpio, gpioAlertFunc_t f) { DBG(DBG_USER, "gpio=%d function=%08X", gpio, (uint32_t)f); CHECK_INITED; if (gpio > PI_MAX_USER_GPIO) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_USER_GPIO, "bad gpio (%d)", gpio); intGpioSetAlertFunc(gpio, f, 0, NULL); return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioSetAlertFuncEx(unsigned gpio, gpioAlertFuncEx_t f, void *userdata) { DBG(DBG_USER, "gpio=%d function=%08X userdata=%08X", gpio, (uint32_t)f, (uint32_t)userdata); CHECK_INITED; if (gpio > PI_MAX_USER_GPIO) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_USER_GPIO, "bad gpio (%d)", gpio); intGpioSetAlertFunc(gpio, f, 1, userdata); return 0; } static void *pthISRThread(void *x) { gpioISR_t *isr = x; int fd; int retval; uint32_t tick; int level; uint32_t levels; struct pollfd pfd; char buf[64]; DBG(DBG_USER, "gpio=%d edge=%d timeout=%d f=%x u=%d data=%x", isr->gpio, isr->edge, isr->timeout, (uint32_t)isr->func, isr->ex, (uint32_t)isr->userdata); sprintf(buf, "/sys/class/gpio/gpio%d/value", isr->gpio); if ((fd = open(buf, O_RDONLY)) < 0) { DBG(DBG_ALWAYS, "gpio %d not exported", isr->gpio); return NULL; } pfd.fd = fd; pfd.events = POLLPRI; lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); /* consume any prior interrupt */ read(fd, buf, sizeof buf); while (1) { retval = poll(&pfd, 1, isr->timeout); /* wait for interrupt */ tick = systReg[SYST_CLO]; levels = *(gpioReg + GPLEV0); if (retval >= 0) { lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); /* consume interrupt */ read(fd, buf, sizeof buf); if (retval) { if (levels & (1<gpio)) level = PI_ON; else level = PI_OFF; } else level = PI_TIMEOUT; if (isr->ex) (isr->func)(isr->gpio, level, tick, isr->userdata); else (isr->func)(isr->gpio, level, tick); } } return NULL; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int intGpioSetISRFunc( unsigned gpio, unsigned edge, int timeout, void *f, int user, void *userdata) { char buf[64]; char *edge_str[]={"rising\n", "falling\n", "both\n"}; int fd; int err; DBG(DBG_INTERNAL, "gpio=%d edge=%d timeout=%d function=%08X user=%d userdata=%08X", gpio, edge, timeout, (uint32_t)f, user, (uint32_t)userdata); if (f) { if (!gpioISR[gpio].inited) /* export gpio if unexported */ { fd = open("/sys/class/gpio/export", O_WRONLY); if (fd < 0) return PI_BAD_ISR_INIT; /* ignore write fail if already exported */ sprintf(buf, "%d\n", gpio); err = write(fd, buf, strlen(buf)); close(fd); sprintf(buf, "/sys/class/gpio/gpio%d/direction", gpio); fd = open(buf, O_WRONLY); if (fd < 0) return PI_BAD_ISR_INIT; err = write(fd, "in\n", 3); close(fd); if (err != 3) return PI_BAD_ISR_INIT; gpioISR[gpio].gpio = gpio; gpioISR[gpio].edge = -1; gpioISR[gpio].timeout = -1; gpioISR[gpio].inited = 1; } if (gpioISR[gpio].edge != edge) { sprintf(buf, "/sys/class/gpio/gpio%d/edge", gpio); fd = open(buf, O_WRONLY); if (fd < 0) return PI_BAD_ISR_INIT; err = write(fd, edge_str[edge], strlen(edge_str[edge])); close(fd); if (err != strlen(edge_str[edge])) return PI_BAD_ISR_INIT; gpioISR[gpio].edge = edge; if (gpioISR[gpio].pth != NULL) pthread_kill(*gpioISR[gpio].pth, SIGCHLD); } if (timeout <= 0) timeout = -1; if (gpioISR[gpio].timeout != timeout) { gpioISR[gpio].timeout = timeout; if (gpioISR[gpio].pth != NULL) pthread_kill(*gpioISR[gpio].pth, SIGCHLD); } gpioISR[gpio].func = f; gpioISR[gpio].ex = user; gpioISR[gpio].userdata = userdata; if (gpioISR[gpio].pth == NULL) gpioISR[gpio].pth = gpioStartThread(pthISRThread, &gpioISR[gpio]); } else /* null function, delete ISR, unexport gpio */ { if (gpioISR[gpio].pth) /* delete any existing ISR */ { gpioStopThread(gpioISR[gpio].pth); gpioISR[gpio].func = NULL; gpioISR[gpio].pth = NULL; } if (gpioISR[gpio].inited) /* unexport the gpio */ { fd = open("/sys/class/gpio/unexport", O_WRONLY); if (fd < 0) return PI_BAD_ISR_INIT; sprintf(buf, "%d\n", gpio); err = write(fd, buf, strlen(buf)); close(fd); if (err != strlen(buf)) return PI_BAD_ISR_INIT; gpioISR[gpio].inited = 0; } } return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioSetISRFunc( unsigned gpio, unsigned edge, int timeout, gpioISRFunc_t f) { DBG(DBG_USER, "gpio=%d edge=%d timeout=%d function=%08X", gpio, edge, timeout, (uint32_t)f); CHECK_INITED; if (gpio > PI_MAX_USER_GPIO) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_USER_GPIO, "bad gpio (%d)", gpio); if (edge > EITHER_EDGE) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_EDGE, "bad ISR edge (%d)", edge); return intGpioSetISRFunc(gpio, edge, timeout, f, 0, NULL); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioSetISRFuncEx( unsigned gpio, unsigned edge, int timeout, gpioAlertFuncEx_t f, void *userdata) { DBG(DBG_USER, "gpio=%d edge=%d timeout=%d function=%08X userdata=%08X", gpio, edge, timeout, (uint32_t)f, (uint32_t)userdata); CHECK_INITED; if (gpio > PI_MAX_USER_GPIO) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_USER_GPIO, "bad gpio (%d)", gpio); if (edge > EITHER_EDGE) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_EDGE, "bad ISR edge (%d)", edge); return intGpioSetISRFunc(gpio, edge, timeout, f, 1, userdata); } static void closeOrphanedNotifications(int slot, int fd) { int i; /* Check for and close any orphaned notifications. */ for (i=0; i= PI_NOTIFY_SLOTS) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if (gpioNotify[handle].state <= PI_NOTIFY_CLOSING) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); gpioNotify[handle].bits = bits; gpioNotify[handle].state = PI_NOTIFY_RUNNING; intNotifyBits(); return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioNotifyPause (unsigned handle) { DBG(DBG_USER, "handle=%d", handle); CHECK_INITED; if (handle >= PI_NOTIFY_SLOTS) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if (gpioNotify[handle].state <= PI_NOTIFY_CLOSING) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); gpioNotify[handle].bits = 0; gpioNotify[handle].state = PI_NOTIFY_PAUSED; intNotifyBits(); return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioNotifyClose(unsigned handle) { DBG(DBG_USER, "handle=%d", handle); CHECK_INITED; if (handle >= PI_NOTIFY_SLOTS) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); if (gpioNotify[handle].state <= PI_NOTIFY_CLOSING) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HANDLE, "bad handle (%d)", handle); gpioNotify[handle].bits = 0; gpioNotify[handle].state = PI_NOTIFY_CLOSING; intNotifyBits(); /* actual close done in alert thread */ return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioTrigger(unsigned gpio, unsigned pulseLen, unsigned level) { DBG(DBG_USER, "gpio=%d pulseLen=%d level=%d", gpio, pulseLen, level); CHECK_INITED; if (gpio > PI_MAX_USER_GPIO) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_USER_GPIO, "bad gpio (%d)", gpio); if (level > PI_ON) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_LEVEL, "gpio %d, bad level (%d)", gpio, level); if ((pulseLen > PI_MAX_BUSY_DELAY) || (!pulseLen)) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_PULSELEN, "gpio %d, bad pulseLen (%d)", gpio, pulseLen); if (level == PI_OFF) *(gpioReg + GPCLR0 + BANK) = BIT; else *(gpioReg + GPSET0 + BANK) = BIT; myGpioDelay(pulseLen); if (level != PI_OFF) *(gpioReg + GPCLR0 + BANK) = BIT; else *(gpioReg + GPSET0 + BANK) = BIT; return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioSetWatchdog(unsigned gpio, unsigned timeout) { DBG(DBG_USER, "gpio=%d timeout=%d", gpio, timeout); CHECK_INITED; if (gpio > PI_MAX_USER_GPIO) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_USER_GPIO, "bad gpio (%d)", gpio); if (timeout > PI_MAX_WDOG_TIMEOUT) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_WDOG_TIMEOUT, "gpio %d, bad timeout (%d)", gpio, timeout); gpioAlert[gpio].wdTick = systReg[SYST_CLO]; gpioAlert[gpio].wdSteadyUs = timeout*1000; if (timeout) wdogBits |= (1< PI_MAX_USER_GPIO) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_USER_GPIO, "bad gpio (%d)", gpio); if (steady > PI_MAX_STEADY) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_FILTER, "bad steady (%d)", steady); if (active > PI_MAX_ACTIVE) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_FILTER, "bad active (%d)", active); gpioAlert[gpio].nfTick1 = systReg[SYST_CLO]; gpioAlert[gpio].nfTick2 = gpioAlert[gpio].nfTick1; gpioAlert[gpio].nfSteadyUs = steady; gpioAlert[gpio].nfActiveUs = active; gpioAlert[gpio].nfActive = 0; if (steady) nFilterBits |= (1< PI_MAX_USER_GPIO) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_USER_GPIO, "bad gpio (%d)", gpio); if (steady > PI_MAX_STEADY) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_FILTER, "bad steady (%d)", steady); if (steady) { gpioAlert[gpio].gfTick = systReg[SYST_CLO]; if (gpioRead_Bits_0_31() & (1< PI_MAX_TIMER) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_TIMER, "bad timer id (%d)", id); if ((millis < PI_MIN_MS) || (millis > PI_MAX_MS)) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_MS, "timer %d, bad millis (%d)", id, millis); intGpioSetTimerFunc(id, millis, f, 0, NULL); return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioSetTimerFuncEx(unsigned id, unsigned millis, gpioTimerFuncEx_t f, void * userdata) { DBG(DBG_USER, "id=%d millis=%d function=%08X, userdata=%08X", id, millis, (uint32_t)f, (uint32_t)userdata); CHECK_INITED; if (id > PI_MAX_TIMER) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_TIMER, "bad timer id (%d)", id); if ((millis < PI_MIN_MS) || (millis > PI_MAX_MS)) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_MS, "timer %d, bad millis (%d)", id, millis); intGpioSetTimerFunc(id, millis, f, 1, userdata); return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ pthread_t *gpioStartThread(gpioThreadFunc_t f, void *userdata) { pthread_t *pth; pthread_attr_t pthAttr; DBG(DBG_USER, "f=%08X, userdata=%08X", (uint32_t)f, (uint32_t)userdata); CHECK_INITED_RET_NULL_PTR; pth = malloc(sizeof(pthread_t)); if (pth) { if (pthread_attr_init(&pthAttr)) { free(pth); SOFT_ERROR(NULL, "pthread_attr_init failed"); } if (pthread_attr_setstacksize(&pthAttr, STACK_SIZE)) { free(pth); SOFT_ERROR(NULL, "pthread_attr_setstacksize failed"); } if (pthread_create(pth, &pthAttr, f, userdata)) { free(pth); SOFT_ERROR(NULL, "pthread_create failed"); } } return pth; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void gpioStopThread(pthread_t *pth) { DBG(DBG_USER, "pth=%08X", (uint32_t)pth); CHECK_INITED_RET_NIL; if (pth) { pthread_cancel(*pth); pthread_join(*pth, NULL); free(pth); } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioStoreScript(char *script) { gpioScript_t *s; int status, slot, i; DBG(DBG_USER, "script=[%s]", script); CHECK_INITED; slot = -1; for (i=0; iscript, 0); if (status == 0) { s->request = PI_SCRIPT_HALT; s->run_state = PI_SCRIPT_INITING; pthread_cond_init(&s->pthCond, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&s->pthMutex, NULL); s->id = slot; gpioScript[slot].state = PI_SCRIPT_IN_USE; s->pthIdp = gpioStartThread(pthScript, s); status = slot; } else { if (s->script.par) free(s->script.par); s->script.par = NULL; gpioScript[slot].state = PI_SCRIPT_FREE; } return status; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioRunScript(unsigned script_id, unsigned numParam, uint32_t *param) { int status = 0; DBG(DBG_USER, "script_id=%d numParam=%d param=%08X", script_id, numParam, (uint32_t)param); CHECK_INITED; if (script_id >= PI_MAX_SCRIPTS) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_SCRIPT_ID, "bad script id(%d)", script_id); if (numParam > PI_MAX_SCRIPT_PARAMS) SOFT_ERROR(PI_TOO_MANY_PARAM, "bad number of parameters(%d)", numParam); if (gpioScript[script_id].state == PI_SCRIPT_IN_USE) { pthread_mutex_lock(&gpioScript[script_id].pthMutex); if (gpioScript[script_id].run_state == PI_SCRIPT_HALTED) { if ((numParam > 0) && (param != 0)) { memcpy(gpioScript[script_id].script.par, param, sizeof(uint32_t) * numParam); } gpioScript[script_id].request = PI_SCRIPT_RUN; pthread_cond_signal(&gpioScript[script_id].pthCond); } else { status = PI_NOT_HALTED; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gpioScript[script_id].pthMutex); return status; } else { return PI_BAD_SCRIPT_ID; } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioScriptStatus(unsigned script_id, uint32_t *param) { DBG(DBG_USER, "script_id=%d param=%08X", script_id, (uint32_t)param); CHECK_INITED; if (script_id >= PI_MAX_SCRIPTS) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_SCRIPT_ID, "bad script id(%d)", script_id); if (gpioScript[script_id].state == PI_SCRIPT_IN_USE) { if (param != NULL) { memcpy(param, gpioScript[script_id].script.par, sizeof(uint32_t) * PI_MAX_SCRIPT_PARAMS); } return gpioScript[script_id].run_state; } else return PI_BAD_SCRIPT_ID; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioStopScript(unsigned script_id) { DBG(DBG_USER, "script_id=%d", script_id); CHECK_INITED; if (script_id >= PI_MAX_SCRIPTS) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_SCRIPT_ID, "bad script id(%d)", script_id); if (gpioScript[script_id].state == PI_SCRIPT_IN_USE) { pthread_mutex_lock(&gpioScript[script_id].pthMutex); gpioScript[script_id].request = PI_SCRIPT_HALT; if (gpioScript[script_id].run_state == PI_SCRIPT_WAITING) { pthread_cond_signal(&gpioScript[script_id].pthCond); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gpioScript[script_id].pthMutex); return 0; } else return PI_BAD_SCRIPT_ID; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioDeleteScript(unsigned script_id) { DBG(DBG_USER, "script_id=%d", script_id); CHECK_INITED; if (script_id >= PI_MAX_SCRIPTS) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_SCRIPT_ID, "bad script id(%d)", script_id); if (gpioScript[script_id].state == PI_SCRIPT_IN_USE) { gpioScript[script_id].state = PI_SCRIPT_DYING; pthread_mutex_lock(&gpioScript[script_id].pthMutex); gpioScript[script_id].request = PI_SCRIPT_HALT; if (gpioScript[script_id].run_state == PI_SCRIPT_WAITING) { pthread_cond_signal(&gpioScript[script_id].pthCond); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gpioScript[script_id].pthMutex); while (gpioScript[script_id].run_state == PI_SCRIPT_RUNNING) { myGpioSleep(0, 5000); /* give script time to halt */ } gpioStopThread(gpioScript[script_id].pthIdp); if (gpioScript[script_id].script.par) free(gpioScript[script_id].script.par); gpioScript[script_id].script.par = NULL; gpioScript[script_id].state = PI_SCRIPT_FREE; return 0; } else return PI_BAD_SCRIPT_ID; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioSetSignalFunc(unsigned signum, gpioSignalFunc_t f) { DBG(DBG_USER, "signum=%d function=%08X", signum, (uint32_t)f); CHECK_INITED; if (signum > PI_MAX_SIGNUM) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_SIGNUM, "bad signum (%d)", signum); gpioSignal[signum].ex = 0; gpioSignal[signum].userdata = NULL; gpioSignal[signum].func = f; return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioSetSignalFuncEx(unsigned signum, gpioSignalFuncEx_t f, void *userdata) { DBG(DBG_USER, "signum=%d function=%08X userdata=%08X", signum, (uint32_t)f, (uint32_t)userdata); CHECK_INITED; if (signum > PI_MAX_SIGNUM) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_SIGNUM, "bad signum (%d)", signum); gpioSignal[signum].ex = 1; gpioSignal[signum].userdata = userdata; gpioSignal[signum].func = f; return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ uint32_t gpioRead_Bits_0_31(void) { DBG(DBG_USER, ""); CHECK_INITED; return (*(gpioReg + GPLEV0)); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ uint32_t gpioRead_Bits_32_53(void) { DBG(DBG_USER, ""); CHECK_INITED; return (*(gpioReg + GPLEV1)); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioWrite_Bits_0_31_Clear(uint32_t bits) { DBG(DBG_USER, "bits=%08X", bits); CHECK_INITED; *(gpioReg + GPCLR0) = bits; return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioWrite_Bits_32_53_Clear(uint32_t bits) { DBG(DBG_USER, "bits=%08X", bits); CHECK_INITED; *(gpioReg + GPCLR1) = bits; return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioWrite_Bits_0_31_Set(uint32_t bits) { DBG(DBG_USER, "bits=%08X", bits); CHECK_INITED; *(gpioReg + GPSET0) = bits; return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioWrite_Bits_32_53_Set(uint32_t bits) { DBG(DBG_USER, "bits=%08X", bits); CHECK_INITED; *(gpioReg + GPSET1) = bits; return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioHardwareClock(unsigned gpio, unsigned frequency) { int cctl[] = {CLK_GP0_CTL, CLK_GP1_CTL, CLK_GP2_CTL}; int cdiv[] = {CLK_GP0_DIV, CLK_GP1_DIV, CLK_GP2_DIV}; int csrc[CLK_SRCS] = {CLK_CTL_SRC_OSC, CLK_CTL_SRC_PLLD}; uint32_t cfreq[CLK_SRCS]={CLK_OSC_FREQ, CLK_PLLD_FREQ}; unsigned clock, mode, mash; int password = 0; double f; clkInf_t clkInf={0,0,0}; DBG(DBG_USER, "gpio=%d frequency=%d", gpio, frequency); CHECK_INITED; if ((gpio >> 24) == 0x5A) password = 1; gpio &= 0xFFFFFF; if (gpio > PI_MAX_GPIO) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_GPIO, "bad gpio (%d)", gpio); if (!clkDef[gpio]) SOFT_ERROR(PI_NOT_HCLK_GPIO, "bad gpio for clock (%d)", gpio); if (((frequency < PI_HW_CLK_MIN_FREQ) || (frequency > PI_HW_CLK_MAX_FREQ)) && (frequency)) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HCLK_FREQ, "bad hardware clock frequency (%d)", frequency); clock = (clkDef[gpio] >> 4) & 3; if ((clock == 1) && (!password)) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HCLK_PASS, "Need password to use clock 1 (%d)", gpio); mode = clkDef[gpio] & 7; mash = frequency < PI_MASH_MAX_FREQ ? 1 : 0; if (frequency) { if (chooseBestClock(&clkInf, frequency, CLK_SRCS, cfreq)) { if (clkInf.frac == 0) mash = 0; initHWClk(cctl[clock], cdiv[clock], csrc[clkInf.clock], clkInf.div, clkInf.frac, mash); gpioSetMode(gpio, mode); gpioInfo[gpio].is = GPIO_HW_CLK; f = (double) cfreq[clkInf.clock] / ((double)clkInf.div + ((double)clkInf.frac / 4096.0)); hw_clk_freq[clock] = (f + 0.5); DBG(DBG_USER, "cf=%d div=%d frac=%d mash=%d", cfreq[clkInf.clock], clkInf.div, clkInf.frac, mash); } else { SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HCLK_FREQ, "bad hardware clock frequency (%d)", frequency); } } else { /* frequency 0, stop clock */ clkReg[cctl[clock]] = CLK_PASSWD | CLK_CTL_KILL; if (gpioInfo[gpio].is == GPIO_HW_CLK) gpioInfo[gpio].is = GPIO_UNDEFINED; } return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioHardwarePWM( unsigned gpio, unsigned frequency, unsigned dutycycle) { uint32_t old_PWM_CTL; unsigned pwm, mode; uint32_t real_range, real_dutycycle; DBG(DBG_USER, "gpio=%d frequency=%d dutycycle=%d", gpio, frequency, dutycycle); CHECK_INITED; if (gpio > PI_MAX_GPIO) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_GPIO, "bad gpio (%d)", gpio); if (!PWMDef[gpio]) SOFT_ERROR(PI_NOT_HPWM_GPIO, "bad gpio for PWM (%d)", gpio); if (dutycycle > PI_HW_PWM_RANGE) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HPWM_DUTY, "bad PWM dutycycle (%d)", dutycycle); if (((frequency < PI_HW_PWM_MIN_FREQ) || (frequency > PI_HW_PWM_MAX_FREQ)) && (frequency)) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_HPWM_FREQ, "bad hardware PWM frequency (%d)", frequency); if (gpioCfg.clockPeriph == PI_CLOCK_PWM) SOFT_ERROR(PI_HPWM_ILLEGAL, "illegal, PWM in use for main clock"); pwm = (PWMDef[gpio] >> 4) & 3; mode = PWMDef[gpio] & 7; if (frequency) { real_range = ((double)CLK_PLLD_FREQ / (2.0 * frequency)) + 0.5; real_dutycycle = ((uint64_t)dutycycle * real_range) / PI_HW_PWM_RANGE; /* record the set PWM frequency and dutycycle */ hw_pwm_freq[pwm] = ((double)CLK_PLLD_FREQ / ( 2.0 * real_range)) + 0.5; hw_pwm_duty[pwm] = dutycycle; hw_pwm_real_range[pwm] = real_range; /* Abort any waveform transmission in progress */ if (gpioWaveTxBusy()) gpioWaveTxStop(); waveClockInited = 0; /* preserve channel enable only and mark space mode */ old_PWM_CTL = pwmReg[PWM_CTL] & (PWM_CTL_PWEN1 | PWM_CTL_MSEN1 | PWM_CTL_PWEN2 | PWM_CTL_MSEN2); pwmReg[PWM_CTL] = 0; myGpioDelay(10); initHWClk(CLK_PWMCTL, CLK_PWMDIV, CLK_CTL_SRC_PLLD, 2, 0, 0); if (pwm == 0) { pwmReg[PWM_RNG1] = real_range; myGpioDelay(10); pwmReg[PWM_DAT1] = real_dutycycle; myGpioDelay(10); pwmReg[PWM_CTL] = (old_PWM_CTL | PWM_CTL_PWEN1 | PWM_CTL_MSEN1); } else { pwmReg[PWM_RNG2] = real_range; myGpioDelay(10); pwmReg[PWM_DAT2] = real_dutycycle; myGpioDelay(10); pwmReg[PWM_CTL] = (old_PWM_CTL | PWM_CTL_PWEN2 | PWM_CTL_MSEN2); } if (gpioInfo[gpio].is != GPIO_HW_PWM) { switchFunctionOff(gpio); gpioSetMode(gpio, mode); gpioInfo[gpio].is = GPIO_HW_PWM; } } else { /* frequency 0, stop PWM */ if (gpioInfo[gpio].is == GPIO_HW_PWM) { if (pwm == 0) pwmReg[PWM_CTL] &= (~PWM_CTL_PWEN1); else pwmReg[PWM_CTL] &= (~PWM_CTL_PWEN2); gpioInfo[gpio].is = GPIO_UNDEFINED; } } return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioTime(unsigned timetype, int *seconds, int *micros) { struct timespec ts; DBG(DBG_USER, "timetype=%d &seconds=%08X µs=%08X", timetype, (uint32_t)seconds, (uint32_t)micros); CHECK_INITED; if (timetype > PI_TIME_ABSOLUTE) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_TIMETYPE, "bad timetype (%d)", timetype); if (timetype == PI_TIME_ABSOLUTE) { clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts); *seconds = ts.tv_sec; *micros = ts.tv_nsec/1000; } else { clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts); TIMER_SUB(&ts, &libStarted, &ts); *seconds = ts.tv_sec; *micros = ts.tv_nsec/1000; } return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioSleep(unsigned timetype, int seconds, int micros) { struct timespec ts, rem; DBG(DBG_USER, "timetype=%d seconds=%d micros=%d", timetype, seconds, micros); CHECK_INITED; if (timetype > PI_TIME_ABSOLUTE) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_TIMETYPE, "bad timetype (%d)", timetype); if (seconds < 0) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_SECONDS, "bad seconds (%d)", seconds); if ((micros < 0) || (micros > 999999)) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_MICROS, "bad micros (%d)", micros); ts.tv_sec = seconds; ts.tv_nsec = micros * 1000; if (timetype == PI_TIME_ABSOLUTE) { while (clock_nanosleep(CLOCK_REALTIME, TIMER_ABSTIME, &ts, &rem)); } else { while (clock_nanosleep(CLOCK_REALTIME, 0, &ts, &rem)) { /* copy remaining time to ts */ ts.tv_sec = rem.tv_sec; ts.tv_nsec = rem.tv_nsec; } } return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ uint32_t gpioDelay(uint32_t micros) { uint32_t start; DBG(DBG_USER, "microseconds=%u", micros); CHECK_INITED; start = systReg[SYST_CLO]; if (micros <= PI_MAX_BUSY_DELAY) while ((systReg[SYST_CLO] - start) <= micros); else gpioSleep(PI_TIME_RELATIVE, (micros/MILLION), (micros%MILLION)); return (systReg[SYST_CLO] - start); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ uint32_t gpioTick(void) { CHECK_INITED; return systReg[SYST_CLO]; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ unsigned gpioVersion(void) { DBG(DBG_USER, ""); return PIGPIO_VERSION; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 W W S M M M B B B B P P P P T T T T T T T T R R R R W warranty void if either bit is set S 0=old (bits 0-22 are revision number) 1=new (following fields apply) M 0=256 1=512 2=1024 B 0=Sony 1=Egoman 2=Embest 3=Unknown 4=Embest P 0=2835, 1=2836, 2=2837 T 0=A 1=B 2=A+ 3=B+ 4=Pi2B 5=Alpha 6=Compute Module 7=Unknown 8=Pi3B 9=Zero R PCB board revision */ unsigned gpioHardwareRevision(void) { static unsigned rev = 0; FILE * filp; char buf[512]; char term; DBG(DBG_USER, ""); if (rev) return rev; piCores = 0; filp = fopen ("/proc/cpuinfo", "r"); if (filp != NULL) { while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), filp) != NULL) { if (piCores == 0) { if (!strncasecmp("model name", buf, 10)) { if (strstr (buf, "ARMv6") != NULL) { piCores = 1; pi_peri_phys = 0x20000000; pi_dram_bus = 0x40000000; pi_mem_flag = 0x0C; } else if (strstr (buf, "ARMv7") != NULL) { piCores = 4; pi_peri_phys = 0x3F000000; pi_dram_bus = 0xC0000000; pi_mem_flag = 0x04; } else if (strstr (buf, "ARMv8") != NULL) { piCores = 4; pi_peri_phys = 0x3F000000; pi_dram_bus = 0xC0000000; pi_mem_flag = 0x04; } } } if (!strncasecmp("revision\t:", buf, 10)) { if (sscanf(buf+10, "%x%c", &rev, &term) == 2) { if (term != '\n') rev = 0; } } } fclose(filp); } return rev; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioCfgBufferSize(unsigned millis) { DBG(DBG_USER, "millis=%d", millis); CHECK_NOT_INITED; if ((millis < PI_BUF_MILLIS_MIN) || (millis > PI_BUF_MILLIS_MAX)) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_BUF_MILLIS, "bad millis (%d)", millis); gpioCfg.bufferMilliseconds = millis; return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioCfgClock(unsigned micros, unsigned peripheral, unsigned source) { DBG(DBG_USER, "micros=%d peripheral=%d", micros, peripheral); CHECK_NOT_INITED; if ((micros < 1) || (micros > 10)) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_CLK_MICROS, "bad micros (%d)", micros); if (!clkCfg[micros].valid) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_CLK_MICROS, "bad micros (%d)", micros); if (peripheral > PI_CLOCK_PCM) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_CLK_PERIPH, "bad peripheral (%d)", peripheral); gpioCfg.clockMicros = micros; gpioCfg.clockPeriph = peripheral; return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioCfgDMAchannel(unsigned DMAchannel) { DBG(DBG_USER, "channel=%d", DMAchannel); CHECK_NOT_INITED; if ((DMAchannel < PI_MIN_DMA_CHANNEL) || (DMAchannel > PI_MAX_DMA_CHANNEL)) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_CHANNEL, "bad channel (%d)", DMAchannel); gpioCfg.DMAprimaryChannel = DMAchannel; return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioCfgDMAchannels(unsigned primaryChannel, unsigned secondaryChannel) { DBG(DBG_USER, "primary channel=%d, secondary channel=%d", primaryChannel, secondaryChannel); CHECK_NOT_INITED; if (primaryChannel > PI_MAX_DMA_CHANNEL) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_PRIM_CHANNEL, "bad primary channel (%d)", primaryChannel); if ((secondaryChannel > PI_MAX_DMA_CHANNEL) || (secondaryChannel == primaryChannel)) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_SECO_CHANNEL, "bad secondary channel (%d)", secondaryChannel); gpioCfg.DMAprimaryChannel = primaryChannel; gpioCfg.DMAsecondaryChannel = secondaryChannel; return 0; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gpioCfgPermissions(uint64_t updateMask) { DBG(DBG_USER, "gpio update mask=%llX", updateMask); CHECK_NOT_INITED; gpioMask = updateMask; gpioMaskSet = 1; return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioCfgInterfaces(unsigned ifFlags) { DBG(DBG_USER, "ifFlags=%X", ifFlags); CHECK_NOT_INITED; if (ifFlags > 7) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_IF_FLAGS, "bad ifFlags (%X)", ifFlags); gpioCfg.ifFlags = ifFlags; return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioCfgSocketPort(unsigned port) { DBG(DBG_USER, "port=%d", port); CHECK_NOT_INITED; if ((port < PI_MIN_SOCKET_PORT) || (port > PI_MAX_SOCKET_PORT)) SOFT_ERROR(PI_BAD_SOCKET_PORT, "bad port (%d)", port); gpioCfg.socketPort = port; return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int gpioCfgMemAlloc(unsigned memAllocMode) { DBG(DBG_USER, "memAllocMode=%d", memAllocMode); CHECK_NOT_INITED; if (memAllocMode > PI_MEM_ALLOC_MAILBOX) SOFT_ERROR( PI_BAD_MALLOC_MODE, "bad mem alloc mode (%d)", memAllocMode); gpioCfg.memAllocMode = memAllocMode; return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ uint32_t gpioCfgGetInternals(void) { return gpioCfg.internals; } int gpioCfgSetInternals(uint32_t cfgVal) { gpioCfg.internals = cfgVal; gpioCfg.dbgLevel = cfgVal & 0xF; gpioCfg.alertFreq = (cfgVal>>4) & 0xF; return 0; } int gpioCfgInternals(unsigned cfgWhat, unsigned cfgVal) { int retVal = PI_BAD_CFG_INTERNAL; DBG(DBG_USER, "cfgWhat=%u, cfgVal=%d", cfgWhat, cfgVal); switch(cfgWhat) { case 562484977: if (cfgVal) gpioCfg.internals |= PI_CFG_STATS; else gpioCfg.internals &= (~PI_CFG_STATS); DBG(DBG_ALWAYS, "show stats is %u", cfgVal); retVal = 0; break; case 984762879: if ((cfgVal >= DBG_ALWAYS) && (cfgVal <= DBG_MAX_LEVEL)) { gpioCfg.dbgLevel = cfgVal; gpioCfg.internals = (gpioCfg.internals & (~0xF)) | cfgVal; DBG(DBG_ALWAYS, "Debug level is %u", cfgVal); retVal = 0; } break; } return retVal; } /* include any user customisations */ #include "custom.cext"