/* This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any means. In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this software under copyright law. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. For more information, please refer to */ /* This version is for pigpio version 31+ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "pigpio.h" #include "command.h" cmdInfo_t cmdInfo[]= { /* num str vfyt retv */ {PI_CMD_BC1, "BC1", 111, 1}, // gpioWrite_Bits_0_31_Clear {PI_CMD_BC2, "BC2", 111, 1}, // gpioWrite_Bits_32_53_Clear {PI_CMD_BR1, "BR1", 101, 3}, // gpioRead_Bits_0_31 {PI_CMD_BR2, "BR2", 101, 3}, // gpioRead_Bits_32_53 {PI_CMD_BS1, "BS1", 111, 1}, // gpioWrite_Bits_0_31_Set {PI_CMD_BS2, "BS2", 111, 1}, // gpioWrite_Bits_32_53_Set {PI_CMD_CF1, "CF1", 195, 2}, // gpioCustom1 {PI_CMD_CF2, "CF2", 195, 6}, // gpioCustom2 {PI_CMD_GDC, "GDC", 112, 2}, // gpioGetPWMdutycycle {PI_CMD_GPW, "GPW", 112, 2}, // gpioGetServoPulsewidth {PI_CMD_HELP, "H", 101, 5}, // cmdUsage {PI_CMD_HELP, "HELP", 101, 5}, // cmdUsage {PI_CMD_HC, "HC", 121, 0}, // gpioHardwareClock {PI_CMD_HP, "HP", 131, 0}, // gpioHardwarePWM {PI_CMD_HWVER, "HWVER", 101, 4}, // gpioHardwareRevision {PI_CMD_I2CC, "I2CC", 112, 0}, // i2cClose {PI_CMD_I2CO, "I2CO", 131, 2}, // i2cOpen {PI_CMD_I2CPC, "I2CPC", 131, 2}, // i2cProcessCall {PI_CMD_I2CPK, "I2CPK", 194, 6}, // i2cBlockProcessCall {PI_CMD_I2CRB, "I2CRB", 121, 2}, // i2cReadByteData {PI_CMD_I2CRD, "I2CRD", 121, 6}, // i2cReadDevice {PI_CMD_I2CRI, "I2CRI", 131, 6}, // i2cReadI2CBlockData {PI_CMD_I2CRK, "I2CRK", 121, 6}, // i2cReadBlockData {PI_CMD_I2CRS, "I2CRS", 112, 2}, // i2cReadByte {PI_CMD_I2CRW, "I2CRW", 121, 2}, // i2cReadWordData {PI_CMD_I2CWB, "I2CWB", 131, 0}, // i2cWriteByteData {PI_CMD_I2CWD, "I2CWD", 193, 0}, // i2cWriteDevice {PI_CMD_I2CWI, "I2CWI", 194, 0}, // i2cWriteI2CBlockData {PI_CMD_I2CWK, "I2CWK", 194, 0}, // i2cWriteBlockData {PI_CMD_I2CWQ, "I2CWQ", 121, 0}, // i2cWriteQuick {PI_CMD_I2CWS, "I2CWS", 121, 0}, // i2cWriteByte {PI_CMD_I2CWW, "I2CWW", 131, 0}, // i2cWriteWordData {PI_CMD_MICS, "MICS", 112, 0}, // gpioDelay {PI_CMD_MILS, "MILS", 112, 0}, // gpioDelay {PI_CMD_MODEG, "MG" , 112, 2}, // gpioGetMode {PI_CMD_MODEG, "MODEG", 112, 2}, // gpioGetMode {PI_CMD_MODES, "M", 125, 0}, // gpioSetMode {PI_CMD_MODES, "MODES", 125, 0}, // gpioSetMode {PI_CMD_NB, "NB", 122, 0}, // gpioNotifyBegin {PI_CMD_NC, "NC", 112, 0}, // gpioNotifyClose {PI_CMD_NO, "NO", 101, 2}, // gpioNotifyOpen {PI_CMD_NP, "NP", 112, 0}, // gpioNotifyPause {PI_CMD_PARSE, "PARSE", 115, 0}, // cmdParseScript {PI_CMD_PFG, "PFG", 112, 2}, // gpioGetPWMfrequency {PI_CMD_PFS, "PFS", 121, 2}, // gpioSetPWMfrequency {PI_CMD_PIGPV, "PIGPV", 101, 4}, // gpioVersion {PI_CMD_PRG, "PRG", 112, 2}, // gpioGetPWMrange {PI_CMD_PROC, "PROC", 115, 2}, // gpioStoreScript {PI_CMD_PROCD, "PROCD", 112, 0}, // gpioDeleteScript {PI_CMD_PROCP, "PROCP", 112, 7}, // gpioScriptStatus {PI_CMD_PROCR, "PROCR", 191, 0}, // gpioRunScript {PI_CMD_PROCS, "PROCS", 112, 0}, // gpioStopScript {PI_CMD_PRRG, "PRRG", 112, 2}, // gpioGetPWMrealRange {PI_CMD_PRS, "PRS", 121, 2}, // gpioSetPWMrange {PI_CMD_PUD, "PUD", 126, 0}, // gpioSetPullUpDown {PI_CMD_PWM, "P", 121, 0}, // gpioPWM {PI_CMD_PWM, "PWM", 121, 0}, // gpioPWM {PI_CMD_READ, "R", 112, 2}, // gpioRead {PI_CMD_READ, "READ", 112, 2}, // gpioRead {PI_CMD_SERRB, "SERRB", 112, 2}, // serReadByte {PI_CMD_SERWB, "SERWB", 121, 0}, // serWriteByte {PI_CMD_SERC, "SERC", 112, 0}, // serClose {PI_CMD_SERDA, "SERDA", 112, 2}, // serDataAvailable {PI_CMD_SERO, "SERO", 132, 2}, // serOpen {PI_CMD_SERR, "SERR", 121, 6}, // serRead {PI_CMD_SERW, "SERW", 193, 0}, // serWrite {PI_CMD_SERVO, "S", 121, 0}, // gpioServo {PI_CMD_SERVO, "SERVO", 121, 0}, // gpioServo {PI_CMD_SLR, "SLR", 121, 6}, // gpioSerialRead {PI_CMD_SLRC, "SLRC", 112, 0}, // gpioSerialReadClose {PI_CMD_SLRO, "SLRO", 131, 0}, // gpioSerialReadOpen {PI_CMD_SPIC, "SPIC", 112, 0}, // spiClose {PI_CMD_SPIO, "SPIO", 131, 2}, // spiOpen {PI_CMD_SPIR, "SPIR", 121, 6}, // spiRead {PI_CMD_SPIW, "SPIW", 193, 0}, // spiWrite {PI_CMD_SPIX, "SPIX", 193, 6}, // spiXfer {PI_CMD_TICK, "T", 101, 4}, // gpioTick {PI_CMD_TICK, "TICK", 101, 4}, // gpioTick {PI_CMD_TRIG, "TRIG", 131, 0}, // gpioTrigger {PI_CMD_WDOG, "WDOG", 121, 0}, // gpioSetWatchdog {PI_CMD_WRITE, "W", 121, 0}, // gpioWrite {PI_CMD_WRITE, "WRITE", 121, 0}, // gpioWrite {PI_CMD_WVAG, "WVAG", 192, 2}, // gpioWaveAddGeneric {PI_CMD_WVAS, "WVAS", 196, 2}, // gpioWaveAddSerial {PI_CMD_WVBSY, "WVBSY", 101, 2}, // gpioWaveTxBusy {PI_CMD_WVCLR, "WVCLR", 101, 0}, // gpioWaveClear {PI_CMD_WVCRE, "WVCRE", 101, 2}, // gpioWaveCreate {PI_CMD_WVDEL, "WVDEL", 112, 0}, // gpioWaveDelete {PI_CMD_WVGO, "WVGO" , 101, 2}, // gpioWaveTxStart {PI_CMD_WVGOR, "WVGOR", 101, 2}, // gpioWaveTxStart {PI_CMD_WVHLT, "WVHLT", 101, 0}, // gpioWaveTxStop {PI_CMD_WVNEW, "WVNEW", 101, 0}, // gpioWaveAddNew {PI_CMD_WVSC, "WVSC", 112, 2}, // gpioWaveGet*Cbs {PI_CMD_WVSM, "WVSM", 112, 2}, // gpioWaveGet*Micros {PI_CMD_WVSP, "WVSP", 112, 2}, // gpioWaveGet*Pulses {PI_CMD_WVTX, "WVTX", 112, 2}, // gpioWaveTxSend {PI_CMD_WVTXR, "WVTXR", 112, 2}, // gpioWaveTxSend {PI_CMD_ADD , "ADD" , 111, 0}, {PI_CMD_AND , "AND" , 111, 0}, {PI_CMD_CALL , "CALL" , 114, 0}, {PI_CMD_CMDR ,"CMDR" , 111, 0}, {PI_CMD_CMDW , "CMDW" , 111, 0}, {PI_CMD_CMP , "CMP" , 111, 0}, {PI_CMD_DCR , "DCR" , 113, 0}, {PI_CMD_DCRA , "DCRA" , 101, 0}, {PI_CMD_DIV , "DIV" , 111, 0}, {PI_CMD_HALT , "HALT" , 101, 0}, {PI_CMD_INR , "INR" , 113, 0}, {PI_CMD_INRA , "INRA" , 101, 0}, {PI_CMD_JM , "JM" , 114, 0}, {PI_CMD_JMP , "JMP" , 114, 0}, {PI_CMD_JNZ , "JNZ" , 114, 0}, {PI_CMD_JP , "JP" , 114, 0}, {PI_CMD_JZ , "JZ" , 114, 0}, {PI_CMD_LD , "LD" , 123, 0}, {PI_CMD_LDA , "LDA" , 111, 0}, {PI_CMD_LDAB , "LDAB" , 111, 0}, {PI_CMD_MLT , "MLT" , 111, 0}, {PI_CMD_MOD , "MOD" , 111, 0}, {PI_CMD_NOP , "NOP" , 101, 0}, {PI_CMD_OR , "OR" , 111, 0}, {PI_CMD_POP , "POP" , 113, 0}, {PI_CMD_POPA , "POPA" , 101, 0}, {PI_CMD_PUSH , "PUSH" , 113, 0}, {PI_CMD_PUSHA, "PUSHA", 101, 0}, {PI_CMD_RET , "RET" , 101, 0}, {PI_CMD_RL , "RL" , 123, 0}, {PI_CMD_RLA , "RLA" , 111, 0}, {PI_CMD_RR , "RR" , 123, 0}, {PI_CMD_RRA , "RRA" , 111, 0}, {PI_CMD_STA , "STA" , 113, 0}, {PI_CMD_STAB , "STAB" , 111, 0}, {PI_CMD_SUB , "SUB" , 111, 0}, {PI_CMD_SYS , "SYS" , 116, 0}, {PI_CMD_TAG , "TAG" , 114, 0}, {PI_CMD_WAIT , "WAIT" , 111, 0}, {PI_CMD_X , "X" , 124, 0}, {PI_CMD_XA , "XA" , 113, 0}, {PI_CMD_XOR , "XOR" , 111, 0}, }; char * cmdUsage = "\ BC1 bits Clear specified gpios in bank 1\n\ BC2 bits Clear specified gpios in bank 2\n\ BR1 Read bank 1 gpios\n\ BR2 Read bank 2 gpios\n\ BS1 bits Set specified gpios in bank 2\n\ BS2 bits Set specified gpios in bank 2\n\ \n\ CF1 uvs Custom function 1\n\ CF2 uvs Custom function 2\n\ \n\ GDC u Get PWM dutycycle for gpio\n\ GPW u Get servo pulsewidth for gpio\n\ \n\ H/HELP Display command help\n\ \n\ HC g cf Set hardware clock frequency\n\ HP g pf pdc Set hardware PWM frequency and dutycycle\n\ \n\ HWVER Get hardware version\n\ \n\ I2CC h Close I2C handle\n\ I2CO ib id if Open I2C bus and device with flags\n\ \n\ I2CPC h r wv smb Process Call: exchange register with word\n\ I2CPK h r bvs smb Block Process Call: exchange data bytes with register\n\ \n\ I2CRB h r smb Read Byte Data: read byte from register\n\ I2CRD h num i2c Read bytes\n\ I2CRI h r num smb Read I2C Block Data: read bytes from register\n\ I2CRK h r smb Read Block Data: read data from register\n\ I2CRS h smb Read Byte: read byte\n\ I2CRW h r smb Read Word Data: read word from register\n\ \n\ I2CWB h r bv smb Write Byte Data: write byte to register\n\ I2CWD h bvs i2c Write data\n\ I2CWI h r bvs smb Write I2C Block Data\n\ I2CWK h r bvs smb Write Block Data: write data to register\n\ I2CWQ h bit smb Write Quick: write bit\n\ I2CWS h bv smb Write Byte: write byte\n\ I2CWW h r wv smb Write Word Data: write word to register\n\ \n\ M/MODES g m Set gpio mode\n\ MG/MODEG g Get gpio mode\n\ \n\ MICS v Delay for microseconds\n\ MILS v Delay for milliseconds\n\ \n\ NB h bits Start notification\n\ NC h Close notification\n\ NO Request a notification\n\ NP h Pause notification\n\ \n\ P/PWM u v Set gpio PWM value\n\ \n\ PARSE t Validate script\n\ \n\ PFG u Get gpio PWM frequency\n\ PFS u v Set gpio PWM frequency\n\ \n\ PIGPV Get pigpio library version\n\ \n\ PRG u Get gpio PWM range\n\ \n\ PROC t Store script\n\ PROCD sid Delete script\n\ PROCP sid Get script status and parameters\n\ PROCR sid pars Run script\n\ PROCS sid Stop script\n\ \n\ PRRG u Get gpio PWM real range\n\ PRS u v Set gpio PWM range\n\ \n\ PUD g p Set gpio pull up/down\n\ \n\ R/READ g Read gpio level\n\ \n\ S/SERVO u v Set gpio servo pulsewidth\n\ \n\ SERC h Close serial handle\n\ SERDA h Check for serial data ready to read\n\ SERO srd srb srf Open serial device at baud with flags\n\ \n\ SERR h num Read bytes from serial handle\n\ SERRB h Read byte from serial handle\n\ SERW h bvs Write bytes to serial handle\n\ SERWB h bv Write byte to serial handle\n\ \n\ SLR u num Read bit bang serial data from gpio\n\ SLRC u Close gpio for bit bang serial data\n\ SLRO u b db Open gpio for bit bang serial data\n\ \n\ SPIC h SPI close handle\n\ SPIO sc sb sf SPI open channel at baud with flags\n\ SPIR h num SPI read bytes from handle\n\ SPIW h bvs SPI write bytes to handle\n\ SPIX h bvs SPI transfer bytes to handle\n\ \n\ T/TICK Get current tick\n\ \n\ TRIG u pl L Trigger level for micros on gpio\n\ \n\ W/WRITE g L Write level to gpio\n\ \n\ WDOG u v Set millisecond watchdog on gpio\n\ \n\ WVAG trips Wave add generic pulses\n\ WVAS u b db hb Wave add serial data for gpio u at b baud, db databits,\n\ o bvs hb (half)stopbits, offset o micros from wave start\n\ WVBSY Check if wave busy\n\ WVCLR Wave clear\n\ WVCRE Create wave from added pulses\n\ WVDEL wid Delete waves w and higher\n\ WVGO Wave transmit (DEPRECATED)\n\ WVGOR Wave transmit repeatedly (DEPRECATED)\n\ WVHLT Wave stop\n\ WVNEW Start a new empty wave\n\ WVSC ws Wave get DMA control block stats\n\ WVSM ws Wave get micros stats\n\ WVSP ws Wave get pulses stats\n\ WVTX wid Transmit wave as one-shot\n\ WVTXR wid Transmit wave repeatedly\n\ \n\ bits = a mask where (1<=0)\n\ hb = (half) stop bits (2-8)\n\ ib = I2C bus (0-1)\n\ id = I2C device (0-127)\n\ if = I2C flags (0)\n\ L = level (0-1)\n\ m = mode (RW540123)\n\ num = number of bytes to read\n\ o = offset (>=0)\n\ p = pud (ODU)\n\ pars = 0 to 10 parameters for script\n\ pdc = hardware PWM dutycycle (0-1M)\n\ pf = hardware PWM frequency (1-125M)\n\ pl = pulse length (1-100)\n\ r = register\n\ sid = script id (>=0)\n\ sb = SPI baud\n\ sc = SPI channel (0-1)\n\ sf = SPI flags (0-3)\n\ srd = serial device (/dev/tty*)\n\ srb = serial baud rate\n\ srf = serial flags (0)\n\ t = text\n\ trips = 1 or more triplets of gpios on, gpios off, delay\n\ u = user gpio (0-31)\n\ uvs = zero or more values >= 0, any after the first two must <= 255\n\ v = value\n\ w = wave id (>=0)\n\ ws = 0=now, 1=high, 2=max\n\ wv = word value (0-65535)\n\ \n\ Numbers may be entered as hex (prefix 0x), octal (prefix 0),\n\ otherwise they are assumed to be decimal\n\ "; typedef struct { int error; char * str; } errInfo_t; static errInfo_t errInfo[]= { {PI_INIT_FAILED , "pigpio initialisation failed"}, {PI_BAD_USER_GPIO , "gpio not 0-31"}, {PI_BAD_GPIO , "gpio not 0-53"}, {PI_BAD_MODE , "mode not 0-7"}, {PI_BAD_LEVEL , "level not 0-1"}, {PI_BAD_PUD , "pud not 0-2"}, {PI_BAD_PULSEWIDTH , "pulsewidth not 0 or 500-2500"}, {PI_BAD_DUTYCYCLE , "dutycycle not 0-range (default 255)"}, {PI_BAD_TIMER , "timer not 0-9"}, {PI_BAD_MS , "ms not 10-60000"}, {PI_BAD_TIMETYPE , "timetype not 0-1"}, {PI_BAD_SECONDS , "seconds < 0"}, {PI_BAD_MICROS , "micros not 0-999999"}, {PI_TIMER_FAILED , "gpioSetTimerFunc failed"}, {PI_BAD_WDOG_TIMEOUT , "timeout not 0-60000"}, {PI_NO_ALERT_FUNC , "DEPRECATED"}, {PI_BAD_CLK_PERIPH , "clock peripheral not 0-1"}, {PI_BAD_CLK_SOURCE , "DEPRECATED"}, {PI_BAD_CLK_MICROS , "clock micros not 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, or 10"}, {PI_BAD_BUF_MILLIS , "buf millis not 100-10000"}, {PI_BAD_DUTYRANGE , "dutycycle range not 25-40000"}, {PI_BAD_SIGNUM , "signum not 0-63"}, {PI_BAD_PATHNAME , "can't open pathname"}, {PI_NO_HANDLE , "no handle available"}, {PI_BAD_HANDLE , "unknown handle"}, {PI_BAD_IF_FLAGS , "ifFlags > 3"}, {PI_BAD_CHANNEL , "DMA channel not 0-14"}, {PI_BAD_SOCKET_PORT , "socket port not 1024-30000"}, {PI_BAD_FIFO_COMMAND , "unknown fifo command"}, {PI_BAD_SECO_CHANNEL , "DMA secondary channel not 0-6"}, {PI_NOT_INITIALISED , "function called before gpioInitialise"}, {PI_INITIALISED , "function called after gpioInitialise"}, {PI_BAD_WAVE_MODE , "waveform mode not 0-1"}, {PI_BAD_CFG_INTERNAL , "bad parameter in gpioCfgInternals call"}, {PI_BAD_WAVE_BAUD , "baud rate not 50-250K(RX)/50-1M(TX)"}, {PI_TOO_MANY_PULSES , "waveform has too many pulses"}, {PI_TOO_MANY_CHARS , "waveform has too many chars"}, {PI_NOT_SERIAL_GPIO , "no serial read in progress on gpio"}, {PI_BAD_SERIAL_STRUC , "bad (null) serial structure parameter"}, {PI_BAD_SERIAL_BUF , "bad (null) serial buf parameter"}, {PI_NOT_PERMITTED , "no permission to update gpio"}, {PI_SOME_PERMITTED , "no permission to update one or more gpios"}, {PI_BAD_WVSC_COMMND , "bad WVSC subcommand"}, {PI_BAD_WVSM_COMMND , "bad WVSM subcommand"}, {PI_BAD_WVSP_COMMND , "bad WVSP subcommand"}, {PI_BAD_PULSELEN , "trigger pulse length not 1-100"}, {PI_BAD_SCRIPT , "invalid script"}, {PI_BAD_SCRIPT_ID , "unknown script id"}, {PI_BAD_SER_OFFSET , "add serial data offset > 30 minute"}, {PI_GPIO_IN_USE , "gpio already in use"}, {PI_BAD_SERIAL_COUNT , "must read at least a byte at a time"}, {PI_BAD_PARAM_NUM , "script parameter id not 0-9"}, {PI_DUP_TAG , "script has duplicate tag"}, {PI_TOO_MANY_TAGS , "script has too many tags"}, {PI_BAD_SCRIPT_CMD , "illegal script command"}, {PI_BAD_VAR_NUM , "script variable id not 0-149"}, {PI_NO_SCRIPT_ROOM , "no more room for scripts"}, {PI_NO_MEMORY , "can't allocate temporary memory"}, {PI_SOCK_READ_FAILED , "socket read failed"}, {PI_SOCK_WRIT_FAILED , "socket write failed"}, {PI_TOO_MANY_PARAM , "too many script parameters (> 10)"}, {PI_NOT_HALTED , "script already running or failed"}, {PI_BAD_TAG , "script has unresolved tag"}, {PI_BAD_MICS_DELAY , "bad MICS delay (too large)"}, {PI_BAD_MILS_DELAY , "bad MILS delay (too large)"}, {PI_BAD_WAVE_ID , "non existent wave id"}, {PI_TOO_MANY_CBS , "No more CBs for waveform"}, {PI_TOO_MANY_OOL , "No more OOL for waveform"}, {PI_EMPTY_WAVEFORM , "attempt to create an empty waveform"}, {PI_NO_WAVEFORM_ID , "no more waveform ids"}, {PI_I2C_OPEN_FAILED , "can't open I2C device"}, {PI_SER_OPEN_FAILED , "can't open serial device"}, {PI_SPI_OPEN_FAILED , "can't open SPI device"}, {PI_BAD_I2C_BUS , "bad I2C bus"}, {PI_BAD_I2C_ADDR , "bad I2C address"}, {PI_BAD_SPI_CHANNEL , "bad SPI channel"}, {PI_BAD_FLAGS , "bad i2c/spi/ser open flags"}, {PI_BAD_SPI_SPEED , "bad SPI speed"}, {PI_BAD_SER_DEVICE , "bad serial device name"}, {PI_BAD_SER_SPEED , "bad serial baud rate"}, {PI_BAD_PARAM , "bad i2c/spi/ser parameter"}, {PI_I2C_WRITE_FAILED , "I2C write failed"}, {PI_I2C_READ_FAILED , "I2C read failed"}, {PI_BAD_SPI_COUNT , "bad SPI count"}, {PI_SER_WRITE_FAILED , "ser write failed"}, {PI_SER_READ_FAILED , "ser read failed"}, {PI_SER_READ_NO_DATA , "ser read no data available"}, {PI_UNKNOWN_COMMAND , "unknown command"}, {PI_SPI_XFER_FAILED , "spi xfer/read/write failed"}, {PI_BAD_POINTER , "bad (NULL) pointer"}, {PI_NO_AUX_SPI , "need a B+ for auxiliary SPI"}, {PI_NOT_PWM_GPIO , "gpio is not in use for PWM"}, {PI_NOT_SERVO_GPIO , "gpio is not in use for servo pulses"}, {PI_NOT_HCLK_GPIO , "gpio has no hardware clock"}, {PI_NOT_HPWM_GPIO , "gpio has no hardware PWM"}, {PI_BAD_HPWM_FREQ , "hardware PWM frequency not 1-125M"}, {PI_BAD_HPWM_DUTY , "hardware PWM dutycycle not 0-1M"}, {PI_BAD_HCLK_FREQ , "hardware clock frequency not 4689-250M"}, {PI_BAD_HCLK_PASS , "need password to use hardware clock 1"}, {PI_HPWM_ILLEGAL , "illegal, PWM in use for main clock"}, {PI_BAD_DATABITS , "serial data bits not 1-32"}, {PI_MSG_TOOBIG , "socket/pipe message too big"}, {PI_BAD_MALLOC_MODE , "bad memory allocation mode"}, {PI_TOO_MANY_PARTS , "too many I2C transaction parts"}, {PI_BAD_I2C_PART , "a combined I2C transaction failed"}, }; static char * fmtMdeStr="RW540123"; static char * fmtPudStr="ODU"; static int cmdMatch(char *str) { int i; for (i=0; i<(sizeof(cmdInfo)/sizeof(cmdInfo_t)); i++) { if (strcasecmp(str, cmdInfo[i].name) == 0) return i; } return CMD_UNKNOWN_CMD; } static int getNum(char *str, unsigned *val, int8_t *opt) { int f, n; unsigned v; *opt = 0; f = sscanf(str, " %i %n", &v, &n); if (f == 1) { *val = v; *opt = CMD_NUMERIC; return n; } f = sscanf(str, " v%i %n", &v, &n); if (f == 1) { *val = v; if (v < PI_MAX_SCRIPT_VARS) *opt = CMD_VAR; else *opt = -CMD_VAR; return n; } f = sscanf(str, " p%i %n", &v, &n); if (f == 1) { *val = v; if (v < PI_MAX_SCRIPT_PARAMS) *opt = CMD_PAR; else *opt = -CMD_PAR; return n; } return 0; } static char intCmdStr[32]; char *cmdStr(void) { return intCmdStr; } int cmdParse( char *buf, uint32_t *p, unsigned ext_len, char *ext, cmdCtlParse_t *ctl) { int f, valid, idx, val, pp, pars, n, n2, i; char *p8; int32_t *p32; char c; uint32_t tp1, tp2, tp3; int8_t to1, to2, to3; /* Check that ext is big enough for the largest message. */ if (ext_len < (4 * CMD_MAX_PARAM)) return CMD_EXT_TOO_SMALL; bzero(&ctl->opt, sizeof(ctl->opt)); sscanf(buf+ctl->eaten, " %31s %n", intCmdStr, &pp); ctl->eaten += pp; p[0] = -1; idx = cmdMatch(intCmdStr); if (idx < 0) return idx; valid = 0; p[0] = cmdInfo[idx].cmd; p[1] = 0; p[2] = 0; p[3] = 0; switch (cmdInfo[idx].vt) { case 101: /* BR1 BR2 H HELP HWVER DCRA HALT INRA NO PIGPV POPA PUSHA RET T TICK WVBSY WVCLR WVCRE WVGO WVGOR WVHLT WVNEW No parameters, always valid. */ valid = 1; break; case 111: /* BC1 BC2 BS1 BS2 ADD AND CMP DIV LDA LDAB MLT MOD OR RLA RRA STAB SUB WAIT XOR One parameter, any value. */ ctl->eaten += getNum(buf+ctl->eaten, &p[1], &ctl->opt[1]); if (ctl->opt[1] > 0) valid = 1; break; case 112: /* GDC GPW I2CC I2CRB MG MICS MILS MODEG NC NP PFG PRG PROCD PROCP PROCS PRRG R READ SLRC SPIC WVDEL WVSC WVSM WVSP WVTX WVTXR One positive parameter. */ ctl->eaten += getNum(buf+ctl->eaten, &p[1], &ctl->opt[1]); if ((ctl->opt[1] > 0) && ((int)p[1] >= 0)) valid = 1; break; case 113: /* DCR INR POP PUSH STA XA One register parameter. */ ctl->eaten += getNum(buf+ctl->eaten, &p[1], &ctl->opt[1]); if ((ctl->opt[1] > 0) && (p[1] < PI_MAX_SCRIPT_VARS)) valid = 1; break; case 114: /* CALL JM JMP JNZ JP JZ TAG One numeric parameter, any value. */ ctl->eaten += getNum(buf+ctl->eaten, &p[1], &ctl->opt[1]); if (ctl->opt[1] == CMD_NUMERIC) valid = 1; break; case 115: /* PARSE PROC One parameter, string (rest of input). */ p[3] = strlen(buf+ctl->eaten); memcpy(ext, buf+ctl->eaten, p[3]); ctl->eaten += p[3]; valid = 1; break; case 116: /* SYS One parameter, a string of letters, digits, '-' and '_'. */ f = sscanf(buf+ctl->eaten, " %*s%n %n", &n, &n2); if ((f >= 0) && n) { valid = 1; for (i=0; ieaten+i]; if ((!isalnum(c)) && (c != '_') && (c != '-')) { valid = 0; break; } } if (valid) { p[3] = n; ctl->opt[3] = CMD_NUMERIC; memcpy(ext, buf+ctl->eaten, n); ctl->eaten += n2; } } break; case 121: /* HC I2CRD I2CRR I2CRW I2CWB I2CWQ P PFS PRS PWM S SERVO SLR W WDOG WRITE Two positive parameters. */ ctl->eaten += getNum(buf+ctl->eaten, &p[1], &ctl->opt[1]); ctl->eaten += getNum(buf+ctl->eaten, &p[2], &ctl->opt[2]); if ((ctl->opt[1] > 0) && ((int)p[1] >= 0) && (ctl->opt[2] > 0) && ((int)p[2] >= 0)) valid = 1; break; case 122: /* NB Two parameters, first positive, second any value. */ ctl->eaten += getNum(buf+ctl->eaten, &p[1], &ctl->opt[1]); ctl->eaten += getNum(buf+ctl->eaten, &p[2], &ctl->opt[2]); if ((ctl->opt[1] > 0) && ((int)p[1] >= 0) && (ctl->opt[2] > 0)) valid = 1; break; case 123: /* LD RL RR Two parameters, first register, second any value. */ ctl->eaten += getNum(buf+ctl->eaten, &p[1], &ctl->opt[1]); ctl->eaten += getNum(buf+ctl->eaten, &p[2], &ctl->opt[2]); if ((ctl->opt[1] > 0) && (p[1] < PI_MAX_SCRIPT_VARS) && (ctl->opt[2] > 0)) valid = 1; break; case 124: /* X Two register parameters. */ ctl->eaten += getNum(buf+ctl->eaten, &p[1], &ctl->opt[1]); ctl->eaten += getNum(buf+ctl->eaten, &p[2], &ctl->opt[2]); if ((ctl->opt[1] > 0) && (p[1] < PI_MAX_SCRIPT_VARS) && (ctl->opt[2] > 0) && (p[2] < PI_MAX_SCRIPT_VARS)) valid = 1; break; case 125: /* M MODES Two parameters, first positive, second in 'RW540123'. */ ctl->eaten += getNum(buf+ctl->eaten, &p[1], &ctl->opt[1]); f = sscanf(buf+ctl->eaten, " %c %n", &c, &n); if ((ctl->opt[1] > 0) && ((int)p[1] >= 0) && (f >= 1)) { ctl->eaten += n; val = toupper(c); p8 = strchr(fmtMdeStr, val); if (p8 != NULL) { val = p8 - fmtMdeStr; p[2] = val; valid = 1; } } break; case 126: /* PUD Two parameters, first positive, second in 'ODU'. */ ctl->eaten += getNum(buf+ctl->eaten, &p[1], &ctl->opt[1]); f = sscanf(buf+ctl->eaten, " %c %n", &c, &n); if ((ctl->opt[1] > 0) && ((int)p[1] >= 0) && (f >= 1)) { ctl->eaten += n; val = toupper(c); p8 = strchr(fmtPudStr, val); if (p8 != NULL) { val = p8 - fmtPudStr; p[2] = val; valid = 1; } } break; case 131: /* HP I2CO I2CPC I2CRI I2CWB I2CWW SLRO SPIO TRIG Three positive parameters. */ ctl->eaten += getNum(buf+ctl->eaten, &p[1], &ctl->opt[1]); ctl->eaten += getNum(buf+ctl->eaten, &p[2], &ctl->opt[2]); ctl->eaten += getNum(buf+ctl->eaten, &tp1, &to1); if ((ctl->opt[1] > 0) && ((int)p[1] >= 0) && (ctl->opt[2] > 0) && ((int)p[2] >= 0) && (to1 == CMD_NUMERIC) && ((int)tp1 >= 0)) { p[3] = 4; memcpy(ext, &tp1, 4); valid = 1; } break; case 132: /* SERO Three parameters, first a string, rest >=0 */ f = sscanf(buf+ctl->eaten, " %*s%n %n", &n, &n2); if ((f >= 0) && n) { p[3] = n; ctl->opt[2] = CMD_NUMERIC; memcpy(ext, buf+ctl->eaten, n); ctl->eaten += n2; ctl->eaten += getNum(buf+ctl->eaten, &p[1], &ctl->opt[1]); ctl->eaten += getNum(buf+ctl->eaten, &p[2], &ctl->opt[2]); if ((ctl->opt[1] > 0) && ((int)p[1] >= 0) && (ctl->opt[2] > 0) && ((int)p[2] >= 0)) valid = 1; } break; case 191: /* PROCR One to 11 parameters, first positive, optional remainder, any value. */ ctl->eaten += getNum(buf+ctl->eaten, &p[1], &ctl->opt[1]); if ((ctl->opt[1] == CMD_NUMERIC) && ((int)p[1] >= 0)) { pars = 0; p32 = (int32_t *)ext; while (pars < PI_MAX_SCRIPT_PARAMS) { ctl->eaten += getNum(buf+ctl->eaten, &tp1, &to1); if (to1 == CMD_NUMERIC) { pars++; *p32++ = tp1; } else break; } p[3] = pars * 4; valid = 1; } break; case 192: /* WVAG One or more triplets (gpios on, gpios off, delay), any value. */ pars = 0; p32 = (int32_t *)ext; while (pars < CMD_MAX_PARAM) { ctl->eaten += getNum(buf+ctl->eaten, &tp1, &to1); if (to1 == CMD_NUMERIC) { pars++; *p32++ = tp1; } else break; } p[3] = pars * 4; if (pars && ((pars % 3) == 0)) valid = 1; break; case 193: /* I2CWD SERW Two or more parameters, first >=0, rest 0-255. */ ctl->eaten += getNum(buf+ctl->eaten, &p[1], &ctl->opt[1]); if ((ctl->opt[1] == CMD_NUMERIC) && ((int)p[1] >= 0)) { pars = 0; p8 = ext; while (pars < CMD_MAX_PARAM) { ctl->eaten += getNum(buf+ctl->eaten, &tp1, &to1); if ((to1 == CMD_NUMERIC) && ((int)tp1>=0) && ((int)tp1<=255)) { pars++; *p8++ = tp1; } else break; } p[3] = pars; if (pars) valid = 1; } break; case 194: /* I2CPK I2CWI I2CWK Three to 34 parameters, all 0-255. */ ctl->eaten += getNum(buf+ctl->eaten, &p[1], &ctl->opt[1]); ctl->eaten += getNum(buf+ctl->eaten, &p[2], &ctl->opt[2]); if ((ctl->opt[1] == CMD_NUMERIC) && (ctl->opt[2] == CMD_NUMERIC) && ((int)p[1]>=0) && ((int)p[2]>=0) && ((int)p[2]<=255)) { pars = 0; p8 = ext; while (pars < 32) { ctl->eaten += getNum(buf+ctl->eaten, &tp1, &to1); if ((to1 == CMD_NUMERIC) && ((int)tp1>=0) && ((int)tp1<=255)) { pars++; *p8++ = tp1; } else break; } p[3] = pars; if (pars > 0) valid = 1; } break; case 195: /* CF1 CF2 Zero or more parameters, first two >=0, rest 0-255. */ valid = 1; ctl->eaten += getNum(buf+ctl->eaten, &p[1], &ctl->opt[1]); if (ctl->opt[1] == CMD_NUMERIC) { if ((int)p[1] >= 0) { ctl->eaten += getNum(buf+ctl->eaten, &p[2], &ctl->opt[2]); if (ctl->opt[2] == CMD_NUMERIC) { if ((int)p[2] >= 0) { pars = 0; p8 = ext; while (pars < CMD_MAX_PARAM) { ctl->eaten += getNum(buf+ctl->eaten, &tp1, &to1); if (to1 == CMD_NUMERIC) { if (((int)tp1>=0) && ((int)tp1<=255)) { pars++; *p8++ = tp1; } else valid = 0; } else break; } p[3] = pars; } else valid = 0; } } else valid = 0; } break; case 196: /* WVAS gpio baud offset char... p1 gpio p2 baud p3 len + 4 --------- uint32_t databits uint32_t stophalfbits uint32_t offset uint8_t[len] */ ctl->eaten += getNum(buf+ctl->eaten, &p[1], &ctl->opt[1]); ctl->eaten += getNum(buf+ctl->eaten, &p[2], &ctl->opt[2]); ctl->eaten += getNum(buf+ctl->eaten, &tp1, &to1); ctl->eaten += getNum(buf+ctl->eaten, &tp2, &to2); ctl->eaten += getNum(buf+ctl->eaten, &tp3, &to3); if ((ctl->opt[1] == CMD_NUMERIC) && ((int)p[1] >= 0) && (ctl->opt[2] == CMD_NUMERIC) && ((int)p[2] > 0) && (to1 == CMD_NUMERIC) && (to2 == CMD_NUMERIC) && (to3 == CMD_NUMERIC)) { pars = 0; memcpy(ext, &tp1, 4); memcpy(ext+4, &tp2, 4); memcpy(ext+8, &tp3, 4); p8 = ext + 12; while (pars < CMD_MAX_PARAM) { ctl->eaten += getNum(buf+ctl->eaten, &tp1, &to1); if ((to1 == CMD_NUMERIC) && ((int)tp1>=0) && ((int)tp1<=255)) { *p8++ = tp1; pars++; } else break; } p[3] = pars + 12; if (pars > 0) valid = 1; } break; } if (valid) return idx; else return CMD_BAD_PARAMETER; } char * cmdErrStr(int error) { int i; for (i=0; i<(sizeof(errInfo)/sizeof(errInfo_t)); i++) { if (errInfo[i].error == error) return errInfo[i].str; } return "unknown error"; } int cmdParseScript(char *script, cmdScript_t *s, int diags) { int idx, len, b, i, j, tags, resolved; int status; uint32_t p[10]; cmdInstr_t instr; cmdCtlParse_t ctl; char v[CMD_MAX_EXTENSION]; ctl.eaten = 0; status = 0; cmdTagStep_t tag_step[PI_MAX_SCRIPT_TAGS]; len = strlen(script); /* calloc space for PARAMS, VARS, CMDS, and STRINGS */ b = (sizeof(int) * (PI_MAX_SCRIPT_PARAMS + PI_MAX_SCRIPT_VARS)) + (sizeof(cmdInstr_t) * (len + 2) / 2) + len; s->par = calloc(1, b); if (s->par == NULL) return -1; s->var = s->par + PI_MAX_SCRIPT_PARAMS; s->instr = (cmdInstr_t *)(s->var + PI_MAX_SCRIPT_VARS); s->str_area = (char *)(s->instr + ((len + 2) / 2)); s->str_area_len = len; s->str_area_pos = 0; s->instrs = 0; tags = 0; idx = 0; while (ctl.eaten= 0) { if (p[3]) { memcpy(s->str_area + s->str_area_pos, v, p[3]); s->str_area[s->str_area_pos + p[3]] = 0; p[4] = (intptr_t) s->str_area + s->str_area_pos; s->str_area_pos += (p[3] + 1); } memcpy(&instr.p, p, sizeof(instr.p)); if (instr.p[0] == PI_CMD_TAG) { if (tags < PI_MAX_SCRIPT_TAGS) { /* check tag not already used */ for (j=0; jinstrs; tags++; } else { if (diags) { fprintf(stderr, "Too many tags: %d\n", instr.p[1]); } if (!status) status = PI_TOO_MANY_TAGS; idx = -1; } } } else { if (diags) { if (idx == CMD_UNKNOWN_CMD) fprintf(stderr, "Unknown command: %s\n", cmdStr()); else fprintf(stderr, "Bad parameter to %s\n", cmdStr()); } if (!status) status = PI_BAD_SCRIPT_CMD; } if (idx >= 0) { if (instr.p[0] != PI_CMD_TAG) { memcpy(instr.opt, &ctl.opt, sizeof(instr.opt)); s->instr[s->instrs++] = instr; } } } for (i=0; iinstrs; i++) { instr = s->instr[i]; /* resolve jumps */ if ((instr.p[0] == PI_CMD_JMP) || (instr.p[0] == PI_CMD_CALL) || (instr.p[0] == PI_CMD_JZ) || (instr.p[0] == PI_CMD_JNZ) || (instr.p[0] == PI_CMD_JM) || (instr.p[0] == PI_CMD_JP)) { resolved = 0; for (j=0; jinstr[i].p[1] = tag_step[j].step; resolved = 1; break; } } if (!resolved) { if (diags) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't resolve tag %d\n", instr.p[1]); } if (!status) status = PI_BAD_TAG; } } } return status; }