#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys pigpio_m1=""" .\" Process this file with .\" groff -man -Tascii pigpio.3 .\" .TH pigpio 3 2012-2021 Linux "pigpio archive" .SH NAME pigpio - A C library to manipulate the Pi's GPIO.\n .SH SYNOPSIS\n #include \n gcc -Wall -pthread -o prog prog.c -lpigpio -lrt\n sudo ./prog .SH DESCRIPTION\n """ pigpiod_if_m1=""" .\" Process this file with .\" groff -man -Tascii pigpiod_if.3 .\" .TH pigpiod_if 3 2012-2021 Linux "pigpio archive" .SH NAME pigpiod_if - A C library to interface to the pigpio daemon.\n .SH SYNOPSIS\n #include \n gcc -Wall -pthread -o prog prog.c -lpigpiod_if -lrt\n ./prog .SH DESCRIPTION\n """ pigpiod_if2_m1=""" .\" Process this file with .\" groff -man -Tascii pigpiod_if2.3 .\" .TH pigpiod_if2 3 2012-2021 Linux "pigpio archive" .SH NAME pigpiod_if2 - A C library to interface to the pigpio daemon.\n .SH SYNOPSIS\n #include \n gcc -Wall -pthread -o prog prog.c -lpigpiod_if2 -lrt\n ./prog .SH DESCRIPTION\n """ pigpiod_m1=""" .\" Process this file with .\" groff -man -Tascii pigpiod.1 .\" .TH pigpiod 1 2012-2021 Linux "pigpio archive" .SH NAME pigpiod - A utility to start the pigpio library as a daemon.\n .SH SYNOPSIS\n sudo pigpiod [OPTION]... .SH DESCRIPTION\n """ pig2vcd_m1=""" .\" Process this file with .\" groff -man -Tascii pig2vcd.1 .\" .TH pig2vcd 1 2012-2021 Linux "pigpio archive" .SH NAME pig2vd - A utility to convert pigpio notifications to VCD.\n .SH SYNOPSIS\n pig2vcd file.VCD .SH DESCRIPTION\n """ pigpio_m2=""" .SH SEE ALSO\n pigpiod(1), pig2vcd(1), pigs(1), pigpiod_if(3), pigpiod_if2(3) .SH AUTHOR\n joan@abyz.me.uk """ pigpiod_if_m2=""" .SH SEE ALSO\n pigpiod(1), pig2vcd(1), pigs(1), pigpio(3), pigpiod_if2(3) .SH AUTHOR\n joan@abyz.me.uk """ pigpiod_if2_m2=""" .SH SEE ALSO\n pigpiod(1), pig2vcd(1), pigs(1), pigpio(3), pigpiod_if(3) .SH AUTHOR\n joan@abyz.me.uk """ pigpiod_m2=""" .SH SEE ALSO\n pig2vcd(1), pigs(1), pigpio(3), pigpiod_if(3), pigpiod_if2(3) .SH AUTHOR\n joan@abyz.me.uk """ pig2vcd_m2=""" .SH SEE ALSO\n pigpiod(1), pigs(1), pigpio(3), pigpiod_if(3), pigpiod_if2(3) .SH AUTHOR\n joan@abyz.me.uk """ def emit(s): sys.stdout.write(s) def get_line(f): line = f.readline() if man: line = line.replace(" \n", "\n.br\n") else: line = line.replace("<", "<") line = line.replace(">", ">") line = line.replace(" \n", "
\n") return line def nostar(k): if k[0] == "*": return k[1:] else: return k NONE =0 MAN =1 TEXT =2 OVERVIEW=4 FUNC =5 DESC =6 OPT =7 PARAMS =8 DEFS =9 param_used = [] param_defd = [] param_refd = [] at = NONE in_code = False in_pard = False in_table = False if len(sys.argv) > 2: obj = sys.argv[1] fn = sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) > 3: man = True else: man = False else: exit("bad args, need page file [man]") try: f = open(fn, "r") except: exit("aborting, can't open {}".format(fn)) if man: if obj == "pigpio": emit(pigpio_m1) elif obj == "pigpiod_if": emit(pigpiod_if_m1) elif obj == "pigpiod_if2": emit(pigpiod_if2_m1) elif obj == "pigpiod": emit(pigpiod_m1) elif obj == "pig2vcd": emit(pig2vcd_m1) emit("\n.ad l\n") emit("\n.nh\n") while True: line = get_line(f) if line == "": for p in param_used: if p not in param_defd: sys.stderr.write("{} used but not defined.\n".format(p)) for p in param_defd: if p not in param_used and p not in param_refd: sys.stderr.write("{} defined but not used.\n".format(p)) break if line == "/*MAN\n": at = MAN continue elif line == "MAN*/\n": at = NONE continue if line == "/*TEXT\n": at = TEXT continue elif line == "TEXT*/\n": at = NONE continue elif line == "/*OVERVIEW\n": if man: emit("\n.SH OVERVIEW\n") else: emit("


") emit( "") at = OVERVIEW continue elif line == "OVERVIEW*/\n": if man: emit(".SH FUNCTIONS\n") else: emit("
") emit("


") at = NONE elif line == "/*F*/\n": in_code = False func_def="" line = get_line(f) at = FUNC elif line == "/*D\n": # Function definition should be complete. func_def = func_def.replace("\n", " ") # Function definition should be complete. Normalise definition func_def = func_def.replace("\n", " ") while func_def.find(" ") != -1: func_def = func_def.replace(" ", " ") func_def = func_def.replace("( ", "(") func_def = func_def.replace(" (", "(") (rf, sep1, end1) = func_def.partition("(") (parl, sep2, end2) = end1.partition(")") tps = parl.split(",") rf = rf.split(" ") if len(rf) > 2: # const const = rf[0]+" " ret = rf[1] func = rf[2] else: const = "" ret = rf[0] func = rf[1] if ret not in param_used: param_used.append(ret) if man: t = "\\fB" + const + ret + " " + func + "(" + parl + ")\\fP" emit("\n.IP \"{}\"\n.IP \"\" 4\n".format(t)) else: emit("

{} {}". format(nostar(func), ret, const + ret, func)) emit("(") x = 0 for tp in tps: tp = tp.strip() tp = tp.split() if len(tp) < 2: t=tp[0] p="" elif len(tp) == 2: t = tp[0] tf = tp[0] p = tp[1] else: t = tp[-2] tf = tp[-3] + " "+ tp[-2] p = tp[-1] if p != "": if p not in param_used: param_used.append(p) if t not in param_used: param_used.append(t) if x > 0: if man: pass else: emit(", ") x += 1 if man: pass else: emit("{} {}". format(t, tf, p, p)) else: if man: pass else: emit("{}".format(t)) if man: pass else: emit(")

\n") line = get_line(f) at = DESC elif line == "D*/\n": at = NONE elif line == "/*O\n": if man: emit(".SH OPTIONS\n") else: emit("") at = OPT continue elif line == "O*/\n": if man: pass else: emit("
") at = NONE continue elif line == "/*PARAMS\n": last_par = "*" if man: emit(".SH PARAMETERS\n") else: emit("


") at = PARAMS continue elif line == "PARAMS*/\n": at = NONE elif line.startswith("/*DEF_S "): title = line[8:-3] in_code = True if man: emit(".SH {}\n".format(title)) emit("\n.EX\n") else: emit("


".format(title)) emit("") at = DEFS continue elif line == "/*DEF_E*/\n": in_code = False if man: emit("\n.EE\n") else: emit("") at = NONE continue if at != NONE and at != OVERVIEW: if line.find("@") != -1: if not in_table: in_table = True if man: pass else: emit("") if man: line = line.replace("@", " ") emit(line) # emit("\n.br\n") emit(".br\n") else: emit("") cols = line.split("@") for col in cols: emit("".format(col.strip())) emit("") continue else: if in_table: in_table = False if man: pass else: emit("
") if line == "...\n" or line == ". .\n": if in_code: in_code = False if man: emit("\n.EE\n") else: emit("") else: in_code = True if line == "...\n": if man: emit("\\fBExample\\fP\n.br\n") else: emit("Example

") if man: emit("\n.EX\n") else: emit("") continue if line == "\n": if man: emit("\n.br\n") else: emit("
") if not in_code: if man: emit("\n.br\n") else: emit("
") continue if in_code: if man: line = line.replace("\n", "\n.br\n") else: line = line.replace(" ", " ") line = line.replace("\n", "
") while line.find("[*") != -1 and line.find("*]") != -1: (b, s, e) = line.partition("[*") (l, s, e) = e.partition("*]") if man: line = "{}\\fB{}\\fP{}".format(b, l, e) else: line = "{}{}{}".format(b, l, l, e) if l not in param_refd: param_refd.append(l) while line.find("[[") != -1 and line.find("]]") != -1: (b, s, e) = line.partition("[[") (l, s, e) = e.partition("]]") if man: line = "{}\\fB{}\\fP{}".format(b, l, e) else: line = "{}{}{}".format(b, l, l, e) if at == TEXT: if line[0] == '*' and line[-2] == '*': if man: emit(".SS {}".format(line[1:-2])) else: emit("


".format(line[1:-2])) elif line[0] == '^' and line[-2] == '^': if man: emit(".SS {}".format(line[1:-2])) else: emit("
".format(line[1:-2])) else: emit(line) elif at == OVERVIEW: if line == "\n": if man: emit("\n.br\n") else: emit("") else: (func, sep, desc) = line.partition(" ") if desc != "": if man: emit("\n.br\n{}".format(line.strip())) else: emit("{}{}". format(func, func, desc)) else: if man: emit(".SS {}".format(line.replace("_", " ").strip())) else: emit("{}". format(func.replace("_", " "))) elif at == FUNC: func_def += line elif at == DESC: emit(line) elif at == PARAMS: if line.find("::") != -1: (par, sep, end) = line.partition("::") par = par.strip() end = end.strip() if nostar(par.lower()) < nostar(last_par.lower()): sys.stderr.write("Out of order {} after {}.\n". format(par, last_par)) last_par = par if par in param_defd: sys.stderr.write("Duplicate definition of {}.\n".format(par)) else: param_defd.append(par) if end != "": end = ": " + end if man: emit("\n.IP \"\\fB{}\\fP{}\" 0\n".format(par, end)) else: emit("


\n".format(par, par, end)) else: emit(line) elif at == MAN: if man: emit(line) elif at == OPT: line = line.split("|") if man: emit("\n.IP \"\\fB{}\\fP\"\n{}.\n{}.\n{}.".format( line[0], line[1], line[2], line[3])) else: emit("{}{}{}{}". format(line[0], line[1], line[2], line[3])) elif at == DEFS: emit(line) if man: if obj == "pigpio": emit(pigpio_m2) elif obj == "pigpiod_if": emit(pigpiod_if_m2) elif obj == "pigpiod_if2": emit(pigpiod_if2_m2) elif obj == "pigpiod": emit(pigpiod_m2) elif obj == "pig2vcd": emit(pig2vcd_m2) f.close()