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pigpio is a Python module for the Raspberry which allows control
of the general purpose input outputs (gpios).
o pigpio Python module can be running on Windows, Macs, or Linux
o controls one or more Pi's
o independent PWM on any of gpios 0-31 simultaneously
o independent servo pulses on any of gpios 0-31 simultaneously
o callbacks when any of gpios 0-31 change state
o creating and transmitting precisely timed waveforms
o reading/writing gpios and setting their modes
o wrappers for I2C, SPI, and serial links
o creating and running scripts on the pigpio daemon
ALL gpios are identified by their Broadcom number.
Transmitted waveforms are accurate to a microsecond.
Callback level changes are time-stamped and will be
accurate to within a few microseconds.
A number of settings are determined when the pigpio daemon is started.
o the sample rate (1, 2, 4, 5, 8, or 10us, default 5us).
o the set of gpios which may be updated (generally written to). The
default set is those available on the Pi board revision.
o the available PWM frequencies (see [*set_PWM_frequency*]).
By default a fatal exception is raised if you pass an invalid
argument to a pigpio function.
If you wish to handle the returned status yourself you should set
pigpio.exceptions to False.
You may prefer to check the returned status in only a few parts
of your code. In that case do the following.
pigpio.exceptions = False
# Code where you want to test the error status.
pigpio.exceptions = True
This module uses the services of the C pigpio library. pigpio
must be running on the Pi(s) whose gpios are to be manipulated.
The normal way to start pigpio is as a daemon (during system
sudo pigpiod
Your Python program must import pigpio and create one or more
instances of the pigpio.pi class. This class gives access to
a specified Pi's gpios.
pi1 = pigpio.pi() # pi1 accesses the local Pi's gpios
pi2 = pigpio.pi('tom') # pi2 accesses tom's gpios
pi3 = pigpio.pi('dick') # pi3 accesses dick's gpios
pi1.write(4, 0) # set local Pi's gpio 4 low
pi2.write(4, 1) # set tom's gpio 4 to high
pi3.read(4) # get level of dick's gpio 4
The later example code snippets assume that pi is an instance of
the pigpio.pi class.
pigpio.pi Initialise Pi connection
stop Stop a Pi connection
set_mode Set a gpio mode
get_mode Get a gpio mode
set_pull_up_down Set/clear gpio pull up/down resistor
read Read a gpio
write Write a gpio
set_PWM_dutycycle Start/stop PWM pulses on a gpio
set_servo_pulsewidth Start/Stop servo pulses on a gpio
callback Create gpio level change callback
wait_for_edge Wait for gpio level change
gpio_trigger Send a trigger pulse to a gpio
set_watchdog Set a watchdog on a gpio
set_PWM_range Configure PWM range of a gpio
get_PWM_range Get configured PWM range of a gpio
set_PWM_frequency Set PWM frequency of a gpio
get_PWM_frequency Get PWM frequency of a gpio
read_bank_1 Read all bank 1 gpios
read_bank_2 Read all bank 2 gpios
clear_bank_1 Clear selected gpios in bank 1
clear_bank_2 Clear selected gpios in bank 2
set_bank_1 Set selected gpios in bank 1
set_bank_2 Set selected gpios in bank 2
get_PWM_real_range Get underlying PWM range for a gpio
notify_open Request a notification handle
notify_begin Start notifications for selected gpios
notify_pause Pause notifications
notify_close Close a notification
bb_serial_read_open Open a gpio for bit bang serial reads
bb_serial_read Read bit bang serial data from a gpio
bb_serial_read_close Close a gpio for bit bang serial reads
store_script Store a script
run_script Run a stored script
script_status Get script status and parameters
stop_script Stop a running script
delete_script Delete a stored script
wave_clear Deletes all waveforms
wave_add_new Starts a new waveform
wave_add_generic Adds a series of pulses to the waveform
wave_add_serial Adds serial data to the waveform
wave_create Creates a waveform from added data
wave_delete Deletes one or more waveforms
wave_send_once Transmits a waveform once
wave_send_repeat Transmits a waveform repeatedly
wave_tx_busy Checks to see if a waveform has ended
wave_tx_stop Aborts the current waveform
wave_tx_repeat Creates/transmits a waveform (DEPRECATED)
wave_tx_start Creates/transmits a waveform (DEPRECATED)
wave_get_micros Length in microseconds of the current waveform
wave_get_max_micros Absolute maximum allowed micros
wave_get_pulses Length in pulses of the current waveform
wave_get_max_pulses Absolute maximum allowed pulses
wave_get_cbs Length in cbs of the current waveform
wave_get_max_cbs Absolute maximum allowed cbs
i2c_open Opens an I2C device
i2c_close Closes an I2C device
i2c_read_device Reads the raw I2C device
i2c_write_device Writes the raw I2C device
i2c_write_quick smbus write quick
i2c_write_byte smbus write byte
i2c_read_byte smbus read byte
i2c_write_byte_data smbus write byte data
i2c_write_word_data smbus write word data
i2c_read_byte_data smbus read byte data
i2c_read_word_data smbus read word data
i2c_process_call smbus process call
i2c_write_block_data smbus write block data
i2c_read_block_data smbus read block data
i2c_block_process_call smbus block process call
i2c_read_i2c_block_data smbus read I2C block data
i2c_write_i2c_block_data smbus write I2C block data
spi_open Opens a SPI device
spi_close Closes a SPI device
spi_read Reads bytes from a SPI device
spi_write Writes bytes to a SPI device
spi_xfer Transfers bytes with a SPI device
serial_open Opens a serial device (/dev/tty*)
serial_close Closes a serial device
serial_read Reads bytes from a serial device
serial_read_byte Reads a byte from a serial device
serial_write Writes bytes to a serial device
serial_write_byte Writes a byte to a serial device
serial_data_available Returns number of bytes ready to be read
get_current_tick Get current tick (microseconds)
get_hardware_revision Get hardware revision
get_pigpio_version Get the pigpio version
pigpio.error_text Gets error text from error number
pigpio.tickDiff Returns difference between two ticks
import sys
import socket
import struct
import time
import threading
import os
import atexit
import codecs
VERSION = "1.7"
exceptions = True
# gpio levels
OFF = 0
LOW = 0
ON = 1
HIGH = 1
SET = 1
# gpio edges
# gpio modes
ALT0 = 4
ALT1 = 5
ALT2 = 6
ALT3 = 7
ALT4 = 3
ALT5 = 2
# gpio Pull Up Down
PUD_UP = 2
# script run status
# pigpio command numbers
_PI_CMD_BR1= 10
_PI_CMD_BR2= 11
_PI_CMD_BC1= 12
_PI_CMD_BC2= 13
_PI_CMD_BS1= 14
_PI_CMD_BS2= 15
_PI_CMD_NO= 18
_PI_CMD_NB= 19
_PI_CMD_NP= 20
_PI_CMD_NC= 21
_PI_CMD_I2CO =54
_PI_CMD_I2CC =55
# pigpio error numbers
_PI_BAD_MS =-10
# pigpio error text
[_PI_INIT_FAILED , "pigpio initialisation failed"],
[PI_BAD_USER_GPIO , "gpio not 0-31"],
[PI_BAD_GPIO , "gpio not 0-53"],
[PI_BAD_MODE , "mode not 0-7"],
[PI_BAD_LEVEL , "level not 0-1"],
[PI_BAD_PUD , "pud not 0-2"],
[PI_BAD_PULSEWIDTH , "pulsewidth not 0 or 500-2500"],
[PI_BAD_DUTYCYCLE , "dutycycle not 0-range (default 255)"],
[_PI_BAD_TIMER , "timer not 0-9"],
[_PI_BAD_MS , "ms not 10-60000"],
[_PI_BAD_TIMETYPE , "timetype not 0-1"],
[_PI_BAD_SECONDS , "seconds < 0"],
[_PI_BAD_MICROS , "micros not 0-999999"],
[_PI_TIMER_FAILED , "gpioSetTimerFunc failed"],
[PI_BAD_WDOG_TIMEOUT , "timeout not 0-60000"],
[_PI_BAD_CLK_PERIPH , "clock peripheral not 0-1"],
[_PI_BAD_CLK_SOURCE , "clock source not 0-1"],
[_PI_BAD_CLK_MICROS , "clock micros not 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, or 10"],
[_PI_BAD_BUF_MILLIS , "buf millis not 100-10000"],
[PI_BAD_DUTYRANGE , "dutycycle range not 25-40000"],
[_PI_BAD_SIGNUM , "signum not 0-63"],
[_PI_BAD_PATHNAME , "can't open pathname"],
[PI_NO_HANDLE , "no handle available"],
[PI_BAD_HANDLE , "unknown handle"],
[_PI_BAD_IF_FLAGS , "ifFlags > 3"],
[_PI_BAD_CHANNEL , "DMA channel not 0-14"],
[_PI_BAD_SOCKET_PORT , "socket port not 1024-30000"],
[_PI_BAD_FIFO_COMMAND , "unknown fifo command"],
[_PI_BAD_SECO_CHANNEL , "DMA secondary channel not 0-6"],
[_PI_NOT_INITIALISED , "function called before gpioInitialise"],
[_PI_INITIALISED , "function called after gpioInitialise"],
[_PI_BAD_WAVE_MODE , "waveform mode not 0-1"],
[_PI_BAD_CFG_INTERNAL , "bad parameter in gpioCfgInternals call"],
[PI_BAD_WAVE_BAUD , "baud rate not 100-250000"],
[PI_TOO_MANY_PULSES , "waveform has too many pulses"],
[PI_TOO_MANY_CHARS , "waveform has too many chars"],
[PI_NOT_SERIAL_GPIO , "no serial read in progress on gpio"],
[PI_NOT_PERMITTED , "no permission to update gpio"],
[PI_SOME_PERMITTED , "no permission to update one or more gpios"],
[PI_BAD_WVSC_COMMND , "bad WVSC subcommand"],
[PI_BAD_WVSM_COMMND , "bad WVSM subcommand"],
[PI_BAD_WVSP_COMMND , "bad WVSP subcommand"],
[PI_BAD_PULSELEN , "trigger pulse length > 50"],
[PI_BAD_SCRIPT , "invalid script"],
[PI_BAD_SCRIPT_ID , "unknown script id"],
[PI_BAD_SER_OFFSET , "add serial data offset > 30 minute"],
[PI_GPIO_IN_USE , "gpio already in use"],
[PI_BAD_SERIAL_COUNT , "must read at least a byte at a time"],
[PI_BAD_PARAM_NUM , "script parameter must be 0-9"],
[PI_DUP_TAG , "script has duplicate tag"],
[PI_TOO_MANY_TAGS , "script has too many tags"],
[PI_BAD_SCRIPT_CMD , "illegal script command"],
[PI_BAD_VAR_NUM , "script variable must be 0-149"],
[PI_NO_SCRIPT_ROOM , "no more room for scripts"],
[PI_NO_MEMORY , "can't allocate temporary memory"],
[PI_SOCK_READ_FAILED , "socket read failed"],
[PI_SOCK_WRIT_FAILED , "socket write failed"],
[PI_TOO_MANY_PARAM , "too many script parameters (> 10)"],
[PI_NOT_HALTED , "script already running or failed"],
[PI_BAD_TAG , "script has unresolved tag"],
[PI_BAD_MICS_DELAY , "bad MICS delay (too large)"],
[PI_BAD_MILS_DELAY , "bad MILS delay (too large)"],
[PI_BAD_WAVE_ID , "non existent wave id"],
[PI_TOO_MANY_CBS , "No more CBs for waveform"],
[PI_TOO_MANY_OOL , "No more OOL for waveform"],
[PI_EMPTY_WAVEFORM , "attempt to create an empty waveform"],
[PI_NO_WAVEFORM_ID , "No more waveform ids"],
[PI_I2C_OPEN_FAILED , "can't open I2C device"],
[PI_SER_OPEN_FAILED , "can't open serial device"],
[PI_SPI_OPEN_FAILED , "can't open SPI device"],
[PI_BAD_I2C_BUS , "bad I2C bus"],
[PI_BAD_I2C_ADDR , "bad I2C address"],
[PI_BAD_SPI_CHANNEL , "bad SPI channel"],
[PI_BAD_FLAGS , "bad i2c/spi/ser open flags"],
[PI_BAD_SPI_SPEED , "bad SPI speed"],
[PI_BAD_SER_DEVICE , "bad serial device name"],
[PI_BAD_SER_SPEED , "bad serial baud rate"],
[PI_BAD_PARAM , "bad i2c/spi/ser parameter"],
[PI_I2C_WRITE_FAILED , "I2C write failed"],
[PI_I2C_READ_FAILED , "I2C read failed"],
[PI_BAD_SPI_COUNT , "bad SPI count"],
[PI_SER_WRITE_FAILED , "ser write failed"],
[PI_SER_READ_FAILED , "ser read failed"],
[PI_SER_READ_NO_DATA , "ser read no data available"],
[PI_UNKNOWN_COMMAND , "unknown command"],
[PI_SPI_XFER_FAILED , "SPI xfer/read/write failed"],
class error(Exception):
"""pigpio module exception"""
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
return repr(self.value)
class pulse:
A class to store pulse information.
def __init__(self, gpio_on, gpio_off, delay):
Initialises a pulse.
gpio_on:= the gpios to switch on at the start of the pulse.
gpio_off:= the gpios to switch off at the start of the pulse.
delay:= the delay in microseconds before the next pulse.
self.gpio_on = gpio_on
self.gpio_off = gpio_off
self.delay = delay
def error_text(errnum):
Returns a text description of a pigpio error.
errnum:= <0, the error number
level not 0-1
for e in _errors:
if e[0] == errnum:
return e[1]
return "unknown error ({})".format(errnum)
def tickDiff(t1, t2):
Returns the microsecond difference between two ticks.
t1:= the earlier tick
t2:= the later tick
print(pigpio.tickDiff(4294967272, 12))
tDiff = t2 - t1
if tDiff < 0:
tDiff += (1 << 32)
return tDiff
if sys.version < '3':
def _b(x):
return x
def _b(x):
return codecs.latin_1_encode(x)[0]
def _u2i(number):
"""Converts a 32 bit unsigned number to signed."""
mask = (2 ** 32) - 1
if number & (1 << 31):
v = number | ~mask
v = number & mask
if v >= 0:
return v;
if exceptions:
raise error(error_text(v))
return v
def _pigpio_command(sock, cmd, p1, p2):
Runs a pigpio socket command.
sock:= command socket.
cmd:= the command to be executed.
p1:= command parameter 1 (if applicable).
p2:= command parameter 2 (if applicable).
sock.send(struct.pack('IIII', cmd, p1, p2, 0))
dummy, res = struct.unpack('12sI', sock.recv(16))
return res
def _pigpio_command_ext(sock, cmd, p1, p2, p3, extents):
Runs an extended pigpio socket command.
sock:= command socket.
cmd:= the command to be executed.
p1:= command parameter 1 (if applicable).
p2:= command parameter 2 (if applicable).
p3:= total size in bytes of following extents
extents:= additional data blocks
ext = bytearray(struct.pack('IIII', cmd, p1, p2, p3))
for x in extents:
if type(x) == type(""):
dummy, res = struct.unpack('12sI', sock.recv(16))
return res
class _callback_ADT:
"""An ADT class to hold callback information."""
def __init__(self, gpio, edge, func):
Initialises a callback ADT.
gpio:= Broadcom gpio number.
func:= a user function taking three arguments (gpio, level, tick).
self.gpio = gpio
self.edge = edge
self.func = func
self.bit = 1<<gpio
class _callback_thread(threading.Thread):
"""A class to encapsulate pigpio notification callbacks."""
def __init__(self, control, host, port):
"""Initialises notifications."""
self.control = control
self.go = False
self.daemon = True
self.monitor = 0
self.callbacks = []
self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.sock.connect((host, port))
self.handle = _pigpio_command(self.sock, _PI_CMD_NOIB, 0, 0)
self.go = True
def stop(self):
"""Stops notifications."""
if self.go:
self.go = False
self.sock.send(struct.pack('IIII', _PI_CMD_NC, self.handle, 0, 0))
def append(self, callb):
"""Adds a callback to the notification thread."""
self.monitor = self.monitor | callb.bit
_pigpio_command(self.control, _PI_CMD_NB, self.handle, self.monitor)
def remove(self, callb):
"""Removes a callback from the notification thread."""
if callb in self.callbacks:
newMonitor = 0
for c in self.callbacks:
newMonitor |= c.bit
if newMonitor != self.monitor:
self.monitor = newMonitor
self.control, _PI_CMD_NB, self.handle, self.monitor)
def run(self):
"""Runs the notification thread."""
lastLevel = 0
MSG_SIZ = 12
while self.go:
buf = self.sock.recv(MSG_SIZ)
while self.go and len(buf) < MSG_SIZ:
buf += self.sock.recv(MSG_SIZ-len(buf))
if self.go:
seq, flags, tick, level = (struct.unpack('HHII', buf))
if flags == 0:
changed = level ^ lastLevel
lastLevel = level
for cb in self.callbacks:
if cb.bit & changed:
newLevel = 0
if cb.bit & level:
newLevel = 1
if (cb.edge ^ newLevel):
cb.func(cb.gpio, newLevel, tick)
gpio = flags & 31
for cb in self.callbacks:
if cb.gpio == gpio:
cb.func(cb.gpio, TIMEOUT, tick)
class _callback:
"""A class to provide gpio level change callbacks."""
def __init__(self, notify, user_gpio, edge=RISING_EDGE, func=None):
Initialise a callback and adds it to the notification thread.
self._notify = notify
if func is None:
self.callb = _callback_ADT(user_gpio, edge, func)
def cancel(self):
"""Cancels a callback by removing it from the notification thread."""
def _tally(self, user_gpio, level, tick):
"""Increment the callback called count."""
self.count += 1
def tally(self):
Provides a count of how many times the default tally
callback has triggered.
The count will be zero if the user has supplied their own
callback function.
return self.count
class _wait_for_edge:
"""Encapsulates waiting for gpio edges."""
def __init__(self, notify, gpio, edge, timeout):
"""Initialises a wait_for_edge."""
self._notify = notify
self.callb = _callback_ADT(gpio, edge, self.func)
self.trigger = False
self.start = time.time()
while (self.trigger == False) and ((time.time()-self.start) < timeout):
def func(self, gpio, level, tick):
"""Sets wait_for_edge triggered."""
self.trigger = True
class pi():
def _rxbuf(self, count):
"""Returns count bytes from the command socket."""
ext = bytearray(self._control.recv(count))
while len(ext) < count:
ext.extend(self._control.recv(count - len(ext)))
return ext
def set_mode(self, gpio, mode):
Sets the gpio mode.
gpio:= 0-53.
pi.set_mode( 4, pigpio.INPUT) # gpio 4 as input
pi.set_mode(17, pigpio.OUTPUT) # gpio 17 as output
pi.set_mode(24, pigpio.ALT2) # gpio 24 as ALT2
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_MODES, gpio, mode))
def get_mode(self, gpio):
Returns the gpio mode.
gpio:= 0-53.
Returns a value as follows
. .
2 = ALT5
3 = ALT4
4 = ALT0
5 = ALT1
6 = ALT2
7 = ALT3
. .
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_MODEG, gpio, 0))
def set_pull_up_down(self, gpio, pud):
Sets or clears the internal gpio pull-up/down resistor.
gpio:= 0-53.
pi.set_pull_up_down(17, pigpio.PUD_OFF)
pi.set_pull_up_down(23, pigpio.PUD_UP)
pi.set_pull_up_down(24, pigpio.PUD_DOWN)
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_PUD, gpio, pud))
def read(self, gpio):
Returns the gpio level.
gpio:= 0-53.
pi.set_mode(23, pigpio.INPUT)
pi.set_pull_up_down(23, pigpio.PUD_DOWN)
pi.set_pull_up_down(23, pigpio.PUD_UP)
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_READ, gpio, 0))
def write(self, gpio, level):
Sets the gpio level.
gpio:= 0-53.
level:= 0, 1.
If PWM or servo pulses are active on the gpio they are
switched off.
pi.set_mode(17, pigpio.OUTPUT)
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_WRITE, gpio, level))
def set_PWM_dutycycle(self, user_gpio, dutycycle):
Starts (non-zero dutycycle) or stops (0) PWM pulses on the gpio.
user_gpio:= 0-31.
dutycycle:= 0-range (range defaults to 255).
The [*set_PWM_range*] function can change the default range of 255.
pi.set_PWM_dutycycle(4, 0) # PWM off
pi.set_PWM_dutycycle(4, 64) # PWM 1/4 on
pi.set_PWM_dutycycle(4, 128) # PWM 1/2 on
pi.set_PWM_dutycycle(4, 192) # PWM 3/4 on
pi.set_PWM_dutycycle(4, 255) # PWM full on
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(
self._control, _PI_CMD_PWM, user_gpio, int(dutycycle)))
def set_PWM_range(self, user_gpio, range_):
Sets the range of PWM values to be used on the gpio.
user_gpio:= 0-31.
range_:= 25-40000.
pi.set_PWM_range(9, 100) # now 25 1/4, 50 1/2, 75 3/4 on
pi.set_PWM_range(9, 500) # now 125 1/4, 250 1/2, 375 3/4 on
pi.set_PWM_range(9, 3000) # now 750 1/4, 1500 1/2, 2250 3/4 on
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_PRS, user_gpio, range_))
def get_PWM_range(self, user_gpio):
Returns the range of PWM values being used on the gpio.
user_gpio:= 0-31.
pi.set_PWM_range(9, 500)
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_PRG, user_gpio, 0))
def get_PWM_real_range(self, user_gpio):
Returns the real (underlying) range of PWM values being
used on the gpio.
user_gpio:= 0-31.
pi.set_PWM_frequency(4, 800)
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_PRRG, user_gpio, 0))
def set_PWM_frequency(self, user_gpio, frequency):
Sets the frequency (in Hz) of the PWM to be used on the gpio.
user_gpio:= 0-31.
frequency:= >=0 Hz
Returns the frequency actually set.
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_PFS, user_gpio, frequency))
def get_PWM_frequency(self, user_gpio):
Returns the frequency of PWM being used on the gpio.
user_gpio:= 0-31.
Returns the frequency (in Hz) used for the gpio.
pi.set_PWM_frequency(4, 800)
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_PFG, user_gpio, 0))
def set_servo_pulsewidth(self, user_gpio, pulsewidth):
Starts (500-2500) or stops (0) servo pulses on the gpio.
user_gpio:= 0-31.
pulsewidth:= 0 (off),
500 (most anti-clockwise) - 2500 (most clockwise).
The selected pulsewidth will continue to be transmitted until
changed by a subsequent call to set_servo_pulsewidth.
The pulsewidths supported by servos varies and should probably
be determined by experiment. A value of 1500 should always be
safe and represents the mid-point of rotation.
You can DAMAGE a servo if you command it to move beyond its
pi.set_servo_pulsewidth(17, 0) # off
pi.set_servo_pulsewidth(17, 1000) # safe anti-clockwise
pi.set_servo_pulsewidth(17, 1500) # centre
pi.set_servo_pulsewidth(17, 2000) # safe clockwise
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(
self._control, _PI_CMD_SERVO, user_gpio, int(pulsewidth)))
def notify_open(self):
Returns a notification handle (>=0).
A notification is a method for being notified of gpio state
changes via a pipe.
Pipes are only accessible from the local machine so this
function serves no purpose if you are using Python from a
remote machine. The in-built (socket) notifications
provided by [*callback*] should be used instead.
Notifications for handle x will be available at the pipe
named /dev/pigpiox (where x is the handle number).
E.g. if the function returns 15 then the notifications must be
read from /dev/pigpio15.
Notifications have the following structure.
. .
I seqno - increments for each report
I flags - flags, if bit 5 is set then bits 0-4 of the flags
indicate a gpio which has had a watchdog timeout.
I tick - time of sample.
I level - 32 bits of levels for gpios 0-31.
. .
h = pi.notify_open()
if h >= 0:
pi.notify_begin(h, 1234)
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_NO, 0, 0))
def notify_begin(self, handle, bits):
Starts notifications on a handle.
handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to [*notify_open*])
bits:= a 32 bit mask indicating the gpios to be notified.
The notification sends state changes for each gpio whose
corresponding bit in bits is set.
The following code starts notifications for gpios 1, 4,
6, 7, and 10 (1234 = 0x04D2 = 0b0000010011010010).
h = pi.notify_open()
if h >= 0:
pi.notify_begin(h, 1234)
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_NB, handle, bits))
def notify_pause(self, handle):
Pauses notifications on a handle.
handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to [*notify_open*])
Notifications for the handle are suspended until
[*notify_begin*] is called again.
h = pi.notify_open()
if h >= 0:
pi.notify_begin(h, 1234)
pi.notify_begin(h, 1234)
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_NB, handle, 0))
def notify_close(self, handle):
Stops notifications on a handle and releases the handle for reuse.
handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to [*notify_open*])
h = pi.notify_open()
if h >= 0:
pi.notify_begin(h, 1234)
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_NC, handle, 0))
def set_watchdog(self, user_gpio, wdog_timeout):
Sets a watchdog timeout for a gpio.
user_gpio:= 0-31.
wdog_timeout:= 0-60000.
The watchdog is nominally in milliseconds.
Only one watchdog may be registered per gpio.
The watchdog may be cancelled by setting timeout to 0.
If no level change has been detected for the gpio for timeout
milliseconds any notification for the gpio has a report written
to the fifo with the flags set to indicate a watchdog timeout.
The callback class interprets the flags and will
call registered callbacks for the gpio with level TIMEOUT.
pi.set_watchdog(23, 1000) # 1000 ms watchdog on gpio 23
pi.set_watchdog(23, 0) # cancel watchdog on gpio 23
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(
self._control, _PI_CMD_WDOG, user_gpio, int(wdog_timeout)))
def read_bank_1(self):
Returns the levels of the bank 1 gpios (gpios 0-31).
The returned 32 bit integer has a bit set if the corresponding
gpio is high. Gpio n has bit value (1<<n).
return _pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_BR1, 0, 0)
def read_bank_2(self):
Returns the levels of the bank 2 gpios (gpios 32-53).
The returned 32 bit integer has a bit set if the corresponding
gpio is high. Gpio n has bit value (1<<(n-32)).
return _pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_BR2, 0, 0)
def clear_bank_1(self, bits):
Clears gpios 0-31 if the corresponding bit in bits is set.
bits:= a 32 bit mask with 1 set if the corresponding gpio is
to be cleared.
A returned status of PI_SOME_PERMITTED indicates that the user
is not allowed to write to one or more of the gpios.
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_BC1, bits, 0))
def clear_bank_2(self, bits):
Clears gpios 32-53 if the corresponding bit (0-21) in bits is set.
bits:= a 32 bit mask with 1 set if the corresponding gpio is
to be cleared.
A returned status of PI_SOME_PERMITTED indicates that the user
is not allowed to write to one or more of the gpios.
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_BC2, bits, 0))
def set_bank_1(self, bits):
Sets gpios 0-31 if the corresponding bit in bits is set.
bits:= a 32 bit mask with 1 set if the corresponding gpio is
to be set.
A returned status of PI_SOME_PERMITTED indicates that the user
is not allowed to write to one or more of the gpios.
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_BS1, bits, 0))
def set_bank_2(self, bits):
Sets gpios 32-53 if the corresponding bit (0-21) in bits is set.
bits:= a 32 bit mask with 1 set if the corresponding gpio is
to be set.
A returned status of PI_SOME_PERMITTED indicates that the user
is not allowed to write to one or more of the gpios.
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_BS2, bits, 0))
def get_current_tick(self):
Returns the current system tick.
Tick is the number of microseconds since system boot. As an
unsigned 32 bit quantity tick wraps around approximately
every 71.6 minutes.
t1 = pi.get_current_tick()
t2 = pi.get_current_tick()
return _pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_TICK, 0, 0)
def get_hardware_revision(self):
Returns the Pi's hardware revision number.
The hardware revision is the last 4 characters on the Revision
line of /proc/cpuinfo.
The revision number can be used to determine the assignment
of gpios to pins.
There are at least three types of board.
Type 1 has gpio 0 on P1-3, gpio 1 on P1-5, and gpio 21 on P1-13
(revision numbers 2 and 3).
Type 2 has gpio 2 on P1-3, gpio 3 on P1-5, gpio 27 on P1-13,
and gpios 28-31 on P5 (revision numbers of 4, 5, 6, and 15).
Type 3 has a 40 pin connector rather than the 26 pin connector
of the earlier boards. Gpios 0 to 27 are brought out to the
connector (revision number 16).
If the hardware revision can not be found or is not a valid
hexadecimal number the function returns 0.
return _pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_HWVER, 0, 0)
def get_pigpio_version(self):
Returns the pigpio software version.
v = pi.get_pigpio_version()
return _pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_PIGPV, 0, 0)
def wave_clear(self):
Clears all waveforms and any data added by calls to the
[*wave_add_**] functions.
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_WVCLR, 0, 0))
def wave_add_new(self):
Starts a new empty waveform.
You would not normally need to call this function as it is
automatically called after a waveform is created with the
[*wave_create*] function.
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_WVNEW, 0, 0))
def wave_add_generic(self, pulses):
Adds a list of pulses to the current waveform.
pulses:= list of pulses to add to the waveform.
Returns the new total number of pulses in the current waveform.
The pulses are interleaved in time order within the existing
waveform (if any).
Merging allows the waveform to be built in parts, that is the
settings for gpio#1 can be added, and then gpio#2 etc.
If the added waveform is intended to start after or within
the existing waveform then the first pulse should consist
solely of a delay.
pi.set_mode(G1, pigpio.OUTPUT)
pi.set_mode(G2, pigpio.OUTPUT)
flash_500=[] # flash every 500 ms
flash_100=[] # flash every 100 ms
flash_500.append(pigpio.pulse(1<<G1, 1<<G2, 500000))
flash_500.append(pigpio.pulse(1<<G2, 1<<G1, 500000))
flash_100.append(pigpio.pulse(1<<G1, 1<<G2, 100000))
flash_100.append(pigpio.pulse(1<<G2, 1<<G1, 100000))
pi.wave_clear() # clear any existing waveforms
pi.wave_add_generic(flash_500) # 500 ms flashes
f500 = pi.wave_create() # create and save id
pi.wave_add_generic(flash_100) # 100 ms flashes
f100 = pi.wave_create() # create and save id
pi.wave_tx_stop() # stop waveform
pi.wave_clear() # clear all waveforms
# pigpio message format
# I p1 0
# I p2 0
# I p3 pulses * 12
## extension ##
# III on/off/delay * pulses
if len(pulses):
ext = bytearray()
for p in pulses:
ext.extend(struct.pack("III", p.gpio_on, p.gpio_off, p.delay))
extents = [ext]
return _u2i(_pigpio_command_ext(
self._control, _PI_CMD_WVAG, 0, 0, len(pulses)*12, extents))
return 0
def wave_add_serial(self, user_gpio, bb_baud, offset, data):
Adds a waveform representing serial data to the existing
waveform (if any). The serial data starts offset
microseconds from the start of the waveform.
user_gpio:= gpio to transmit data. You must set the gpio mode
to output.
bb_baud:= baud rate to use.
offset:= number of microseconds from the starts of the
data:= the bytes to write.
Returns the new total number of pulses in the current waveform.
The serial data is formatted as one start bit, eight data bits,
and one stop bit.
It is legal to add serial data streams with different baud
rates to the same waveform.
pi.wave_add_serial(4, 300, 0, 'Hello world')
pi.wave_add_serial(4, 300, 0, b"Hello world")
pi.wave_add_serial(4, 300, 0, b'\\x23\\x01\\x00\\x45')
pi.wave_add_serial(17, 38400, 5000, [23, 128, 234])
# pigpio message format
# I p1 gpio
# I p2 bb_baud
# I p3 len+4
## extension ##
# I offset
# s len data bytes
if len(data):
extents = [struct.pack("I", offset), data]
return _u2i(_pigpio_command_ext(
self._control, _PI_CMD_WVAS, user_gpio, bb_baud, len(data)+4, extents))
return 0
def wave_create(self):
Creates a waveform from the data provided by the prior calls
to the [*wave_add_**] functions.
Returns a wave id (>=0) if OK.
The data provided by the [*wave_add_**] functions is consumed by
this function.
As many waveforms may be created as there is space available.
The wave id is passed to [*wave_send_**] to specify the waveform
to transmit.
Normal usage would be
Step 1. [*wave_clear*] to clear all waveforms and added data.
Step 2. [*wave_add_**] calls to supply the waveform data.
Step 3. [*wave_create*] to create the waveform and get a unique id
Repeat steps 2 and 3 as needed.
Step 4. [*wave_send_**] with the id of the waveform to transmit.
A waveform comprises one or more pulses.
A pulse specifies
1) the gpios to be switched on at the start of the pulse.
2) the gpios to be switched off at the start of the pulse.
3) the delay in microseconds before the next pulse.
Any or all the fields can be zero. It doesn't make any sense
to set all the fields to zero (the pulse will be ignored).
When a waveform is started each pulse is executed in order with
the specified delay between the pulse and the next.
wid = pi.wave_create()
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_WVCRE, 0, 0))
def wave_delete(self, wave_id):
Deletes all created waveforms with ids greater than or equal
to wave_id.
wave_id:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to [*wave_create*]).
Wave ids are allocated in order, 0, 1, 2, etc.
pi.wave_delete(6) # delete all waves with id 6 or greater
pi.wave_delete(0) # delete all waves
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_WVDEL, wave_id, 0))
def wave_tx_start(self): # DEPRECATED
This function is deprecated and will be removed.
Use [*wave_create*]/[*wave_send_**] instead.
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_WVGO, 0, 0))
def wave_tx_repeat(self): # DEPRECATED
This function is deprecated and will be removed.
Use [*wave_create*]/[*wave_send_**] instead.
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_WVGOR, 0, 0))
def wave_send_once(self, wave_id):
Transmits the waveform with id wave_id. The waveform is sent
wave_id:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to [*wave_create*]).
Returns the number of DMA control blocks used in the waveform.
cbs = pi.wave_send_once(wid)
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_WVTX, wave_id, 0))
def wave_send_repeat(self, wave_id):
Transmits the waveform with id wave_id. The waveform repeats
until wave_tx_stop is called or another call to [*wave_send_**]
is made.
wave_id:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to [*wave_create*]).
Returns the number of DMA control blocks used in the waveform.
cbs = pi.wave_send_repeat(wid)
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_WVTXR, wave_id, 0))
def wave_tx_busy(self):
Returns 1 if a waveform is currently being transmitted,
otherwise 0.
pi.wave_send_once(0) # send first waveform
while pi.wave_tx_busy(): # wait for waveform to be sent
pi.wave_send_once(1) # send next waveform
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_WVBSY, 0, 0))
def wave_tx_stop(self):
Stops the transmission of the current waveform.
This function is intended to stop a waveform started with
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_WVHLT, 0, 0))
def wave_get_micros(self):
Returns the length in microseconds of the current waveform.
micros = pi.wave_get_micros()
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_WVSM, 0, 0))
def wave_get_max_micros(self):
Returns the maximum possible size of a waveform in microseconds.
micros = pi.wave_get_max_micros()
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_WVSM, 2, 0))
def wave_get_pulses(self):
Returns the length in pulses of the current waveform.
pulses = pi.wave_get_pulses()
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_WVSP, 0, 0))
def wave_get_max_pulses(self):
Returns the maximum possible size of a waveform in pulses.
pulses = pi.wave_get_max_pulses()
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_WVSP, 2, 0))
def wave_get_cbs(self):
Returns the length in DMA control blocks of the current
cbs = pi.wave_get_cbs()
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_WVSC, 0, 0))
def wave_get_max_cbs(self):
Returns the maximum possible size of a waveform in DMA
control blocks.
cbs = pi.wave_get_max_cbs()
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_WVSC, 2, 0))
def i2c_open(self, i2c_bus, i2c_address, i2c_flags=0):
Returns a handle (>=0) for the device at the I2C bus address.
i2c_bus:= 0-1.
i2c_address:= 0x08-0x77.
i2c_flags:= 0, no flags are currently defined.
Normally you would only use the [*i2c_**] functions if
you are or will be connecting to the Pi over a network. If
you will always run on the local Pi use the standard smbus
modules instead.
h = pi.i2c_open(1, 0x53) # open device at address 0x53 on bus 1
# I p1 i2c_bus
# I p2 i2c_addr
# I p3 4
## extension ##
# I i2c_flags
extents = [struct.pack("I", i2c_flags)]
return _u2i(_pigpio_command_ext(
self._control, _PI_CMD_I2CO, i2c_bus, i2c_address, 4, extents))
def i2c_close(self, handle):
Closes the I2C device associated with handle.
handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to [*i2c_open*]).
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_I2CC, handle, 0))
def i2c_read_device(self, handle, count):
Returns count bytes read from the raw device associated
with handle.
handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to [*i2c_open*]).
count:= >0, the number of bytes to read.
The returned value is a tuple of the number of bytes read and a
bytearray containing the bytes. If there was an error the
number of bytes read will be less than zero (and will contain
the error code).
(count, data) = pi.i2c_read_device(h, 12)
bytes = _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_I2CRD, handle, count))
if bytes > 0:
return bytes, self._rxbuf(bytes)
return bytes, ""
def i2c_write_device(self, handle, data):
Writes the data bytes to the raw device associated with handle.
handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to [*i2c_open*]).
data:= the bytes to write.
pi.i2c_write_device(h, b"\\x12\\x34\\xA8")
pi.i2c_write_device(h, b"help")
pi.i2c_write_device(h, 'help')
pi.i2c_write_device(h, [23, 56, 231])
# I p1 handle
# I p2 0
# I p3 len
## extension ##
# s len data bytes
if len(data):
return _u2i(_pigpio_command_ext(
self._control, _PI_CMD_I2CWD, handle, 0, len(data), [data]))
return 0
def i2c_write_quick(self, handle, bit):
Sends a single bit to the device associated with handle.
smbus 2.0 5.5.1 - Quick command.
handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to [*i2c_open*]).
bit:= 0 or 1, the value to write.
pi.i2c_write_quick(0, 1) # send 1 to device 0
pi.i2c_write_quick(3, 0) # send 0 to device 3
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_I2CWQ, handle, bit))
def i2c_write_byte(self, handle, byte_val):
Sends a single byte to the device associated with handle.
smbus 2.0 5.5.2 - Send byte.
handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to [*i2c_open*]).
byte_val:= 0-255, the value to write.
pi.i2c_write_byte(1, 17) # send byte 17 to device 1
pi.i2c_write_byte(2, 0x23) # send byte 0x23 to device 2
return _u2i(
_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_I2CWS, handle, byte_val))
def i2c_read_byte(self, handle):
Reads a single byte from the device associated with handle.
smbus 2.0 5.5.3 - Receive byte.
handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to [*i2c_open*]).
b = pi.i2c_read_byte(2) # read a byte from device 2
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_I2CRS, handle, 0))
def i2c_write_byte_data(self, handle, reg, byte_val):
Writes a single byte to the specified register of the device
associated with handle.
smbus 2.0 5.5.4 - Write byte.
handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to [*i2c_open*]).
reg:= >=0, the device register.
byte_val:= 0-255, the value to write.
# send byte 0xC5 to reg 2 of device 1
pi.i2c_write_byte_data(1, 2, 0xC5)
# send byte 9 to reg 4 of device 2
pi.i2c_write_byte_data(2, 4, 9)
# I p1 handle
# I p2 reg
# I p3 4
## extension ##
# I byte_val
extents = [struct.pack("I", byte_val)]
return _u2i(_pigpio_command_ext(
self._control, _PI_CMD_I2CWB, handle, reg, 4, extents))
def i2c_write_word_data(self, handle, reg, word_val):
Writes a single 16 bit word to the specified register of the
device associated with handle.
smbus 2.0 5.5.4 - Write word.
handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to [*i2c_open*]).
reg:= >=0, the device register.
word_val:= 0-65535, the value to write.
# send word 0xA0C5 to reg 5 of device 4
pi.i2c_write_word_data(4, 5, 0xA0C5)
# send word 2 to reg 2 of device 5
pi.i2c_write_word_data(5, 2, 23)
# I p1 handle
# I p2 reg
# I p3 4
## extension ##
# I word_val
extents = [struct.pack("I", word_val)]
return _u2i(_pigpio_command_ext(
self._control, _PI_CMD_I2CWW, handle, reg, 4, extents))
def i2c_read_byte_data(self, handle, reg):
Reads a single byte from the specified register of the device
associated with handle.
smbus 2.0 5.5.5 - Read byte.
handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to [*i2c_open*]).
reg:= >=0, the device register.
# read byte from reg 17 of device 2
b = pi.i2c_read_byte_data(2, 17)
# read byte from reg 1 of device 0
b = pi.i2c_read_byte_data(0, 1)
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_I2CRB, handle, reg))
def i2c_read_word_data(self, handle, reg):
Reads a single 16 bit word from the specified register of the
device associated with handle.
smbus 2.0 5.5.5 - Read word.
handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to [*i2c_open*]).
reg:= >=0, the device register.
# read word from reg 2 of device 3
w = pi.i2c_read_word_data(3, 2)
# read word from reg 7 of device 2
w = pi.i2c_read_word_data(2, 7)
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_I2CRW, handle, reg))
def i2c_process_call(self, handle, reg, word_val):
Writes 16 bits of data to the specified register of the device
associated with handle and reads 16 bits of data in return.
smbus 2.0 5.5.6 - Process call.
handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to [*i2c_open*]).
reg:= >=0, the device register.
word_val:= 0-65535, the value to write.
r = pi.i2c_process_call(h, 4, 0x1231)
r = pi.i2c_process_call(h, 6, 0)
# I p1 handle
# I p2 reg
# I p3 4
## extension ##
# I word_val
extents = [struct.pack("I", word_val)]
return _u2i(_pigpio_command_ext(
self._control, _PI_CMD_I2CPC, handle, reg, 4, extents))
def i2c_write_block_data(self, handle, reg, data):
Writes up to 32 bytes to the specified register of the device
associated with handle.
smbus 2.0 5.5.7 - Block write.
handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to [*i2c_open*]).
reg:= >=0, the device register.
data:= the bytes to write.
pi.i2c_write_block_data(4, 5, b'hello')
pi.i2c_write_block_data(4, 5, "data bytes")
pi.i2c_write_block_data(5, 0, b'\\x00\\x01\\x22')
pi.i2c_write_block_data(6, 2, [0, 1, 0x22])
# I p1 handle
# I p2 reg
# I p3 len
## extension ##
# s len data bytes
if len(data):
return _u2i(_pigpio_command_ext(
self._control, _PI_CMD_I2CWK, handle, reg, len(data), [data]))
return 0
def i2c_read_block_data(self, handle, reg):
Reads a block of up to 32 bytes from the specified register of
the device associated with handle.
smbus 2.0 5.5.7 - Block read.
handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to [*i2c_open*]).
reg:= >=0, the device register.
The amount of returned data is set by the device.
The returned value is a tuple of the number of bytes read and a
bytearray containing the bytes. If there was an error the
number of bytes read will be less than zero (and will contain
the error code).
(b, d) = pi.i2c_read_block_data(h, 10)
if b >= 0:
# process data
# process read failure
bytes = _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_I2CRK, handle, reg))
if bytes > 0:
return bytes, self._rxbuf(bytes)
return bytes, ""
def i2c_block_process_call(self, handle, reg, data):
Writes data bytes to the specified register of the device
associated with handle and reads a device specified number
of bytes of data in return.
smbus 2.0 5.5.8 - Block write-block read.
handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to [*i2c_open*]).
reg:= >=0, the device register.
data:= the bytes to write.
The smbus 2.0 documentation states that a minimum of 1 byte may
be sent and a minimum of 1 byte may be received. The total
number of bytes sent/received must be 32 or less.
The returned value is a tuple of the number of bytes read and a
bytearray containing the bytes. If there was an error the
number of bytes read will be less than zero (and will contain
the error code).
(b, d) = pi.i2c_block_process_call(h, 10, b'\\x02\\x05\\x00')
(b, d) = pi.i2c_block_process_call(h, 10, b'abcdr')
(b, d) = pi.i2c_block_process_call(h, 10, "abracad")
(b, d) = pi.i2c_block_process_call(h, 10, [2, 5, 16])
# I p1 handle
# I p2 reg
# I p3 len
## extension ##
# s len data bytes
bytes = _u2i(_pigpio_command_ext(
self._control, _PI_CMD_I2CPK, handle, reg, len(data), [data]))
if bytes > 0:
return bytes, self._rxbuf(bytes)
return bytes, ""
def i2c_write_i2c_block_data(self, handle, reg, data):
Writes data bytes to the specified register of the device
associated with handle . 1-32 bytes may be written.
handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to [*i2c_open*]).
reg:= >=0, the device register.
data:= the bytes to write.
pi.i2c_write_i2c_block_data(4, 5, 'hello')
pi.i2c_write_i2c_block_data(4, 5, b'hello')
pi.i2c_write_i2c_block_data(5, 0, b'\\x00\\x01\\x22')
pi.i2c_write_i2c_block_data(6, 2, [0, 1, 0x22])
# I p1 handle
# I p2 reg
# I p3 len
## extension ##
# s len data bytes
if len(data):
return _u2i(_pigpio_command_ext(
self._control, _PI_CMD_I2CWI, handle, reg, len(data), [data]))
return 0
def i2c_read_i2c_block_data(self, handle, reg, count):
Reads count bytes from the specified register of the device
associated with handle . The count may be 1-32.
handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to [*i2c_open*]).
reg:= >=0, the device register.
count:= >0, the number of bytes to read.
The returned value is a tuple of the number of bytes read and a
bytearray containing the bytes. If there was an error the
number of bytes read will be less than zero (and will contain
the error code).
(b, d) = pi.i2c_read_i2c_block_data(h, 4, 32)
if b >= 0:
# process data
# process read failure
# I p1 handle
# I p2 reg
# I p3 4
## extension ##
# I count
extents = [struct.pack("I", count)]
bytes = _u2i(_pigpio_command_ext(
self._control, _PI_CMD_I2CRI, handle, reg, 4, extents))
if bytes > 0:
return bytes, self._rxbuf(bytes)
return bytes, ""
def spi_open(self, spi_channel, spi_baud, spi_flags=0):
Returns a handle for the SPI device on channel.
spi_channel:= 0 or 1, the SPI channel.
spi_baud:= >0, the transmission rate in bits per second.
spi_flags:= see below.
Normally you would only use the [*spi_**] functions if
you are or will be connecting to the Pi over a network. If
you will always run on the local Pi use the standard SPI
modules instead.
The bottom two bits of spi_flags define the SPI mode as
. .
bit bit
1 0
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 2
1 1 3
. .
The other bits in spi_flags should be set to zero.
# open SPI device on channel 1 in mode 3 at 20000 bits per second
h = pi.spi_open(1, 20000, 3)
# I p1 spi_channel
# I p2 spi_baud
# I p3 4
## extension ##
# I spi_flags
extents = [struct.pack("I", spi_flags)]
return _u2i(_pigpio_command_ext(
self._control, _PI_CMD_SPIO, spi_channel, spi_baud, 4, extents))
def spi_close(self, handle):
Closes the SPI device associated with handle.
handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to [*spi_open*]).
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_SPIC, handle, 0))
def spi_read(self, handle, count):
Reads count bytes from the SPI device associated with handle.
handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to [*spi_open*]).
count:= >0, the number of bytes to read.
The returned value is a tuple of the number of bytes read and a
bytearray containing the bytes. If there was an error the
number of bytes read will be less than zero (and will contain
the error code).
(b, d) = pi.spi_read(h, 60) # read 60 bytes from device h
if b == 60:
# process read data
# error path
bytes = _u2i(_pigpio_command(
self._control, _PI_CMD_SPIR, handle, count))
if bytes > 0:
return bytes, self._rxbuf(bytes)
return bytes, ""
def spi_write(self, handle, data):
Writes the data bytes to the SPI device associated with handle.
handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to [*spi_open*]).
data:= the bytes to write.
pi.spi_write(0, b'\\x02\\xc0\\x80') # write 3 bytes to device 0
pi.spi_write(0, b'defgh') # write 5 bytes to device 0
pi.spi_write(0, "def") # write 3 bytes to device 0
pi.spi_write(1, [2, 192, 128]) # write 3 bytes to device 1
# I p1 handle
# I p2 0
# I p3 len
## extension ##
# s len data bytes
return _u2i(_pigpio_command_ext(
self._control, _PI_CMD_SPIW, handle, 0, len(data), [data]))
def spi_xfer(self, handle, data):
Writes the data bytes to the SPI device associated with handle,
returning the data bytes read from the device.
handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to [*spi_open*]).
data:= the bytes to write.
The returned value is a tuple of the number of bytes read and a
bytearray containing the bytes. If there was an error the
number of bytes read will be less than zero (and will contain
the error code).
(count, rx_data) = pi.spi_xfer(h, b'\\x01\\x80\\x00')
(count, rx_data) = pi.spi_xfer(h, [1, 128, 0])
(count, rx_data) = pi.spi_xfer(h, b"hello")
(count, rx_data) = pi.spi_xfer(h, "hello")
# I p1 handle
# I p2 0
# I p3 len
## extension ##
# s len data bytes
bytes = _u2i(_pigpio_command_ext(
self._control, _PI_CMD_SPIX, handle, 0, len(data), [data]))
if bytes > 0:
return bytes, self._rxbuf(bytes)
return bytes, ""
def serial_open(self, tty, ser_baud, ser_flags=0):
Returns a handle for the serial tty device opened
at ser_baud bits per second.
tty:= the serial device to open.
ser_baud:= baud rate
ser_flags:= 0, no flags are currently defined.
Normally you would only use the [*serial_**] functions if
you are or will be connecting to the Pi over a network. If
you will always run on the local Pi use the standard serial
modules instead.
h1 = pi.serial_open("/dev/ttyAMA0", 300)
h2 = pi.serial_open("/dev/ttyUSB1", 19200, 0)
# I p1 ser_baud
# I p2 ser_flags
# I p3 len
## extension ##
# s len data bytes
return _u2i(_pigpio_command_ext(
self._control, _PI_CMD_SERO, ser_baud, ser_flags, len(tty), [tty]))
def serial_close(self, handle):
Closes the serial device associated with handle.
handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to [*serial_open*]).
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_SERC, handle, 0))
def serial_read_byte(self, handle):
Returns a single byte from the device associated with handle.
handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to [*serial_open*]).
b = pi.serial_read_byte(h1)
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_SERRB, handle, 0))
def serial_write_byte(self, handle, byte_val):
Writes a single byte to the device associated with handle.
handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to [*serial_open*]).
byte_val:= 0-255, the value to write.
pi.serial_write_byte(h1, 23)
pi.serial_write_byte(h1, ord('Z'))
return _u2i(
_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_SERWB, handle, byte_val))
def serial_read(self, handle, count):
Reads up to count bytes from the device associated with handle.
handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to [*serial_open*]).
count:= >0, the number of bytes to read.
The returned value is a tuple of the number of bytes read and a
bytearray containing the bytes. If there was an error the
number of bytes read will be less than zero (and will contain
the error code).
(b, d) = pi.serial_read(h2, 100)
if b > 0:
# process read data
bytes = _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_SERR, handle, count))
if bytes > 0:
return bytes, self._rxbuf(bytes)
return bytes, ""
def serial_write(self, handle, data):
Writes the data bytes to the device associated with handle.
handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to [*serial_open*]).
data:= the bytes to write.
pi.serial_write(h1, b'\\x02\\x03\\x04')
pi.serial_write(h2, b'help')
pi.serial_write(h2, "hello")
pi.serial_write(h1, [2, 3, 4])
# I p1 handle
# I p2 0
# I p3 len
## extension ##
# s len data bytes
return _u2i(_pigpio_command_ext(
self._control, _PI_CMD_SERW, handle, 0, len(data), [data]))
def serial_data_available(self, handle):
Returns the number of bytes available to be read from the
device associated with handle.
handle:= >=0 (as returned by a prior call to [*serial_open*]).
rdy = pi.serial_data_available(h1)
if rdy > 0:
(b, d) = pi.serial_read(h1, rdy)
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_SERDA, handle, 0))
def gpio_trigger(self, user_gpio, pulse_len=10, level=1):
Send a trigger pulse to a gpio. The gpio is set to
level for pulse_len microseconds and then reset to not level.
user_gpio:= 0-31
pulse_len:= 1-50
level:= 0-1
pi.gpio_trigger(23, 10, 1)
# pigpio message format
# I p1 user_gpio
# I p2 pulse_len
# I p3 4
## extension ##
# I level
extents = [struct.pack("I", level)]
return _u2i(_pigpio_command_ext(
self._control, _PI_CMD_TRIG, user_gpio, pulse_len, 4, extents))
def store_script(self, script):
Store a script for later execution.
script:= the script text as a series of bytes.
Returns a >=0 script id if OK.
sid = pi.store_script(
b'tag 0 w 22 1 mils 100 w 22 0 mils 100 dcr p0 jp 0')
# I p1 0
# I p2 0
# I p3 len
## extension ##
# s len data bytes
if len(script):
return _u2i(_pigpio_command_ext(
self._control, _PI_CMD_PROC, 0, 0, len(script), [script]))
return 0
def run_script(self, script_id, params=None):
Runs a stored script.
script_id:= id of stored script.
params:= up to 10 parameters required by the script.
s = pi.run_script(sid, [par1, par2])
s = pi.run_script(sid)
s = pi.run_script(sid, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])
# I p1 script id
# I p2 0
# I p3 params * 4 (0-10 params)
## (optional) extension ##
# I[] params
if params is not None:
ext = bytearray()
for p in params:
ext.extend(struct.pack("I", p))
nump = len(params)
extents = [ext]
nump = 0
extents = []
return _u2i(_pigpio_command_ext(
self._control, _PI_CMD_PROCR, script_id, 0, nump*4, extents))
def script_status(self, script_id):
Returns the run status of a stored script as well as the
current values of parameters 0 to 9.
script_id:= id of stored script.
The run status may be
. .
. .
The return value is a tuple of run status and a list of
the 10 parameters. On error the run status will be negative
and the parameter list will be empty.
(s, pars) = pi.script_status(sid)
status = _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_PROCP, script_id, 0))
if status >= 0:
param = struct.unpack('IIIIIIIIII', self._control.recv(40))
return status, param
return status, ()
def stop_script(self, script_id):
Stops a running script.
script_id:= id of stored script.
status = pi.stop_script(sid)
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_PROCS, script_id, 0))
def delete_script(self, script_id):
Deletes a stored script.
script_id:= id of stored script.
status = pi.delete_script(sid)
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_PROCD, script_id, 0))
def bb_serial_read_open(self, user_gpio, bb_baud):
Opens a gpio for bit bang reading of serial data.
user_gpio:= 0-31, the gpio to use.
bb_baud:= 300-250000, the baud rate.
The serial data is held in a cyclic buffer and is read using
It is the caller's responsibility to read data from the cyclic
buffer in a timely fashion.
status = pi.bb_serial_read_open(4, 19200)
status = pi.bb_serial_read_open(17, 9600)
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(
self._control, _PI_CMD_SLRO, user_gpio, bb_baud))
def bb_serial_read(self, user_gpio):
Returns data from the bit bang serial cyclic buffer.
user_gpio:= 0-31 (opened in a prior call to [*bb_serial_read_open*])
The returned value is a tuple of the number of bytes read and a
bytearray containing the bytes. If there was an error the
number of bytes read will be less than zero (and will contain
the error code).
(count, data) = pi.bb_serial_read(4)
bytes = _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_SLR, user_gpio, 10000))
if bytes > 0:
return bytes, self._rxbuf(bytes)
return bytes, ""
def bb_serial_read_close(self, user_gpio):
Closes a gpio for bit bang reading of serial data.
user_gpio:= 0-31 (opened in a prior call to [*bb_serial_read_open*])
status = pi.bb_serial_read_close(17)
return _u2i(_pigpio_command(self._control, _PI_CMD_SLRC, user_gpio, 0))
def callback(self, user_gpio, edge=RISING_EDGE, func=None):
Calls a user supplied function (a callback) whenever the
specified gpio edge is detected.
user_gpio:= 0-31.
func:= user supplied callback function.
If a user callback is not specified a default tally callback is
provided which simply counts edges.
The user supplied callback receives three parameters, the gpio,
the level, and the tick.
def cbf(gpio, level, tick):
print(gpio, level, tick)
cb1 = pi.callback(22, pigpio.EITHER_EDGE, cbf)
cb2 = pi.callback(4, pigpio.EITHER_EDGE)
cb3 = pi.callback(17)
return _callback(self._notify, user_gpio, edge, func)
def wait_for_edge(self, user_gpio, edge=RISING_EDGE, wait_timeout=60.0):
Wait for an edge event on a gpio.
user_gpio:= 0-31.
edge:= EITHER_EDGE, RISING_EDGE (default), or
wait_timeout:= 0.0- (default 60.0).
The function returns as soon as the edge is detected
or after the number of seconds specified by timeout has
The function returns True if the edge is detected,
otherwise False.
if pi.wait_for_edge(23):
print("Rising edge detected")
print("wait for edge timed out")
if pi.wait_for_edge(23, pigpio.FALLING_EDGE, 5.0):
print("Falling edge detected")
print("wait for falling edge timed out")
a = _wait_for_edge(self._notify, user_gpio, edge, wait_timeout)
return a.trigger
def __init__(self,
host = os.getenv("PIGPIO_ADDR", ''),
port = os.getenv("PIGPIO_PORT", 8888)):
Grants access to a Pi's gpios.
host:= the host name of the Pi on which the pigpio daemon is
running. The default is localhost unless overridden by
the PIGPIO_ADDR environment variable.
port:= the port number on which the pigpio daemon is listening.
The default is 8888 unless overridden by the PIGPIO_PORT
environment variable. The pigpio daemon must have been
started with the same port number.
This connects to the pigpio daemon and reserves resources
to be used for sending commands and receiving notifications.
pi = pigio.pi() # use defaults
pi = pigpio.pi('mypi') # specify host, default port
pi = pigpio.pi('mypi', 7777) # specify host and port
self.connected = True
self._control = None
self._notify = None
self._host = ''
self._port = 8888
self._host = host
self._port = int(port)
self._control = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# Disable the Nagle algorithm.
self._control.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)
self._control.connect((self._host, self._port))
self._notify = _callback_thread(self._control, self._host, self._port)
except socket.error:
self.connected = False
if self._control is not None:
self._control = None
if self._host == '':
h = "localhost"
h = self._host
errStr = "Can't connect to pigpio on {}({})".format(
str(h), str(self._port))
print("Did you start the pigpio daemon? E.g. sudo pigpiod")
print("Did you specify the correct Pi host/port in the environment")
print("variables PIGPIO_ADDR/PIGPIO_PORT?")
print("E.g. export PIGPIO_ADDR=soft, export PIGPIO_PORT=8888")
print("Did you specify the correct Pi host/port in the")
print("pigpio.pi() function? E.g. pigpio.pi('soft', 8888))")
def stop(self):
"""Release pigpio resources.
if self._notify is not None:
self._notify = None
if self._control is not None:
self._control = None
def xref():
bb_baud: 100 - 250000
The baud rate used for the transmission of bit bang serial data.
bit: 0-1
A value of 0 or 1.
bits: 32 bit number
A mask used to select gpios to be operated on. If bit n is set
then gpio n is selected. A convenient way of setting bit n is to
bit or in the value (1<<n).
To select gpios 1, 7, 23
bits = (1<<1) | (1<<7) | (1<<23)
byte_val: 0-255
A whole number.
The number of bytes of data to be transferred.
Data to be transmitted, a series of bytes.
delay: 1-
The length of a pulse in microseconds.
dutycycle: 0-range_
A number between 0 and range_.
The dutycycle sets the proportion of time on versus time off during each
PWM cycle.
Dutycycle @ On time
0 @ Off
range_ * 0.25 @ 25% On
range_ * 0.50 @ 50% On
range_ * 0.75 @ 75% On
range_ @ Fully On
edge: 0-2
errnum: <0
PI_BAD_I2C_BUS = -74
PI_BAD_TAG = -63
PI_DUP_TAG = -53
frequency: 0-40000
Defines the frequency to be used for PWM on a gpio.
The closest permitted frequency will be used.
A user supplied callback function.
gpio: 0-53
A Broadcom numbered gpio. All the user gpios are in the range 0-31.
A mask used to select gpios to be operated on. See [*bits*].
This mask selects the gpios to be switched off at the start
of a pulse.
A mask used to select gpios to be operated on. See [*bits*].
This mask selects the gpios to be switched on at the start
of a pulse.
handle: 0-
A number referencing an object opened by one of [*i2c_open*],
[*notify_open*], [*serial_open*], [*spi_open*].
The name or IP address of the Pi running the pigpio daemon.
One of the i2c_ functions.
The address of a device on the I2C bus (0x08 - 0x77)
i2c_bus: 0-1
An I2C bus number.
i2c_flags: 32 bit
No I2C flags are currently defined.
level: 0-1 (2)
HIGH = 1
LOW = 0
OFF = 0
ON = 1
SET = 1
TIMEOUT = 2 # only returned for a watchdog timeout
mode: 0-7
ALT0 = 4
ALT1 = 5
ALT2 = 6
ALT3 = 7
ALT4 = 3
ALT5 = 2
offset: 0-
The offset wave data starts from the beginning of the waveform
being currently defined.
params: 32 bit number
When scripts are started they can receive up to 10 parameters
to define their operation.
The port used by the pigpio daemon, defaults to 8888.
pud: 0-2
PUD_UP = 2
pulse_len: 1-50
A whole number.
A list of class pulse objects defining the characteristics of a
The servo pulsewidth in microseconds. 0 switches pulses off.
range_: 25-40000
Defines the limits for the [*dutycycle*] parameter.
range_ defaults to 255.
reg: 0-255
An I2C device register. The usable registers depend on the
actual device.
The text of a script to store on the pigpio daemon.
script_id: 0-
A number referencing a script created by [*store_script*].
The transmission rate in bits per second.
The allowable values are 50, 75, 110, 134, 150, 200, 300,
600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400,
57600, 115200, or 230400.
ser_flags: 32 bit
No serial flags are currently defined.
One of the serial_ functions.
One of the spi_ functions.
spi_baud: 1-
The transmission rate in bits per second.
spi_channel: 0-1
A SPI channel.
spi_flags: 32 bit
The flags are used to encode the SPI mode in bits 0 and 1.
A tick (earlier).
A tick (later).
A Pi serial tty device, e.g. /dev/ttyAMA0, /dev/ttyUSB0
user_gpio: 0-31
A Broadcom numbered gpio.
All the user gpios are in the range 0-31.
Not all the gpios within this range are usable, some are reserved
for system use.
wait_timeout: 0.0 -
The number of seconds to wait in wait_for_edge before timing out.
One of [*wave_add_new*] , [*wave_add_generic*], [*wave_add_serial*].
wave_id: 0-
A number referencing a wave created by [*wave_create*].
One of [*wave_send_once*], [*wave_send_repeat*].
wdog_timeout: 0-60000
Defines a gpio watchdog timeout in milliseconds. If no level
change is detected on the gpio for timeout millisecond a watchdog
timeout report is issued (with level TIMEOUT).
word_val: 0-65535
A whole number.