2017-06-19 18:36:14 +02:00
// +build go1.7
package http
import (
var (
remoteName = "TestHTTP"
testPath = "test"
filesPath = filepath . Join ( testPath , "files" )
// prepareServer the test server and return a function to tidy it up afterwards
func prepareServer ( t * testing . T ) func ( ) {
// file server for test/files
fileServer := http . FileServer ( http . Dir ( filesPath ) )
// Make the test server
ts := httptest . NewServer ( fileServer )
// Configure the remote
fs . LoadConfig ( )
// fs.Config.LogLevel = fs.LogLevelDebug
// fs.Config.DumpHeaders = true
// fs.Config.DumpBodies = true
fs . ConfigFileSet ( remoteName , "type" , "http" )
fs . ConfigFileSet ( remoteName , "url" , ts . URL )
// return a function to tidy up
return ts . Close
// prepare the test server and return a function to tidy it up afterwards
func prepare ( t * testing . T ) ( fs . Fs , func ( ) ) {
tidy := prepareServer ( t )
// Instantiate it
f , err := NewFs ( remoteName , "" )
require . NoError ( t , err )
return f , tidy
func testListRoot ( t * testing . T , f fs . Fs ) {
entries , err := f . List ( "" )
require . NoError ( t , err )
sort . Sort ( entries )
require . Equal ( t , 4 , len ( entries ) )
e := entries [ 0 ]
assert . Equal ( t , "four" , e . Remote ( ) )
2017-06-30 14:37:29 +02:00
assert . Equal ( t , int64 ( - 1 ) , e . Size ( ) )
_ , ok := e . ( fs . Directory )
2017-06-19 18:36:14 +02:00
assert . True ( t , ok )
e = entries [ 1 ]
assert . Equal ( t , "one.txt" , e . Remote ( ) )
assert . Equal ( t , int64 ( 6 ) , e . Size ( ) )
_ , ok = e . ( * Object )
assert . True ( t , ok )
e = entries [ 2 ]
assert . Equal ( t , "three" , e . Remote ( ) )
2017-06-30 14:37:29 +02:00
assert . Equal ( t , int64 ( - 1 ) , e . Size ( ) )
_ , ok = e . ( fs . Directory )
2017-06-19 18:36:14 +02:00
assert . True ( t , ok )
e = entries [ 3 ]
assert . Equal ( t , "two.html" , e . Remote ( ) )
assert . Equal ( t , int64 ( 7 ) , e . Size ( ) )
_ , ok = e . ( * Object )
assert . True ( t , ok )
func TestListRoot ( t * testing . T ) {
f , tidy := prepare ( t )
defer tidy ( )
testListRoot ( t , f )
func TestListSubDir ( t * testing . T ) {
f , tidy := prepare ( t )
defer tidy ( )
entries , err := f . List ( "three" )
require . NoError ( t , err )
sort . Sort ( entries )
assert . Equal ( t , 1 , len ( entries ) )
e := entries [ 0 ]
assert . Equal ( t , "three/underthree.txt" , e . Remote ( ) )
assert . Equal ( t , int64 ( 9 ) , e . Size ( ) )
_ , ok := e . ( * Object )
assert . True ( t , ok )
func TestNewObject ( t * testing . T ) {
f , tidy := prepare ( t )
defer tidy ( )
2017-08-01 00:15:31 +02:00
o , err := f . NewObject ( "four/under four.txt" )
2017-06-19 18:36:14 +02:00
require . NoError ( t , err )
2017-08-01 00:15:31 +02:00
assert . Equal ( t , "four/under four.txt" , o . Remote ( ) )
2017-06-19 18:36:14 +02:00
assert . Equal ( t , int64 ( 9 ) , o . Size ( ) )
_ , ok := o . ( * Object )
assert . True ( t , ok )
// Test the time is correct on the object
tObj := o . ModTime ( )
2017-08-01 00:15:31 +02:00
fi , err := os . Stat ( filepath . Join ( filesPath , "four" , "under four.txt" ) )
2017-06-19 18:36:14 +02:00
require . NoError ( t , err )
tFile := fi . ModTime ( )
dt , ok := fstest . CheckTimeEqualWithPrecision ( tObj , tFile , time . Second )
assert . True ( t , ok , fmt . Sprintf ( "%s: Modification time difference too big |%s| > %s (%s vs %s) (precision %s)" , o . Remote ( ) , dt , time . Second , tObj , tFile , time . Second ) )
func TestOpen ( t * testing . T ) {
f , tidy := prepare ( t )
defer tidy ( )
2017-08-01 00:15:31 +02:00
o , err := f . NewObject ( "four/under four.txt" )
2017-06-19 18:36:14 +02:00
require . NoError ( t , err )
// Test normal read
fd , err := o . Open ( )
require . NoError ( t , err )
data , err := ioutil . ReadAll ( fd )
require . NoError ( t , fd . Close ( ) )
assert . Equal ( t , "beetroot\n" , string ( data ) )
// Test with range request
fd , err = o . Open ( & fs . RangeOption { Start : 1 , End : 5 } )
require . NoError ( t , err )
data , err = ioutil . ReadAll ( fd )
require . NoError ( t , fd . Close ( ) )
assert . Equal ( t , "eetro" , string ( data ) )
func TestMimeType ( t * testing . T ) {
f , tidy := prepare ( t )
defer tidy ( )
2017-08-01 00:15:31 +02:00
o , err := f . NewObject ( "four/under four.txt" )
2017-06-19 18:36:14 +02:00
require . NoError ( t , err )
do , ok := o . ( fs . MimeTyper )
require . True ( t , ok )
assert . Equal ( t , "text/plain; charset=utf-8" , do . MimeType ( ) )
func TestIsAFileRoot ( t * testing . T ) {
tidy := prepareServer ( t )
defer tidy ( )
f , err := NewFs ( remoteName , "one.txt" )
assert . Equal ( t , err , fs . ErrorIsFile )
testListRoot ( t , f )
func TestIsAFileSubDir ( t * testing . T ) {
tidy := prepareServer ( t )
defer tidy ( )
f , err := NewFs ( remoteName , "three/underthree.txt" )
assert . Equal ( t , err , fs . ErrorIsFile )
entries , err := f . List ( "" )
require . NoError ( t , err )
sort . Sort ( entries )
assert . Equal ( t , 1 , len ( entries ) )
e := entries [ 0 ]
assert . Equal ( t , "underthree.txt" , e . Remote ( ) )
assert . Equal ( t , int64 ( 9 ) , e . Size ( ) )
_ , ok := e . ( * Object )
assert . True ( t , ok )
2017-08-01 00:15:31 +02:00
func TestURLJoin ( t * testing . T ) {
for i , test := range [ ] struct {
base string
path string
wantOK bool
want string
} {
{ "http://example.com/" , "potato" , true , "http://example.com/potato" } ,
{ "http://example.com/dir/" , "potato" , true , "http://example.com/dir/potato" } ,
{ "http://example.com/dir/" , "../dir/potato" , true , "http://example.com/dir/potato" } ,
{ "http://example.com/dir/" , ".." , true , "http://example.com/" } ,
{ "http://example.com/dir/" , "http://example.com/" , true , "http://example.com/" } ,
{ "http://example.com/dir/" , "http://example.com/dir/" , true , "http://example.com/dir/" } ,
{ "http://example.com/dir/" , "http://example.com/dir/potato" , true , "http://example.com/dir/potato" } ,
{ "http://example.com/dir/" , "/dir/" , true , "http://example.com/dir/" } ,
{ "http://example.com/dir/" , "/dir/potato" , true , "http://example.com/dir/potato" } ,
{ "http://example.com/dir/" , "subdir/potato" , true , "http://example.com/dir/subdir/potato" } ,
{ "http://example.com/dir/" , "With percent %25.txt" , true , "http://example.com/dir/With%20percent%20%25.txt" } ,
{ "http://example.com/dir/" , "With colon :" , false , "" } ,
{ "http://example.com/dir/" , urlEscape ( "With colon :" ) , true , "http://example.com/dir/With%20colon%20:" } ,
} {
u , err := url . Parse ( test . base )
require . NoError ( t , err )
got , err := urlJoin ( u , test . path )
gotOK := err == nil
what := fmt . Sprintf ( "test %d base=%q, val=%q" , i , test . base , test . path )
assert . Equal ( t , test . wantOK , gotOK , what )
var gotString string
if gotOK {
gotString = got . String ( )
assert . Equal ( t , test . want , gotString , what )
func TestURLEscape ( t * testing . T ) {
for i , test := range [ ] struct {
path string
want string
} {
{ "" , "" } ,
{ "/hello.txt" , "/hello.txt" } ,
{ "With Space" , "With%20Space" } ,
{ "With Colon:" , "./With%20Colon:" } ,
{ "With Percent%" , "With%20Percent%25" } ,
} {
got := urlEscape ( test . path )
assert . Equal ( t , test . want , got , fmt . Sprintf ( "Test %d path = %q" , i , test . path ) )
2017-06-19 18:36:14 +02:00
func TestParseName ( t * testing . T ) {
for i , test := range [ ] struct {
base string
val string
wantOK bool
want string
} {
{ "http://example.com/" , "potato" , true , "potato" } ,
{ "http://example.com/dir/" , "potato" , true , "potato" } ,
{ "http://example.com/dir/" , "../dir/potato" , true , "potato" } ,
{ "http://example.com/dir/" , ".." , false , "" } ,
{ "http://example.com/dir/" , "http://example.com/" , false , "" } ,
{ "http://example.com/dir/" , "http://example.com/dir/" , false , "" } ,
{ "http://example.com/dir/" , "http://example.com/dir/potato" , true , "potato" } ,
{ "http://example.com/dir/" , "/dir/" , false , "" } ,
{ "http://example.com/dir/" , "/dir/potato" , true , "potato" } ,
{ "http://example.com/dir/" , "subdir/potato" , false , "" } ,
2017-07-31 00:16:32 +02:00
{ "http://example.com/dir/" , "With percent %25.txt" , true , "With percent %.txt" } ,
2017-08-01 00:15:31 +02:00
{ "http://example.com/dir/" , "With colon :" , false , "" } ,
{ "http://example.com/dir/" , urlEscape ( "With colon :" ) , true , "With colon :" } ,
2017-06-19 18:36:14 +02:00
} {
u , err := url . Parse ( test . base )
require . NoError ( t , err )
got , gotOK := parseName ( u , test . val )
what := fmt . Sprintf ( "test %d base=%q, val=%q" , i , test . base , test . val )
assert . Equal ( t , test . wantOK , gotOK , what )
assert . Equal ( t , test . want , got , what )
// Load HTML from the file given and parse it, checking it against the entries passed in
func parseHTML ( t * testing . T , name string , base string , want [ ] string ) {
in , err := os . Open ( filepath . Join ( testPath , "index_files" , name ) )
require . NoError ( t , err )
defer func ( ) {
require . NoError ( t , in . Close ( ) )
} ( )
if base == "" {
base = "http://example.com/"
u , err := url . Parse ( base )
require . NoError ( t , err )
entries , err := parse ( u , in )
require . NoError ( t , err )
assert . Equal ( t , want , entries )
func TestParseEmpty ( t * testing . T ) {
parseHTML ( t , "empty.html" , "" , [ ] string ( nil ) )
func TestParseApache ( t * testing . T ) {
parseHTML ( t , "apache.html" , "http://example.com/nick/pub/" , [ ] string {
"SWIG-embed.tar.gz" ,
"avi2dvd.pl" ,
"cambert.exe" ,
"cambert.gz" ,
"fedora_demo.gz" ,
"gchq-challenge/" ,
"mandelterm/" ,
"pgp-key.txt" ,
"pymath/" ,
"rclone" ,
"readdir.exe" ,
"rush_hour_solver_cut_down.py" ,
"snake-puzzle/" ,
"stressdisk/" ,
"timer-test" ,
"words-to-regexp.pl" ,
} )
func TestParseMemstore ( t * testing . T ) {
parseHTML ( t , "memstore.html" , "" , [ ] string {
"test/" ,
"v1.35/" ,
"v1.36-01-g503cd84/" ,
"rclone-beta-latest-freebsd-386.zip" ,
"rclone-beta-latest-freebsd-amd64.zip" ,
"rclone-beta-latest-windows-amd64.zip" ,
} )
func TestParseNginx ( t * testing . T ) {
parseHTML ( t , "nginx.html" , "" , [ ] string {
"deltas/" ,
"objects/" ,
"refs/" ,
"state/" ,
"config" ,
"summary" ,
} )
func TestParseCaddy ( t * testing . T ) {
parseHTML ( t , "caddy.html" , "" , [ ] string {
"mimetype.zip" ,
"rclone-delete-empty-dirs.py" ,
"rclone-show-empty-dirs.py" ,
"stat-windows-386.zip" ,
"v1.36-155-gcf29ee8b-team-driveβ/" ,
"v1.36-156-gca76b3fb-team-driveβ/" ,
"v1.36-156-ge1f0e0f5-team-driveβ/" ,
"v1.36-22-g06ea13a-ssh-agentβ/" ,
} )