diff --git a/cmd/purge/purge.go b/cmd/purge/purge.go index d8cb9095a..a86570eac 100644 --- a/cmd/purge/purge.go +++ b/cmd/purge/purge.go @@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ include/exclude filters - everything will be removed. Use the delete files. To delete empty directories only, use command [rmdir](/commands/rclone_rmdir/) or [rmdirs](/commands/rclone_rmdirs/). +The concurrency of this operation is controlled by the ` + "`--checkers`" + ` global flag. However, some backends will +implement this command directly, in which case ` + "`--checkers`" + ` will be ignored. + **Important**: Since this can cause data loss, test first with the ` + "`--dry-run` or the `--interactive`/`-i`" + ` flag. `,