This commit modernizes Go usage. This was done with:
go run -fix -test ./...
Then files needed to be `go fmt`ed and a few comments needed to be
The modernizations include replacing
- if/else conditional assignment by a call to the built-in min or max functions added in go1.21
- sort.Slice(x, func(i, j int) bool) { return s[i] < s[j] } by a call to slices.Sort(s), added in go1.21
- interface{} by the 'any' type added in go1.18
- append([]T(nil), s...) by slices.Clone(s) or slices.Concat(s), added in go1.21
- loop around an m[k]=v map update by a call to one of the Collect, Copy, Clone, or Insert functions from the maps package, added in go1.21
- []byte(fmt.Sprintf...) by fmt.Appendf(nil, ...), added in go1.19
- append(s[:i], s[i+1]...) by slices.Delete(s, i, i+1), added in go1.21
- a 3-clause for i := 0; i < n; i++ {} loop by for i := range n {}, added in go1.22
This addresses the login issue caused by pikpak's recent cancellation
of existing login methods and requirement for additional verifications.
To resolve this, we've made the following changes:
1. Similar to lib/oauthutil, we've integrated a mechanism to handle
captcha tokens.
2. A new pikpakClient has been introduced to wrap the existing
rest.Client and incorporate the necessary headers including
x-captcha-token for each request.
3. Several options have been added/removed to support persistent
user/client identification.
* client_id: No longer configurable.
* client_secret: Deprecated as it's no longer used.
* user_agent: A new option that defaults to PC/Firefox's user agent
but can be overridden using the --pikpak-user-agent flag.
* device_id: A new option that is randomly generated if invalid.
It is recommended not to delete or change it frequently.
* captcha_token: A new option that is automatically managed
by rclone, similar to the OAuth token.
This attempts to resolve upload conflicts by implementing cancel/cleanup on failed
* fix panic error on defer cancel upload
* increase pacer min sleep from 10 to 100 ms
* stop using uploadByForm()
* introduce force sleep before and after async tasks
* use pacer's retry scheme instead of manual implementation
Previously, `getFile()` was called indiscriminately during uploads, moves,
and download link generation. This could lead to users with download limit
causing subsequent operations like uploads and moves to fail.
This PR optimizes the use of getFile(), by only calling it
when it's strictly necessary.
Before this change, the Pikpak backend would always download
the first media item whenever possible, regardless of whether
or not it was the original contents.
Now we check the validity of a media link using the `fid`
parameter in the link URL.