This commit modernizes Go usage. This was done with:
go run -fix -test ./...
Then files needed to be `go fmt`ed and a few comments needed to be
The modernizations include replacing
- if/else conditional assignment by a call to the built-in min or max functions added in go1.21
- sort.Slice(x, func(i, j int) bool) { return s[i] < s[j] } by a call to slices.Sort(s), added in go1.21
- interface{} by the 'any' type added in go1.18
- append([]T(nil), s...) by slices.Clone(s) or slices.Concat(s), added in go1.21
- loop around an m[k]=v map update by a call to one of the Collect, Copy, Clone, or Insert functions from the maps package, added in go1.21
- []byte(fmt.Sprintf...) by fmt.Appendf(nil, ...), added in go1.19
- append(s[:i], s[i+1]...) by slices.Delete(s, i, i+1), added in go1.21
- a 3-clause for i := 0; i < n; i++ {} loop by for i := range n {}, added in go1.22
introduced a new INFO log when making a directory, which differs depending on
whether the backend supports setting directory metadata. This caused false
positives on the bisync createemptysrcdirs test.
This fixes it by ignoring that log line.
Before this change, there was a bug affecting listing files when:
- a given bisync run had changes in the 2to1 direction
- the run had NO changes in the 1to2 direction
- at least one of the changed files changed AGAIN during the run
(specifically, after the initial march and before the transfers.)
In this situation, the listings on one side would still retain the prior version
of the changed file, potentially causing conflicts or errors.
This change fixes the issue by making sure that if we're updating the listings
on one side, we must also update the other. (We previously tried to skip it for
efficiency, but this failed to account for the possibility that a changed file
could change again during the run.)
Before this change, creating a new directory would write a DEBUG log
but removing it would write an INFO log.
This change makes both write an INFO log for consistency.
Before this change, if rclone is used as a library and logrus is used
after a call to rc `sync/bisync`, logging does not work anymore and
leads to writing to a closed pipe.
This change restores the output correctly.
Some backends support hashes but allow them to be blank. In other words, we
can't expect them to be reliably non-blank, and we shouldn't treat a blank hash
as an error.
Before this change, the bisync integration tests errored if a backend said it
supported hashes but in fact sometimes lacked them. After this change, such
errors are ignored.
This changes log statements from log to fs package, which is required for --use-json-log
to properly make log output in JSON format. The recently added custom linting rule,
handled by ruleguard via gocritic via golangci-lint, warns about these and suggests
the alternative. Fixing was therefore basically running "golangci-lint run --fix",
although some manual fixup of mainly imports are necessary following that.
Before this change, bisync proactively converted modtime precision when greater
than what the destination backend supported.
This dates back to a time before bisync considered the modifyWindow for same-side
comparisons. Back then, it was problematic to save a listing with 12:54:49.7 for
a backend that can't handle that precision, as on the next run the backend would
report the time as 12:54:50 and bisync would think the file had changed. So the
truncation was a workaround to anticipate this and proactively record the time
with the precision we expect to receive next time.
However, this caused problems for backends (such as dropbox) that round instead
of truncating as bisync expected.
After this change, bisync preserves the original precision in the listing
(without conversion), even when greater than what the backend supports, to avoid
rounding error. On the next run, bisync will compare it to the rounded time
reported by the backend, and if it's within the modifyWindow, it will treat them
as equivalent.
There were a lot of instances of this lint error
printf: non-constant format string in call to (govet)
Most of these could not easily be fixed so had nolint lines added.
This should probably be done in a neater way perhaps by making
LogColorf/ErrorColorf functions.
The .lck file filename length needs to be less than 255 bytes (not symbols) on
linux, and it was still too long on this test, because of the
on remotes with long names, such as TestChunkerChunk3bNoRenameLocal:
The .lck file filename length needs to be less than 255 bytes (not symbols) on
linux, and it was still too long on this test, because of the
Before this change, the decoder looked only for `io.EOF`, and if any other error
was returned, it could cause an infinite loop. This change fixes the issue by
breaking for any non-nil error.
Before this change, calling SetModTime on owncloud and nextcloud would
inadvertently erase the object's stored hashes. This change fixes the issue,
which was discovered by the bisync integration tests.
- fix parsing of connection string remotes (comma in name)
- skip remotes that can't upload empty files
- Mkdir the test case subdir before cache.Get-ing it
(only storj seems to need this... bug?)
Several fixes for the bisync integration tests:
- use unique initdir and datadir for each subtest so concurrent tests don't interfere with each other
- remove dots from dir names for bucket backends
- ignore messages specific to cache backend
- skip fix-case tests on backends that can't fix-case
- don't expect "{hashtype} differ" messages on backends with no hash types
- print timestamps in UTC local
More fixes will still be needed, but this should hopefully fix a good portion of them.
This change officially adds bisync to the nightly integration tests for all
This will be part of giving us the confidence to take bisync out of beta.
A number of fixes have been added to account for features which can differ on
different backends -- for example, hash types / modtime support, empty
directories, unicode normalization, and unimportant differences in log output.
We will likely find that more of these are needed once we start running these
with the full set of remotes.
Additionally, bisync's extremely sensitive tests revealed a few bugs in other
backends that weren't previously covered by other tests. Fixes for those issues
have been submitted on the following separate PRs (and bisync test failures will
be expected until they are merged):
- #7670 memory: fix deadlock in operations.Purge
- #7688 memory: fix incorrect list entries when rooted at subdirectory
- #7690 memory: fix dst mutating src after server-side copy
- #7692 dropbox: fix chunked uploads when size <= chunkSize
Relatedly, workarounds have been put in place for the following backend
limitations that are unsolvable for the time being:
- #3262 drive is sometimes aware of trashed files/folders when it shouldn't be
- #6199 dropbox can't handle emojis and certain other characters
- #4590 onedrive API has longstanding bug for conflictBehavior=replace in
server-side copy/move
Before this change, directory modtimes (and metadata) were always synced from
src to dst, even if already in sync (i.e. their modtimes already matched.) This
potentially required excessive API calls, made logs noisy, and was potentially
problematic for backends that create "versions" or otherwise log activity
updates when modtime/metadata is updated.
After this change, a new DirsEqual function is added to check whether dirs are
equal based on a number of factors such as ModifyWindow and sync flags in use.
If the dirs are equal, the modtime/metadata update is skipped.
For backends that require setDirModTimeAfter, the "after" sync is performed only
for dirs that could have been changed by the sync (i.e. dirs containing files
that were created/updated.)
Note that dir metadata (other than modtime) is not currently considered by
DirsEqual, consistent with how object metadata is synced (only when objects are
unequal for reasons other than metadata).
To sync dir modtimes and metadata unconditionally (the previous behavior), use
Before this change, NOTICE log messages during bisync dry runs were unclear as
to the direction of the skipped operation (Path1 to 2 vs. 2 to 1.) This change
adjusts the cmd/bisync/log.go indent function to be more expressive about
Directory mod times are synced by default if the backend is capable
and directory metadata is synced if the --metadata flag is provided
and the backend is capable.
This updates the bisync golden tests also which were affected by
--dry-run setting of directory modtimes.
The flushCache() function has a bug that causes it to never actually
flush the cache. Specifically, it checks whether DirCacheFlush is nil,
but never calls it.
The tests are already passing without flushing the dir cache, so this
commit just deletes flushCache() and its call sites.
Before this change, in the event of a retryable error, bisync would always retry
the maximum number of times allowed by the `--retries` flag, even if one of the
retries was successful. This change fixes the issue, so that bisync moves on
after the first successful retry.
Before this change, the path1 version of a file always prevailed during
--resync, and many users requested options to automatically select the winner
based on characteristics such as newer, older, larger, and smaller. This change
adds support for such options.
Note that ideally this feature would have been implemented by allowing the
existing `--resync` flag to optionally accept string values such as `--resync
newer`. However, this would have been a breaking change, as the existing flag
is a `bool` and it does not seem to be possible to have a `string` flag that
accepts both `--resync newer` and `--resync` (with no argument.) (`NoOptDefVal`
does not work for this, as it would force an `=` like `--resync=newer`.) So
instead, the best compromise to avoid a breaking change was to add a new
`--resync-mode CHOICE` flag that implies `--resync`, while maintaining the
existing behavior of `--resync` (which implies `--resync-mode path1`. i.e. both
flags are now valid, and either can be used without the other.
--resync-mode CHOICE
In the event that a file differs on both sides during a `--resync`,
`--resync-mode` controls which version will overwrite the other. The supported
options are similar to `--conflict-resolve`. For all of the following options,
the version that is kept is referred to as the "winner", and the version that
is overwritten (deleted) is referred to as the "loser". The options are named
after the "winner":
- `path1` - (the default) - the version from Path1 is unconditionally
considered the winner (regardless of `modtime` and `size`, if any). This can be
useful if one side is more trusted or up-to-date than the other, at the time of
the `--resync`.
- `path2` - same as `path1`, except the path2 version is considered the winner.
- `newer` - the newer file (by `modtime`) is considered the winner, regardless
of which side it came from. This may result in having a mix of some winners
from Path1, and some winners from Path2. (The implementation is analagous to
running `rclone copy --update` in both directions.)
- `older` - same as `newer`, except the older file is considered the winner,
and the newer file is considered the loser.
- `larger` - the larger file (by `size`) is considered the winner (regardless
of `modtime`, if any). This can be a useful option for remotes without
`modtime` support, or with the kinds of files (such as logs) that tend to grow
but not shrink, over time.
- `smaller` - the smaller file (by `size`) is considered the winner (regardless
of `modtime`, if any).
For all of the above options, note the following:
- If either of the underlying remotes lacks support for the chosen method, it
will be ignored and will fall back to the default of `path1`. (For example, if
`--resync-mode newer` is set, but one of the paths uses a remote that doesn't
support `modtime`.)
- If a winner can't be determined because the chosen method's attribute is
missing or equal, it will be ignored, and bisync will instead try to determine
whether the files differ by looking at the other `--compare` methods in effect.
(For example, if `--resync-mode newer` is set, but the Path1 and Path2 modtimes
are identical, bisync will compare the sizes.) If bisync concludes that they
differ, preference is given to whichever is the "source" at that moment. (In
practice, this gives a slight advantage to Path2, as the 2to1 copy comes before
the 1to2 copy.) If the files _do not_ differ, nothing is copied (as both sides
are already correct).
- These options apply only to files that exist on both sides (with the same
name and relative path). Files that exist *only* on one side and not the other
are *always* copied to the other, during `--resync` (this is one of the main
differences between resync and non-resync runs.).
- `--conflict-resolve`, `--conflict-loser`, and `--conflict-suffix` do not
apply during `--resync`, and unlike these flags, nothing is renamed during
`--resync`. When a file differs on both sides during `--resync`, one version
always overwrites the other (much like in `rclone copy`.) (Consider using
`--backup-dir` to retain a backup of the losing version.)
- Unlike for `--conflict-resolve`, `--resync-mode none` is not a valid option
(or rather, it will be interpreted as "no resync", unless `--resync` has also
been specified, in which case it will be ignored.)
- Winners and losers are decided at the individual file-level only (there is
not currently an option to pick an entire winning directory atomically,
although the `path1` and `path2` options typically produce a similar result.)
- To maintain backward-compatibility, the `--resync` flag implies
`--resync-mode path1` unless a different `--resync-mode` is explicitly
specified. Similarly, all `--resync-mode` options (except `none`) imply
`--resync`, so it is not necessary to use both the `--resync` and
`--resync-mode` flags simultaneously -- either one is sufficient without the
Before this change, when a file was new/changed on both paths (relative to the
prior sync), and the versions on each side were not identical, bisync would
keep both versions, renaming them with ..path1 and ..path2 suffixes,
respectively. Many users have requested more control over how bisync handles
such conflicts -- including an option to automatically select one version as
the "winner" and rename or delete the "loser". This change introduces support
for such options.
--conflict-resolve CHOICE
In bisync, a "conflict" is a file that is *new* or *changed* on *both sides*
(relative to the prior run) AND is *not currently identical* on both sides.
`--conflict-resolve` controls how bisync handles such a scenario. The currently
supported options are:
- `none` - (the default) - do not attempt to pick a winner, keep and rename
both files according to `--conflict-loser` and
`--conflict-suffix` settings. For example, with the default
settings, `file.txt` on Path1 is renamed `file.txt.conflict1` and `file.txt` on
Path2 is renamed `file.txt.conflict2`. Both are copied to the opposite path
during the run, so both sides end up with a copy of both files. (As `none` is
the default, it is not necessary to specify `--conflict-resolve none` -- you
can just omit the flag.)
- `newer` - the newer file (by `modtime`) is considered the winner and is
copied without renaming. The older file (the "loser") is handled according to
`--conflict-loser` and `--conflict-suffix` settings (either renamed or
deleted.) For example, if `file.txt` on Path1 is newer than `file.txt` on
Path2, the result on both sides (with other default settings) will be `file.txt`
(winner from Path1) and `file.txt.conflict1` (loser from Path2).
- `older` - same as `newer`, except the older file is considered the winner,
and the newer file is considered the loser.
- `larger` - the larger file (by `size`) is considered the winner (regardless
of `modtime`, if any).
- `smaller` - the smaller file (by `size`) is considered the winner (regardless
of `modtime`, if any).
- `path1` - the version from Path1 is unconditionally considered the winner
(regardless of `modtime` and `size`, if any). This can be useful if one side is
usually more trusted or up-to-date than the other.
- `path2` - same as `path1`, except the path2 version is considered the
For all of the above options, note the following:
- If either of the underlying remotes lacks support for the chosen method, it
will be ignored and fall back to `none`. (For example, if `--conflict-resolve
newer` is set, but one of the paths uses a remote that doesn't support
- If a winner can't be determined because the chosen method's attribute is
missing or equal, it will be ignored and fall back to `none`. (For example, if
`--conflict-resolve newer` is set, but the Path1 and Path2 modtimes are
identical, even if the sizes may differ.)
- If the file's content is currently identical on both sides, it is not
considered a "conflict", even if new or changed on both sides since the prior
sync. (For example, if you made a change on one side and then synced it to the
other side by other means.) Therefore, none of the conflict resolution flags
apply in this scenario.
- The conflict resolution flags do not apply during a `--resync`, as there is
no "prior run" to speak of (but see `--resync-mode` for similar
--conflict-loser CHOICE
`--conflict-loser` determines what happens to the "loser" of a sync conflict
(when `--conflict-resolve` determines a winner) or to both
files (when there is no winner.) The currently supported options are:
- `num` - (the default) - auto-number the conflicts by automatically appending
the next available number to the `--conflict-suffix`, in chronological order.
For example, with the default settings, the first conflict for `file.txt` will
be renamed `file.txt.conflict1`. If `file.txt.conflict1` already exists,
`file.txt.conflict2` will be used instead (etc., up to a maximum of
9223372036854775807 conflicts.)
- `pathname` - rename the conflicts according to which side they came from,
which was the default behavior prior to `v1.66`. For example, with
`--conflict-suffix path`, `file.txt` from Path1 will be renamed
`file.txt.path1`, and `file.txt` from Path2 will be renamed `file.txt.path2`.
If two non-identical suffixes are provided (ex. `--conflict-suffix
cloud,local`), the trailing digit is omitted. Importantly, note that with
`pathname`, there is no auto-numbering beyond `2`, so if `file.txt.path2`
somehow already exists, it will be overwritten. Using a dynamic date variable
in your `--conflict-suffix` (see below) is one possible way to avoid this. Note
also that conflicts-of-conflicts are possible, if the original conflict is not
manually resolved -- for example, if for some reason you edited
`file.txt.path1` on both sides, and those edits were different, the result
would be `file.txt.path1.path1` and `file.txt.path1.path2` (in addition to
- `delete` - keep the winner only and delete the loser, instead of renaming it.
If a winner cannot be determined (see `--conflict-resolve` for details on how
this could happen), `delete` is ignored and the default `num` is used instead
(i.e. both versions are kept and renamed, and neither is deleted.) `delete` is
inherently the most destructive option, so use it only with care.
For all of the above options, note that if a winner cannot be determined (see
`--conflict-resolve` for details on how this could happen), or if
`--conflict-resolve` is not in use, *both* files will be renamed.
--conflict-suffix STRING[,STRING]
`--conflict-suffix` controls the suffix that is appended when bisync renames a
`--conflict-loser` (default: `conflict`).
`--conflict-suffix` will accept either one string or two comma-separated
strings to assign different suffixes to Path1 vs. Path2. This may be helpful
later in identifying the source of the conflict. (For example,
`--conflict-suffix dropboxconflict,laptopconflict`)
With `--conflict-loser num`, a number is always appended to the suffix. With
`--conflict-loser pathname`, a number is appended only when one suffix is
specified (or when two identical suffixes are specified.) i.e. with
`--conflict-loser pathname`, all of the following would produce exactly the
same result:
--conflict-suffix path
--conflict-suffix path,path
--conflict-suffix path1,path2
Suffixes may be as short as 1 character. By default, the suffix is appended
after any other extensions (ex. `file.jpg.conflict1`), however, this can be
changed with the `--suffix-keep-extension` flag (i.e. to instead result in
`--conflict-suffix` supports several *dynamic date variables* when enclosed in
curly braces as globs. This can be helpful to track the date and/or time that
each conflict was handled by bisync. For example:
--conflict-suffix {DateOnly}-conflict
// result: myfile.txt.2006-01-02-conflict1
All of the formats described [here]( and
[here]( are supported, but take
care to ensure that your chosen format does not use any characters that are
illegal on your remotes (for example, macOS does not allow colons in
filenames, and slashes are also best avoided as they are often interpreted as
directory separators.) To address this particular issue, an additional
`{MacFriendlyTime}` (or just `{mac}`) option is supported, which results in
`2006-01-02 0304PM`.
Note that `--conflict-suffix` is entirely separate from rclone's main `--sufix`
flag. This is intentional, as users may wish to use both flags simultaneously,
if also using `--backup-dir`.
Finally, note that the default in bisync prior to `v1.66` was to rename
conflicts with `..path1` and `..path2` (with two periods, and `path` instead of
`conflict`.) Bisync now defaults to a single dot instead of a double dot, but
additional dots can be added by including them in the specified suffix string.
For example, for behavior equivalent to the previous default, use:
[--conflict-resolve none] --conflict-loser pathname --conflict-suffix .path
Before this change, certain shell quoting / escaping errors (particularly on
Windows) were not detected by Bisync, possibly resulting in incorrect expansion
and confusing errors. In particular, Windows paths with a single trailing
backslash followed by a quote would be interpreted as an escaped quote --
resulting in the quote and subsequent flags being erroneously considered part
of the path.
After this change, Bisync specifically checks for a few of the most common
patterns, and if detected, exits with a more helpful error message before doing
any damage.