
1130 lines
32 KiB

* host.go
* Copyright 2017 Bill Zissimopoulos
* This file is part of Cgofuse.
* It is licensed under the MIT license. The full license text can be found
* in the License.txt file at the root of this project.
package fuse
#cgo darwin CFLAGS: -DFUSE_USE_VERSION=28 -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/local/include/osxfuse/fuse
#cgo darwin LDFLAGS: -L/usr/local/lib -losxfuse
#cgo linux CFLAGS: -DFUSE_USE_VERSION=28 -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/fuse
#cgo linux LDFLAGS: -lfuse
#cgo windows CFLAGS: -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0600 -DFUSE_USE_VERSION=28
#if !(defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__linux__) || defined(_WIN32))
#error platform not supported
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__linux__)
#include <spawn.h>
#include <sys/mount.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <fuse.h>
#elif defined(_WIN32)
#include <windows.h>
static PVOID cgofuse_init_slow(int hardfail);
static VOID cgofuse_init_fail(VOID);
static PVOID cgofuse_init_winfsp(VOID);
static SRWLOCK cgofuse_lock = SRWLOCK_INIT;
static PVOID cgofuse_module = 0;
static inline PVOID cgofuse_init_fast(int hardfail)
PVOID Module = cgofuse_module;
if (0 == Module)
Module = cgofuse_init_slow(hardfail);
return Module;
static PVOID cgofuse_init_slow(int hardfail)
PVOID Module;
Module = cgofuse_module;
if (0 == Module)
Module = cgofuse_init_winfsp();
cgofuse_module = Module;
if (0 == Module && hardfail)
return Module;
static VOID cgofuse_init_fail(VOID)
static const char *message = "cgofuse: cannot find winfsp\n";
DWORD BytesTransferred;
WriteFile(GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE), message, lstrlenA(message), &BytesTransferred, 0);
#define FSP_FUSE_API static
#define FSP_FUSE_API_NAME(api) (* pfn_ ## api)
#define FSP_FUSE_API_CALL(api) (cgofuse_init_fast(1), pfn_ ## api)
#define FSP_FUSE_SYM(proto, ...) static inline proto { __VA_ARGS__ }
#include <fuse_common.h>
#include <fuse.h>
#include <fuse_opt.h>
static NTSTATUS FspLoad(PVOID *PModule)
#if defined(_WIN64)
#define FSP_DLLNAME "winfsp-x64.dll"
#define FSP_DLLNAME "winfsp-x86.dll"
HKEY hkey,
LPCWSTR lpValue,
DWORD dwFlags,
LPDWORD pdwType,
PVOID pvData,
LPDWORD pcbData);
HKEY RegKey;
LONG Result;
if (0 != PModule)
*PModule = 0;
Module = LoadLibraryW(L"" FSP_DLLNAME);
if (0 == Module)
Result = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"Software\\WinFsp",
0, KEY_READ | KEY_WOW64_32KEY, &RegKey);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == Result)
Size = sizeof PathBuf - sizeof L"" FSP_DLLPATH + sizeof(WCHAR);
Result = RegGetValueW(RegKey, 0, L"InstallDir",
RRF_RT_REG_SZ, 0, PathBuf, &Size);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != Result)
RtlCopyMemory(PathBuf + (Size / sizeof(WCHAR) - 1), L"" FSP_DLLPATH, sizeof L"" FSP_DLLPATH);
Module = LoadLibraryW(PathBuf);
if (0 == Module)
return 0xC0000135;//STATUS_DLL_NOT_FOUND
if (0 != PModule)
*PModule = Module;
#define CGOFUSE_GET_API(h, n) \
if (0 == (*(void **)&(pfn_ ## n) = GetProcAddress(Module, #n)))\
return 0;
static PVOID cgofuse_init_winfsp(VOID)
PVOID Module;
Result = FspLoad(&Module);
if (0 > Result)
return 0;
// fuse_common.h
CGOFUSE_GET_API(h, fsp_fuse_version);
CGOFUSE_GET_API(h, fsp_fuse_mount);
CGOFUSE_GET_API(h, fsp_fuse_unmount);
CGOFUSE_GET_API(h, fsp_fuse_parse_cmdline);
CGOFUSE_GET_API(h, fsp_fuse_ntstatus_from_errno);
// fuse.h
CGOFUSE_GET_API(h, fsp_fuse_main_real);
CGOFUSE_GET_API(h, fsp_fuse_is_lib_option);
CGOFUSE_GET_API(h, fsp_fuse_new);
CGOFUSE_GET_API(h, fsp_fuse_destroy);
CGOFUSE_GET_API(h, fsp_fuse_loop);
CGOFUSE_GET_API(h, fsp_fuse_loop_mt);
CGOFUSE_GET_API(h, fsp_fuse_exit);
CGOFUSE_GET_API(h, fsp_fuse_get_context);
// fuse_opt.h
CGOFUSE_GET_API(h, fsp_fuse_opt_parse);
CGOFUSE_GET_API(h, fsp_fuse_opt_add_arg);
CGOFUSE_GET_API(h, fsp_fuse_opt_insert_arg);
CGOFUSE_GET_API(h, fsp_fuse_opt_free_args);
CGOFUSE_GET_API(h, fsp_fuse_opt_add_opt);
CGOFUSE_GET_API(h, fsp_fuse_opt_add_opt_escaped);
CGOFUSE_GET_API(h, fsp_fuse_opt_match);
return Module;
#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__linux__)
typedef struct stat fuse_stat_t;
typedef struct statvfs fuse_statvfs_t;
typedef struct timespec fuse_timespec_t;
typedef mode_t fuse_mode_t;
typedef dev_t fuse_dev_t;
typedef uid_t fuse_uid_t;
typedef gid_t fuse_gid_t;
typedef off_t fuse_off_t;
#elif defined(_WIN32)
typedef struct fuse_stat fuse_stat_t;
typedef struct fuse_statvfs fuse_statvfs_t;
typedef struct fuse_timespec fuse_timespec_t;
extern int hostGetattr(char *path, fuse_stat_t *stbuf);
extern int hostReadlink(char *path, char *buf, size_t size);
extern int hostMknod(char *path, fuse_mode_t mode, fuse_dev_t dev);
extern int hostMkdir(char *path, fuse_mode_t mode);
extern int hostUnlink(char *path);
extern int hostRmdir(char *path);
extern int hostSymlink(char *target, char *newpath);
extern int hostRename(char *oldpath, char *newpath);
extern int hostLink(char *oldpath, char *newpath);
extern int hostChmod(char *path, fuse_mode_t mode);
extern int hostChown(char *path, fuse_uid_t uid, fuse_gid_t gid);
extern int hostTruncate(char *path, fuse_off_t size);
extern int hostOpen(char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi);
extern int hostRead(char *path, char *buf, size_t size, fuse_off_t off,
struct fuse_file_info *fi);
extern int hostWrite(char *path, char *buf, size_t size, fuse_off_t off,
struct fuse_file_info *fi);
extern int hostStatfs(char *path, fuse_statvfs_t *stbuf);
extern int hostFlush(char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi);
extern int hostRelease(char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi);
extern int hostFsync(char *path, int datasync, struct fuse_file_info *fi);
extern int hostSetxattr(char *path, char *name, char *value, size_t size, int flags);
extern int hostGetxattr(char *path, char *name, char *value, size_t size);
extern int hostListxattr(char *path, char *namebuf, size_t size);
extern int hostRemovexattr(char *path, char *name);
extern int hostOpendir(char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi);
extern int hostReaddir(char *path, void *buf, fuse_fill_dir_t filler, fuse_off_t off,
struct fuse_file_info *fi);
extern int hostReleasedir(char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi);
extern int hostFsyncdir(char *path, int datasync, struct fuse_file_info *fi);
extern void *hostInit(struct fuse_conn_info *conn);
extern void hostDestroy(void *data);
extern int hostAccess(char *path, int mask);
extern int hostCreate(char *path, fuse_mode_t mode, struct fuse_file_info *fi);
extern int hostFtruncate(char *path, fuse_off_t off, struct fuse_file_info *fi);
extern int hostFgetattr(char *path, fuse_stat_t *stbuf, struct fuse_file_info *fi);
//extern int hostLock(char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi, int cmd, struct fuse_flock *lock);
extern int hostUtimens(char *path, fuse_timespec_t tv[2]);
static inline void hostAsgnCconninfo(struct fuse_conn_info *conn,
bool capCaseInsensitive,
bool capReaddirPlus)
#if defined(__APPLE__)
if (capCaseInsensitive)
#elif defined(__linux__)
#elif defined(_WIN32)
if (capCaseInsensitive)
conn->want |= conn->capable & FSP_FUSE_CAP_CASE_INSENSITIVE;
if (capReaddirPlus)
conn->want |= conn->capable & FSP_FUSE_CAP_READDIR_PLUS;
static inline void hostCstatvfsFromFusestatfs(fuse_statvfs_t *stbuf,
uint64_t bsize,
uint64_t frsize,
uint64_t blocks,
uint64_t bfree,
uint64_t bavail,
uint64_t files,
uint64_t ffree,
uint64_t favail,
uint64_t fsid,
uint64_t flag,
uint64_t namemax)
memset(stbuf, 0, sizeof *stbuf);
stbuf->f_bsize = bsize;
stbuf->f_frsize = frsize;
stbuf->f_blocks = blocks;
stbuf->f_bfree = bfree;
stbuf->f_bavail = bavail;
stbuf->f_files = files;
stbuf->f_ffree = ffree;
stbuf->f_favail = favail;
stbuf->f_fsid = fsid;
stbuf->f_flag = flag;
stbuf->f_namemax = namemax;
static inline void hostCstatFromFusestat(fuse_stat_t *stbuf,
uint64_t dev,
uint64_t ino,
uint32_t mode,
uint32_t nlink,
uint32_t uid,
uint32_t gid,
uint64_t rdev,
int64_t size,
int64_t atimSec, int64_t atimNsec,
int64_t mtimSec, int64_t mtimNsec,
int64_t ctimSec, int64_t ctimNsec,
int64_t blksize,
int64_t blocks,
int64_t birthtimSec, int64_t birthtimNsec)
memset(stbuf, 0, sizeof *stbuf);
stbuf->st_dev = dev;
stbuf->st_ino = ino;
stbuf->st_mode = mode;
stbuf->st_nlink = nlink;
stbuf->st_uid = uid;
stbuf->st_gid = gid;
stbuf->st_rdev = rdev;
stbuf->st_size = size;
#if defined(__APPLE__)
stbuf->st_atimespec.tv_sec = atimSec; stbuf->st_atimespec.tv_nsec = atimNsec;
stbuf->st_mtimespec.tv_sec = mtimSec; stbuf->st_mtimespec.tv_nsec = mtimNsec;
stbuf->st_ctimespec.tv_sec = ctimSec; stbuf->st_ctimespec.tv_nsec = ctimNsec;
stbuf->st_birthtimespec.tv_sec = birthtimSec; stbuf->st_birthtimespec.tv_nsec = birthtimNsec;
stbuf->st_atim.tv_sec = atimSec; stbuf->st_atim.tv_nsec = atimNsec;
stbuf->st_mtim.tv_sec = mtimSec; stbuf->st_mtim.tv_nsec = mtimNsec;
stbuf->st_ctim.tv_sec = ctimSec; stbuf->st_ctim.tv_nsec = ctimNsec;
stbuf->st_blksize = blksize;
stbuf->st_blocks = blocks;
static inline int hostFilldir(fuse_fill_dir_t filler, void *buf,
char *name, fuse_stat_t *stbuf, fuse_off_t off)
return filler(buf, name, stbuf, off);
#if defined(__APPLE__)
static int _hostSetxattr(char *path, char *name, char *value, size_t size, int flags,
uint32_t position)
// OSX uses position only for the resource fork; we do not support it!
return hostSetxattr(path, name, value, size, flags);
static int _hostGetxattr(char *path, char *name, char *value, size_t size,
uint32_t position)
// OSX uses position only for the resource fork; we do not support it!
return hostGetxattr(path, name, value, size);
#define _hostSetxattr hostSetxattr
#define _hostGetxattr hostGetxattr
static int hostInitializeFuse(void)
#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__linux__)
return 1;
#elif defined(_WIN32)
return 0 != cgofuse_init_fast(0);
static int hostMountpointOptProc(void *opt_data, const char *arg, int key,
struct fuse_args *outargs)
char **pmountpoint = opt_data;
switch (key)
return 1;
if (0 == *pmountpoint)
size_t size = strlen(arg) + 1;
*pmountpoint = malloc(size);
if (0 == *pmountpoint)
return -1;
memcpy(*pmountpoint, arg, size);
return 1;
static const char *hostMountpoint(int argc, char *argv[])
static struct fuse_opt opts[] = { FUSE_OPT_END };
struct fuse_args args = FUSE_ARGS_INIT(argc, argv);
char *mountpoint = 0;
if (-1 == fuse_opt_parse(&args, &mountpoint, opts, hostMountpointOptProc))
return 0;
return mountpoint;
static int hostMount(int argc, char *argv[], void *data)
#if defined(__GNUC__)
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wincompatible-pointer-types"
static struct fuse_operations fsop =
.getattr = (int (*)())hostGetattr,
.readlink = (int (*)())hostReadlink,
.mknod = (int (*)())hostMknod,
.mkdir = (int (*)())hostMkdir,
.unlink = (int (*)())hostUnlink,
.rmdir = (int (*)())hostRmdir,
.symlink = (int (*)())hostSymlink,
.rename = (int (*)())hostRename,
.link = (int (*)())hostLink,
.chmod = (int (*)())hostChmod,
.chown = (int (*)())hostChown,
.truncate = (int (*)())hostTruncate,
.open = (int (*)())hostOpen,
.read = (int (*)())hostRead,
.write = (int (*)())hostWrite,
.statfs = (int (*)())hostStatfs,
.flush = (int (*)())hostFlush,
.release = (int (*)())hostRelease,
.fsync = (int (*)())hostFsync,
.setxattr = (int (*)())_hostSetxattr,
.getxattr = (int (*)())_hostGetxattr,
.listxattr = (int (*)())hostListxattr,
.removexattr = (int (*)())hostRemovexattr,
.opendir = (int (*)())hostOpendir,
.readdir = (int (*)())hostReaddir,
.releasedir = (int (*)())hostReleasedir,
.fsyncdir = (int (*)())hostFsyncdir,
.init = (void *(*)())hostInit,
.destroy = (void (*)())hostDestroy,
.access = (int (*)())hostAccess,
.create = (int (*)())hostCreate,
.ftruncate = (int (*)())hostFtruncate,
.fgetattr = (int (*)())hostFgetattr,
//.lock = (int (*)())hostFlock,
.utimens = (int (*)())hostUtimens,
#if defined(__GNUC__)
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
return 0 == fuse_main_real(argc, argv, &fsop, sizeof fsop, data);
static int hostUnmount(struct fuse *fuse, char *mountpoint)
#if defined(__APPLE__)
if (0 == mountpoint)
return 0;
// darwin: unmount is available to non-root
return 0 == unmount(mountpoint, MNT_FORCE);
#elif defined(__linux__)
if (0 == mountpoint)
return 0;
// linux: try umount2 first in case we are root
if (0 == umount2(mountpoint, MNT_DETACH))
return 1;
// linux: umount2 failed; try fusermount
char *argv[] =
pid_t pid = 0;
int status = 0;
0 == posix_spawn(&pid, argv[0], 0, 0, argv, 0) &&
pid == waitpid(pid, &status, 0) &&
WIFEXITED(status) && 0 == WEXITSTATUS(status);
#elif defined(_WIN32)
// windows/winfsp: fuse_exit just works from anywhere
return 1;
import "C"
import (
// FileSystemHost is used to host a file system.
type FileSystemHost struct {
fsop FileSystemInterface
fuse *C.struct_fuse
mntp *C.char
sigc chan os.Signal
capCaseInsensitive, capReaddirPlus bool
var (
hostGuard = sync.Mutex{}
hostTable = map[unsafe.Pointer]*FileSystemHost{}
func hostHandleNew(host *FileSystemHost) unsafe.Pointer {
p := C.malloc(1)
defer hostGuard.Unlock()
hostTable[p] = host
return p
func hostHandleDel(p unsafe.Pointer) *FileSystemHost {
defer hostGuard.Unlock()
if host, ok := hostTable[p]; ok {
delete(hostTable, p)
return host
return nil
func hostHandleGet(p unsafe.Pointer) *FileSystemHost {
defer hostGuard.Unlock()
if host, ok := hostTable[p]; ok {
return host
return nil
func copyCstatvfsFromFusestatfs(dst *C.fuse_statvfs_t, src *Statfs_t) {
func copyCstatFromFusestat(dst *C.fuse_stat_t, src *Stat_t) {
C.int64_t(src.Atim.Sec), C.int64_t(src.Atim.Nsec),
C.int64_t(src.Mtim.Sec), C.int64_t(src.Mtim.Nsec),
C.int64_t(src.Ctim.Sec), C.int64_t(src.Ctim.Nsec),
C.int64_t(src.Birthtim.Sec), C.int64_t(src.Birthtim.Nsec))
func copyFusetimespecFromCtimespec(dst *Timespec, src *C.fuse_timespec_t) {
dst.Sec = int64(src.tv_sec)
dst.Nsec = int64(src.tv_nsec)
func recoverAsErrno(errc0 *C.int) {
if r := recover(); nil != r {
switch e := r.(type) {
case Error:
*errc0 = C.int(e)
*errc0 = -C.int(EIO)
//export hostGetattr
func hostGetattr(path0 *C.char, stat0 *C.fuse_stat_t) (errc0 C.int) {
defer recoverAsErrno(&errc0)
fsop := hostHandleGet(C.fuse_get_context().private_data).fsop
path := C.GoString(path0)
stat := &Stat_t{}
errc := fsop.Getattr(path, stat, ^uint64(0))
copyCstatFromFusestat(stat0, stat)
return C.int(errc)
//export hostReadlink
func hostReadlink(path0 *C.char, buff0 *C.char, size0 C.size_t) (errc0 C.int) {
defer recoverAsErrno(&errc0)
fsop := hostHandleGet(C.fuse_get_context().private_data).fsop
path := C.GoString(path0)
errc, rslt := fsop.Readlink(path)
buff := (*[1 << 30]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(buff0))
copy(buff[:size0-1], rslt)
rlen := len(rslt)
if C.size_t(rlen) < size0 {
buff[rlen] = 0
return C.int(errc)
//export hostMknod
func hostMknod(path0 *C.char, mode0 C.fuse_mode_t, dev0 C.fuse_dev_t) (errc0 C.int) {
defer recoverAsErrno(&errc0)
fsop := hostHandleGet(C.fuse_get_context().private_data).fsop
path := C.GoString(path0)
errc := fsop.Mknod(path, uint32(mode0), uint64(dev0))
return C.int(errc)
//export hostMkdir
func hostMkdir(path0 *C.char, mode0 C.fuse_mode_t) (errc0 C.int) {
defer recoverAsErrno(&errc0)
fsop := hostHandleGet(C.fuse_get_context().private_data).fsop
path := C.GoString(path0)
errc := fsop.Mkdir(path, uint32(mode0))
return C.int(errc)
//export hostUnlink
func hostUnlink(path0 *C.char) (errc0 C.int) {
defer recoverAsErrno(&errc0)
fsop := hostHandleGet(C.fuse_get_context().private_data).fsop
path := C.GoString(path0)
errc := fsop.Unlink(path)
return C.int(errc)
//export hostRmdir
func hostRmdir(path0 *C.char) (errc0 C.int) {
defer recoverAsErrno(&errc0)
fsop := hostHandleGet(C.fuse_get_context().private_data).fsop
path := C.GoString(path0)
errc := fsop.Rmdir(path)
return C.int(errc)
//export hostSymlink
func hostSymlink(target0 *C.char, newpath0 *C.char) (errc0 C.int) {
defer recoverAsErrno(&errc0)
fsop := hostHandleGet(C.fuse_get_context().private_data).fsop
target, newpath := C.GoString(target0), C.GoString(newpath0)
errc := fsop.Symlink(target, newpath)
return C.int(errc)
//export hostRename
func hostRename(oldpath0 *C.char, newpath0 *C.char) (errc0 C.int) {
defer recoverAsErrno(&errc0)
fsop := hostHandleGet(C.fuse_get_context().private_data).fsop
oldpath, newpath := C.GoString(oldpath0), C.GoString(newpath0)
errc := fsop.Rename(oldpath, newpath)
return C.int(errc)
//export hostLink
func hostLink(oldpath0 *C.char, newpath0 *C.char) (errc0 C.int) {
defer recoverAsErrno(&errc0)
fsop := hostHandleGet(C.fuse_get_context().private_data).fsop
oldpath, newpath := C.GoString(oldpath0), C.GoString(newpath0)
errc := fsop.Link(oldpath, newpath)
return C.int(errc)
//export hostChmod
func hostChmod(path0 *C.char, mode0 C.fuse_mode_t) (errc0 C.int) {
defer recoverAsErrno(&errc0)
fsop := hostHandleGet(C.fuse_get_context().private_data).fsop
path := C.GoString(path0)
errc := fsop.Chmod(path, uint32(mode0))
return C.int(errc)
//export hostChown
func hostChown(path0 *C.char, uid0 C.fuse_uid_t, gid0 C.fuse_gid_t) (errc0 C.int) {
defer recoverAsErrno(&errc0)
fsop := hostHandleGet(C.fuse_get_context().private_data).fsop
path := C.GoString(path0)
errc := fsop.Chown(path, uint32(uid0), uint32(gid0))
return C.int(errc)
//export hostTruncate
func hostTruncate(path0 *C.char, size0 C.fuse_off_t) (errc0 C.int) {
defer recoverAsErrno(&errc0)
fsop := hostHandleGet(C.fuse_get_context().private_data).fsop
path := C.GoString(path0)
errc := fsop.Truncate(path, int64(size0), ^uint64(0))
return C.int(errc)
//export hostOpen
func hostOpen(path0 *C.char, fi0 *C.struct_fuse_file_info) (errc0 C.int) {
defer recoverAsErrno(&errc0)
fsop := hostHandleGet(C.fuse_get_context().private_data).fsop
path := C.GoString(path0)
errc, rslt := fsop.Open(path, int(fi0.flags))
fi0.fh = C.uint64_t(rslt)
return C.int(errc)
//export hostRead
func hostRead(path0 *C.char, buff0 *C.char, size0 C.size_t, ofst0 C.fuse_off_t,
fi0 *C.struct_fuse_file_info) (nbyt0 C.int) {
defer recoverAsErrno(&nbyt0)
fsop := hostHandleGet(C.fuse_get_context().private_data).fsop
path := C.GoString(path0)
buff := (*[1 << 30]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(buff0))
nbyt := fsop.Read(path, buff[:size0], int64(ofst0), uint64(fi0.fh))
return C.int(nbyt)
//export hostWrite
func hostWrite(path0 *C.char, buff0 *C.char, size0 C.size_t, ofst0 C.fuse_off_t,
fi0 *C.struct_fuse_file_info) (nbyt0 C.int) {
defer recoverAsErrno(&nbyt0)
fsop := hostHandleGet(C.fuse_get_context().private_data).fsop
path := C.GoString(path0)
buff := (*[1 << 30]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(buff0))
nbyt := fsop.Write(path, buff[:size0], int64(ofst0), uint64(fi0.fh))
return C.int(nbyt)
//export hostStatfs
func hostStatfs(path0 *C.char, stat0 *C.fuse_statvfs_t) (errc0 C.int) {
defer recoverAsErrno(&errc0)
fsop := hostHandleGet(C.fuse_get_context().private_data).fsop
path := C.GoString(path0)
stat := &Statfs_t{}
errc := fsop.Statfs(path, stat)
if -ENOSYS == errc {
stat = &Statfs_t{}
errc = 0
copyCstatvfsFromFusestatfs(stat0, stat)
return C.int(errc)
//export hostFlush
func hostFlush(path0 *C.char, fi0 *C.struct_fuse_file_info) (errc0 C.int) {
defer recoverAsErrno(&errc0)
fsop := hostHandleGet(C.fuse_get_context().private_data).fsop
path := C.GoString(path0)
errc := fsop.Flush(path, uint64(fi0.fh))
return C.int(errc)
//export hostRelease
func hostRelease(path0 *C.char, fi0 *C.struct_fuse_file_info) (errc0 C.int) {
defer recoverAsErrno(&errc0)
fsop := hostHandleGet(C.fuse_get_context().private_data).fsop
path := C.GoString(path0)
errc := fsop.Release(path, uint64(fi0.fh))
return C.int(errc)
//export hostFsync
func hostFsync(path0 *C.char, datasync C.int, fi0 *C.struct_fuse_file_info) (errc0 C.int) {
defer recoverAsErrno(&errc0)
fsop := hostHandleGet(C.fuse_get_context().private_data).fsop
path := C.GoString(path0)
errc := fsop.Fsync(path, 0 != datasync, uint64(fi0.fh))
if -ENOSYS == errc {
errc = 0
return C.int(errc)
//export hostSetxattr
func hostSetxattr(path0 *C.char, name0 *C.char, buff0 *C.char, size0 C.size_t,
flags C.int) (errc0 C.int) {
defer recoverAsErrno(&errc0)
fsop := hostHandleGet(C.fuse_get_context().private_data).fsop
path := C.GoString(path0)
name := C.GoString(name0)
buff := (*[1 << 30]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(buff0))
errc := fsop.Setxattr(path, name, buff[:size0], int(flags))
return C.int(errc)
//export hostGetxattr
func hostGetxattr(path0 *C.char, name0 *C.char, buff0 *C.char, size0 C.size_t) (nbyt0 C.int) {
defer recoverAsErrno(&nbyt0)
fsop := hostHandleGet(C.fuse_get_context().private_data).fsop
path := C.GoString(path0)
name := C.GoString(name0)
errc, rslt := fsop.Getxattr(path, name)
if 0 != errc {
return C.int(errc)
if 0 != size0 {
if len(rslt) > int(size0) {
return -C.int(ERANGE)
buff := (*[1 << 30]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(buff0))
copy(buff[:size0], rslt)
return C.int(len(rslt))
//export hostListxattr
func hostListxattr(path0 *C.char, buff0 *C.char, size0 C.size_t) (nbyt0 C.int) {
defer recoverAsErrno(&nbyt0)
fsop := hostHandleGet(C.fuse_get_context().private_data).fsop
path := C.GoString(path0)
buff := (*[1 << 30]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(buff0))
size := int(size0)
nbyt := 0
fill := func(name1 string) bool {
nlen := len(name1)
if 0 != size {
if nbyt+nlen+1 > size {
return false
copy(buff[nbyt:nbyt+nlen], name1)
buff[nbyt+nlen] = 0
nbyt += nlen + 1
return true
errc := fsop.Listxattr(path, fill)
if 0 != errc {
return C.int(errc)
return C.int(nbyt)
//export hostRemovexattr
func hostRemovexattr(path0 *C.char, name0 *C.char) (errc0 C.int) {
defer recoverAsErrno(&errc0)
fsop := hostHandleGet(C.fuse_get_context().private_data).fsop
path := C.GoString(path0)
name := C.GoString(name0)
errc := fsop.Removexattr(path, name)
return C.int(errc)
//export hostOpendir
func hostOpendir(path0 *C.char, fi0 *C.struct_fuse_file_info) (errc0 C.int) {
defer recoverAsErrno(&errc0)
fsop := hostHandleGet(C.fuse_get_context().private_data).fsop
path := C.GoString(path0)
errc, rslt := fsop.Opendir(path)
if -ENOSYS == errc {
errc = 0
fi0.fh = C.uint64_t(rslt)
return C.int(errc)
//export hostReaddir
func hostReaddir(path0 *C.char, buff0 unsafe.Pointer, fill0 C.fuse_fill_dir_t, ofst0 C.fuse_off_t,
fi0 *C.struct_fuse_file_info) (errc0 C.int) {
defer recoverAsErrno(&errc0)
fsop := hostHandleGet(C.fuse_get_context().private_data).fsop
path := C.GoString(path0)
fill := func(name1 string, stat1 *Stat_t, off1 int64) bool {
name := C.CString(name1)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(name))
if nil == stat1 {
return 0 == C.hostFilldir(fill0, buff0, name, nil, C.fuse_off_t(off1))
} else {
stat := C.fuse_stat_t{}
copyCstatFromFusestat(&stat, stat1)
return 0 == C.hostFilldir(fill0, buff0, name, &stat, C.fuse_off_t(off1))
errc := fsop.Readdir(path, fill, int64(ofst0), uint64(fi0.fh))
return C.int(errc)
//export hostReleasedir
func hostReleasedir(path0 *C.char, fi0 *C.struct_fuse_file_info) (errc0 C.int) {
defer recoverAsErrno(&errc0)
fsop := hostHandleGet(C.fuse_get_context().private_data).fsop
path := C.GoString(path0)
errc := fsop.Releasedir(path, uint64(fi0.fh))
return C.int(errc)
//export hostFsyncdir
func hostFsyncdir(path0 *C.char, datasync C.int, fi0 *C.struct_fuse_file_info) (errc0 C.int) {
defer recoverAsErrno(&errc0)
fsop := hostHandleGet(C.fuse_get_context().private_data).fsop
path := C.GoString(path0)
errc := fsop.Fsyncdir(path, 0 != datasync, uint64(fi0.fh))
if -ENOSYS == errc {
errc = 0
return C.int(errc)
//export hostInit
func hostInit(conn0 *C.struct_fuse_conn_info) (user_data unsafe.Pointer) {
defer recover()
fctx := C.fuse_get_context()
user_data = fctx.private_data
host := hostHandleGet(user_data)
host.fuse = fctx.fuse
if nil != host.sigc {
signal.Notify(host.sigc, syscall.SIGHUP, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)
//export hostDestroy
func hostDestroy(user_data unsafe.Pointer) {
defer recover()
host := hostHandleGet(user_data)
if nil != host.sigc {
host.fuse = nil
//export hostAccess
func hostAccess(path0 *C.char, mask0 C.int) (errc0 C.int) {
defer recoverAsErrno(&errc0)
fsop := hostHandleGet(C.fuse_get_context().private_data).fsop
path := C.GoString(path0)
errc := fsop.Access(path, uint32(mask0))
return C.int(errc)
//export hostCreate
func hostCreate(path0 *C.char, mode0 C.fuse_mode_t, fi0 *C.struct_fuse_file_info) (errc0 C.int) {
defer recoverAsErrno(&errc0)
fsop := hostHandleGet(C.fuse_get_context().private_data).fsop
path := C.GoString(path0)
errc, rslt := fsop.Create(path, int(fi0.flags), uint32(mode0))
if -ENOSYS == errc {
errc = fsop.Mknod(path, S_IFREG|uint32(mode0), 0)
if 0 == errc {
errc, rslt = fsop.Open(path, int(fi0.flags))
fi0.fh = C.uint64_t(rslt)
return C.int(errc)
//export hostFtruncate
func hostFtruncate(path0 *C.char, size0 C.fuse_off_t, fi0 *C.struct_fuse_file_info) (errc0 C.int) {
defer recoverAsErrno(&errc0)
fsop := hostHandleGet(C.fuse_get_context().private_data).fsop
path := C.GoString(path0)
errc := fsop.Truncate(path, int64(size0), uint64(fi0.fh))
return C.int(errc)
//export hostFgetattr
func hostFgetattr(path0 *C.char, stat0 *C.fuse_stat_t,
fi0 *C.struct_fuse_file_info) (errc0 C.int) {
defer recoverAsErrno(&errc0)
fsop := hostHandleGet(C.fuse_get_context().private_data).fsop
path := C.GoString(path0)
stat := &Stat_t{}
errc := fsop.Getattr(path, stat, uint64(fi0.fh))
copyCstatFromFusestat(stat0, stat)
return C.int(errc)
//export hostUtimens
func hostUtimens(path0 *C.char, tmsp0 *C.fuse_timespec_t) (errc0 C.int) {
defer recoverAsErrno(&errc0)
fsop := hostHandleGet(C.fuse_get_context().private_data).fsop
path := C.GoString(path0)
if nil == tmsp0 {
errc := fsop.Utimens(path, nil)
return C.int(errc)
} else {
tmsp := [2]Timespec{}
tmsa := (*[2]C.fuse_timespec_t)(unsafe.Pointer(tmsp0))
copyFusetimespecFromCtimespec(&tmsp[0], &tmsa[0])
copyFusetimespecFromCtimespec(&tmsp[1], &tmsa[1])
errc := fsop.Utimens(path, tmsp[:])
return C.int(errc)
// NewFileSystemHost creates a file system host.
func NewFileSystemHost(fsop FileSystemInterface) *FileSystemHost {
host := &FileSystemHost{}
host.fsop = fsop
return host
// SetCapCaseInsensitive informs the host that the hosted file system is case insensitive
// [OSX and Windows only].
func (host *FileSystemHost) SetCapCaseInsensitive(value bool) {
host.capCaseInsensitive = value
// SetCapReaddirPlus informs the host that the hosted file system has the readdir-plus
// capability [Windows only]. A file system that has the readdir-plus capability can send
// full stat information during Readdir, thus avoiding extraneous Getattr calls.
func (host *FileSystemHost) SetCapReaddirPlus(value bool) {
host.capReaddirPlus = value
// Mount mounts a file system on the given mountpoint with the mount options in opts.
// Many of the mount options in opts are specific to the underlying FUSE implementation.
// Some of the common options include:
// -h --help print help
// -V --version print FUSE version
// -d -o debug enable FUSE debug output
// -s disable multi-threaded operation
// Please refer to the individual FUSE implementation documentation for additional options.
// It is allowed for the mountpoint to be the empty string ("") in which case opts is assumed
// to contain the mountpoint. It is also allowed for opts to be nil, although in this case the
// mountpoint must be non-empty.
// The file system is considered mounted only after its Init() method has been called
// and before its Destroy() method has been called.
func (host *FileSystemHost) Mount(mountpoint string, opts []string) bool {
if 0 == C.hostInitializeFuse() {
panic("cgofuse: cannot find winfsp")
* Command line handling
* We must prepare a command line to send to FUSE. This command line will look like this:
* execname [mountpoint] "-f" [opts...] NULL
* We add the "-f" option because Go cannot handle daemonization (at least on OSX).
exec := "<UNKNOWN>"
if 0 < len(os.Args) {
exec = os.Args[0]
argc := len(opts) + 2
if "" != mountpoint {
argv := make([]*C.char, argc+1)
argv[0] = C.CString(exec)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(argv[0]))
opti := 1
if "" != mountpoint {
argv[1] = C.CString(mountpoint)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(argv[1]))
argv[opti] = C.CString("-f")
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(argv[opti]))
for i := 0; len(opts) > i; i++ {
argv[i+opti] = C.CString(opts[i])
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(argv[i+opti]))
* Mountpoint extraction
* We need to determine the mountpoint that FUSE is going (to try) to use, so that we
* can unmount later.
host.mntp = C.hostMountpoint(C.int(argc), &argv[0])
defer func() {
host.mntp = nil
* Handle zombie mounts
* FUSE on UNIX does not automatically unmount the file system, leaving behind "zombie"
* mounts. So set things up to always unmount the file system (unless forcibly terminated).
* This has the added benefit that the file system Destroy() always gets called.
* On Windows (WinFsp) this is handled by the FUSE layer and we do not have to do anything.
if "windows" != runtime.GOOS {
done := make(chan bool)
defer func() {
host.sigc = make(chan os.Signal, 1)
defer close(host.sigc)
go func() {
_, ok := <-host.sigc
if ok {
* Tell FUSE to do its job!
hndl := hostHandleNew(host)
defer hostHandleDel(hndl)
return 0 != C.hostMount(C.int(argc), &argv[0], hndl)
// Unmount unmounts a mounted file system.
// Unmount may be called at any time after the Init() method has been called
// and before the Destroy() method has been called.
func (host *FileSystemHost) Unmount() bool {
if nil == host.fuse {
return false
return 0 != C.hostUnmount(host.fuse, host.mntp)
// Getcontext gets information related to a file system operation.
func Getcontext() (uid uint32, gid uint32, pid int) {
uid = uint32(C.fuse_get_context().uid)
gid = uint32(C.fuse_get_context().gid)
pid = int(C.fuse_get_context().pid)