
327 lines
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package pacer
import (
type (
// MinSleep configures the minimum sleep time of a Calculator
MinSleep time.Duration
// MaxSleep configures the maximum sleep time of a Calculator
MaxSleep time.Duration
// DecayConstant configures the decay constant time of a Calculator
DecayConstant uint
// AttackConstant configures the attack constant of a Calculator
AttackConstant uint
// Burst configures the number of API calls to allow without sleeping
Burst int
// Default is a truncated exponential attack and decay.
// On retries the sleep time is doubled, on non errors then sleeptime decays
// according to the decay constant as set with SetDecayConstant.
// The sleep never goes below that set with SetMinSleep or above that set
// with SetMaxSleep.
type Default struct {
minSleep time.Duration // minimum sleep time
maxSleep time.Duration // maximum sleep time
decayConstant uint // decay constant
attackConstant uint // attack constant
// DefaultOption is the interface implemented by all options for the Default Calculator
type DefaultOption interface {
// NewDefault creates a Calculator used by Pacer as the default.
func NewDefault(opts ...DefaultOption) *Default {
c := &Default{
minSleep: 10 * time.Millisecond,
maxSleep: 2 * time.Second,
decayConstant: 2,
attackConstant: 1,
return c
// Update applies the Calculator options.
func (c *Default) Update(opts ...DefaultOption) {
for _, opt := range opts {
// ApplyDefault updates the value on the Calculator
func (o MinSleep) ApplyDefault(c *Default) {
c.minSleep = time.Duration(o)
// ApplyDefault updates the value on the Calculator
func (o MaxSleep) ApplyDefault(c *Default) {
c.maxSleep = time.Duration(o)
// ApplyDefault updates the value on the Calculator
func (o DecayConstant) ApplyDefault(c *Default) {
c.decayConstant = uint(o)
// ApplyDefault updates the value on the Calculator
func (o AttackConstant) ApplyDefault(c *Default) {
c.attackConstant = uint(o)
// Calculate takes the current Pacer state and return the wait time until the next try.
func (c *Default) Calculate(state State) time.Duration {
if t, ok := IsRetryAfter(state.LastError); ok {
if t < c.minSleep {
return c.minSleep
return t
if state.ConsecutiveRetries > 0 {
sleepTime := c.maxSleep
if c.attackConstant != 0 {
sleepTime = (state.SleepTime << c.attackConstant) / ((1 << c.attackConstant) - 1)
if sleepTime > c.maxSleep {
sleepTime = c.maxSleep
return sleepTime
sleepTime := (state.SleepTime<<c.decayConstant - state.SleepTime) >> c.decayConstant
if sleepTime < c.minSleep {
sleepTime = c.minSleep
return sleepTime
// AmazonCloudDrive is a specialized pacer for Amazon Drive
// It implements a truncated exponential backoff strategy with randomization.
// Normally operations are paced at the interval set with SetMinSleep. On errors
// the sleep timer is set to 0..2**retries seconds.
// See https://developer.amazon.com/public/apis/experience/cloud-drive/content/restful-api-best-practices
type AmazonCloudDrive struct {
minSleep time.Duration // minimum sleep time
// AmazonCloudDriveOption is the interface implemented by all options for the AmazonCloudDrive Calculator
type AmazonCloudDriveOption interface {
// NewAmazonCloudDrive returns a new AmazonCloudDrive Calculator with default values
func NewAmazonCloudDrive(opts ...AmazonCloudDriveOption) *AmazonCloudDrive {
c := &AmazonCloudDrive{
minSleep: 10 * time.Millisecond,
return c
// Update applies the Calculator options.
func (c *AmazonCloudDrive) Update(opts ...AmazonCloudDriveOption) {
for _, opt := range opts {
// ApplyAmazonCloudDrive updates the value on the Calculator
func (o MinSleep) ApplyAmazonCloudDrive(c *AmazonCloudDrive) {
c.minSleep = time.Duration(o)
// Calculate takes the current Pacer state and return the wait time until the next try.
func (c *AmazonCloudDrive) Calculate(state State) time.Duration {
if t, ok := IsRetryAfter(state.LastError); ok {
if t < c.minSleep {
return c.minSleep
return t
consecutiveRetries := state.ConsecutiveRetries
if consecutiveRetries == 0 {
return c.minSleep
if consecutiveRetries > 9 {
consecutiveRetries = 9
// consecutiveRetries starts at 1 so
// maxSleep is 2**(consecutiveRetries-1) seconds
maxSleep := time.Second << uint(consecutiveRetries-1)
// actual sleep is random from 0..maxSleep
sleepTime := time.Duration(rand.Int63n(int64(maxSleep)))
if sleepTime < c.minSleep {
sleepTime = c.minSleep
return sleepTime
// GoogleDrive is a specialized pacer for Google Drive
// It implements a truncated exponential backoff strategy with randomization.
// Normally operations are paced at the interval set with SetMinSleep. On errors
// the sleep timer is set to (2 ^ n) + random_number_milliseconds seconds.
// See https://developers.google.com/drive/v2/web/handle-errors#exponential-backoff
type GoogleDrive struct {
minSleep time.Duration // minimum sleep time
burst int // number of requests without sleeping
limiter *rate.Limiter // rate limiter for the minSleep
// GoogleDriveOption is the interface implemented by all options for the GoogleDrive Calculator
type GoogleDriveOption interface {
// NewGoogleDrive returns a new GoogleDrive Calculator with default values
func NewGoogleDrive(opts ...GoogleDriveOption) *GoogleDrive {
c := &GoogleDrive{
minSleep: 10 * time.Millisecond,
burst: 1,
return c
// Update applies the Calculator options.
func (c *GoogleDrive) Update(opts ...GoogleDriveOption) {
for _, opt := range opts {
if c.burst <= 0 {
c.burst = 1
c.limiter = rate.NewLimiter(rate.Every(c.minSleep), c.burst)
// ApplyGoogleDrive updates the value on the Calculator
func (o MinSleep) ApplyGoogleDrive(c *GoogleDrive) {
c.minSleep = time.Duration(o)
// ApplyGoogleDrive updates the value on the Calculator
func (o Burst) ApplyGoogleDrive(c *GoogleDrive) {
c.burst = int(o)
// Calculate takes the current Pacer state and return the wait time until the next try.
func (c *GoogleDrive) Calculate(state State) time.Duration {
if t, ok := IsRetryAfter(state.LastError); ok {
if t < c.minSleep {
return c.minSleep
return t
consecutiveRetries := state.ConsecutiveRetries
if consecutiveRetries == 0 {
return c.limiter.Reserve().Delay()
if consecutiveRetries > 5 {
consecutiveRetries = 5
// consecutiveRetries starts at 1 so go from 1,2,3,4,5,5 => 1,2,4,8,16,16
// maxSleep is 2**(consecutiveRetries-1) seconds + random milliseconds
return time.Second<<uint(consecutiveRetries-1) + time.Duration(rand.Int63n(int64(time.Second)))
// S3 implements a pacer compatible with our expectations of S3, where it tries to not
// delay at all between successful calls, but backs off in the default fashion in response
// to any errors.
// The assumption is that errors should be exceedingly rare (S3 seems to have largely solved
// the sort of stability questions rclone is likely to run into), and in the happy case
// it can handle calls with no delays between them.
// Basically defaultPacer, but with some handling of sleepTime going to/from 0ms
type S3 struct {
minSleep time.Duration // minimum sleep time
maxSleep time.Duration // maximum sleep time
decayConstant uint // decay constant
attackConstant uint // attack constant
// S3Option is the interface implemented by all options for the S3 Calculator
type S3Option interface {
// NewS3 returns a new S3 Calculator with default values
func NewS3(opts ...S3Option) *S3 {
c := &S3{
maxSleep: 2 * time.Second,
decayConstant: 2,
attackConstant: 1,
return c
// Update applies the Calculator options.
func (c *S3) Update(opts ...S3Option) {
for _, opt := range opts {
// ApplyS3 updates the value on the Calculator
func (o MaxSleep) ApplyS3(c *S3) {
c.maxSleep = time.Duration(o)
// ApplyS3 updates the value on the Calculator
func (o MinSleep) ApplyS3(c *S3) {
c.minSleep = time.Duration(o)
// ApplyS3 updates the value on the Calculator
func (o DecayConstant) ApplyS3(c *S3) {
c.decayConstant = uint(o)
// ApplyS3 updates the value on the Calculator
func (o AttackConstant) ApplyS3(c *S3) {
c.attackConstant = uint(o)
// Calculate takes the current Pacer state and return the wait time until the next try.
func (c *S3) Calculate(state State) time.Duration {
if t, ok := IsRetryAfter(state.LastError); ok {
if t < c.minSleep {
return c.minSleep
return t
if state.ConsecutiveRetries > 0 {
if c.attackConstant == 0 {
return c.maxSleep
if state.SleepTime == 0 {
return c.minSleep
sleepTime := (state.SleepTime << c.attackConstant) / ((1 << c.attackConstant) - 1)
if sleepTime > c.maxSleep {
sleepTime = c.maxSleep
return sleepTime
sleepTime := (state.SleepTime<<c.decayConstant - state.SleepTime) >> c.decayConstant
if sleepTime < c.minSleep {
sleepTime = 0
return sleepTime