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// Copyright (C) 2016 Space Monkey, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package monkit
import (
// Span represents a 'span' of execution. A span is analogous to a stack frame.
// Spans are constructed as a side-effect of Tasks.
type Span struct {
// sync/atomic things
mtx spinLock
// immutable things from construction
id int64
start time.Time
f *Func
trace *Trace
parent *Span
args []interface{}
// protected by mtx
done bool
orphaned bool
children spanBag
annotations []Annotation
// SpanFromCtx loads the current Span from the given context. This assumes
// the context already had a Span created through a Task.
func SpanFromCtx(ctx context.Context) *Span {
if s, ok := ctx.(*Span); ok && s != nil {
return s
} else if s, ok := ctx.Value(spanKey).(*Span); ok && s != nil {
return s
return nil
func newSpan(ctx context.Context, f *Func, args []interface{},
id int64, trace *Trace) (sctx context.Context, exit func(*error)) {
var s, parent *Span
if s, ok := ctx.(*Span); ok && s != nil {
ctx = s.Context
if trace == nil {
parent = s
trace = parent.trace
} else if s, ok := ctx.Value(spanKey).(*Span); ok && s != nil {
if trace == nil {
parent = s
trace = parent.trace
} else if trace == nil {
trace = NewTrace(id)
observer := trace.getObserver()
s = &Span{
id: id,
start: monotime.Now(),
f: f,
trace: trace,
parent: parent,
args: args,
Context: ctx,
if parent != nil {
} else {
sctx = s
if observer != nil {
sctx = observer.Start(sctx, s)
return sctx, func(errptr *error) {
rec := recover()
panicked := rec != nil
finish := monotime.Now()
var err error
if errptr != nil {
err = *errptr
s.f.end(err, panicked, finish.Sub(s.start))
var children []*Span
s.done = true
orphaned := s.orphaned
s.children.Iterate(func(child *Span) {
children = append(children, child)
for _, child := range children {
if s.parent != nil {
if orphaned {
} else {
// Re-fetch the observer, in case the value has changed since newSpan
// was called
if observer := trace.getObserver(); observer != nil {
observer.Finish(sctx, s, err, panicked, finish)
if panicked {
var taskSecret context.Context = &taskSecretT{}
// Tasks are created (sometimes implicitly) from Funcs. A Task should be called
// at the start of a monitored task, and its return value should be called
// at the stop of said task.
type Task func(ctx *context.Context, args ...interface{}) func(*error)
// Task returns a new Task for use, creating an associated Func if necessary.
// It also adds a new Span to the given ctx during execution. Expected usage
// like:
// var mon = monkit.Package()
// func MyFunc(ctx context.Context, arg1, arg2 string) (err error) {
// defer mon.Task()(&ctx, arg1, arg2)(&err)
// ...
// }
// or
// var (
// mon = monkit.Package()
// funcTask = mon.Task()
// )
// func MyFunc(ctx context.Context, arg1, arg2 string) (err error) {
// defer funcTask(&ctx, arg1, arg2)(&err)
// ...
// }
// Task allows you to include SeriesTags. WARNING: Each unique tag key/value
// combination creates a unique Func and a unique series. SeriesTags should
// only be used for low-cardinality values that you intentionally wish to
// result in a unique series. Example:
// func MyFunc(ctx context.Context, arg1, arg2 string) (err error) {
// defer mon.Task(monkit.NewSeriesTag("key1", "val1"))(&ctx)(&err)
// ...
// }
// Task uses runtime.Caller to determine the associated Func name. See
// TaskNamed if you want to supply your own name. See Func.Task if you already
// have a Func.
// If you want to control Trace creation, see Func.ResetTrace and
// Func.RemoteTrace
func (s *Scope) Task(tags ...SeriesTag) Task {
var initOnce sync.Once
var f *Func
init := func() {
f = s.FuncNamed(callerFunc(3), tags...)
return Task(func(ctx *context.Context,
args ...interface{}) func(*error) {
ctx = cleanCtx(ctx)
if ctx == &taskSecret && taskArgs(f, args) {
return nil
s, exit := newSpan(*ctx, f, args, NewId(), nil)
if ctx != &unparented {
*ctx = s
return exit
// Task returns a new Task for use on this Func. It also adds a new Span to
// the given ctx during execution.
// var mon = monkit.Package()
// func MyFunc(ctx context.Context, arg1, arg2 string) (err error) {
// f := mon.Func()
// defer f.Task(&ctx, arg1, arg2)(&err)
// ...
// }
// It's more expected for you to use mon.Task directly. See RemoteTrace or
// ResetTrace if you want greater control over creating new traces.
func (f *Func) Task(ctx *context.Context, args ...interface{}) func(*error) {
ctx = cleanCtx(ctx)
if ctx == &taskSecret && taskArgs(f, args) {
return nil
s, exit := newSpan(*ctx, f, args, NewId(), nil)
if ctx != &unparented {
*ctx = s
return exit
// RemoteTrace is like Func.Task, except you can specify the trace and span id.
// Needed for things like the Zipkin plugin.
func (f *Func) RemoteTrace(ctx *context.Context, spanId int64, trace *Trace,
args ...interface{}) func(*error) {
ctx = cleanCtx(ctx)
if trace != nil {
s, exit := newSpan(*ctx, f, args, spanId, trace)
if ctx != &unparented {
*ctx = s
return exit
// ResetTrace is like Func.Task, except it always creates a new Trace.
func (f *Func) ResetTrace(ctx *context.Context,
args ...interface{}) func(*error) {
ctx = cleanCtx(ctx)
if ctx == &taskSecret && taskArgs(f, args) {
return nil
trace := NewTrace(NewId())
s, exit := newSpan(*ctx, f, args, trace.Id(), trace)
if ctx != &unparented {
*ctx = s
return exit
// RestartTrace is like Func.Task, except it always creates a new Trace and inherient
// all tags from the existing trace.
func (f *Func) RestartTrace(ctx *context.Context, args ...interface{}) func(*error) {
existingSpan := SpanFromCtx(*ctx)
if existingSpan == nil {
return f.ResetTrace(ctx, args)
existingTrace := existingSpan.Trace()
if existingTrace == nil {
return f.ResetTrace(ctx, args)
ctx = cleanCtx(ctx)
if ctx == &taskSecret && taskArgs(f, args) {
return nil
trace := NewTrace(NewId())
s, exit := newSpan(*ctx, f, args, trace.Id(), trace)
if ctx != &unparented {
*ctx = s
return exit
var unparented = context.Background()
func cleanCtx(ctx *context.Context) *context.Context {
if ctx == nil {
return &unparented
if *ctx == nil {
*ctx = context.Background()
// possible upshot of what we just did:
// func MyFunc(ctx context.Context) {
// // ctx == nil here
// defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(nil)
// // ctx != nil here
// }
// func main() { MyFunc(nil) }
return ctx
// SpanCtxObserver is the interface plugins must implement if they want to observe
// all spans on a given trace as they happen, or add to contexts as they
// pass through mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) calls.
type SpanCtxObserver interface {
// Start is called when a Span starts. Start should return the context
// this span should use going forward. ctx is the context it is currently
// using.
Start(ctx context.Context, s *Span) context.Context
// Finish is called when a Span finishes, along with an error if any, whether
// or not it panicked, and what time it finished.
Finish(ctx context.Context, s *Span, err error, panicked bool, finish time.Time)
type spanObserverToSpanCtxObserver struct {
observer SpanObserver
func (so spanObserverToSpanCtxObserver) Start(ctx context.Context, s *Span) context.Context {
return ctx
func (so spanObserverToSpanCtxObserver) Finish(ctx context.Context, s *Span, err error, panicked bool, finish time.Time) {
so.observer.Finish(s, err, panicked, finish)
type spanObserverTuple struct {
// cdr is atomic
cdr *spanObserverTuple
// car never changes
car SpanCtxObserver
func (l *spanObserverTuple) Start(ctx context.Context, s *Span) context.Context {
ctx = l.car.Start(ctx, s)
cdr := loadSpanObserverTuple(&l.cdr)
if cdr != nil {
ctx = cdr.Start(ctx, s)
return ctx
func (l *spanObserverTuple) Finish(ctx context.Context, s *Span, err error, panicked bool,
finish time.Time) {
l.car.Finish(ctx, s, err, panicked, finish)
cdr := loadSpanObserverTuple(&l.cdr)
if cdr != nil {
cdr.Finish(ctx, s, err, panicked, finish)
type resetContext struct {
func (r resetContext) Value(key interface{}) interface{} {
if key == spanKey {
return nil
return r.Context.Value(key)
// ResetContextSpan returns a new context with Span information removed.
func ResetContextSpan(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
return resetContext{Context: ctx}