Fill out this checklist by replacing [ ] with [x].
You do not need to check all the boxes below all at once. Feel free to take
your time and add more commits. If you're done and ready for review, please
check the last box.
- [ ] I have read the [contribution guidelines](
- [ ] I have [enabled maintainer edits]( for this PR.
- [ ] I have added tests for all changes in this PR.
- [ ] I have added documentation for the changes (in the manual).
- [ ] There's a new file in `changelog/unreleased/` that describes the changes for our users (see [template](
- [ ] I have run `gofmt` on the code in all commits.
- [ ] All commit messages are formatted in the same style as [the other commits in the repo](
- [ ] I'm done! This pull request is ready for review.