
312 lines
9.1 KiB

package main
import (
restoreui ""
var cmdRestore = &cobra.Command{
Use: "restore [flags] snapshotID",
Short: "Extract the data from a snapshot",
Long: `
The "restore" command extracts the data from a snapshot from the repository to
a directory.
The special snapshotID "latest" can be used to restore the latest snapshot in the
To only restore a specific subfolder, you can use the "snapshotID:subfolder"
syntax, where "subfolder" is a path within the snapshot.
Exit status is 0 if the command was successful.
Exit status is 1 if there was any error.
Exit status is 10 if the repository does not exist.
Exit status is 11 if the repository is already locked.
Exit status is 12 if the password is incorrect.
GroupID: cmdGroupDefault,
DisableAutoGenTag: true,
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
term, cancel := setupTermstatus()
defer cancel()
return runRestore(cmd.Context(), restoreOptions, globalOptions, term, args)
// RestoreOptions collects all options for the restore command.
type RestoreOptions struct {
Target string
DryRun bool
Sparse bool
Verify bool
Overwrite restorer.OverwriteBehavior
Delete bool
ExcludeXattrPattern []string
IncludeXattrPattern []string
var restoreOptions RestoreOptions
func init() {
flags := cmdRestore.Flags()
flags.StringVarP(&restoreOptions.Target, "target", "t", "", "directory to extract data to")
flags.StringArrayVar(&restoreOptions.ExcludeXattrPattern, "exclude-xattr", nil, "exclude xattr by `pattern` (can be specified multiple times)")
flags.StringArrayVar(&restoreOptions.IncludeXattrPattern, "include-xattr", nil, "include xattr by `pattern` (can be specified multiple times)")
initSingleSnapshotFilter(flags, &restoreOptions.SnapshotFilter)
flags.BoolVar(&restoreOptions.DryRun, "dry-run", false, "do not write any data, just show what would be done")
flags.BoolVar(&restoreOptions.Sparse, "sparse", false, "restore files as sparse")
flags.BoolVar(&restoreOptions.Verify, "verify", false, "verify restored files content")
flags.Var(&restoreOptions.Overwrite, "overwrite", "overwrite behavior, one of (always|if-changed|if-newer|never) (default: always)")
flags.BoolVar(&restoreOptions.Delete, "delete", false, "delete files from target directory if they do not exist in snapshot. Use '--dry-run -vv' to check what would be deleted")
func runRestore(ctx context.Context, opts RestoreOptions, gopts GlobalOptions,
term *termstatus.Terminal, args []string) error {
excludePatternFns, err := opts.ExcludePatternOptions.CollectPatterns(Warnf)
if err != nil {
return err
includePatternFns, err := opts.IncludePatternOptions.CollectPatterns(Warnf)
if err != nil {
return err
hasExcludes := len(excludePatternFns) > 0
hasIncludes := len(includePatternFns) > 0
switch {
case len(args) == 0:
return errors.Fatal("no snapshot ID specified")
case len(args) > 1:
return errors.Fatalf("more than one snapshot ID specified: %v", args)
if opts.Target == "" {
return errors.Fatal("please specify a directory to restore to (--target)")
if hasExcludes && hasIncludes {
return errors.Fatal("exclude and include patterns are mutually exclusive")
if opts.DryRun && opts.Verify {
return errors.Fatal("--dry-run and --verify are mutually exclusive")
if opts.Delete && filepath.Clean(opts.Target) == "/" && !hasExcludes && !hasIncludes {
return errors.Fatal("'--target / --delete' must be combined with an include or exclude filter")
snapshotIDString := args[0]
debug.Log("restore %v to %v", snapshotIDString, opts.Target)
ctx, repo, unlock, err := openWithReadLock(ctx, gopts, gopts.NoLock)
if err != nil {
return err
defer unlock()
sn, subfolder, err := (&restic.SnapshotFilter{
Hosts: opts.Hosts,
Paths: opts.Paths,
Tags: opts.Tags,
}).FindLatest(ctx, repo, repo, snapshotIDString)
if err != nil {
return errors.Fatalf("failed to find snapshot: %v", err)
bar := newIndexTerminalProgress(gopts.Quiet, gopts.JSON, term)
err = repo.LoadIndex(ctx, bar)
if err != nil {
return err
sn.Tree, err = restic.FindTreeDirectory(ctx, repo, sn.Tree, subfolder)
if err != nil {
return err
msg := ui.NewMessage(term, gopts.verbosity)
var printer restoreui.ProgressPrinter
if gopts.JSON {
printer = restoreui.NewJSONProgress(term, gopts.verbosity)
} else {
printer = restoreui.NewTextProgress(term, gopts.verbosity)
progress := restoreui.NewProgress(printer, calculateProgressInterval(!gopts.Quiet, gopts.JSON))
res := restorer.NewRestorer(repo, sn, restorer.Options{
DryRun: opts.DryRun,
Sparse: opts.Sparse,
Progress: progress,
Overwrite: opts.Overwrite,
Delete: opts.Delete,
totalErrors := 0
res.Error = func(location string, err error) error {
return progress.Error(location, err)
res.Warn = func(message string) {
msg.E("Warning: %s\n", message)
res.Info = func(message string) {
if gopts.JSON {
msg.P("Info: %s\n", message)
selectExcludeFilter := func(item string, isDir bool) (selectedForRestore bool, childMayBeSelected bool) {
matched := false
for _, rejectFn := range excludePatternFns {
matched = matched || rejectFn(item)
// implementing a short-circuit here to improve the performance
// to prevent additional pattern matching once the first pattern
// matches.
if matched {
// An exclude filter is basically a 'wildcard but foo',
// so even if a childMayMatch, other children of a dir may not,
// therefore childMayMatch does not matter, but we should not go down
// unless the dir is selected for restore
selectedForRestore = !matched
childMayBeSelected = selectedForRestore && isDir
return selectedForRestore, childMayBeSelected
selectIncludeFilter := func(item string, isDir bool) (selectedForRestore bool, childMayBeSelected bool) {
selectedForRestore = false
childMayBeSelected = false
for _, includeFn := range includePatternFns {
matched, childMayMatch := includeFn(item)
selectedForRestore = selectedForRestore || matched
childMayBeSelected = childMayBeSelected || childMayMatch
if selectedForRestore && childMayBeSelected {
childMayBeSelected = childMayBeSelected && isDir
return selectedForRestore, childMayBeSelected
if hasExcludes {
res.SelectFilter = selectExcludeFilter
} else if hasIncludes {
res.SelectFilter = selectIncludeFilter
res.XattrSelectFilter, err = getXattrSelectFilter(opts)
if err != nil {
return err
if !gopts.JSON {
msg.P("restoring %s to %s\n", res.Snapshot(), opts.Target)
countRestoredFiles, err := res.RestoreTo(ctx, opts.Target)
if err != nil {
return err
if totalErrors > 0 {
return errors.Fatalf("There were %d errors\n", totalErrors)
if opts.Verify {
if !gopts.JSON {
msg.P("verifying files in %s\n", opts.Target)
var count int
t0 := time.Now()
bar := newTerminalProgressMax(!gopts.Quiet && !gopts.JSON && stdoutIsTerminal(), 0, "files verified", term)
count, err = res.VerifyFiles(ctx, opts.Target, countRestoredFiles, bar)
if err != nil {
return err
if totalErrors > 0 {
return errors.Fatalf("There were %d errors\n", totalErrors)
if !gopts.JSON {
msg.P("finished verifying %d files in %s (took %s)\n", count, opts.Target,
return nil
func getXattrSelectFilter(opts RestoreOptions) (func(xattrName string) bool, error) {
hasXattrExcludes := len(opts.ExcludeXattrPattern) > 0
hasXattrIncludes := len(opts.IncludeXattrPattern) > 0
if hasXattrExcludes && hasXattrIncludes {
return nil, errors.Fatal("exclude and include xattr patterns are mutually exclusive")
if hasXattrExcludes {
if err := filter.ValidatePatterns(opts.ExcludeXattrPattern); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Fatalf("--exclude-xattr: %s", err)
return func(xattrName string) bool {
shouldReject := filter.RejectByPattern(opts.ExcludeXattrPattern, Warnf)(xattrName)
return !shouldReject
}, nil
if hasXattrIncludes {
// User has either input include xattr pattern(s) or we're using our default include pattern
if err := filter.ValidatePatterns(opts.IncludeXattrPattern); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Fatalf("--include-xattr: %s", err)
return func(xattrName string) bool {
shouldInclude, _ := filter.IncludeByPattern(opts.IncludeXattrPattern, Warnf)(xattrName)
return shouldInclude
}, nil
// default to including all xattrs
return func(_ string) bool { return true }, nil