
392 lines
12 KiB

package main
import (
var cmdForget = &cobra.Command{
Use: "forget [flags] [snapshot ID] [...]",
Short: "Remove snapshots from the repository",
Long: `
The "forget" command removes snapshots according to a policy. All snapshots are
first divided into groups according to "--group-by", and after that the policy
specified by the "--keep-*" options is applied to each group individually.
If there are not enough snapshots to keep one for each duration related
"--keep-{within-,}*" option, the oldest snapshot in the group is kept
Please note that this command really only deletes the snapshot object in the
repository, which is a reference to data stored there. In order to remove the
unreferenced data after "forget" was run successfully, see the "prune" command.
Please also read the documentation for "forget" to learn about some important
security considerations.
Exit status is 0 if the command was successful.
Exit status is 1 if there was any error.
Exit status is 10 if the repository does not exist.
Exit status is 11 if the repository is already locked.
Exit status is 12 if the password is incorrect.
DisableAutoGenTag: true,
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
term, cancel := setupTermstatus()
defer cancel()
return runForget(cmd.Context(), forgetOptions, forgetPruneOptions, globalOptions, term, args)
type ForgetPolicyCount int
var ErrNegativePolicyCount = errors.New("negative values not allowed, use 'unlimited' instead")
func (c *ForgetPolicyCount) Set(s string) error {
switch s {
case "unlimited":
*c = -1
val, err := strconv.ParseInt(s, 10, 0)
if err != nil {
return err
if val < 0 {
return ErrNegativePolicyCount
*c = ForgetPolicyCount(val)
return nil
func (c *ForgetPolicyCount) String() string {
switch *c {
case -1:
return "unlimited"
return strconv.FormatInt(int64(*c), 10)
func (c *ForgetPolicyCount) Type() string {
return "n"
// ForgetOptions collects all options for the forget command.
type ForgetOptions struct {
Last ForgetPolicyCount
Hourly ForgetPolicyCount
Daily ForgetPolicyCount
Weekly ForgetPolicyCount
Monthly ForgetPolicyCount
Yearly ForgetPolicyCount
Within restic.Duration
WithinHourly restic.Duration
WithinDaily restic.Duration
WithinWeekly restic.Duration
WithinMonthly restic.Duration
WithinYearly restic.Duration
KeepTags restic.TagLists
UnsafeAllowRemoveAll bool
Compact bool
// Grouping
GroupBy restic.SnapshotGroupByOptions
DryRun bool
Prune bool
var forgetOptions ForgetOptions
var forgetPruneOptions PruneOptions
func init() {
f := cmdForget.Flags()
f.VarP(&forgetOptions.Last, "keep-last", "l", "keep the last `n` snapshots (use 'unlimited' to keep all snapshots)")
f.VarP(&forgetOptions.Hourly, "keep-hourly", "H", "keep the last `n` hourly snapshots (use 'unlimited' to keep all hourly snapshots)")
f.VarP(&forgetOptions.Daily, "keep-daily", "d", "keep the last `n` daily snapshots (use 'unlimited' to keep all daily snapshots)")
f.VarP(&forgetOptions.Weekly, "keep-weekly", "w", "keep the last `n` weekly snapshots (use 'unlimited' to keep all weekly snapshots)")
f.VarP(&forgetOptions.Monthly, "keep-monthly", "m", "keep the last `n` monthly snapshots (use 'unlimited' to keep all monthly snapshots)")
f.VarP(&forgetOptions.Yearly, "keep-yearly", "y", "keep the last `n` yearly snapshots (use 'unlimited' to keep all yearly snapshots)")
f.VarP(&forgetOptions.Within, "keep-within", "", "keep snapshots that are newer than `duration` (eg. 1y5m7d2h) relative to the latest snapshot")
f.VarP(&forgetOptions.WithinHourly, "keep-within-hourly", "", "keep hourly snapshots that are newer than `duration` (eg. 1y5m7d2h) relative to the latest snapshot")
f.VarP(&forgetOptions.WithinDaily, "keep-within-daily", "", "keep daily snapshots that are newer than `duration` (eg. 1y5m7d2h) relative to the latest snapshot")
f.VarP(&forgetOptions.WithinWeekly, "keep-within-weekly", "", "keep weekly snapshots that are newer than `duration` (eg. 1y5m7d2h) relative to the latest snapshot")
f.VarP(&forgetOptions.WithinMonthly, "keep-within-monthly", "", "keep monthly snapshots that are newer than `duration` (eg. 1y5m7d2h) relative to the latest snapshot")
f.VarP(&forgetOptions.WithinYearly, "keep-within-yearly", "", "keep yearly snapshots that are newer than `duration` (eg. 1y5m7d2h) relative to the latest snapshot")
f.Var(&forgetOptions.KeepTags, "keep-tag", "keep snapshots with this `taglist` (can be specified multiple times)")
f.BoolVar(&forgetOptions.UnsafeAllowRemoveAll, "unsafe-allow-remove-all", false, "allow deleting all snapshots of a snapshot group")
initMultiSnapshotFilter(f, &forgetOptions.SnapshotFilter, false)
f.StringArrayVar(&forgetOptions.Hosts, "hostname", nil, "only consider snapshots with the given `hostname` (can be specified multiple times)")
err := f.MarkDeprecated("hostname", "use --host")
if err != nil {
// MarkDeprecated only returns an error when the flag is not found
f.BoolVarP(&forgetOptions.Compact, "compact", "c", false, "use compact output format")
forgetOptions.GroupBy = restic.SnapshotGroupByOptions{Host: true, Path: true}
f.VarP(&forgetOptions.GroupBy, "group-by", "g", "`group` snapshots by host, paths and/or tags, separated by comma (disable grouping with '')")
f.BoolVarP(&forgetOptions.DryRun, "dry-run", "n", false, "do not delete anything, just print what would be done")
f.BoolVar(&forgetOptions.Prune, "prune", false, "automatically run the 'prune' command if snapshots have been removed")
f.SortFlags = false
addPruneOptions(cmdForget, &forgetPruneOptions)
func verifyForgetOptions(opts *ForgetOptions) error {
if opts.Last < -1 || opts.Hourly < -1 || opts.Daily < -1 || opts.Weekly < -1 ||
opts.Monthly < -1 || opts.Yearly < -1 {
return errors.Fatal("negative values other than -1 are not allowed for --keep-*")
for _, d := range []restic.Duration{opts.Within, opts.WithinHourly, opts.WithinDaily,
opts.WithinMonthly, opts.WithinWeekly, opts.WithinYearly} {
if d.Hours < 0 || d.Days < 0 || d.Months < 0 || d.Years < 0 {
return errors.Fatal("durations containing negative values are not allowed for --keep-within*")
return nil
func runForget(ctx context.Context, opts ForgetOptions, pruneOptions PruneOptions, gopts GlobalOptions, term *termstatus.Terminal, args []string) error {
err := verifyForgetOptions(&opts)
if err != nil {
return err
err = verifyPruneOptions(&pruneOptions)
if err != nil {
return err
if gopts.NoLock && !opts.DryRun {
return errors.Fatal("--no-lock is only applicable in combination with --dry-run for forget command")
ctx, repo, unlock, err := openWithExclusiveLock(ctx, gopts, opts.DryRun && gopts.NoLock)
if err != nil {
return err
defer unlock()
verbosity := gopts.verbosity
if gopts.JSON {
verbosity = 0
printer := newTerminalProgressPrinter(verbosity, term)
var snapshots restic.Snapshots
removeSnIDs := restic.NewIDSet()
for sn := range FindFilteredSnapshots(ctx, repo, repo, &opts.SnapshotFilter, args) {
snapshots = append(snapshots, sn)
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return ctx.Err()
var jsonGroups []*ForgetGroup
if len(args) > 0 {
// When explicit snapshots args are given, remove them immediately.
for _, sn := range snapshots {
} else {
snapshotGroups, _, err := restic.GroupSnapshots(snapshots, opts.GroupBy)
if err != nil {
return err
policy := restic.ExpirePolicy{
Last: int(opts.Last),
Hourly: int(opts.Hourly),
Daily: int(opts.Daily),
Weekly: int(opts.Weekly),
Monthly: int(opts.Monthly),
Yearly: int(opts.Yearly),
Within: opts.Within,
WithinHourly: opts.WithinHourly,
WithinDaily: opts.WithinDaily,
WithinWeekly: opts.WithinWeekly,
WithinMonthly: opts.WithinMonthly,
WithinYearly: opts.WithinYearly,
Tags: opts.KeepTags,
if policy.Empty() {
if opts.UnsafeAllowRemoveAll {
if opts.SnapshotFilter.Empty() {
return errors.Fatal("--unsafe-allow-remove-all is not allowed unless a snapshot filter option is specified")
// UnsafeAllowRemoveAll together with snapshot filter is fine
} else {
return errors.Fatal("no policy was specified, no snapshots will be removed")
printer.P("Applying Policy: %v\n", policy)
for k, snapshotGroup := range snapshotGroups {
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return ctx.Err()
if gopts.Verbose >= 1 && !gopts.JSON {
err = PrintSnapshotGroupHeader(globalOptions.stdout, k)
if err != nil {
return err
var key restic.SnapshotGroupKey
if json.Unmarshal([]byte(k), &key) != nil {
return err
var fg ForgetGroup
fg.Tags = key.Tags
fg.Host = key.Hostname
fg.Paths = key.Paths
keep, remove, reasons := restic.ApplyPolicy(snapshotGroup, policy)
if feature.Flag.Enabled(feature.SafeForgetKeepTags) && !policy.Empty() && len(keep) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("refusing to delete last snapshot of snapshot group \"%v\"", key.String())
if len(keep) != 0 && !gopts.Quiet && !gopts.JSON {
printer.P("keep %d snapshots:\n", len(keep))
PrintSnapshots(globalOptions.stdout, keep, reasons, opts.Compact)
fg.Keep = asJSONSnapshots(keep)
if len(remove) != 0 && !gopts.Quiet && !gopts.JSON {
printer.P("remove %d snapshots:\n", len(remove))
PrintSnapshots(globalOptions.stdout, remove, nil, opts.Compact)
fg.Remove = asJSONSnapshots(remove)
fg.Reasons = asJSONKeeps(reasons)
jsonGroups = append(jsonGroups, &fg)
for _, sn := range remove {
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return ctx.Err()
if len(removeSnIDs) > 0 {
if !opts.DryRun {
bar := printer.NewCounter("files deleted")
err := restic.ParallelRemove(ctx, repo, removeSnIDs, restic.SnapshotFile, func(id restic.ID, err error) error {
if err != nil {
printer.E("unable to remove %v/%v from the repository\n", restic.SnapshotFile, id)
} else {
printer.VV("removed %v/%v\n", restic.SnapshotFile, id)
return nil
}, bar)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
printer.P("Would have removed the following snapshots:\n%v\n\n", removeSnIDs)
if gopts.JSON && len(jsonGroups) > 0 {
err = printJSONForget(globalOptions.stdout, jsonGroups)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(removeSnIDs) > 0 && opts.Prune {
if opts.DryRun {
printer.P("%d snapshots would be removed, running prune dry run\n", len(removeSnIDs))
} else {
printer.P("%d snapshots have been removed, running prune\n", len(removeSnIDs))
pruneOptions.DryRun = opts.DryRun
return runPruneWithRepo(ctx, pruneOptions, gopts, repo, removeSnIDs, term)
return nil
// ForgetGroup helps to print what is forgotten in JSON.
type ForgetGroup struct {
Tags []string `json:"tags"`
Host string `json:"host"`
Paths []string `json:"paths"`
Keep []Snapshot `json:"keep"`
Remove []Snapshot `json:"remove"`
Reasons []KeepReason `json:"reasons"`
func asJSONSnapshots(list restic.Snapshots) []Snapshot {
var resultList []Snapshot
for _, sn := range list {
k := Snapshot{
Snapshot: sn,
ID: sn.ID(),
ShortID: sn.ID().Str(),
resultList = append(resultList, k)
return resultList
// KeepReason helps to print KeepReasons as JSON with Snapshots with their ID included.
type KeepReason struct {
Snapshot Snapshot `json:"snapshot"`
Matches []string `json:"matches"`
func asJSONKeeps(list []restic.KeepReason) []KeepReason {
var resultList []KeepReason
for _, keep := range list {
k := KeepReason{
Snapshot: Snapshot{
Snapshot: keep.Snapshot,
ID: keep.Snapshot.ID(),
ShortID: keep.Snapshot.ID().Str(),
Matches: keep.Matches,
resultList = append(resultList, k)
return resultList
func printJSONForget(stdout io.Writer, forgets []*ForgetGroup) error {
return json.NewEncoder(stdout).Encode(forgets)