If anyone would be interested in taking on this project, I would be willing to transfer it over as development and work on issues has mostly stalled at this point.
Please [respond to this issue](https://github.com/andreimarcu/linx-server/issues/266) if interested!
| ```bind =``` | what to bind to (default is
| ```sitename = myLinx``` | the site name displayed on top (default is inferred from Host header)
| ```siteurl = https://mylinx.example.org/``` | the site url (default is inferred from execution context)
| ```selifpath = selif``` | path relative to site base url (the "selif" in mylinx.example.org/selif/image.jpg) where files are accessed directly (default: selif)
| ```maxsize = 4294967296``` | maximum upload file size in bytes (default 4GB)
| ```maxexpiry = 86400``` | maximum expiration time in seconds (default is 0, which is no expiry)
| ```force-random-filename = true``` | (optionally) force the use of random filenames
| ```custompagespath = custom_pages/``` | (optionally) specify path to directory containing markdown pages (must end in .md) that will be added to the site navigation (this can be useful for providing contact/support information and so on). For example, custom_pages/My_Page.md will become My Page in the site navigation
When files expire, access is disabled immediately, but the files and metadata
will persist on disk until someone attempts to access them. You can set the following option to run cleanup every few minutes. This can also be done using a separate utility found the linx-cleanup directory.
| ```cleanup-every-minutes = 5``` | How often to clean up expired files in minutes (default is 0, which means files will be cleaned up as they are accessed)
| ```authfile = path/to/authfile``` | (optionally) require authorization for upload/delete by providing a newline-separated file of scrypted auth keys
| ```remoteauthfile = path/to/remoteauthfile``` | (optionally) require authorization for remote uploads by providing a newline-separated file of scrypted auth keys
| ```basicauth = true``` | (optionally) allow basic authorization to upload or paste files from browser when `-authfile` is enabled. When uploading, you will be prompted to enter a user and password - leave the user blank and use your auth key as the password
|LocalFS|Enabled by default, this backend uses the filesystem|```filespath = files/``` -- Path to store uploads (default is files/)<br/>```metapath = meta/``` -- Path to store information about uploads (default is meta/)|
|S3|Use with any S3-compatible provider.<br> Thisimplementation will stream files through the linx instance (every download will request and stream the file from the S3 bucket). File metadata will be stored as tags on the object in the bucket.<br><br>For high-traffic environments, one might consider using an external caching layer such as described [in this article](https://blog.sentry.io/2017/03/01/dodging-s3-downtime-with-nginx-and-haproxy.html).|```s3-endpoint = https://...``` -- S3 endpoint<br>```s3-region = us-east-1``` -- S3 region<br>```s3-bucket = mybucket``` -- S3 bucket to use for files and metadata<br>```s3-force-path-style = true``` (optional) -- force path-style addresing (e.g. https://<span></span>s3.amazonaws.com/linx/example.txt)<br><br>Environment variables to provide:<br>```AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID``` -- the S3 access key<br>```AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY ``` -- the S3 secret key<br>```AWS_SESSION_TOKEN``` (optional) -- the S3 session token|