- Documented API with keys if need to restrict uploads (can use [linx-client](https://github.com/andreimarcu/linx-client) for uploading through command-line)
| ```-bind``` | what to bind to (default is
| ```-sitename myLinx``` | the site name displayed on top (default is inferred from Host header)
| ```-siteurl "https://mylinx.example.org/"``` | the site url (default is inferred from execution context)
| ```-selifpath "selif"``` | path relative to site base url (the "selif" in mylinx.example.org/selif/image.jpg) where files are accessed directly (default: selif)
| ```-maxsize 4294967296``` | maximum upload file size in bytes (default 4GB)
| ```-maxexpiry 86400``` | maximum expiration time in seconds (default is 0, which is no expiry)
| ```-allowhotlink``` | Allow file hotlinking
| ```-contentsecuritypolicy "..."``` | Content-Security-Policy header for pages (default is "default-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data:; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; frame-ancestors 'self';")
| ```-nologs``` | (optionally) disable request logs in stdout
| ```-force-random-filename``` | (optionally) force the use of random filenames
| ```-custompagespath "custom_pages"``` | (optionally) specify path to directory containing markdown pages (must end in .md) that will be added to the site navigation (this can be useful for providing contact/support information and so on). For example, custom_pages/My_Page.md will become My Page in the site navigation
| ```-authfile path/to/authfile``` | (optionally) require authorization for upload/delete by providing a newline-separated file of scrypted auth keys
| ```-remoteauthfile path/to/remoteauthfile``` | (optionally) require authorization for remote uploads by providing a newline-separated file of scrypted auth keys
| ```-basicauth``` | (optionally) allow basic authorization to upload or paste files from browser when `-authfile` is enabled. When uploading, you will be prompted to enter a user and password - leave the user blank and use your auth key as the password
|LocalFS|Enabled by default, this backend uses the filesystem|```-filespath files/``` -- Path to store uploads (default is files/)<br/>```-metapath meta/``` -- Path to store information about uploads (default is meta/)|
|S3|Use with any S3-compatible provider.<br> This implementation will stream files through the linx instance (every download will request and stream the file from the S3 bucket).<br><br>For high-traffic environments, one might consider using an external caching layer such as described [in this article](https://blog.sentry.io/2017/03/01/dodging-s3-downtime-with-nginx-and-haproxy.html).|```-s3-endpoint https://...``` -- S3 endpoint<br>```-s3-region us-east-1``` -- S3 region<br>```-s3-bucket mybucket``` -- S3 bucket to use for files and metadata<br>```-s3-force-path-style``` (optional) -- force path-style addresing (e.g. https://<span></span>s3.amazonaws.com/linx/example.txt)<br><br>Environment variables to provide:<br>```AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID``` -- the S3 access key<br>```AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY ``` -- the S3 secret key<br>```AWS_SESSION_TOKEN``` (optional) -- the S3 session token|