package main import ( "flag" "log" "net" "net/http" "net/http/fcgi" "net/url" "os" "os/signal" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "syscall" "time" rice "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) type headerList []string func (h *headerList) String() string { return strings.Join(*h, ",") } func (h *headerList) Set(value string) error { *h = append(*h, value) return nil } var Config struct { bind string filesDir string metaDir string siteName string siteURL string sitePath string selifPath string certFile string keyFile string contentSecurityPolicy string fileContentSecurityPolicy string referrerPolicy string fileReferrerPolicy string xFrameOptions string maxSize int64 maxExpiry uint64 realIp bool noLogs bool allowHotlink bool fastcgi bool remoteUploads bool basicAuth bool authFile string remoteAuthFile string addHeaders headerList noDirectAgents bool s3Endpoint string s3Region string s3Bucket string s3ForcePathStyle bool forceRandomFilename bool accessKeyCookieExpiry uint64 customPagesDir string cleanupEveryMinutes uint64 extraFooterText string maxDurationTime uint64 maxDurationSize int64 disableAccessKey bool defaultRandomFilename bool } var Templates = make(map[string]*pongo2.Template) var TemplateSet *pongo2.TemplateSet var staticBox *rice.Box var timeStarted time.Time var timeStartedStr string var remoteAuthKeys []string var metaStorageBackend backends.MetaStorageBackend var storageBackend backends.StorageBackend var customPages = make(map[string]string) var customPagesNames = make(map[string]string) func setup() *web.Mux { mux := web.New() // middleware mux.Use(middleware.RequestID) if Config.realIp { mux.Use(middleware.RealIP) } if !Config.noLogs { mux.Use(middleware.Logger) } mux.Use(middleware.Recoverer) mux.Use(middleware.AutomaticOptions) mux.Use(ContentSecurityPolicy(CSPOptions{ policy: Config.contentSecurityPolicy, referrerPolicy: Config.referrerPolicy, frame: Config.xFrameOptions, })) mux.Use(AddHeaders(Config.addHeaders)) if Config.authFile != "" { mux.Use(apikeys.NewApiKeysMiddleware(apikeys.AuthOptions{ AuthFile: Config.authFile, UnauthMethods: []string{"GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "TRACE"}, BasicAuth: Config.basicAuth, SiteName: Config.siteName, SitePath: Config.sitePath, })) } // make directories if needed err := os.MkdirAll(Config.filesDir, 0755) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Could not create files directory:", err) } err = os.MkdirAll(Config.metaDir, 0700) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Could not create metadata directory:", err) } if Config.siteURL != "" { // ensure siteURL ends wth '/' if lastChar := Config.siteURL[len(Config.siteURL)-1:]; lastChar != "/" { Config.siteURL = Config.siteURL + "/" } parsedUrl, err := url.Parse(Config.siteURL) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Could not parse siteurl:", err) } Config.sitePath = parsedUrl.Path } else { Config.sitePath = "/" } Config.selifPath = strings.TrimLeft(Config.selifPath, "/") if lastChar := Config.selifPath[len(Config.selifPath)-1:]; lastChar != "/" { Config.selifPath = Config.selifPath + "/" } if Config.s3Bucket != "" { storageBackend = s3.NewS3Backend(Config.s3Bucket, Config.s3Region, Config.s3Endpoint, Config.s3ForcePathStyle) } else { storageBackend = localfs.NewLocalfsBackend(Config.metaDir, Config.filesDir) if Config.cleanupEveryMinutes > 0 { go cleanup.PeriodicCleanup(time.Duration(Config.cleanupEveryMinutes)*time.Minute, Config.filesDir, Config.metaDir, Config.noLogs) } } // Template setup p2l, err := NewPongo2TemplatesLoader() if err != nil { log.Fatal("Error: could not load templates", err) } TemplateSet := pongo2.NewSet("templates", p2l) err = populateTemplatesMap(TemplateSet, Templates) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Error: could not load templates", err) } staticBox = rice.MustFindBox("static") timeStarted = time.Now() timeStartedStr = strconv.FormatInt(timeStarted.Unix(), 10) // Routing setup nameRe := regexp.MustCompile("^" + Config.sitePath + `(?P[a-z0-9-\.]+)$`) selifRe := regexp.MustCompile("^" + Config.sitePath + Config.selifPath + `(?P[a-z0-9-\.]+)$`) selifIndexRe := regexp.MustCompile("^" + Config.sitePath + Config.selifPath + `$`) torrentRe := regexp.MustCompile("^" + Config.sitePath + `(?P[a-z0-9-\.]+)/torrent$`) if Config.authFile == "" || Config.basicAuth { mux.Get(Config.sitePath, indexHandler) mux.Get(Config.sitePath+"paste/", pasteHandler) } else { mux.Get(Config.sitePath, http.RedirectHandler(Config.sitePath+"API", 303)) mux.Get(Config.sitePath+"paste/", http.RedirectHandler(Config.sitePath+"API/", 303)) } mux.Get(Config.sitePath+"paste", http.RedirectHandler(Config.sitePath+"paste/", 301)) mux.Get(Config.sitePath+"API/", apiDocHandler) mux.Get(Config.sitePath+"API", http.RedirectHandler(Config.sitePath+"API/", 301)) if Config.remoteUploads { mux.Get(Config.sitePath+"upload", uploadRemote) mux.Get(Config.sitePath+"upload/", uploadRemote) if Config.remoteAuthFile != "" { remoteAuthKeys = apikeys.ReadAuthKeys(Config.remoteAuthFile) } } mux.Post(Config.sitePath+"upload", uploadPostHandler) mux.Post(Config.sitePath+"upload/", uploadPostHandler) mux.Put(Config.sitePath+"upload", uploadPutHandler) mux.Put(Config.sitePath+"upload/", uploadPutHandler) mux.Put(Config.sitePath+"upload/:name", uploadPutHandler) mux.Delete(Config.sitePath+":name", deleteHandler) // Adding new delete path method to make linx-server usable with ShareX. mux.Get(Config.sitePath+"delete/:name", deleteHandler) mux.Get(Config.sitePath+"static/*", staticHandler) mux.Get(Config.sitePath+"favicon.ico", staticHandler) mux.Get(Config.sitePath+"robots.txt", staticHandler) mux.Get(nameRe, fileAccessHandler) mux.Post(nameRe, fileAccessHandler) mux.Get(selifRe, fileServeHandler) mux.Get(selifIndexRe, unauthorizedHandler) mux.Get(torrentRe, fileTorrentHandler) if Config.customPagesDir != "" { initializeCustomPages(Config.customPagesDir) for fileName := range customPagesNames { mux.Get(Config.sitePath+fileName, makeCustomPageHandler(fileName)) mux.Get(Config.sitePath+fileName+"/", makeCustomPageHandler(fileName)) } } mux.NotFound(notFoundHandler) return mux } func main() { flag.StringVar(&Config.bind, "bind", "", "host to bind to (default:") flag.StringVar(&Config.filesDir, "filespath", "files/", "path to files directory") flag.StringVar(&Config.metaDir, "metapath", "meta/", "path to metadata directory") flag.BoolVar(&Config.basicAuth, "basicauth", false, "allow logging by basic auth password") flag.BoolVar(&Config.noLogs, "nologs", false, "remove stdout output for each request") flag.BoolVar(&Config.allowHotlink, "allowhotlink", false, "Allow hotlinking of files") flag.StringVar(&Config.siteName, "sitename", "", "name of the site") flag.StringVar(&Config.siteURL, "siteurl", "", "site base url (including trailing slash)") flag.StringVar(&Config.selifPath, "selifpath", "selif", "path relative to site base url where files are accessed directly") flag.Int64Var(&Config.maxSize, "maxsize", 4*1024*1024*1024, "maximum upload file size in bytes (default 4GB)") flag.Uint64Var(&Config.maxExpiry, "maxexpiry", 0, "maximum expiration time in seconds (default is 0, which is no expiry)") flag.StringVar(&Config.certFile, "certfile", "", "path to ssl certificate (for https)") flag.StringVar(&Config.keyFile, "keyfile", "", "path to ssl key (for https)") flag.BoolVar(&Config.realIp, "realip", false, "use X-Real-IP/X-Forwarded-For headers as original host") flag.BoolVar(&Config.fastcgi, "fastcgi", false, "serve through fastcgi") flag.BoolVar(&Config.remoteUploads, "remoteuploads", false, "enable remote uploads") flag.StringVar(&Config.authFile, "authfile", "", "path to a file containing newline-separated scrypted auth keys") flag.StringVar(&Config.remoteAuthFile, "remoteauthfile", "", "path to a file containing newline-separated scrypted auth keys for remote uploads") flag.StringVar(&Config.contentSecurityPolicy, "contentsecuritypolicy", "default-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data:; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; frame-ancestors 'self';", "value of default Content-Security-Policy header") flag.StringVar(&Config.fileContentSecurityPolicy, "filecontentsecuritypolicy", "default-src 'none'; img-src 'self'; object-src 'self'; media-src 'self'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; frame-ancestors 'self';", "value of Content-Security-Policy header for file access") flag.StringVar(&Config.referrerPolicy, "referrerpolicy", "same-origin", "value of default Referrer-Policy header") flag.StringVar(&Config.fileReferrerPolicy, "filereferrerpolicy", "same-origin", "value of Referrer-Policy header for file access") flag.StringVar(&Config.xFrameOptions, "xframeoptions", "", "value of X-Frame-Options header") flag.Var(&Config.addHeaders, "addheader", "Add an arbitrary header to the response. This option can be used multiple times.") flag.BoolVar(&Config.noDirectAgents, "nodirectagents", false, "disable serving files directly for wget/curl user agents") flag.StringVar(&Config.s3Endpoint, "s3-endpoint", "", "S3 endpoint") flag.StringVar(&Config.s3Region, "s3-region", "", "S3 region") flag.StringVar(&Config.s3Bucket, "s3-bucket", "", "S3 bucket to use for files and metadata") flag.BoolVar(&Config.s3ForcePathStyle, "s3-force-path-style", false, "Force path-style addressing for S3 (e.g.") flag.BoolVar(&Config.forceRandomFilename, "force-random-filename", false, "Force all uploads to use a random filename") flag.Uint64Var(&Config.accessKeyCookieExpiry, "access-cookie-expiry", 0, "Expiration time for access key cookies in seconds (set 0 to use session cookies)") flag.StringVar(&Config.customPagesDir, "custompagespath", "", "path to directory containing .md files to render as custom pages") flag.Uint64Var(&Config.cleanupEveryMinutes, "cleanup-every-minutes", 0, "How often to clean up expired files in minutes (default is 0, which means files will be cleaned up as they are accessed)") flag.StringVar(&Config.extraFooterText, "extra-footer-text", "", "Extra text above the footer for notices.") flag.Uint64Var(&Config.maxDurationTime, "max-duration-time", 0, "Time till expiry for files over max-duration-size. (Default is 0 for no-expiry.)") flag.Int64Var(&Config.maxDurationSize, "max-duration-size", 4*1024*1024*1024, "Size of file before max-duration-time is used to determine expiry max time. (Default is 4GB)") flag.BoolVar(&Config.disableAccessKey, "disable-access-key", false, "Disables access key usage. (Default is false.)") flag.BoolVar(&Config.defaultRandomFilename, "default-random-filename", true, "Makes it so the random filename is not default if set false. (Default is true.)") iniflags.Parse() mux := setup() if Config.fastcgi { var listener net.Listener var err error if Config.bind[0] == '/' { // UNIX path listener, err = net.ListenUnix("unix", &net.UnixAddr{Name: Config.bind, Net: "unix"}) cleanup := func() { log.Print("Removing FastCGI socket") os.Remove(Config.bind) } defer cleanup() sigs := make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(sigs, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM) go func() { sig := <-sigs log.Print("Signal: ", sig) cleanup() os.Exit(0) }() } else { listener, err = net.Listen("tcp", Config.bind) } if err != nil { log.Fatal("Could not bind: ", err) } log.Printf("Serving over fastcgi, bound on %s", Config.bind) fcgi.Serve(listener, mux) } else if Config.certFile != "" { log.Printf("Serving over https, bound on %s", Config.bind) err := graceful.ListenAndServeTLS(Config.bind, Config.certFile, Config.keyFile, mux) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } } else { log.Printf("Serving over http, bound on %s", Config.bind) err := graceful.ListenAndServe(Config.bind, mux) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } } }