{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %}{{sitename}} - API{% endblock %} {% block head %} <link href="{{ sitepath }}static/css/github-markdown.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> {% endblock %} {% block content %} <div id="main"> <div id='inner_content'> <div class="normal markdown-body"> <h2>API</h2> <h3>Client</h3> <p>To simplify uploading and deleting files, you can use <a target="_blank" href="https://github.com/andreimarcu/linx-client">linx-client</a>, which uses this API.</p> {% if auth != "none" %} <h3>Keys</h3> <p>This instance uses API Keys, therefore you will need to provide a key for uploading and deleting files.<br /> To do so, add the <code>Linx-Api-Key</code> header with your key.</p> {% endif %} <h3>Uploading a file</h3> <p>To upload a file, make a PUT request to <code>{{ siteurl }}upload/</code> and you will get the url of your upload back.</p> <p><strong>Optional headers with the request</strong></p> {% if not forcerandom %} <p>Randomize the filename<br /> <code>Linx-Randomize: yes</code></p> {% endif %} <p>Specify a custom deletion key<br /> <code>Linx-Delete-Key: mysecret</code></p> <p>Protect file with password<br /> <code>Linx-Access-Key: mysecret</code></p> <p>Specify an expiration time (in seconds)<br /> <code>Linx-Expiry: 60</code></p> <p>Get a json response<br /> <code>Accept: application/json</code></p> <p>The json response will then contain:</p> <blockquote> <p>“url”: the publicly available upload url<br /> “direct_url”: the url to access the file directly<br /> “filename”: the (optionally generated) filename<br /> “delete_key”: the (optionally generated) deletion key,<br /> “access_key”: the (optionally supplied) access key,<br /> “expiry”: the unix timestamp at which the file will expire (0 if never)<br /> “size”: the size in bytes of the file<br /> “mimetype”: the guessed mimetype of the file<br /> “sha256sum”: the sha256sum of the file,</p> </blockquote> <p><strong>Examples</strong></p> <p>Uploading myphoto.jpg</p> {% if auth != "none" %} <pre><code>$ curl -H "Linx-Api-Key: mysecretkey" -T myphoto.jpg {{ siteurl }}upload/ {{ siteurl }}{% if not forcerandom %}myphoto.jpg{% else %}7z4h4ut.jpg{% endif %}</code></pre> {% else %} <pre><code>$ curl -T myphoto.jpg {{ siteurl }}upload/ {{ siteurl }}{% if not forcerandom %}myphoto.jpg{% else %}wtq7pan.jpg{% endif %}</code></pre> {% endif %} <p>Uploading myphoto.jpg with an expiry of 20 minutes</p> {% if auth != "none" %} <pre><code>$ curl -H "Linx-Api-Key: mysecretkey" -H "Linx-Expiry: 1200" -T myphoto.jpg {{ siteurl }}upload/ {{ siteurl }}{% if not forcerandom %}myphoto.jpg{% else %}jm295snf.jpg{% endif %}</code></pre> {% else %} <pre><code>$ curl -H "Linx-Expiry: 1200" -T myphoto.jpg {{ siteurl }}upload/ {{ siteurl }}{% if not forcerandom %}myphoto.jpg{% else %}1doym9u2.jpg{% endif %}</code></pre> {% endif %} <p>Uploading myphoto.jpg with a random filename and getting a json response:</p> {% if auth != "none" %} <pre><code>$ curl -H "Linx-Api-Key: mysecretkey" -H "Accept: application/json"{% if not forcerandom %} -H "Linx-Randomize: yes"{% endif %} -T myphoto.jpg {{ siteurl }}upload/ {"delete_key":"...","expiry":"0","filename":"f34h4iu.jpg","mimetype":"image/jpeg", "sha256sum":"...","size":"...","url":"{{ siteurl }}f34h4iu.jpg"}</code></pre> {% else %} <pre><code>$ curl -H "Accept: application/json"{% if not forcerandom %} -H "Linx-Randomize: yes"{% endif %} -T myphoto.jpg {{ siteurl }}upload/ {"delete_key":"...","expiry":"0","filename":"f34h4iu.jpg","mimetype":"image/jpeg", "sha256sum":"...","size":"...","url":"{{ siteurl }}f34h4iu.jpg"}</code></pre> {% endif %} <h3>Overwriting a file</h3> <p>To overwrite a file you uploaded, simply provide the <code>Linx-Delete-Key</code> header with the original file's deletion key.</p> <p><strong>Example</p></strong> <p>To overwrite myphoto.jpg</p> {% if auth != "none" %} <pre><code>$ curl -H "Linx-Api-Key: mysecretkey" -H "Linx-Delete-Key: mysecret" -T myphoto.jpg {{ siteurl }}upload/ {{ siteurl }}myphoto.jpg</code></pre> {% else %} <pre><code>$ curl -H "Linx-Delete-Key: mysecret" -T myphoto.jpg {{ siteurl }}upload/ {{ siteurl }}myphoto.jpg</code></pre> {% endif %} <h3>Deleting a file</h3> <p>To delete a file you uploaded, make a DELETE request to <code>{{ siteurl }}yourfile.ext</code> with the delete key set as the <code>Linx-Delete-Key</code> header.</p> <p><strong>Example</strong></p> <p>To delete myphoto.jpg</p> {% if auth != "none" %} <pre><code>$ curl -H "Linx-Api-Key: mysecretkey" -H "Linx-Delete-Key: mysecret" -X DELETE {{ siteurl }}myphoto.jpg DELETED</code></pre> {% else %} <pre><code>$ curl -H "Linx-Delete-Key: mysecret" -X DELETE {{ siteurl }}myphoto.jpg DELETED</code></pre> {% endif %} <h3>Information about a file</h3> <p>To retrieve information about a file, make a GET request the public url with <code>Accept: application/json</code> headers and you will receive a json response containing:</p> <blockquote> <p>“url”: the publicly available upload url<br /> “direct_url”: the url to access the file directly<br /> “filename”: the (optionally generated) filename<br /> “expiry”: the unix timestamp at which the file will expire (0 if never)<br /> “size”: the size in bytes of the file<br /> “mimetype”: the guessed mimetype of the file<br /> “sha256sum”: the sha256sum of the file,</p> </blockquote> <p><strong>Example</strong></p> <pre><code>$ curl -H "Accept: application/json" {{ siteurl }}myphoto.jpg {"expiry":"0","filename":"myphoto.jpg","mimetype":"image/jpeg","sha256sum":"...","size":"..."}</code></pre> </div> </div> </div> {% endblock %}