
1010 lines
37 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import math
import datetime
from affine import Affine
from boxes.extents import Extents
from boxes.Color import Color as bColor
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
2020-03-28 16:36:47 +01:00
EPS = 1e-4
RANDOMIZE_COLORS = False # enable to ease check for continuity of pathes
def points_equal(x1, y1, x2, y2):
return abs(x1 - x2) < EPS and abs(y1 - y2) < EPS
def pdiff(p1, p2):
x1, y1 = p1
x2, y2 = p2
return (x1 - x2, y1 - y2)
class Surface:
scale = 1.0
invert_y = False
def __init__(self, fname):
self._fname = fname = []
self._p = self.new_part("default")
def set_metadata(self, metadata):
self.metadata = metadata
def flush(self):
def finish(self):
def _adjust_coordinates(self):
extents = self.extents()
extents.xmin -= PADDING
extents.ymin -= PADDING
extents.xmax += PADDING
extents.ymax += PADDING
m = Affine.translation(-extents.xmin, -extents.ymin)
if self.invert_y:
m = Affine.scale(self.scale, -self.scale) * m
m = Affine.translation(0, self.scale*extents.height) * m
m = Affine.scale(self.scale, self.scale) * m
self.transform(self.scale, m, self.invert_y)
return Extents(0, 0, extents.width * self.scale, extents.height * self.scale)
def render(self, renderer):
for p in
def transform(self, f, m, invert_y=False):
for p in
p.transform(f, m, invert_y)
def new_part(self, name="part"):
if and len([-1].pathes) == 0:
return self._p
p = Part(name)
self._p = p
return p
def append(self, *path):
def stroke(self, **params):
return self._p.stroke(**params)
def move_to(self, *xy):
def extents(self):
if not
return Extents()
return sum([p.extents() for p in])
class Part:
def __init__(self, name):
self.pathes = []
self.path = []
def extents(self):
if not self.pathes:
return Extents()
return sum([p.extents() for p in self.pathes])
def transform(self, f, m, invert_y=False):
assert(not self.path)
for p in self.pathes:
p.transform(f, m, invert_y)
def append(self, *path):
def stroke(self, **params):
if len(self.path) == 0:
# search for path ending at new start coordinates to append this path to
xy0 = self.path[0][1:3]
if (not points_equal(*xy0, *self.path[-1][1:3]) and
not self.path[0][0] == "T"):
for p in reversed(self.pathes):
xy1 = p.path[-1][1:3]
if points_equal(*xy0, *xy1) and p.params == params:
self.path = []
return p
p = Path(self.path, params)
self.path = []
return p
def move_to(self, *xy):
if len(self.path) == 0:
self.path.append(["M", *xy])
elif self.path[-1][0] == "M":
self.path[-1] = ["M", *xy]
xy0 = self.path[-1][1:3]
if not points_equal(*xy0, *xy):
self.path.append(["M", *xy])
class Path:
def __init__(self, path, params):
self.path = path
self.params = params
def __repr__(self):
l = len(self.path)
# x1,y1 = self.path[0][1:3]
if l>0:
x2, y2 = self.path[-1][1:3]
return f"Path[{l}] to ({x2:.2f},{y2:.2f})"
return f"empty Path"
def extents(self):
e = Extents()
for p in self.path:
if p[0] == 'T':
m, text, params = p[3:]
h = params['fs']
l = len(text) * h * 0.7
align = params.get('align', 'left')
start, end = {
'left' : (0, 1),
'middle' : (-0.5, 0.5),
'end' : (-1, 0),
for x in (start*l, end*l):
for y in (0, h):
x_, y_ = m * (x, y)
e.add(x_, y_)
return e
def transform(self, f, m, invert_y=False):
self.params["lw"] *= f
for c in self.path:
C = c[0]
c[1], c[2] = m * (c[1], c[2])
if C == 'C':
c[3], c[4] = m * (c[3], c[4])
c[5], c[6] = m * (c[5], c[6])
if C == "T":
c[3] = m * c[3]
if invert_y:
c[3] *= Affine.scale(1, -1)
def faster_edges(self, inner_corners):
if inner_corners == "backarc":
for (i, p) in enumerate(self.path):
if p[0] == "C" and i > 1 and i < len(self.path) - 1:
if self.path[i - 1][0] == "L" and self.path[i + 1][0] == "L":
p11 = self.path[i - 2][1:3]
p12 = self.path[i - 1][1:3]
p21 = p[1:3]
p22 = self.path[i + 1][1:3]
if (((p12[0]-p21[0])**2 + (p12[1]-p21[1])**2) >
lines_intersect, x, y = line_intersection((p11, p12), (p21, p22))
if lines_intersect:
self.path[i - 1] = ("L", x, y)
if inner_corners == "loop":
self.path[i] = ("C", x, y, *p12, *p21)
self.path[i] = ("L", x, y)
# filter duplicates
if len(self.path) > 1: # no need to find duplicates if only one element in path
self.path = [p for n, p in enumerate(self.path) if p != self.path[n-1]]
class Context:
def __init__(self, surface, *al, **ad):
self._renderer = self._dwg = surface
self._bounds = Extents()
self._padding = PADDING
self._stack = []
self._m = Affine.translation(0, 0)
self._xy = (0, 0)
self._mxy = self._m * self._xy
self._lw = 0
self._rgb = (0, 0, 0)
self._ff = "sans-serif"
self._fs = 10
self._last_path = None
def _update_bounds_(self, mx, my):
self._bounds.update(mx, my)
def save(self):
(self._m, self._xy, self._lw, self._rgb, self._mxy, self._last_path)
self._xy = (0, 0)
def restore(self):
) = self._stack.pop()
## transformations
def translate(self, x, y):
self._m *= Affine.translation(x, y)
self._xy = (0, 0)
def scale(self, sx, sy):
self._m *= Affine.scale(sx, sy)
def rotate(self, r):
self._m *= Affine.rotation(180 * r / math.pi)
def set_line_width(self, lw):
self._lw = lw
def set_source_rgb(self, r, g, b):
self._rgb = (r, g, b)
## path methods
def _line_to(self, x, y):
x1, y1 = self._mxy
self._xy = x, y
x2, y2 = self._mxy = self._m * self._xy
if not points_equal(x1, y1, x2, y2):
self._dwg.append("L", x2, y2)
def _add_move(self):
def move_to(self, x, y):
self._xy = (x, y)
self._mxy = self._m * self._xy
def line_to(self, x, y):
self._line_to(x, y)
def _arc(self, xc, yc, radius, angle1, angle2, direction):
if abs(angle1 - angle2) < EPS or radius < EPS:
x1, y1 = radius * math.cos(angle1) + xc, radius * math.sin(angle1) + yc
x4, y4 = radius * math.cos(angle2) + xc, radius * math.sin(angle2) + yc
# XXX direction seems not needed for small arcs
ax = x1 - xc
ay = y1 - yc
bx = x4 - xc
by = y4 - yc
q1 = ax * ax + ay * ay
q2 = q1 + ax * bx + ay * by
k2 = 4/3 * ((2 * q1 * q2)**0.5 - q2) / (ax * by - ay * bx)
x2 = xc + ax - k2 * ay
y2 = yc + ay + k2 * ax
x3 = xc + bx + k2 * by
y3 = yc + by - k2 * bx
mx1, my1 = self._m * (x1, y1)
mx2, my2 = self._m * (x2, y2)
mx3, my3 = self._m * (x3, y3)
mx4, my4 = self._m * (x4, y4)
mxc, myc = self._m * (xc, yc)
self._dwg.append("C", mx4, my4, mx2, my2, mx3, my3)
self._xy = (x4, y4)
self._mxy = (mx4, my4)
def arc(self, xc, yc, radius, angle1, angle2):
self._arc(xc, yc, radius, angle1, angle2, 1)
def arc_negative(self, xc, yc, radius, angle1, angle2):
self._arc(xc, yc, radius, angle1, angle2, -1)
def curve_to(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3):
# mx0,my0 = self._m*self._xy
mx1, my1 = self._m * (x1, y1)
mx2, my2 = self._m * (x2, y2)
mx3, my3 = self._m * (x3, y3)
self._dwg.append("C", mx3, my3, mx1, my1, mx2, my2) # destination first!
self._xy = (x3, y3)
self._mxy = (mx3, my3)
def stroke(self):
# print('stroke stack-level=',len(self._stack),'lastpath=',self._last_path,)
self._last_path = self._dwg.stroke(rgb=self._rgb, lw=self._lw)
self._xy = (0, 0)
def fill(self):
self._xy = (0, 0)
raise NotImplementedError()
def set_font(self, style, bold=False, italic=False):
if style not in ("serif", "sans-serif", "monospaced"):
raise ValueError("Unknown font style")
self._ff = (style, bold, italic)
def set_font_size(self, fs):
self._fs = fs
def show_text(self, text, **args):
params = {"ff": self._ff, "fs": self._fs, "lw": self._lw, "rgb": self._rgb}
mx0, my0 = self._m * self._xy
m = self._m
self._dwg.append("T", mx0, my0, m, text, params)
def text_extents(self, text):
fs = self._fs
# XXX ugly hack! Fix Boxes.text() !
return (0, 0, 0.6 * fs * len(text), 0.65 * fs, fs * 0.1, 0)
def rectangle(self, x, y, width, height):
# todo: better check for empty path?
self.move_to(x, y)
self.line_to(x + width, y)
self.line_to(x + width, y + height)
self.line_to(x, y + height)
self.line_to(x, y)
def get_current_point(self):
return self._xy
def flush(self):
# todo: check, if needed
# self.stroke()
## additional methods
def new_part(self):
class SVGSurface(Surface):
invert_y = True
fonts = {
'serif' : 'TimesNewRoman, "Times New Roman", Times, Baskerville, Georgia, serif',
'sans-serif' : '"Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif',
'monospaced' : '"Courier New", Courier, "Lucida Sans Typewriter"'
def _addTag(self, parent, tag, text, first=False):
if first:
t = ET.Element(tag)
t = ET.SubElement(parent, tag)
t.text = text
t.tail = '\n'
if first:
parent.insert(0, t)
return t
def _add_metadata(self, root):
md = self.metadata
# Add Inkscape style rdf meta data
root.set("xmlns:dc", "")
root.set("xmlns:cc", "")
title = "{group} - {name}".format(**md)
date ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
m = self._addTag(root, "metadata", '\n', True)
r = ET.SubElement(m, 'rdf:RDF')
w = ET.SubElement(r, 'cc:Work')
w.text = '\n'
self._addTag(w, 'dc:title', title)
self._addTag(w, 'dc:date', date)
if "url" in md and md["url"]:
self._addTag(w, 'dc:source', md["url"])
self._addTag(w, 'dc:source', md["cli"])
desc = md["short_description"] or ""
if "description" in md and md["description"]:
desc += "\n\n" + md["description"]
desc += "\n\nCreated with (\n"
desc += "Command line: %s\n" % md["cli"]
if md["url"]:
desc += "Url: %s\n" % md["url"]
desc += "SettingsUrl: %s\n" % md["url"].replace("&render=1", "")
self._addTag(w, 'dc:description', desc)
# title
self._addTag(root, "title", md["name"], True)
# Add XML comment
txt = """
{name} - {short_description}
if md["description"]:
txt += """
txt += """
Created with (
Creation date: {date}
""".format(date=date, **md)
txt += "Command line (remove spaces between dashes): %s\n" % md["cli"]
if md["url"]:
txt += "Url: %s\n" % md["url"]
txt += "SettingsUrl: %s\n" % md["url"].replace("&render=1", "")
m = ET.Comment(txt.replace("--", "- -").replace("--", "- -")) # ----
m.tail = '\n'
root.insert(0, m)
def finish(self, inner_corners="loop"):
extents = self._adjust_coordinates()
w = extents.width * self.scale
h = extents.height * self.scale
2020-03-28 16:36:47 +01:00
nsmap = {
"dc": "",
"cc": "",
"rdf": "",
"svg": "",
"xlink": "",
"inkscape": "",
ET.register_namespace("", "")
ET.register_namespace("xlink", "")
svg = ET.Element('svg', width=f"{w:.2f}mm", height=f"{h:.2f}mm",
viewBox=f"0.0 0.0 {w:.2f} {h:.2f}",
for name, value in nsmap.items():
svg.set(f"xmlns:{name}", value)
svg.text = "\n"
tree = ET.ElementTree(svg)
2020-03-28 16:36:47 +01:00
for i, part in enumerate(
if not part.pathes:
2020-03-28 16:36:47 +01:00
g = ET.SubElement(svg, "g", id=f"p-{i}",
g.text = "\n "
g.tail = "\n"
for j, path in enumerate(part.pathes):
p = []
x, y = 0, 0
start = None
last = None
for c in path.path:
x0, y0 = x, y
C, x, y = c[0:3]
if C == "M":
if start and points_equal(start[1], start[2],
last[1], last[2]):
start = c
p.append(f"M {x:.3f} {y:.3f}")
elif C == "L":
if abs(x - x0) < EPS:
p.append(f"V {y:.3f}")
elif abs(y - y0) < EPS:
p.append(f"H {x:.3f}")
p.append(f"L {x:.3f} {y:.3f}")
elif C == "C":
x1, y1, x2, y2 = c[3:]
f"C {x1:.3f} {y1:.3f} {x2:.3f} {y2:.3f} {x:.3f} {y:.3f}"
elif C == "T":
m, text, params = c[3:]
m = m * Affine.translation(0, -params['fs'])
tm = " ".join((f"{m[i]:.3f}" for i in (0, 3, 1, 4, 2, 5)))
font, bold, italic = params['ff']
fontweight = ("normal", "bold")[bool(bold)]
fontstyle = ("normal", "italic")[bool(italic)]
style = f"font-family: {font} ; font-weight: {fontweight}; font-style: {fontstyle}; fill: {rgb_to_svg_color(*params['rgb'])}"
2020-03-28 16:36:47 +01:00
t = ET.SubElement(g, "text",
#x=f"{x:.3f}", y=f"{y:.3f}",
transform=f"matrix( {tm} )",
2020-03-28 16:36:47 +01:00
t.text = text
t.set("font-size", f"{params['fs']}px")
t.set("text-anchor", params.get('align', 'left'))
t.set("dominant-baseline", 'hanging')
print("Unknown", c)
last = c
if start and start is not last and \
points_equal(start[1], start[2], last[1], last[2]):
color = (
else rgb_to_svg_color(*path.params["rgb"])
2020-05-23 15:03:16 +02:00
if p and p[-1][0] == "M":
2020-03-28 16:36:47 +01:00
if p: # might be empty if only contains text
t = ET.SubElement(g, "path", d=" ".join(p), stroke=color)
t.set("stroke-width", f'{path.params["lw"]:.2f}')
2020-03-28 16:36:47 +01:00
t.tail = "\n "
t.tail = "\n"
tree.write(open(self._fname, "wb"), encoding="utf-8", xml_declaration=True, method="xml")
class PSSurface(Surface):
scale = 72 / 25.4 # 72 dpi
fonts = {
('serif', False, False) : 'Times-Roman',
('serif', False, True) : 'Times-Italic',
('serif', True, False) : 'Times-Bold',
('serif', True, True) : 'Times-BoldItalic',
('sans-serif', False, False) : 'Helvetica',
('sans-serif', False, True) : 'Helvetica-Oblique',
('sans-serif', True, False) : 'Helvetica-Bold',
('sans-serif', True, True) : 'Helvetica-BoldOblique',
('monospaced', False, False) : 'Courier',
('monospaced', False, True) : 'Courier-Oblique',
('monospaced', True, False) : 'Courier-Bold',
('monospaced', True, True) : 'Courier-BoldOblique',
def _metadata(self):
md = self.metadata
desc = ""
desc += "%%Title: - {group} - {name}\n".format(**md)
desc += f'%%CreationDate: {"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")}\n'
desc += f'%%Keywords:, laser, laser cutter\n'
desc += f'%%Creator: {md.get("url") or md["cli"]}\n'
desc += "%%CreatedBy: (\n"
for line in (md["short_description"] or "").split("\n"):
desc += "%% %s\n" % line
desc += "%\n"
if "description" in md and md["description"]:
desc += "%\n"
for line in md["description"].split("\n"):
desc += "%% %s\n" % line
desc += "%\n"
desc += "%% Command line: %s\n" % md["cli"]
if md["url"]:
desc += f'%%Url: {md["url"]}\n'
desc += f'%%SettingsUrl: {md["url"].replace("&render=1", "")}\n'
return desc
def finish(self, inner_corners="loop"):
extents = self._adjust_coordinates()
w = extents.width
h = extents.height
f = open(self._fname, "w", encoding="latin1", errors="replace")
f.write(f"%%BoundingBox: 0 0 {w:.0f} {h:.0f}\n")
1 setlinecap
1 setlinejoin
0.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor
/ReEncode { % inFont outFont encoding | -
/MyEncoding exch def
exch findfont
dup length dict
{def} forall
/Encoding MyEncoding def
} def
for font in self.fonts.values():
f.write(f"/{font} /{font}-Latin1 ISOLatin1Encoding ReEncode\n")
# f.write(f"%%DocumentMedia: \d+x\d+mm ((\d+) (\d+)) 0 \("
# dwg['width']=f'{w:.2f}mm'
# dwg['height']=f'{h:.2f}mm'
for i, part in enumerate(
if not part.pathes:
for j, path in enumerate(part.pathes):
p = []
x, y = 0, 0
for c in path.path:
x0, y0 = x, y
C, x, y = c[0:3]
if C == "M":
p.append(f"{x:.3f} {y:.3f} moveto")
elif C == "L":
p.append(f"{x:.3f} {y:.3f} lineto")
elif C == "C":
x1, y1, x2, y2 = c[3:]
f"{x1:.3f} {y1:.3f} {x2:.3f} {y2:.3f} {x:.3f} {y:.3f} curveto"
elif C == "T":
m, text, params = c[3:]
tm = " ".join((f"{m[i]:.3f}" for i in (0, 3, 1, 4, 2, 5)))
text = text.replace("(", "r\(").replace(")", r"\)")
color = " ".join((f"{c:.2f}"
for c in params["rgb"]))
align = params.get('align', 'left')
f.write(f"/{self.fonts[params['ff']]}-Latin1 findfont\n")
f.write(f"{params['fs']} scalefont\n")
#f.write(f"currentfont /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding put\n")
f.write(f"{color} setrgbcolor\n")
f.write("matrix currentmatrix") # save current matrix
f.write(f"[ {tm} ] concat\n")
if align == "left":
f.write(f"({text}) stringwidth pop ")
if align == "middle":
f.write(f"-0.5 mul\n")
else: # end
# offset y by descender
f.write("currentfont dup /FontBBox get 1 get \n")
f.write("exch /FontMatrix get 3 get mul neg moveto \n")
f.write(f"({text}) show\n") # text created by dup above
f.write("setmatrix\n\n") # restore matrix
print("Unknown", c)
color = (
else rgb_to_svg_color(*path.params["rgb"])
if p: # todo: might be empty since text is not implemented yet
color = " ".join((f"{c:.2f}"
for c in path.params["rgb"]))
f.write(f"{path.params['lw']} setlinewidth\n")
f.write(f"{color} setrgbcolor\n")
class LBRN2Surface(Surface):
2022-04-16 18:27:01 +02:00
invert_y = False
dbg = False
fonts = {
'serif' : 'Times New Roman',
'sans-serif' : 'Arial',
'monospaced' : 'Courier New'
0, # Colors.OUTER_CUT (BLACK) --> Lightburn C00 (black)
1, # Colors.INNER_CUT (BLUE) --> Lightburn C01 (blue)
3, # Colors.ETCHING (GREEN) --> Lightburn C02 (green)
6, # Colors.ETCHING_DEEP (CYAN) --> Lightburn C06 (cyan)
30, # Colors.ANNOTATIONS (RED) --> Lightburn T1
7, # Colors.OUTER_CUT (MAGENTA) --> Lightburn C07 (magenta)
4, # Colors.OUTER_CUT (YELLOW) --> Lightburn C04 (yellow)
8, # Colors.OUTER_CUT (WHITE) --> Lightburn C08 (grey)
def finish(self, inner_corners="loop"):
if self.dbg: print("LBRN2 save")
extents = self._adjust_coordinates()
w = extents.width * self.scale
h = extents.height * self.scale
svg = ET.Element('LightBurnProject', AppVersion="1.0.06", FormatVersion="1", MaterialHeight="0", MirrorX="False", MirrorY="False")
svg.text = "\n"
num = 0
txtOffset = {}
tree = ET.ElementTree(svg)
if self.dbg: print ("8", num)
cs = ET.SubElement(svg, "CutSetting", Type="Cut")
index = ET.SubElement(cs, "index", Value="3") # green layer (ETCHING)
name = ET.SubElement(cs, "name", Value="Etch")
priority = ET.SubElement(cs, "priority", Value="0") # is cut first
cs = ET.SubElement(svg, "CutSetting", Type="Cut")
index = ET.SubElement(cs, "index", Value="6") # cyan layer (ETCHING_DEEP)
name = ET.SubElement(cs, "name", Value="Deep Etch")
priority = ET.SubElement(cs, "priority", Value="1") # is cut second
cs = ET.SubElement(svg, "CutSetting", Type="Cut")
index = ET.SubElement(cs, "index", Value="7") # magenta layer (MAGENTA)
name = ET.SubElement(cs, "name", Value="C07")
priority = ET.SubElement(cs, "priority", Value="2") # is cut third
cs = ET.SubElement(svg, "CutSetting", Type="Cut")
index = ET.SubElement(cs, "index", Value="4") # yellow layer (YELLOW)
name = ET.SubElement(cs, "name", Value="C04")
priority = ET.SubElement(cs, "priority", Value="3") # is cut third
cs = ET.SubElement(svg, "CutSetting", Type="Cut")
index = ET.SubElement(cs, "index", Value="8") # grey layer (WHITE)
name = ET.SubElement(cs, "name", Value="C08")
priority = ET.SubElement(cs, "priority", Value="4") # is cut fourth
cs = ET.SubElement(svg, "CutSetting", Type="Cut")
index = ET.SubElement(cs, "index", Value="1") # blue layer (INNER_CUT)
name = ET.SubElement(cs, "name", Value="Inner Cut")
priority = ET.SubElement(cs, "priority", Value="5") # is cut fifth
cs = ET.SubElement(svg, "CutSetting", Type="Cut")
index = ET.SubElement(cs, "index", Value="0") # black layer (OUTER_CUT)
name = ET.SubElement(cs, "name", Value="Outer Cut")
priority = ET.SubElement(cs, "priority", Value="6") # is cut sixth
cs = ET.SubElement(svg, "CutSetting", Type="Tool")
index = ET.SubElement(cs, "index", Value="30") # T1 layer (ANNOTATIONS)
name = ET.SubElement(cs, "name", Value="T1") # tool layer do not support names
priority = ET.SubElement(cs, "priority", Value="7") # is not cut at all
for i, part in enumerate(
if self.dbg: print ("7", num)
if not part.pathes:
2022-04-16 18:27:01 +02:00
gp = ET.SubElement(svg, "Shape", Type="Group")
gp.text = "\n "
gp.tail = "\n"
children = ET.SubElement(gp, "Children")
children.text = "\n "
children.tail = "\n"
for j, path in enumerate(part.pathes):
myColor = self.lbrn2_colors[4*int(path.params["rgb"][0])+2*int(path.params["rgb"][1])+int(path.params["rgb"][2])]
p = []
x, y = 0, 0
C = ""
start = None
last = None
num = 0
cnt = 1
ende = len(path.path)-1
if self.dbg:
for c in path.path:
print ("6",num, c)
num += 1
num = 0
c = path.path[num]
C, x, y = c[0:3]
if self.dbg: print("ende:" ,ende)
while num < ende or (C == "T" and num <= ende): #len(path.path):
if self.dbg: print ("0", num)
c = path.path[num]
if self.dbg: print("first: ", num, c)
C, x, y = c[0:3]
if C == "M":
if self.dbg: print ("1", num)
sh = ET.SubElement(children, "Shape", Type="Path", CutIndex=str(myColor))
sh.text = "\n "
sh.tail = "\n"
vl = ET.SubElement(sh, "VertList")
vl.text = f"V{x:.3f} {y:.3f}c0x1c1x1"
vl.tail = "\n"
pl = ET.SubElement(sh, "PrimList")
pl.text = ""#f"L{cnt} {cnt+1}"
pl.tail = "\n"
start = c
x0, y0 = x, y
# do something with M
done = False
bspline = False
while done == False and num < ende: #len(path.path):
num += 1
c = path.path[num]
if self.dbg: print ("next: ",num, c)
C, x, y = c[0:3]
if C == "M":
if start and points_equal(start[1], start[2], x, y):
pl.text = "LineClosed"
start = c
cnt = 1
if self.dbg: print ("next, because M")
done = True
elif C == "T":
if self.dbg: print ("next, because T")
done = True
if C == "L":
vl.text+=(f"V{x:.3f} {y:.3f}c0x1c1x1")
pl.text += f"L{cnt-1} {cnt}"
cnt +=1
elif C == "C":
x1, y1, x2, y2 = c[3:]
if self.dbg: print ("C: ",x0, y0, x1, y1, x, y, x2, y2)
vl.text+=(f"V{x0:.3f} {y0:.3f}c0x{(x1):.3f}c0y{(y1):.3f}c1x1V{x:.3f} {y:.3f}c0x1c1x{(x2):.3f}c1y{(y2):.3f}")
pl.text += f"L{cnt-1} {cnt}B{cnt} {cnt+1}"
cnt +=2
bspline = True
print("unknown", c)
if done == False:
x0, y0 = x, y
if start and points_equal(start[1], start[2], x0, y0):
if bspline == False:
pl.text = "LineClosed"
start = c
if self.dbg: print ("2", num)
elif C == "T":
cnt = 1
#C = ""
if self.dbg: print ("3", num)
m, text, params = c[3:]
m = m * Affine.translation(0, params['fs'])
if self.dbg: print ("T: ",x, y, c)
num += 1
font, bold, italic = params['ff']
if params.get('font', 'Arial')=='Arial':
f = self.fonts[font]
f = params.get('font', 'Arial')
fontColor = self.lbrn2_colors[4*int(params["rgb"][0])+2*int(params["rgb"][1])+int(params["rgb"][2])]
#alignment can be left|middle|end
if params.get('align', 'left')=='middle':
hor = '1'
if params.get('align', 'left')=='end':
hor = '2'
hor = '0'
ver = 1 # vertical is always bottom, text is shifted in box class
pos = text.find('%')
offs = 0
if pos >- 1:
if self.dbg: print ("p: ", pos, text[pos+1:pos+3])
texttype = '2'
if self.dbg: print("l ", len(text[pos+1:pos+3]))
if text[pos+1:pos+2].isnumeric():
if self.dbg: print ("t0", text[pos+1:pos+3])
if text[pos+1:pos+3].isnumeric() and len(text[pos+1:pos+3]) == 2:
if self.dbg: print ("t1")
if text[pos:pos+3] in txtOffset:
if self.dbg: print ("t2")
offs = txtOffset[text[pos:pos+3]] + 1
if self.dbg: print ("t3")
offs = 0
txtOffset[text[pos:pos+3]] = offs
if self.dbg: print ("t4")
if text[pos:pos+2] in txtOffset:
if self.dbg: print ("t5")
offs = txtOffset[text[pos:pos+2]] + 1
offs = 0
if self.dbg: print ("t6")
txtOffset[text[pos:pos+2]] = offs
if self.dbg: print ("t7")
texttype = '0'
texttype = '0'
if self.dbg: print ("t8")
if self.dbg: print ("o: ", text, txtOffset, offs)
if not text:
if self.dbg: print ("T: text with empty string - ",x, y, c)
2022-04-16 18:27:01 +02:00
sh = ET.SubElement(children, "Shape", Type="Text", CutIndex=str(fontColor), Font=f"{f}", H=f"{(params['fs']*1.75*0.6086434):.3f}", Str=f"{text}", Bold=f"{'1' if bold else '0'}", Italic=f"{'1' if italic else '0'}", Ah=f"{str(hor)}", Av=f"{str(ver)}", Eval=f"{texttype}", VariableOffset=f"{str(offs)}") # 1mm = 1.75 Lightburn H units
sh.text = "\n "
sh.tail = "\n"
xf = ET.SubElement(sh, "XForm")
xf.text = " ".join((f"{m[i]:.3f}" for i in (0, 3, 1, 4, 2, 5)))
xf.tail = "\n"
if self.dbg: print ("4", num)
print ("next, because not M")
num += 1
url = self.metadata["url"].replace("&render=1", "") # remove render argument to get web form again
pl = ET.SubElement(svg, "Notes", ShowOnLoad="1", Notes="File created by script, programmed by Florian Festi.\nLightburn output by Klaus Steinhammer.\n\nURL with settings:\n" + str(url))
pl.text = ""
pl.tail = "\n"
if self.dbg: print ("5", num)
tree.write(open(self._fname, "wb"), encoding="utf-8", xml_declaration=True, method="xml")
from random import random
def random_svg_color():
r, g, b = random(), random(), random()
return f"rgb({r*255:.0f},{g*255:.0f},{b*255:.0f})"
def rgb_to_svg_color(r, g, b):
return f"rgb({r*255:.0f},{g*255:.0f},{b*255:.0f})"
def line_intersection(line1, line2):
xdiff = (line1[0][0] - line1[1][0], line2[0][0] - line2[1][0])
ydiff = (line1[0][1] - line1[1][1], line2[0][1] - line2[1][1])
def det(a, b):
return a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0]
div = det(xdiff, ydiff)
if div == 0:
# todo: deal with paralel line intersection / overlay
return False, None, None
d = (det(*line1), det(*line2))
x = det(d, xdiff) / div
y = det(d, ydiff) / div
on_segments = (
(x + EPS >= min(line1[0][0], line1[1][0])),
(x + EPS >= min(line2[0][0], line2[1][0])),
(x - EPS <= max(line1[0][0], line1[1][0])),
(x - EPS <= max(line2[0][0], line2[1][0])),
(y + EPS >= min(line1[0][1], line1[1][1])),
(y + EPS >= min(line2[0][1], line2[1][1])),
(y - EPS <= max(line1[0][1], line1[1][1])),
(y - EPS <= max(line2[0][1], line2[1][1])),
return min(on_segments), x, y