diff --git a/boxes/generators/compartmentbox.py b/boxes/generators/compartmentbox.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2672a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boxes/generators/compartmentbox.py
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Florian Festi
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+from boxes import *
+class CompartmentBox(Boxes):
+ """Type tray variation with sliding lid"""
+ description = """Sliding lid rests on inner walls,
+ so will not work if no inner walls are present.
+ Suggested to place walls close to both sides for maximum stability."""
+ ui_group = "Unstable"
+ def __init__(self) -> None:
+ Boxes.__init__(self)
+ self.buildArgParser("sx", "sy", "h", "outside", "bottom_edge")
+ self.argparser.add_argument(
+ "--handle", action="store", type=str, default="lip",
+ choices={"none","lip","hole"},
+ help="how to grab the lid to remove")
+ self.argparser.add_argument(
+ "--radius", action="store", type=float, default=10,
+ dest="radius", help="radius of the grip hole in mm")
+ self.argparser.add_argument(
+ "--holes", action="store", type=str,
+ default="70",
+ help="width of hole(s) in percentage of maximum hole width")
+ def xSlots(self):
+ posx = -0.5 * self.thickness
+ for x in self.sx[:-1]:
+ posx += x + self.thickness
+ posy = 0
+ for y in self.sy:
+ self.fingerHolesAt(posx, posy, y)
+ posy += y + self.thickness
+ def ySlots(self):
+ posy = -0.5 * self.thickness
+ for y in self.sy[:-1]:
+ posy += y + self.thickness
+ posx = 0
+ for x in reversed(self.sx):
+ self.fingerHolesAt(posy, posx, x)
+ posx += x + self.thickness
+ def xHoles(self):
+ posx = -0.5 * self.thickness
+ for x in self.sx[:-1]:
+ posx += x + self.thickness
+ self.fingerHolesAt(posx, 0, self.h)
+ def yHoles(self):
+ posy = -0.5 * self.thickness
+ for y in self.sy[:-1]:
+ posy += y + self.thickness
+ self.fingerHolesAt(posy, 0, self.h)
+ def render(self):
+ t = self.thickness
+ if self.outside:
+ self.sx = self.adjustSize(self.sx)
+ self.sy = self.adjustSize(self.sy)
+ self.h = self.adjustSize(self.h) - 2 * t
+ x = sum(self.sx) + self.thickness * (len(self.sx) - 1)
+ y = sum(self.sy) + self.thickness * (len(self.sy) - 1)
+ h = self.h
+ # Create new Edges here if needed E.g.:
+ s = edges.FingerJointSettings(self.thickness, relative=False,
+ style = "rectangular")
+ p = edges.FingerJointEdge(self, s)
+ p.char = "a" # 'a', 'A', 'b' and 'B' is reserved for beeing used within generators
+ self.addPart(p)
+ # outer walls
+ b = self.bottom_edge
+ tl, tb, tr, tf = "FEFe"
+ tl, tb, tr, tf = "ŠSŠe" if b == "s" else "FEFe"
+ # x sides
+ self.ctx.save()
+ # outer walls - front/back
+ hb = h+t * (3 if tb == "S" else 1)
+ self.rectangularWall(x, hb, [b, "F", tb, "F"],
+ callback=[self.xHoles],
+ ignore_widths=[1,2,5,6],
+ move="up", label="back")
+ self.rectangularWall(x, h, [b, "F", tf, "F"],
+ callback=[self.mirrorX(self.xHoles, x)],
+ ignore_widths=[1,6],
+ move="up", label="front")
+ # floor
+ if b != "e":
+ self.rectangularWall(x, y, "ffff", callback=[self.xSlots, self.ySlots], move="up", label="bottom")
+ # Inner walls
+ be = "f" if b != "e" else "e"
+ for i in range(len(self.sy) - 1):
+ e = [edges.SlottedEdge(self, self.sx, be), "f",
+ edges.SlottedEdge(self, self.sx[::-1], "e", slots=0.5 * h), "f"]
+ self.rectangularWall(x, h, e, move="up", label=f"inner x {i+1}")
+ # top / lid
+ handle = self.handle
+ if handle == "lip":
+ self.rectangularWall(x, y, "feee", move="up", label="lid")
+ self.rectangularWall(x, t * (2 if b == "s" else 1), "fe" + ("S" if b == "s" else "e") + "e", move="up", label="lid lip")
+ if handle == "hole":
+ self.rectangularWall(x, y + t, move="up", label="lid", callback=[self.gripHole])
+ if handle == "none":
+ self.rectangularWall(x, y + t, move="up", label="lid")
+ self.ctx.restore()
+ self.rectangularWall(x, h, "ffff", move="right only")
+ # y walls
+ # outer walls - left/right
+ self.sideWall(
+ y, h+t, "left", [b, "f", tl, "f"], callback=[self.yHoles, ],
+ move="up", label="left side")
+ self.sideWall(
+ y, h+t, "right", [b, "f", tr, "f"],
+ callback=[self.mirrorX(self.yHoles, y), ],
+ move="up", label="right side")
+ # inner walls
+ for i in range(len(self.sx) - 1):
+ e = [edges.SlottedEdge(self, self.sy, be, slots=0.5 * h),
+ "f", "e", "f"]
+ self.rectangularWall(y, h, e, move="up", label=f"inner y {i+1}")
+ lipy = y-t if self.handle == "lip" else y
+ self.rectangularWall(lipy, t, "eefe", move="up", label="Lip Left")
+ self.rectangularWall(lipy, t, "feee", move="up", label="Lip Right")
+ def sideWall(self, x, y, side, edges="eeee",
+ holesMargin=None, holesSettings=None,
+ bedBolts=None, bedBoltSettings=None,
+ callback=None,
+ move=None,
+ label=""):
+ if len(edges) != 4:
+ raise ValueError("four edges required")
+ if side not in {"left", "right"}:
+ raise ValueError("side must be left or right")
+ b = edges[0]
+ edges = [self.edges.get(e, e) for e in edges]
+ edges += edges # append for wrapping around
+ overallwidth = x + edges[-1].spacing() + edges[1].spacing()
+ overallheight = y + edges[0].spacing() + edges[2].spacing()
+ t = self.thickness
+ if self.move(overallwidth, overallheight, move, before=True):
+ return
+ self.moveTo(edges[-1].spacing(), edges[0].margin())
+ for i, l in enumerate((x, y, x, y)):
+ self.cc(callback, i, y=edges[i].startwidth() + self.burn)
+ e1, e2 = edges[i], edges[i + 1]
+ if i == 3 and side == "right":
+ l -= t
+ self.edges.get('e')(t)
+ l += edges[i+1].startwidth()
+ e2 = self.edges["e"]
+ edges[i](l,
+ bedBolts=self.getEntry(bedBolts, i),
+ bedBoltSettings=self.getEntry(bedBoltSettings, i))
+ elif i == 1 and side == "left":
+ l -= t
+ l += edges[i-1].startwidth()
+ edges[i](l,
+ bedBolts=self.getEntry(bedBolts, i),
+ bedBoltSettings=self.getEntry(bedBoltSettings, i))
+ self.edges.get('e')(t)
+ else:
+ if i == 3 and side == "left":
+ l += edges[i+1].startwidth() + edges[i-1].startwidth()
+ e2 = self.edges["e"]
+ if i == 1 and side == "right":
+ l += edges[i+1].startwidth() + edges[i-1].startwidth()
+ e2 = self.edges["e"]
+ if i == 2 and self.handle == "lip":
+ if b != "s":
+ l -= t
+ print(b)
+ if side == "left":
+ self.edges.get('e')(t)
+ edges[i](l,
+ bedBolts=self.getEntry(bedBolts, i),
+ bedBoltSettings=self.getEntry(bedBoltSettings, i))
+ elif side == "right":
+ edges[i](l,
+ bedBolts=self.getEntry(bedBolts, i),
+ bedBoltSettings=self.getEntry(bedBoltSettings, i))
+ self.edges.get('e')(t)
+ else:
+ self.edges.get('S')(l)
+ self.fingerHolesAt(0 if side == "left" else -t, 1.5*t, l-t, angle=180)
+ else:
+ edges[i](l,
+ bedBolts=self.getEntry(bedBolts, i),
+ bedBoltSettings=self.getEntry(bedBoltSettings, i))
+ if i == 2 and side == "left":
+ e1 = self.edges["e"]
+ if i == 0 and side == "right":
+ e1 = self.edges["e"]
+ if i == 0 and side == "left":
+ e1 = self.edges["e"]
+ self.edgeCorner(e1, e2, 90)
+ if holesMargin is not None:
+ self.moveTo(holesMargin,
+ holesMargin + edges[0].startwidth())
+ self.hexHolesRectangle(x - 2 * holesMargin, y - 2 * holesMargin, settings=holesSettings)
+ self.move(overallwidth, overallheight, move, label=label)
+ def gripHole(self):
+ if not self.radius:
+ return
+ radius = self.radius
+ t = self.thickness
+ widths = argparseSections(self.holes)
+ x = sum(self.sx) + self.thickness * (len(self.sx) - 1)
+ if sum(widths) > 0:
+ if sum(widths) < 100:
+ slot_offset = ((1 - sum(widths) / 100) * (x - (len(widths) + 1) * self.thickness)) / (len(widths) * 2)
+ else:
+ slot_offset = 0
+ slot_height = 2* radius # (self.settings.height - 2 * self.thickness) * self.settings.hole_height / 100
+ slot_x = self.thickness + slot_offset
+ for w in widths:
+ if sum(widths) > 100:
+ slotwidth = w / sum(widths) * (x - (len(widths) + 1) * self.thickness)
+ else:
+ slotwidth = w / 100 * (x - (len(widths) + 1) * self.thickness)
+ slot_x += slotwidth / 2
+ with self.saved_context():
+ #self.moveTo(20, slot_x, 0)
+ self.rectangularHole(slot_x,radius+t,slotwidth,slot_height,radius,True,True)
+ slot_x += slotwidth / 2 + slot_offset + self.thickness + slot_offset
+#todo stackable top/bottom
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/boxes/generators/desksign.py b/boxes/generators/desksign.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a6b09d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boxes/generators/desksign.py
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Florian Festi
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+from boxes import *
+class Desksign(Boxes):
+ """Simple diagonal plate with stands to show name or mesage"""
+ description = """Text to be engraved can be genarated by inputing the label and fontsize fields.
+ height represents the area that can be used for writing text, does not match the actual
+ height when standing. Generated text is put in the center. Currently only a single
+ line of text is supported."""
+ ui_group = "Misc"
+ def __init__(self) -> None:
+ Boxes.__init__(self)
+ self.addSettingsArgs(edges.FingerJointSettings)
+ #self.buildArgParser("x", "y", "h", "outside", "bottom_edge")
+ self.argparser.add_argument(
+ "--width", action="store", type=float, default=150,
+ help="plate width in mm (excluding holes)")
+ self.argparser.add_argument(
+ "--height", action="store", type=float, default=80,
+ help="plate height in mm")
+ self.argparser.add_argument(
+ "--angle", action="store", type=float, default=60,
+ help="plate angle in degrees (90 is vertical)")
+ self.argparser.add_argument(
+ "--label", action="store", type=str, default="",
+ help="optional text to engrave (leave blank to omit)")
+ self.argparser.add_argument(
+ "--fontsize", action="store", type=float, default=20,
+ help="height of text")
+ def render(self):
+ width = self.width
+ height = self.height
+ angle = self.angle
+ t = self.thickness
+ if not (0 < angle and angle < 90):
+ raise ValueError("angle has to between 0 and 90 degrees")
+ base = math.cos(math.radians(angle)) * height
+ h = math.sin(math.radians(angle)) * height
+ label = self.label
+ fontsize = self.fontsize
+ if label and fontsize:
+ self.rectangularWall(width, height, "eheh", move="right", callback=[
+ lambda: self.text("%s" % label, width/2, (height-fontsize)/2,
+ fontsize = fontsize, align="center", color=Color.ETCHING)]) # add text
+ else:
+ self.rectangularWall(width, height, "eheh", move="right") # front
+ self.rectangularTriangle(base, h, "eef", num=2, move="right") # stands at back/side
diff --git a/boxes/generators/piratechest.py b/boxes/generators/piratechest.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..025dccb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boxes/generators/piratechest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Florian Festi
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+from boxes import *
+class Piratechest(Boxes): # Change class name!
+ """Box with polygon lid with chest hinges."""
+ description = """Do not assemble sides before attaching the lid!
+ Hinge of the lid has to be placed first because it is impossible
+ to get it in position without removing the side wall. The lid can
+ be a bit tricky to assemble. Keep track of how the parts fit together."""
+ ui_group = "Box" # see ./__init__.py for names
+ def __init__(self) -> None:
+ Boxes.__init__(self)
+ # Uncomment the settings for the edge types you use
+ # use keyword args to set default values
+ self.addSettingsArgs(edges.FingerJointSettings, finger=1.0,space=1.0)
+ # self.addSettingsArgs(edges.StackableSettings)
+ self.addSettingsArgs(edges.HingeSettings)
+ # self.addSettingsArgs(edges.LidSettings)
+ # self.addSettingsArgs(edges.ClickSettings)
+ # self.addSettingsArgs(edges.FlexSettings)
+ # remove cli params you do not need
+ self.buildArgParser(x=100, y=100, h=100)
+ # Add non default cli params if needed (see argparse std lib)
+ self.argparser.add_argument(
+ "--n", action="store", type=int, default=5,
+ help="number of sides on the lid")
+ def render(self):
+ # adjust to the variables you want in the local scope
+ x, y, h = self.x, self.y, self.h
+ t = self.thickness
+ n = self.n
+ # Create new Edges here if needed E.g.:
+ s = edges.FingerJointSettings(self.thickness, relative=False,
+ space = 10, finger=10,
+ width=self.thickness)
+ p = edges.FingerJointEdge(self, s)
+ p.char = "a" # 'a', 'A', 'b' and 'B' is reserved for beeing used within generators
+ self.addPart(p)
+ # code from regularbox
+ fingerJointSettings = copy.deepcopy(self.edges["f"].settings)
+ fingerJointSettings.setValues(self.thickness, angle=180./(n-1))
+ fingerJointSettings.edgeObjects(self, chars="gGH")
+ # render your parts here
+ self.ctx.save()
+ self.rectangularWall(x, y, "FFFF", move="up", label="Bottom")
+ frontlid, toplids, backlid = self.topside(y, n = n, move="only", bottem='P')
+ self.rectangularWall(x, backlid, "qFgF", move="up", label="lid back")
+ for _ in range(n-2):
+ self.rectangularWall(x, toplids, "GFgF", move="up", label="lid top")
+ self.rectangularWall(x, frontlid, "GFeF", move="up", label="lid front")
+ self.ctx.restore()
+ self.rectangularWall(x, y, "FFFF", move="right only")
+ with self.saved_context():
+ self.rectangularWall(x, h, "fFQF", ignore_widths=[2, 5], move="right", label="front")
+ self.rectangularWall(y, h, "ffof", ignore_widths=[5], move="right", label="right")
+ self.rectangularWall(0, h, "eeep", move="right only")
+ self.rectangularWall(x, h, "fFoF", move="up only")
+ self.rectangularWall(x, 0, "Peee", move="up only")
+ hy = self.edges["O"].startwidth()
+ hy2 = self.edges["P"].startwidth()
+ e1 = edges.CompoundEdge(self, "Fe", (h, hy))
+ e2 = edges.CompoundEdge(self, "eF", (hy, h))
+ e_back = ("f", e1, "e", e2)
+ with self.saved_context():
+ #self.rectangularWall(x, h, "fFeF", ignore_widths=[2, 5], move="right", label="back")
+ self.rectangularWall(x, h+hy, e_back, move="right", label="back") # extend back to correct height
+ self.rectangularWall(0, h, "ePee", move="right only")
+ self.rectangularWall(y, h, "ffOf", ignore_widths=[2], move="right", label="left")
+ self.rectangularWall(x, h, "fFOF", move="up only")
+ self.rectangularWall(x, 0, "peee", move="up only")
+ self.topside(y, n = n, move="right", bottem='p', label="lid left")
+ self.topside(y, n = n, move="right", bottem='P', label="lid right")
+ def topside(self, y, n, bottem='e', move=None, label=""):
+ radius, hp, side = self.regularPolygon((n - 1) * 2, h=y/2.0)
+ t = self.thickness
+ #edge = self.edges.get('f')
+ tx = y + 2 * self.edges.get('f').spacing()
+ lidheight = hp if n % 2 else radius
+ ty = lidheight + self.edges.get('f').spacing() + self.edges.get(bottem).spacing()
+ if self.move(tx, ty, move, before=True):
+ if bottem in "pP":
+ return side/2 + self.edges.get(bottem).spacing(), side, side/2
+ else:
+ return side/2, side, side/2
+ self.moveTo(self.edges.get('f').margin(), self.edges.get(bottem).margin())
+ self.edges.get(bottem)(y)
+ self.corner(90)
+ if bottem == 'p':
+ self.edges.get('f')(side/2 + self.edges.get(bottem).spacing())
+ else:
+ self.edges.get('f')(side/2)
+ #self.edgeCorner(self.edges.get('f'), self.edges.get('f'), 180 / (n - 1))
+ self.corner(180 / (n - 1))
+ for i in range(n-2):
+ self.edges.get('f')(side)
+ #self.edgeCorner(self.edges.get('f'), self.edges.get('f'), 180 / (n - 1))
+ self.corner(180 / (n - 1))
+ if bottem == 'P':
+ self.edges.get('f')(side/2 + self.edges.get(bottem).spacing())
+ else:
+ self.edges.get('f')(side/2)
+ self.corner(90)
+ self.move(tx, ty, move, label=label)
+ if bottem in "pP":
+ return side/2 + self.edges.get(bottem).spacing(), side, side/2
+ else:
+ return side/2, side, side/2
diff --git a/boxes/generators/shoe.py b/boxes/generators/shoe.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc442cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boxes/generators/shoe.py
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Florian Festi
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+from boxes import *
+class Shoe(Boxes): # Change class name!
+ """Shoe shaped box"""
+ description = """Shoe shaped box with flat sides and rounded top.
+ Works best if flex if under slight compression.
+ Also make sure that the following condition is met,
+ y > tophole + r + fronttop."""
+ ui_group = "Misc" # see ./__init__.py for names
+ def __init__(self) -> None:
+ Boxes.__init__(self)
+ # Uncomment the settings for the edge types you use
+ # use keyword args to set default values
+ self.addSettingsArgs(edges.FingerJointSettings)
+ # self.addSettingsArgs(edges.StackableSettings)
+ # self.addSettingsArgs(edges.HingeSettings)
+ # self.addSettingsArgs(edges.LidSettings)
+ # self.addSettingsArgs(edges.ClickSettings)
+ self.addSettingsArgs(edges.FlexSettings)
+ # remove cli params you do not need
+ self.buildArgParser(x=65, y=175, h=100)
+ # Add non default cli params if needed (see argparse std lib)
+ self.argparser.add_argument(
+ "--frontheight", action="store", type=float, default=35,
+ help="height at the front of the shoe")
+ self.argparser.add_argument(
+ "--fronttop", action="store", type=float, default=20,
+ help="length of the flat part at the front of the shoe")
+ self.argparser.add_argument(
+ "--tophole", action="store", type=float, default=75,
+ help="length of the opening at the top")
+ self.argparser.add_argument(
+ "--radius", action="store", type=float, default=30,
+ help="radius of the bend")
+ def render(self):
+ # adjust to the variables you want in the local scope
+ x, y, h = self.x, self.y, self.h
+ t = self.thickness
+ hf = self.frontheight
+ yg = self.tophole
+ tf = self.fronttop
+ r=self.radius
+ stretch = (self.edges["X"].settings.stretch)
+ self.ctx.save()
+ self.rectangularWall(y, x, "FFFF", move="up", label="Bottom")
+ lf,a=self.shoeside(y,h,hf,yg,tf,r, move="up", label="Side")
+ self.shoeside(y,h,hf,yg,tf,r, move="mirror up", label="Side")
+ self.ctx.restore()
+ self.rectangularWall(y, x, "FFFF", move="right only")
+ self.rectangularWall(x, h, "ffef", move="up", label="Back")
+ self.rectangularWall(x, hf, "ffff", move="up", label="front")
+ dr = a*(r-t)/stretch
+ self.shoelip(x, tf, dr, lf, label="top")
+ def shoelip(self, x, tf, dr, lf, move=None, label=""):
+ w = self.edges["F"].spacing()
+ th = tf + dr + lf + self.edges["F"].spacing() + self.edges["e"].spacing()
+ tw = x + 2*w
+ if self.move(tw, th, move, True, label=label):
+ return
+ self.moveTo(self.edges["F"].spacing(), self.edges["e"].spacing())
+ self.edges["F"](x)
+ self.edgeCorner("F", "F")
+ self.edges["F"](tf)
+ self.edges["X"](dr, h=x+2*w)
+ self.edges["F"](lf)
+ self.edgeCorner("F", "e")
+ self.edges["e"](x)
+ self.edgeCorner("e", "F")
+ self.edges["F"](lf)
+ self.edges["E"](dr)
+ self.edges["F"](tf)
+ self.edgeCorner("F", "F")
+ self.move(tw, th, move, label=label)
+ def shoeside(self, y, h, hf, yg, tf, r, move=None, label=""):
+ import math
+ tx = y + 2 * self.edges.get('F').spacing()
+ ty = h + self.edges.get('f').spacing() + self.edges.get("e").spacing()
+ if self.move(tx, ty, move, before=True):
+ return
+ lf = math.sqrt((h-hf)**2+(y-yg-tf)**2)
+ af = 90-math.degrees(math.atan((h-hf)/(y-yg-tf)))
+ atemp = math.degrees(math.atan((h-hf-r)/(y-yg-tf)))
+ dtemp = math.sqrt((h-hf-r)**2+(y-yg-tf)**2)
+ lf = math.sqrt(dtemp**2-r**2)
+ af = 90-atemp-math.degrees(math.atan(r/lf))
+ self.moveTo(self.edges.get('f').margin(), self.edges.get("f").margin())
+ self.edges.get('f')(y)
+ self.edgeCorner(self.edges["f"],self.edges["F"],90)
+ self.edges.get('F')(hf)
+ self.edgeCorner(self.edges["F"],self.edges["f"],90)
+ self.edges.get('f')(tf)
+ self.corner(af-90,r)
+ self.edges.get('f')(lf)
+ self.edgeCorner(self.edges["f"],self.edges["e"],90-af)
+ self.edges.get('e')(yg)
+ self.edgeCorner(self.edges["e"],self.edges["F"],90)
+ self.edges.get('F')(h)
+ self.edgeCorner(self.edges["F"],self.edges["f"],90)
+ self.move(tx, ty, move, label=label)
+ return lf,math.radians(90-af)