Add fillHoles() function

to fill a polygon with a hole pattern
This commit is contained in: 2022-06-05 09:24:54 +02:00 committed by Florian Festi
parent 3793a2bb09
commit 5169343be7
8 changed files with 403 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ branches:
- master
- pip install sphinx affine
- pip install sphinx affine shapely
#- python install
- cd ./documentation/src/ && make html #linkchecker

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@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ from xml.sax.saxutils import quoteattr
from contextlib import contextmanager
import copy
from shlex import quote
from shapely.geometry import *
from shapely.ops import split
import random
from boxes import edges
from boxes import formats
@ -241,6 +244,33 @@ Values:
relative_params = {}
class fillHolesSettings(edges.Settings):
"""Settings for Hole filling
* absolute
* fill_pattern : "no fill" : style of hole pattern
* hole_style : "round" : style of holes (does not apply to fill patterns 'vbar' and 'hbar')
* max_random : 1000 : maximum number of random holes
* bar_length : 50 : maximum length of bars
* hole_max_radius : 12.0 : maximum radius of generated holes (in mm)
* hole_min_radius : 4.0 : minimum radius of generated holes (in mm)
* space_between_holes : 4.0 : hole to hole spacing (in mm)
* space_to_border : 4.0 : hole to border spacing (in mm)
absolute_params = {
"fill_pattern": ("no fill", "hex", "square", "random", "hbar", "vbar"),
"hole_style": ("round", "triangle", "square", "hexagon", "octagon"),
"max_random": 1000,
"bar_length": 50,
"hole_max_radius": 3.0,
"hole_min_radius": 0.5,
"space_between_holes": 4.0,
"space_to_border": 4.0,
### Main class
@ -1501,7 +1531,367 @@ class Boxes:
y * 0.5 * holedistance,
0.5 * diameter)
# hexHoles
def showBorderPoly(self,border,color=Color.ANNOTATIONS):
draw border polygon (for debugging only)
:param border: array with coordinate [(x0,y0), (x1,y1),...] of the border polygon
for x, y in border[1:]:
self.ctx.line_to(x, y)
i = 0
for x, y in border:
i += 1
self.hole(x, y, 0.5, color=color)
self.text(str(i), x, y, fontsize=2, color=color)
def fillHoles(self, pattern, border, max_radius, hspace=3, bspace=0, min_radius=0.5, style="round", bar_length=50, max_random=1000):
fill a polygon defined by its outline with holes
:param pattern: defines the hole pattern - currently "random", "hex", "square" "hbar" or "vbar" are supported
:param border: array with coordinate [(x0,y0), (x1,y1),...] of the border polygon
:param max_radius: maximum hole radius
:param hspace: space between holes
:param bspace: space to border
:param min_radius: minimum hole radius
:param style: defines hole style - currently one of "round", "triangle", "square", "hexagon" or "octagon"
:param bar_length: maximum bar length
:param max_random: maximum number of random holes
if pattern not in ["random", "hex", "square", "hbar", "vbar"]:
a = 0
if style == "round":
n = 0
elif style == "triangle":
n = 3
a = 60
elif style == "square":
n = 4
elif style == "hexagon":
n = 6
a = 30
elif style == "octagon":
n = 8
a = 22.5
raise ValueError("fillHoles - unknown hole style: %s)" % style)
# note to myself: ^y x>
if self.debug:
borderPoly = Polygon(border)
min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y = borderPoly.bounds
if pattern == "vbar":
border = [(max_y - y + min_y, x) for x, y in border]
borderPoly = Polygon(border)
min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y = borderPoly.bounds
self.moveTo(0, max_x + min_x, -90)
pattern = "hbar"
if self.debug:
self.showBorderPoly(border, color=Color.MAGENTA)
row = 0
i = 0
# calc the next smaller radius to fit an 'optimum' number of circles
# for x direction
nx = math.ceil((max_x - min_x - 2 * bspace + hspace) / (2 * max_radius + hspace))
max_radius_x = (max_x - min_x - 2 * bspace - (nx - 1) * hspace) / nx / 2
# for y direction
if pattern == "hex":
ny = math.ceil((max_y - min_y - 2 * bspace - 2 * max_radius) / (math.sqrt(3) / 2 * (2 * max_radius + hspace)))
max_radius_y = (max_y - min_y - 2 * bspace - math.sqrt(3) / 2 * ny * hspace) / (math.sqrt(3) * ny + 2 )
ny = math.ceil((max_y - min_y - 2 * bspace + hspace) / (2 * max_radius + hspace))
max_radius_y = (max_y - min_y - 2 * bspace - (ny - 1) * hspace) / ny / 2
if pattern == "random":
grid = {}
misses = 0 # in a row
while i < max_random and misses < 20:
i += 1
misses += 1
# random new point
x = random.randrange(math.floor(min_x + bspace), math.ceil(max_x - bspace)) # randomness takes longer to compute
y = random.randrange(math.floor(min_y + bspace), math.ceil(max_y - bspace)) # but generates a new pattern for each run
pt = Point(x, y).buffer(min_radius + bspace)
# check if point is within border
if borderPoly.contains(pt):
pt1 = Point(x, y)
grid_x = int(x//(2*max_radius+hspace))
grid_y = int(y//(2*max_radius+hspace))
# compute distance between hole and border
bdist = borderPoly.exterior.distance(pt1) - bspace
# compute minimum distance to all other holes
hdist = max_radius
try: # learned from
for gx in (-1, 0, 1):
for gy in (-1, 0, 1):
for pt2 in grid.get((grid_x+gx, grid_y+gy), []):
pt3 = Point(pt2.x, pt2.y)
hdist = min(hdist, pt1.distance(pt3) - pt2.z - hspace)
if hdist < min_radius:
hdist = 0
raise StopIteration
except StopIteration:
# find maximum radius depending on distances
r = min(bdist, hdist)
# if too small, dismiss cycle
if r < min_radius:
# if too large, limit to max size
if r > max_radius:
r = max_radius
# store in grid with radius as z value
grid.setdefault((grid_x, grid_y), []).append(
Point(x, y, r))
misses = 0
# and finally paint the hole
self.regularPolygonHole(x, y, r=r, n=n, a=a)
# rinse and repeat
elif pattern in ("square", "hex"):
# use 'optimum' hole size
max_radius = min(max_radius_x, max_radius_y)
# check if at least one line fits (we do horizontal filling)
if (max_y - min_y) < (2 * max_radius + 2 * bspace):
# make cutPolys a little wider to avoid
# overlapping with lines to be cut
outerCutPoly = borderPoly.buffer(-1 * (bspace - 0.000001),
outerTestPoly = borderPoly.buffer(-1 * (bspace - 0.01),
# shrink original polygon to get place for full size polygons
innerCutPoly = borderPoly.buffer(-1 * (bspace + max_radius - 0.0001), join_style=2)
innerTestPoly = borderPoly.buffer(-1 * (bspace + max_radius - 0.001), join_style=2)
# get left and right boundaries of cut polygon
x_cpl, y_cpl, x_cpr, y_cpr = outerCutPoly.bounds
if self.debug:
# set startpoint
y = min_y + bspace + max_radius_y
while y < (max_y - bspace - max_radius_y):
if pattern == "square" or row % 2 == 0:
xs = min_x + bspace + max_radius_x
xs = min_x + max_radius_x * 2 + hspace / 2 + bspace
# create line segments cut by the polygons
line_complete = LineString([(x_cpl, y), (max_x + 1, y)])
# cut accurate
outer_line_split = split(line_complete, outerCutPoly)
line_complete = LineString([(x_cpl, y), (max_x + 1, y)])
inner_line_split = split(line_complete, innerCutPoly)
inner_line_index = 0
if self.debug and False:
for line in inner_line_split.geoms:
self.hole(line.bounds[0], line.bounds[1], 1.1)
self.hole(line.bounds[2], line.bounds[3], .9)
# process each line
for line_this in outer_line_split.geoms:
if self.debug and False: # enable to debug missing lines
x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end = line_this.bounds
with self.saved_context():
self.moveTo(x_start, y_start ,0)
self.hole(0, 0, 0.5)
self.edge(x_end - x_start)
with self.saved_context():
self.moveTo(x_start, y_start ,0)
self.text(str(outerTestPoly.contains(line_this)), 0, 0, fontsize=2, color=Color.ANNOTATIONS)
with self.saved_context():
self.moveTo(x_end, y_end ,0)
self.hole(0, 0, 0.5)
if not outerTestPoly.contains(line_this):
x_start, y_start , x_end, y_end = line_this.bounds
#initialize walking x coordinate
xw = (math.ceil((x_start - xs) / (2 * max_radius_x + hspace)) * (2 * max_radius_x + hspace)) + xs
# look up matching inner line
while (inner_line_index < len(inner_line_split) and
(inner_line_split.geoms[inner_line_index].bounds[2] < xw
or not innerTestPoly.contains(inner_line_split.geoms[inner_line_index]))):
inner_line_index += 1
# and process line
while not xw > x_end:
# are we in inner polygone already?
if (len(inner_line_split) > inner_line_index and
xw > inner_line_split.geoms[inner_line_index].bounds[0]):
# place inner, full size polygons
while xw < inner_line_split.geoms[inner_line_index].bounds[2]:
self.regularPolygonHole(xw, y, r=max_radius, n=n, a=a)
xw += (2 * max_radius_x + hspace)
# forward to next inner line
while (inner_line_index < len(inner_line_split) and
(inner_line_split.geoms[inner_line_index].bounds[0] < xw
or not innerTestPoly.contains(inner_line_split.geoms[inner_line_index]))):
inner_line_index += 1
if xw > x_end:
# Check distance to border to size the polygon
pt = Point(xw, y)
r = min(borderPoly.exterior.distance(pt) - bspace,
# if too small, dismiss
if r >= min_radius:
self.regularPolygonHole(xw, y, r=r, n=n, a=a)
xw += (2 * max_radius_x + hspace)
row += 1
if pattern == "square":
y += 2 * max_radius_y + hspace - 0.0001
y += (math.sqrt(3) / 2 * (2 * max_radius_y + hspace)) - 0.0001
elif pattern == "hbar":
# 'optimum' hole size to be used
max_radius = max_radius_y
# check if at least one bar fits
if (max_y - min_y) < (2 * max_radius + 2 * bspace):
#shrink original polygon
shrinkPoly = borderPoly.buffer(-1 * (bspace + max_radius - 0.01), join_style=2)
cutPoly = borderPoly.buffer(-1 * (bspace + max_radius - 0.000001), join_style=2)
if self.debug:
segment_length = [bar_length / 2, bar_length]
segment_max = 1
segment_toggle = False
# set startpoint
y = min_y + bspace + max_radius
# and calc step width
step_y = 2 * max_radius_y + hspace - 0.0001
while y < (max_y - bspace - max_radius):
# toggle segment length each new line
if segment_toggle:
segment_max = 0
segment_toggle ^= 1
# create line from left to right and cut according to shrinked polygon
line_complete = LineString([(min_x - 1, y), (max_x + 1, y)])
line_split = split(line_complete, cutPoly)
# process each line
for line_this in line_split.geoms:
if self.debug and False: # enable to debug missing lines
x_start, y_start , x_end, y_end = line_this.bounds
with self.saved_context():
self.moveTo(x_start, y_start ,0)
self.hole(0, 0, 0.5)
self.edge(x_end - x_start)
with self.saved_context():
self.moveTo(x_start, y_start ,0)
self.text(str(shrinkPoly.contains(line_this)), 0, 0, fontsize=2, color=Color.ANNOTATIONS)
with self.saved_context():
self.moveTo(x_end, y_end ,0)
self.hole(0, 0, 0.5)
if shrinkPoly.contains(line_this):
# long segment are cut down further
if line_this.length > segment_length[segment_max]:
line_working = line_this
length = line_working.length
while length > 0:
x_start, y_start , xw_end, yw_end = line_working.bounds
# calculate point with required distance from start point
p = line_working.interpolate(segment_length[segment_max])
# and use its coordinates as endpoint for this segment
x_end = p.x
y_end = p.y
# draw segment
with self.saved_context():
self.moveTo(x_start, y_start + max_radius,0)
self.edge(x_end - x_start)
self.corner(-180, max_radius)
self.edge(x_end - x_start)
self.corner(-180, max_radius)
if self.debug and False: # enable to debug cutting lines
with self.saved_context():
self.moveTo(x_start, y_start, 0)
self.edge(x_end - x_start)
s = "long - y: " + str(round(y, 1)) + " xs: " + str(round(x_start, 1)) + " xe: " + str(round(x_end, 1)) + " l: " + str(round(length, 1)) + " max: " + str(round(segment_length[segment_max], 1))
with self.saved_context():
self.text(s, x_start, y_start, fontsize=2, color=Color.ANNOTATIONS)
# subtract length of segmant from total segment length
length -= (x_end - x_start + hspace + 2 * max_radius)
# create remaining line to work with
line_working = LineString([(x_end + hspace + 2 * max_radius, y_end), (xw_end, yw_end)])
# next segment shall be long
segment_max = 1
# short segment can be drawn instantly
x_start, y_start , x_end, y_end = line_this.bounds
with self.saved_context():
self.moveTo(x_start, y_start + max_radius, 0)
self.edge(x_end - x_start)
self.corner(-180, max_radius)
self.edge(x_end - x_start)
self.corner(-180, max_radius)
if self.debug and False: # enable to debug short lines
with self.saved_context():
self.moveTo(x_start, y_start, 0)
self.edge(x_end - x_start)
s = "short - y: " + str(round(y, 1)) + " xs: " + str(round(x_start, 1)) + " xe: " + str(round(x_end, 1)) + " l: " + str(round(line_this.length, 1)) + " max: " + str(round(segment_length[segment_max], 1))
with self.saved_context():
self.text(s, x_start, y_start, fontsize=2, color=Color.ANNOTATIONS)
segment_max = 1
# short segment shall be skipped if a short segment shall start the line
if segment_toggle:
segment_max = 0
y += step_y
raise ValueError("fillHoles - unknown hole pattern: %s)" % pattern)
def hexHolesRectangle(self, x, y, settings=None, skip=None):
"""Fills a rectangle with holes in a hex pattern.

View File

@ -14,6 +14,12 @@ Affine
:code:`Affine` (package name may be :code:`python-affine` or
:code:`python3-affine`) is used for vector calculation.
:code:`shapely` (package name may be :code:`python-shapely` or
:code:`python3-shapely`) is used for filling shapes (with holes).
:code:`Markdown` (package name may be :code:`python-markdown` or

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ General
.. code::
pip3 install Markdown affine
pip3 install Markdown affine shapely
4. Download via Git:

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Following steps are known to work under Windows 10 (64-bit):
:alt: Screenshot of Python 3.7 (64-bit) installer with PATH checked
:align: center
3. Run the command :code:`pip install Markdown affine`
3. Run the command :code:`pip install Markdown affine shapely`
(Note: If the command pip is not found, you probably forgot to add the
Python installation to the PATH environment variable in step 2)

View File

@ -2,3 +2,4 @@ affine

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
FROM fedora:latest
# Install requirements
RUN dnf install -y git-core python3-markdown python3-setuptools python3-affine pstoedit && dnf clean all
RUN dnf install -y git-core python3-markdown python3-setuptools python3-affine python3-shapely pstoedit && dnf clean all
# Get sources to /boxes
RUN git clone --depth 1 -b master

View File

@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ setup(
install_requires=['affine>=2.0', 'markdown'],
install_requires=['affine>=2.0', 'markdown', 'shapely>=1.8.2'],
scripts=['scripts/boxes', 'scripts/boxesserver'],
'build_py': CustomBuildExtCommand,