Separating walls for dividing up drawers
A very much simpliefied version of typetray
This commit is contained in:
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<path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.2;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 2.199219 2.2 L 2.199219 2.2 M 2.199219 2.2 L 262.199219 2.2 M 262.199219 2.2 C 262.253906 2.2 262.300781 2.242969 262.300781 2.301563 M 262.300781 2.301563 L 262.300781 2.301563 M 262.300781 2.301563 L 262.300781 82.301563 M 262.300781 82.301563 C 262.300781 82.35625 262.257812 82.403125 262.199219 82.403125 M 262.199219 82.403125 L 262.199219 82.403125 M 262.199219 82.403125 L 178.199219 82.403125 C 178.144531 82.403125 178.097656 82.360156 178.097656 82.301563 M 178.097656 82.301563 L 178.097656 42.301563 C 178.097656 42.35625 178.140625 42.403125 178.199219 42.403125 M 178.199219 42.403125 L 174.199219 42.403125 C 174.253906 42.403125 174.300781 42.360156 174.300781 42.301563 M 174.300781 42.301563 L 174.300781 82.301563 C 174.300781 82.35625 174.257812 82.403125 174.199219 82.403125 M 174.199219 82.403125 L 90.199219 82.403125 C 90.144531 82.403125 90.097656 82.360156 90.097656 82.301563 M 90.097656 82.301563 L 90.097656 42.301563 C 90.097656 42.35625 90.140625 42.403125 90.199219 42.403125 M 90.199219 42.403125 L 86.199219 42.403125 C 86.253906 42.403125 86.300781 42.360156 86.300781 42.301563 M 86.300781 42.301563 L 86.300781 82.301563 C 86.300781 82.35625 86.257812 82.403125 86.199219 82.403125 M 86.199219 82.403125 L 2.199219 82.403125 M 2.199219 82.403125 C 2.144531 82.403125 2.097656 82.360156 2.097656 82.301563 M 2.097656 82.301563 L 2.097656 82.301563 M 2.097656 82.301563 L 2.097656 2.301563 M 2.097656 2.301563 C 2.097656 2.246875 2.140625 2.2 2.199219 2.2 " transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,4,255.2)"/>
<path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.2;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 2.199219 2.198438 L 2.199219 2.198438 M 2.199219 2.198438 L 262.199219 2.198438 M 262.199219 2.198438 C 262.253906 2.198438 262.300781 2.241406 262.300781 2.3 M 262.300781 2.3 L 262.300781 2.3 M 262.300781 2.3 L 262.300781 82.3 M 262.300781 82.3 C 262.300781 82.354688 262.257812 82.401563 262.199219 82.401563 M 262.199219 82.401563 L 262.199219 82.401563 M 262.199219 82.401563 L 178.199219 82.401563 C 178.144531 82.401563 178.097656 82.358594 178.097656 82.3 M 178.097656 82.3 L 178.097656 42.3 C 178.097656 42.354688 178.140625 42.401563 178.199219 42.401563 M 178.199219 42.401563 L 174.199219 42.401563 C 174.253906 42.401563 174.300781 42.358594 174.300781 42.3 M 174.300781 42.3 L 174.300781 82.3 C 174.300781 82.354688 174.257812 82.401563 174.199219 82.401563 M 174.199219 82.401563 L 90.199219 82.401563 C 90.144531 82.401563 90.097656 82.358594 90.097656 82.3 M 90.097656 82.3 L 90.097656 42.3 C 90.097656 42.354688 90.140625 42.401563 90.199219 42.401563 M 90.199219 42.401563 L 86.199219 42.401563 C 86.253906 42.401563 86.300781 42.358594 86.300781 42.3 M 86.300781 42.3 L 86.300781 82.3 C 86.300781 82.354688 86.257812 82.401563 86.199219 82.401563 M 86.199219 82.401563 L 2.199219 82.401563 M 2.199219 82.401563 C 2.144531 82.401563 2.097656 82.358594 2.097656 82.3 M 2.097656 82.3 L 2.097656 82.3 M 2.097656 82.3 L 2.097656 2.3 M 2.097656 2.3 C 2.097656 2.245313 2.140625 2.198438 2.199219 2.198438 " transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,4,170.8)"/>
<path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.2;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 2.199219 2.200781 L 2.199219 2.200781 M 2.199219 2.200781 L 262.199219 2.200781 M 262.199219 2.200781 C 262.253906 2.200781 262.300781 2.24375 262.300781 2.302344 M 262.300781 2.302344 L 262.300781 2.302344 M 262.300781 2.302344 L 262.300781 82.302344 M 262.300781 82.302344 C 262.300781 82.357031 262.257812 82.403906 262.199219 82.403906 M 262.199219 82.403906 L 262.199219 82.403906 M 262.199219 82.403906 L 178.199219 82.403906 C 178.144531 82.403906 178.097656 82.360938 178.097656 82.302344 M 178.097656 82.302344 L 178.097656 42.302344 C 178.097656 42.357031 178.140625 42.403906 178.199219 42.403906 M 178.199219 42.403906 L 174.199219 42.403906 C 174.253906 42.403906 174.300781 42.360938 174.300781 42.302344 M 174.300781 42.302344 L 174.300781 82.302344 C 174.300781 82.357031 174.257812 82.403906 174.199219 82.403906 M 174.199219 82.403906 L 90.199219 82.403906 C 90.144531 82.403906 90.097656 82.360938 90.097656 82.302344 M 90.097656 82.302344 L 90.097656 42.302344 C 90.097656 42.357031 90.140625 42.403906 90.199219 42.403906 M 90.199219 42.403906 L 86.199219 42.403906 C 86.253906 42.403906 86.300781 42.360938 86.300781 42.302344 M 86.300781 42.302344 L 86.300781 82.302344 C 86.300781 82.357031 86.257812 82.403906 86.199219 82.403906 M 86.199219 82.403906 L 2.199219 82.403906 M 2.199219 82.403906 C 2.144531 82.403906 2.097656 82.360938 2.097656 82.302344 M 2.097656 82.302344 L 2.097656 82.302344 M 2.097656 82.302344 L 2.097656 2.302344 M 2.097656 2.302344 C 2.097656 2.247656 2.140625 2.200781 2.199219 2.200781 " transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,4,86.4)"/>
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# Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Florian Festi
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
from boxes import *
class TrayInsert(Boxes):
def __init__(self, x, y, h, **kw):
self.x, self.y, self.h = x, y, h
t = kw.get("thickness", 4.0)
Boxes.__init__(self, width=max(sum(x)+len(x)*t, sum(y)+len(y)*t)+2*t,
height=(len(x)+len(y)-2)*(h+t)+2*t, **kw)
def render(self):
x = sum(self.x) + self.thickness * (len(self.x)-1)
y = sum(self.y) + self.thickness * (len(self.y)-1)
h = self.h
t = self.thickness
self.moveTo(t, t)
# Inner walls
for i in range(len(self.x)-1):
e = [SlottedEdge(self, self.y, slots=0.5*h), "e", "e", "e"]
self.rectangularWall(y, h, e,
for i in range(len(self.y)-1):
e = ["e", "e",
SlottedEdge(self, self.x[::-1], "e", slots=0.5*h), "e"]
self.rectangularWall(x, h, e,
# Calculate equidistant section
x = 260 # width
nx = 3
y = 300 # depth
ny = 4
dx = (x+thickness)/nx-thickness
dy = (y+thickness)/ny-thickness
sx = [dx] * nx
sy = [dy] * ny
# Or give sections by hand
#sx = [80, 100, 80]
#sy = [80, 120, 200]
b = TrayInsert(sx, sy, 80, thickness=thickness, burn=0.1)
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