IntegratedHingeBox: switch x and y measurements

So the hinge is at the backside along the x axis
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Florian Festi 2018-02-20 08:23:07 +01:00
parent 8cb9919968
commit c3917d3292
1 changed files with 14 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -44,24 +44,24 @@ class IntegratedHingeBox(Boxes):
t = self.thickness
hx = self.edges["O"].startwidth()
hx2 = self.edges["P"].startwidth()
hy = self.edges["O"].startwidth()
hy2 = self.edges["P"].startwidth()
e1 = edges.CompoundEdge(self, "Fe", (h-hx, hx))
e2 = edges.CompoundEdge(self, "eF", (hx, h-hx))
e1 = edges.CompoundEdge(self, "Fe", (h-hy, hy))
e2 = edges.CompoundEdge(self, "eF", (hy, h-hy))
e_back = ("F", e1, "e", e2)
self.rectangularWall(x, h-hx, "FfOf", ignore_widths=[2], move="up")
self.rectangularWall(x, hl-hx2, "pfFf", ignore_widths=[1], move="up")
self.rectangularWall(x, h-hx, "Ffof", ignore_widths=[5], move="up")
self.rectangularWall(x, hl-hx2, "PfFf", ignore_widths=[6], move="up")
self.rectangularWall(y, h, "FFeF", move="up")
self.rectangularWall(y, h, e_back, move="up")
self.rectangularWall(y, hl, "FFeF", move="up")
self.rectangularWall(y, hl-hx2, "FFqF", move="up")
self.rectangularWall(y, h-hy, "FfOf", ignore_widths=[2], move="up")
self.rectangularWall(y, hl-hy2, "pfFf", ignore_widths=[1], move="up")
self.rectangularWall(y, h-hy, "Ffof", ignore_widths=[5], move="up")
self.rectangularWall(y, hl-hy2, "PfFf", ignore_widths=[6], move="up")
self.rectangularWall(x, h, "FFeF", move="up")
self.rectangularWall(x, h, e_back, move="up")
self.rectangularWall(x, hl, "FFeF", move="up")
self.rectangularWall(x, hl-hy2, "FFqF", move="up")
self.rectangularWall(x, y, "ffff", move="up")
self.rectangularWall(x, y, "ffff")
self.rectangularWall(y, x, "ffff", move="up")
self.rectangularWall(y, x, "ffff")