Centercross and pitchcircle

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Florian Festi 2016-07-09 19:27:54 +02:00
parent b86146fe1c
commit c6b4fcc588
1 changed files with 8 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -693,36 +693,19 @@ class Gears():
"A %f,%f %s %s %s %f,%f" % (r,r, 0,0,0, 0,-r) +
"A %f,%f %s %s %s %f,%f" % (r,r, 0,0,0, 0,r)
# Embed gear in group to make animation easier:
# Translate group, Rotate path.
t = "" # XXX 'translate(' + str( self.view_center[0] ) + ',' + str( self.view_center[1] ) + ')'
g_attribs = { inkex.addNS('label','inkscape'):'Gear' + str( teeth ),
inkex.addNS('transform-center-x','inkscape'): str(-bbox_center[0]),
inkex.addNS('transform-center-y','inkscape'): str(-bbox_center[1]),
'info':'N:'+str(teeth)+'; Pitch:'+ str(pitch) + '; Pressure Angle: '+str(angle) }
# add the group to the current layer
g = inkex.etree.SubElement(self.current_layer, 'g', g_attribs )
# Create gear path under top level group
style = { 'stroke': path_stroke, 'fill': path_fill, 'stroke-width': path_stroke_width }
gear_attribs = { 'style': simplestyle.formatStyle(style), 'd': path }
gear = inkex.etree.SubElement(g, inkex.addNS('path','svg'), gear_attribs )
# Add center
if centercross:
style = { 'stroke': path_stroke, 'fill': path_fill, 'stroke-width': path_stroke_light }
cs = str(pitch / 3) # centercross length
d = 'M-'+cs+',0L'+cs+',0M0,-'+cs+'L0,'+cs # 'M-10,0L10,0M0,-10L0,10'
center_attribs = { inkex.addNS('label','inkscape'): 'Center cross',
'style': simplestyle.formatStyle(style), 'd': d }
center = inkex.etree.SubElement(g, inkex.addNS('path','svg'), center_attribs )
cs = pitch / 3.0 # centercross length
self.boxes.ctx.move_to(-cs, 0)
self.boxes.ctx.line_to(+cs, 0)
self.boxes.ctx.move_to(0, -cs)
self.boxes.ctx.line_to(0, +cs)
# Add pitch circle (for mating)
if pitchcircle:
style = { 'stroke': path_stroke, 'fill': path_fill, 'stroke-width': path_stroke_light }
draw_SVG_circle(g, pitch_radius, 0, 0, 'Pitch circle', style)
self.boxes.hole(0, 0, pitch_radius)
# Add Rack (below)
if self.options.drawrack: