Installation ============ is a pure Python project that does support the regular setuptools method of shipping with :code:``. :code:` --help-commands` and :code:` CMD --help` provide the necessary documentation for building, installing or building binary formats. Requirements ------------ Cairo ..... is based on the cairo graphics library. It supports both the PyPi version :code:`cairocffi` and :code:`python-cairo` that might be shipped with your distribution. Markdown ........ :code:`Markdown` (package name may be :code:`python-markdown` or :code:`python3-markdown`) is used to format the description texts. LXML .... :code:`lxml` (package name may be :code:`python-lxml` or :code:`python3-lxml`) is needed for the Inkscape plugin. setuptools .......... uses the :code:`setuptools` library (package name may be :code:`python*-setuptools`). You only need it if you want to build the package. ps2edit ....... While not a hard requirement uses :code:`ps2edit` to offer formats that are not supported by Cairo: DXF, gcode, PLT. Currently the location looks for :code:`ps2edit` is hard coded to :code:`/usr/bin/pstoedit` in the :code:`boxes.formats.Formats` class. Python ...... is implemented in Python 3. It used to work on Python 2.7, too. But with the Python 2 approaching end of life support has been dropped. Sphinx ...... For building the documentation locally you need the *Sphinx* documentation generator (package name may be python-sphinx or python3-sphinx). It is not needed for anything else. can be run and changed just fine without. Running from working dir ------------------------ Due to lazy developer(s) can also run from the Git checkout. The scripts in :code:`scripts/` are all suppossed to just work right after :code:`git clone`. The Inkscape needs a bit manual work to get running. See below. Inkscape -------- **As binary** can be used as a set of Inkscape plugins. The package does install the necessary .inx files to :code:`/usr/share/inkscape/extensions` on unix operating systems. The .inx files assume that the :code:`boxes` executable is available in the path (which it is when installing the binary package) **git repository easy way** After cloning it may be most convenient to generate the .inx files right in place by executing :code:`scripts/boxes2inkscape` with the taget path as only parameter. - global: :code:`scripts/boxes2inkscape /usr/share/inkscape/extensions/` - userspace: :code:`scripts/boxes2inkscape ~/.config/inkscape/extensions/` On non unix operating the target directories may differ. You can look up the directories *"User extensions"* and *"Inkscape extensions"* within the Inkscape preferences *Edit -> Preferences... -> System*. **git repository manual way** :code:` build` creates the :code:`*.inx` files in the :code:`inkex/` directory. They then have to be copied in either the global or the per user extension directory of Inkscape. These are :code:`/usr/share/inkscape/extensions/` and :code:`~/.config/inkscape/extensions/` on a unix operating system. On non unix operating the target directories may differ. You can look up the directories *"User extensions"* and *"Inkscape extensions"* within the Inkscape preferences *Edit -> Preferences... -> System*. As an alternative you can create a symlink to the :code:`inkex/` directory within the desired inkscape extension directory. Platform specific instructions ------------------------------ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :glob: install/*