from decimal import Decimal import qrcode.image.base import qrcode.image.svg class BoxesQrCodeFactory(qrcode.image.base.BaseImage): """ SVG image builder Creates a QR-code image as a SVG document fragment. """ _SVG_namespace = "" kind = "SVG" allowed_kinds = ("SVG",) def __init__(self, *args, ctx=None, x=0, y=0, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.ctx = ctx self.x, self.y = x, y # Save the unit size, for example the default box_size of 10 is '1mm'. self.unit_size = self.units(self.box_size) def drawrect(self, row, col): self.ctx.rectangle(*self._rect(row, col)) self._img.append(self._rect(row, col)) def units(self, pixels, text=True): """ A box_size of 10 (default) equals 1mm. """ units = Decimal(pixels) / 10 if not text: return units return '%smm' % units def save(self, stream, kind=None): self.check_kind(kind=kind) self._write(stream) def to_string(self): return f"".join(self._img) def new_image(self, **kwargs): self._img = [] return self._img def _rect(self, row, col): size = self.box_size / 10 x = self.x + (row + self.border) * size y = self.y + (col + self.border) * size return x, y, size, size def _write(self, stream): stream.write("".join(self._img)) if __name__=="__main__": import qrcode import qrcode.image q = qrcode.QRCode(image_factory=BoxesQrCodeFactory, box_size=10) q.add_data('hello') ctx = "a context" img = q.make_image(ctx="a context") print(img.to_string())