#!/usr/bin/python import cairo import math def dist(dx, dy): return (dx*dx+dy*dy)**0.5 class Boxes: def __init__(self, width=300, height=200, thickness=3.0): self.thickness = thickness self.burn = 0.1 self.fingerJointSettings = (10.0, 10.0) self.fingerHoleEdgeWidth = 1.0 # multitudes of self.thickness self.doveTailJointSettings = (10, 5, 50, 0.4) # width, depth, angle, radius self.flexSettings = (1.5, 3.0, 15.0) # line distance, connects, width self.hexHolesSettings = (5, 3, 'circle') # r, dist, style self.output = "box.svg" self._init_surface(width, height) def _init_surface(self, width, height): self.surface = cairo.SVGSurface(self.output, width, height) self.ctx = ctx = cairo.Context(self.surface) ctx.translate(0, height) ctx.scale(1, -1) ctx.set_source_rgb(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) ctx.rectangle(0, 0, width, height) ctx.fill() ctx.set_source_rgb(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) ctx.set_line_width(0.1) def cc(self, callback, number, x=0.0, y=0.0): """call callback""" self.ctx.save() self.moveTo(x, y) if callable(callback): callback(number) elif hasattr(callback, '__getitem__'): try: callback = callback[number] if callable(callback): callback() except (KeyError, IndexError): pass except: self.ctx.restore() raise self.ctx.restore() ############################################################ ### Turtle graphics commands ############################################################ def corner(self, degrees, radius=0): d = 1 if (degrees > 0) else -1 rad = degrees*math.pi/180 if degrees > 0: self.ctx.arc(0, radius+self.burn, radius+self.burn, -0.5*math.pi, rad - 0.5*math.pi) else: self.ctx.arc_negative(0, -(radius+self.burn), radius+self.burn, 0.5*math.pi, rad + 0.5*math.pi) self.continueDirection(rad) def edge(self, length): self.ctx.line_to(length, 0) self.ctx.translate(*self.ctx.get_current_point()) def curveTo(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3): """control point 1, control point 2, end point""" self.ctx.curve_to(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) dx = x3-x2 dy = y3-y2 rad = math.atan2(dy, dx) self.continueDirection(rad) def fingerJoint(self, length, positive=True, settings=None): # assumes, we are already moved out by self.burn! # negative also assumes we are moved out by self.thinkness! space, finger = settings or self.fingerJointSettings fingers = int((length-space) // (space+finger)) leftover = length - fingers*(space+finger) - finger b = self.burn s, f, thickness = space, finger, self.thickness if not positive: b = -b thickness = -thickness self.ctx.move_to(0, 0) for i in xrange(fingers): pos = leftover/2.0+i*(space+finger) self.ctx.line_to(pos+s-b, 0) self.ctx.line_to(pos+s-b, -thickness) self.ctx.line_to(pos+s+f+b, -thickness) self.ctx.line_to(pos+s+f+b, 0) self.ctx.line_to(length, 0) self.ctx.translate(*self.ctx.get_current_point()) def fingerHoles(self, length, settings=None): space, finger = settings or self.fingerJointSettings fingers = int((length-space) // (space+finger)) leftover = length - fingers*(space+finger) - finger b = self.burn s, f = space, finger for i in xrange(fingers): pos = leftover/2.0+i*(space+finger) self.ctx.rectangle(pos+s+b, -self.thickness/2+b, f-2*b, self.thickness - 2*b) self.ctx.move_to(0, length) self.ctx.translate(*self.ctx.get_current_point()) def fingerHoleEdge(self, length, dist=None, settings=None): if dist is None: dist = self.fingerHoleEdgeWidth * self.thickness self.ctx.save() self.moveTo(0, dist+self.thickness/2) self.fingerHoles(length, settings) self.ctx.restore() # XXX continue path self.ctx.move_to(0, 0) self.ctx.line_to(length, 0) self.ctx.translate(*self.ctx.get_current_point()) # helpers for doveTailJoint # not intended for general use def _turnLeft(self, radius, angle): self.ctx.arc(0, radius, radius, -0.5*math.pi, angle) self.continueDirection(0.5*math.pi+angle) def _turnRight(self, radius, angle): self.ctx.arc_negative(0, -radius, radius, 0.5*math.pi, -angle) self.continueDirection(-0.5*math.pi - angle) def _turn(self, radius, angle, right=True): if right: self._turnRight(radius, angle) else: self._turnLeft(radius, angle) def doveTailJoint(self, length, positive=True, settings=None): width, depth, angle, radius = settings or self.doveTailJointSettings angle = math.pi*angle/180.0 alpha = 0.5*math.pi - angle l1 = radius/math.tan(alpha/2.0) diffx = 0.5*depth/math.tan(alpha) l2 = 0.5*depth / math.sin(alpha) sections = int((length) // (width*2)) leftover = length - sections*width*2 p = 1 if positive else -1 self.edge((width+leftover)/2.0+diffx-l1) for i in xrange(sections): self._turn(radius-p*self.burn, angle, right=positive) self.edge(2*(l2-l1)) self._turn(radius+p*self.burn, angle, right=not positive) self.edge(2*(diffx-l1)+width) self._turn(radius+p*self.burn, angle, right=not positive) self.edge(2*(l2-l1)) self._turn(radius-p*self.burn, angle, right=positive) if i (cx-r)) def hexHolesCircle(self, d, settings=None): d2 = d/2.0 self.hexHolesRectangle(d, d, settings=settings, skip=self.__skipcircle) def hexHolesPlate(self, x, y, rc, settings=None): def skip(x, y, r, b, posx, posy): posx = abs(posx-(x/2.0)) posy = abs(posy-(y/2.0)) wx = 0.5*x-rc-r wy = 0.5*y-rc-r if (posx <= wx) or (posy <= wx): return 0 return dist(posx-wx, posy-wy) > rc self.hexHolesRectangle(x, y, settings, skip=skip) def hexHolesHex(self, h, settings=None, grow=None): if settings is None: settings = self.hexHolesSettings r, b, style = settings self.ctx.rectangle(0, 0, h, h) w = r+b/2.0 dist = w * math.cos(math.pi/6.0) cy = 2 * int((h-4*dist)// (4*w)) + 1 leftover = h-2*r-(cy-1)*2*r print h, leftover if grow=='space ': b += leftover / (cy-1) / 2 # recalulate with adjusted values w = r+b/2.0 dist = w * math.cos(math.pi/6.0) self.moveTo(h/2.0-(cy//2)*2*w, h/2.0) for j in xrange(cy): self.hole(2*j*w, 0, r) for i in xrange(1, cy/2+1): for j in xrange(cy-i): self.hole(j*2*w+i*w, i*2*dist, r) self.hole(j*2*w+i*w, -i*2*dist, r) ################################################## ### parts ################################################## def roundedPlate(self, x, y, r, callback=None): """fits surroundingWall first edge is split to have a joint in the middle of the side callback is called at the beginning of the straight edges 0, 1 for the two part of the first edge, 2, 3, 4 for the others""" self.ctx.save() self.moveTo(r, 0) self.cc(callback, 0) self.fingerJoint(x/2.0-r) self.cc(callback, 1) self.fingerJoint(x/2.0-r) for i, l in zip(range(3), (y, x, y)): self.corner(90, r) self.cc(callback, i+2) self.fingerJoint(l-2*r) self.corner(90, r) self.ctx.restore() def _edge(self, l, style): if style in 'eE': self.edge(l) elif style == 'h': self.fingerHoleEdge(l) elif style == 'f': self.fingerJoint(l) elif style == 'F': self.fingerJoint(l, positive=False) elif style in 'dD': self.doveTailJoint(l, positive=(style=='d')) def _edgewidth(self, style): """return how far a given edge type needs to be set out""" if style == 'h': return (self.fingerHoleEdgeWidth+1) * self.thickness elif style in 'FE': return self.thickness return 0.0 def surroundingWall(self, x, y, r, h, bottom='e', top='e', callback=None): """ h : inner height, not counting the joints callback is called a beginn of the flat sides with 0 for right half of first x side; 1 and 3 for y sides; 2 for second x side 4 for second half of thefirst x side """ c4 = (r+self.burn)*math.pi*0.5 # circumference of quarter circle topwidth = self._edgewidth(top) bottomwidth = self._edgewidth(bottom) self.cc(callback, 0, y=bottomwidth+self.burn) self._edge(x/2.0-r, bottom) for i, l in zip(range(4), (y, x, y, 0)): self.flex(c4, h+topwidth+bottomwidth) self.cc(callback, i+1, y=bottomwidth+self.burn) if i < 3: self._edge(l-2*r, bottom) self._edge(x/2.0-r, bottom) self.corner(90) self.edge(bottomwidth) self.doveTailJoint(h) self.edge(topwidth) self.corner(90) self._edge(x/2.0-r, top) for i, l in zip(range(4), (y, x, y, 0)): self.edge(c4) if i < 3: self._edge(l - 2*r, top) self._edge(x/2.0-r, top) self.corner(90) self.edge(topwidth) self.doveTailJoint(h, positive=False) self.edge(bottomwidth) self.corner(90) def rectangularWall(self, x, y, edges="eeee"): edges += edges # append for wrapping around for i, l in enumerate((x, y, x, y)): self._edge(self._edgewidth(edges[i-1]), 'e') self._edge(l, edges[i]) self._edge(self._edgewidth(edges[i+1]), 'e') self.corner(90) ################################################## ### main ################################################## def render(self, x, y, h): self.ctx.save() self.moveTo(10, 10) self.roundedPlate(x, y, 0) self.moveTo(x+40, 0) self.rectangularWall(x, y, "FFFF") self.ctx.restore() self.moveTo(10, y+20) for i in range(2): for l in (x, y): self.rectangularWall(l, h, "hffF") self.moveTo(l+20, 0) self.moveTo(-x-y-40, h+20) self.ctx.stroke() self.surface.flush() if __name__ == '__main__': b = Boxes(900, 700) b.render(100, 161.8, 120)