#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Florian Festi # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . from functools import partial from boxes import Boxes, edges, boolarg import math class NotchSettings(edges.Settings): """Settings for Notches on the Dividers""" absolute_params = { "upper_radius": 1, "lower_radius": 8, "depth": 15, } class SlotSettings(edges.Settings): """Settings for Divider Slots Values: * absolute * depth : 20 : depth of the slot in mm * angle : 0 : angle at which slots are generated, in degrees. 0° is vertical. * radius : 2 : radius of the slot entrance in mm * extra_slack : 0.2 : extra slack (in addition to thickness and kerf) to help insert dividers in mm""" absolute_params = { "depth": 20, "angle": 0, "radius": 2, "extra_slack": 0.2, } class DividerSettings(edges.Settings): """Settings for Dividers Values: * absolute_params * bottom_margin : 0 : margin between box's bottom and divider's in mm * relative (in multiples of thickness) * play : 0.05 : play to avoid them clamping onto the walls (in multiples of thickness) """ absolute_params = { "bottom_margin": 0, } relative_params = { "play": 0.05, } class DividerTray(Boxes): """Divider tray - rows and dividers""" description = """Adding '0:' at the start of the sy parameter adds a slot at the very back. Adding ':0' at the end of sy adds a slot meeting the bottom at the very front. This is especially useful if slot angle is set above zero. There are 3 different sets of dividers rendered: One single divider spanning across all columns and two sets with one divider per column - one set with tabs of a full wall thickness and one set with tabs of half wall thickness that can go side by side. You will likely need to cut each of the dividers you want multiple times. """ ui_group = "Tray" def __init__(self): Boxes.__init__(self) self.addSettingsArgs(edges.FingerJointSettings) self.addSettingsArgs(edges.HandleEdgeSettings) self.buildArgParser("sx", "sy", "h", "outside") self.addSettingsArgs(SlotSettings) self.addSettingsArgs(NotchSettings) self.addSettingsArgs(DividerSettings) self.argparser.add_argument( "--notches_in_wall", type=boolarg, default=True, help="generate the same notches on the walls that are on the dividers", ) self.argparser.add_argument( "--left_wall", type=boolarg, default=True, help="generate wall on the left side", ) self.argparser.add_argument( "--right_wall", type=boolarg, default=True, help="generate wall on the right side", ) self.argparser.add_argument( "--bottom", type=boolarg, default=False, help="generate wall on the bottom", ) self.argparser.add_argument( "--handle", type=boolarg, default=False, help="add handle to the bottom", ) def render(self): side_walls_number = len(self.sx) - 1 + sum([self.left_wall, self.right_wall]) if side_walls_number == 0: raise ValueError("You need at least one side wall to generate this tray") # We need to adjust height before slot generation if self.outside: if self.bottom: self.h -= self.thickness else: # If the parameter 'h' is the inner height of the content itself, # then the actual tray height needs to be adjusted with the angle self.h = self.h * math.cos(math.radians(self.Slot_angle)) slot_descriptions = SlotDescriptionsGenerator().generate_all_same_angles( self.sy, self.thickness, self.Slot_extra_slack, self.Slot_depth, self.h, self.Slot_angle, self.Slot_radius, ) # If measures are outside, we need to readjust slots afterwards if self.outside: self.sx = self.adjustSize(self.sx, self.left_wall, self.right_wall) side_wall_target_length = sum(self.sy) - 2 * self.thickness slot_descriptions.adjust_to_target_length(side_wall_target_length) self.ctx.save() # Facing walls (outer) with finger holes to support side walls facing_wall_length = sum(self.sx) + self.thickness * (len(self.sx) - 1) side_edge = lambda with_wall: "F" if with_wall else "e" bottom_edge = lambda with_wall, with_handle: ("f" if with_handle else "F") if with_wall else "e" upper_edge = ( DividerNotchesEdge( self, list(reversed(self.sx)), ) if self.notches_in_wall else "e" ) for _ in range(2): self.rectangularWall( facing_wall_length, self.h, [ bottom_edge(self.bottom, _ and self.handle), side_edge(self.right_wall), upper_edge, side_edge(self.left_wall), ], callback=[partial(self.generate_finger_holes, self.h)], move="up", label = "Front" if _ else "Back", ) # Side walls (outer & inner) with slots to support dividers side_wall_length = slot_descriptions.total_length() for _ in range(side_walls_number): if _ < side_walls_number - (len(self.sx) - 1): be = "F" if self.bottom else "e" else: be = "f" if self.bottom else "e" se = DividerSlotsEdge(self, slot_descriptions.descriptions) self.rectangularWall( side_wall_length, self.h, [be, "f", se, "f"], move="up", label="Sidepiece " + str(_ + 1) ) # Switch to right side of the file self.ctx.restore() self.rectangularWall( max(facing_wall_length, side_wall_length), self.h, "ffff", move="right only", label="invisible" ) # Bottom piece. if self.bottom: self.rectangularWall( facing_wall_length, side_wall_length, [ "f", "f" if self.right_wall else "e", "Y" if self.handle else "f", "f" if self.left_wall else "e", ], callback=[partial(self.generate_finger_holes, side_wall_length)], move="up", label="Bottom", ) # Dividers divider_height = ( # h, with angle adjustement self.h / math.cos(math.radians(self.Slot_angle)) # removing what exceeds in the width of the divider - self.thickness * math.tan(math.radians(self.Slot_angle)) # with margin - self.Divider_bottom_margin ) self.generate_divider( self.sx, divider_height, "up", first_tab_width=self.thickness if self.left_wall else 0, second_tab_width=self.thickness if self.right_wall else 0 ) for tabs in [self.thickness, self.thickness / 2]: with self.saved_context(): for i, length in enumerate(self.sx): self.generate_divider( [length], divider_height, "right", first_tab_width=tabs if self.left_wall or i>0 else 0, second_tab_width=tabs if self.right_wall or i<(len(self.sx) - 1) else 0, ) self.generate_divider(self.sx, divider_height, "up only") if self.debug: debug_info = ["Debug"] debug_info.append( "Slot_edge_outer_length:{0:.2f}".format( slot_descriptions.total_length() + 2 * self.thickness ) ) debug_info.append( "Slot_edge_inner_lengths:{0}".format( str.join( "|", [ "{0:.2f}".format(e.usefull_length()) for e in slot_descriptions.get_straigth_edges() ], ) ) ) debug_info.append( "Face_edge_outer_length:{0:.2f}".format( facing_wall_length + self.thickness * sum([self.left_wall, self.right_wall]) ) ) debug_info.append( "Face_edge_inner_lengths:{0}".format( str.join("|", ["{0:.2f}".format(e) for e in self.sx]) ) ) debug_info.append("Tray_height:{0:.2f}".format(self.h)) debug_info.append( "Content_height:{0:.2f}".format( self.h / math.cos(math.radians(self.Slot_angle)) ) ) self.text(str.join("\n", debug_info), x=5, y=5, align="bottom left") def generate_finger_holes(self, length): posx = -0.5 * self.thickness for x in self.sx[:-1]: posx += x + self.thickness self.fingerHolesAt(posx, 0, length) def generate_divider( self, widths, height, move, first_tab_width=0, second_tab_width=0): total_width = sum(widths) + (len(widths)-1) * self.thickness + first_tab_width + second_tab_width if self.move(total_width, height, move, True): return # Upper edge with a finger notch play = self.Divider_play # Upper: first tab width self.edge(first_tab_width - play) for nr, width in enumerate(widths): if nr > 0: self.edge(self.thickness) DividerNotchesEdge( self, [width], )(width) self.polyline( # Upper: second tab width if needed second_tab_width - play, # First side, with tab depth only if there is 2 walls 90, self.Slot_depth, 90, second_tab_width, -90, height - self.Slot_depth, 90, ) # Lower edge for width in reversed(widths[1:]): self.polyline( width - 2 * play, 90, height - self.Slot_depth, -90, self.thickness + 2 * play, -90, height - self.Slot_depth, 90, ) self.polyline( # Second side tab widths[0] - 2 * play, 90, height - self.Slot_depth, -90, first_tab_width, 90, self.Slot_depth, 90 ) # Move for next piece self.move(total_width, height, move, label="Divider") class SlottedEdgeDescriptions: def __init__(self): self.descriptions = [] def add(self, description): self.descriptions.append(description) def get_straigth_edges(self): return [x for x in self.descriptions if isinstance(x, StraightEdgeDescription)] def get_last_edge(self): return self.descriptions[-1] def adjust_to_target_length(self, target_length): actual_length = sum([d.tracing_length() for d in self.descriptions]) compensation = actual_length - target_length compensation_ratio = compensation / sum( [d.asked_length for d in self.get_straigth_edges()] ) for edge in self.get_straigth_edges(): edge.outside_ratio = 1 - compensation_ratio def total_length(self): return sum([x.tracing_length() for x in self.descriptions]) class StraightEdgeDescription: def __init__( self, asked_length, round_edge_compensation=0, outside_ratio=1, angle_compensation=0, ): self.asked_length = asked_length self.round_edge_compensation = round_edge_compensation self.outside_ratio = outside_ratio self.angle_compensation = angle_compensation def __repr__(self): return ( "StraightEdgeDescription({0}, round_edge_compensation={1}, angle_compensation={2}, outside_ratio={3})" ).format( self.asked_length, self.round_edge_compensation, self.angle_compensation, self.outside_ratio, ) def tracing_length(self): """ How much length should take tracing this straight edge """ return ( (self.asked_length * self.outside_ratio) - self.round_edge_compensation + self.angle_compensation ) def usefull_length(self): """ Part of the length which might be used by the content of the tray """ return self.asked_length * self.outside_ratio class Memoizer(dict): def __init__(self, computation): self.computation = computation def __missing__(self, key): res = self[key] = self.computation(key) return res class SlotDescription: _div_by_cos_cache = Memoizer(lambda a: 1 / math.cos(math.radians(a))) _tan_cache = Memoizer(lambda a: math.tan(math.radians(a))) def __init__( self, width, depth=20, angle=0, radius=0, start_radius=None, end_radius=None ): self.depth = depth self.width = width self.start_radius = radius if start_radius == None else start_radius self.end_radius = radius if end_radius == None else end_radius self.angle = angle def __repr__(self): return "SlotDescription({0}, depth={1}, angle={2}, start_radius={3}, end_radius={4})".format( self.width, self.depth, self.angle, self.start_radius, self.end_radius ) def _div_by_cos(self): return SlotDescription._div_by_cos_cache[self.angle] def _tan(self): return SlotDescription._tan_cache[self.angle] def angle_corrected_width(self): """ returns how much width is the slot when measured horizontally, since the angle makes it bigger. It's the same as the slot entrance width when radius is 0°. """ return self.width * self._div_by_cos() def round_edge_start_correction(self): """ returns by how much we need to stop tracing our straight lines at the start of the slot in order to do a curve line instead """ return self.start_radius * (self._div_by_cos() - self._tan()) def round_edge_end_correction(self): """ returns by how much we need to stop tracing our straight lines at the end of the slot in order to do a curve line instead """ return self.end_radius * (self._div_by_cos() + self._tan()) def _depth_angle_correction(self): """ The angle makes one side of the slot deeper than the other. """ extra_depth = self.width * self._tan() return extra_depth def corrected_start_depth(self): """ Returns the depth of the straigth part of the slot starting side """ extra_depth = self._depth_angle_correction() return self.depth + max(0, extra_depth) - self.round_edge_start_correction() def corrected_end_depth(self): """ Returns the depth of the straigth part of the slot ending side """ extra_depth = self._depth_angle_correction() return self.depth + max(0, -extra_depth) - self.round_edge_end_correction() def tracing_length(self): """ How much length this slot takes on an edge """ return ( self.round_edge_start_correction() + self.angle_corrected_width() + self.round_edge_end_correction() ) class SlotDescriptionsGenerator: def generate_all_same_angles( self, sections, thickness, extra_slack, depth, height, angle, radius=2, ): width = thickness + extra_slack descriptions = SlottedEdgeDescriptions() # Special case: if first slot start at 0, then radius is 0 first_correction = 0 current_section = 0 if sections[0] == 0: slot = SlotDescription( width, depth=depth, angle=angle, start_radius=0, end_radius=radius, ) descriptions.add(slot) first_correction = slot.round_edge_end_correction() current_section += 1 first_length = sections[current_section] current_section += 1 descriptions.add( StraightEdgeDescription( first_length, round_edge_compensation=first_correction ) ) for l in sections[current_section:]: slot = SlotDescription(width, depth=depth, angle=angle, radius=radius,) # Fix previous edge length previous_edge = descriptions.get_last_edge() previous_edge.round_edge_compensation += slot.round_edge_start_correction() # Add this slot descriptions.add(slot) # Add the straigth edge after this slot descriptions.add( StraightEdgeDescription(l, slot.round_edge_end_correction()) ) # We need to add extra space for the divider (or the actual content) # to slide all the way down to the bottom of the tray in spite of walls end_length = height * math.tan(math.radians(angle)) descriptions.get_last_edge().angle_compensation += end_length return descriptions class DividerNotchesEdge(edges.BaseEdge): """Edge with multiple notches for easier access to dividers""" description = "Edge with multiple notches for easier access to dividers" def __init__(self, boxes, sx): super().__init__(boxes, None) self.sx = sx def __call__(self, _, **kw): first = True for width in self.sx: if first: first = False else: self.edge(self.thickness) self.edge_with_notch(width) def edge_with_notch(self, width): # width (with notch if possible) upper_third = ( width - 2 * self.Notch_upper_radius - 2 * self.Notch_lower_radius ) / 3 if upper_third > 0: straightHeight = ( self.Notch_depth - self.Notch_upper_radius - self.Notch_lower_radius ) self.polyline( upper_third, (90, self.Notch_upper_radius), straightHeight, (-90, self.Notch_lower_radius), upper_third, (-90, self.Notch_lower_radius), straightHeight, (90, self.Notch_upper_radius), upper_third, ) else: # if there isn't enough room for the radius, we don't use it self.edge(width) class DividerSlotsEdge(edges.BaseEdge): """Edge with multiple angled rounded slots for dividers""" description = "Edge with multiple angled rounded slots for dividers" def __init__(self, boxes, descriptions): super().__init__(boxes, None) self.descriptions = descriptions def __call__(self, length, **kw): self.ctx.save() for description in self.descriptions: if isinstance(description, SlotDescription): self.do_slot(description) elif isinstance(description, StraightEdgeDescription): self.do_straight_edge(description) # rounding errors might accumulates : # restore context and redo the move straight self.ctx.restore() self.moveTo(length) def do_straight_edge(self, straight_edge): self.edge(straight_edge.tracing_length()) def do_slot(self, slot): self.ctx.save() self.polyline( 0, (90 - slot.angle, slot.start_radius), slot.corrected_start_depth(), -90, slot.width, -90, slot.corrected_end_depth(), (90 + slot.angle, slot.end_radius), ) # rounding errors might accumulates : # restore context and redo the move straight self.ctx.restore() self.moveTo(slot.tracing_length())